コード例 #1
        protected static Type CreateProxyTypeOperations(Type crtype, CodeClass c, ContractDescription cd)
            // member implementation
            BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;

            foreach (OperationDescription od in cd.Operations)
                // FIXME: handle properties and events.
#if !NET_2_1
                if (od.SyncMethod != null)
                    GenerateMethodImpl(c, crtype.GetMethod("Process", bf), od.Name, od.SyncMethod);
                if (od.BeginMethod != null)
                    GenerateBeginMethodImpl(c, crtype.GetMethod("BeginProcess", bf), od.Name, od.BeginMethod);
                if (od.EndMethod != null)
                    GenerateEndMethodImpl(c, crtype.GetMethod("EndProcess", bf), od.Name, od.EndMethod);

            Type ret = c.CreateType();
コード例 #2
        protected static Type CreateProxyTypeOperations(Type crtype, CodeClass c, ContractDescription cd)
            // member implementation
            BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;

            foreach (OperationDescription od in cd.Operations)
                // FIXME: handle properties and events.
#if !NET_2_1
                if (od.SyncMethod != null)
                    GenerateMethodImpl(c, crtype.GetMethod("Process", bf), od.Name, od.SyncMethod);
                if (od.BeginMethod != null)
                    GenerateBeginMethodImpl(c, crtype.GetMethod("BeginProcess", bf), od.Name, od.BeginMethod);
                if (od.EndMethod != null)
                    GenerateEndMethodImpl(c, crtype.GetMethod("EndProcess", bf), od.Name, od.EndMethod);

            //Type zzz = c.CreateType ();
            //((System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder) zzz.Assembly).Save (modname + ".dll");
            //return zzz;