コード例 #1
ファイル: App.xaml.cs プロジェクト: startupit69/MIoT
        private async void Init()
                Log.Informational("Starting application.");


                db = new FilesProvider(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path +
                                       Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Data", "Default", 8192, 1000, 8192, Encoding.UTF8, 10000);
                await db.RepairIfInproperShutdown(null);

                await db.Start();

#if GPIO
                gpio = GpioController.GetDefault();
                if (gpio != null)
                    if (gpio.TryOpenPin(gpioOutputPin, GpioSharingMode.Exclusive, out this.gpioPin, out GpioOpenStatus Status) &&
                        Status == GpioOpenStatus.PinOpened)
                        if (this.gpioPin.IsDriveModeSupported(GpioPinDriveMode.Output))

                            this.output = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("Actuator.Output", false);

                            this.gpioPin.Write(this.output.Value ? GpioPinValue.High : GpioPinValue.Low);

                            await MainPage.Instance.OutputSet(this.output.Value);

                            Log.Informational("Setting Control Parameter.", string.Empty, "Startup",
                                              new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Output", this.output.Value));
                            Log.Error("Output mode not supported for GPIO pin " + gpioOutputPin.ToString());
                        Log.Error("Unable to get access to GPIO pin " + gpioOutputPin.ToString());
                DeviceInformationCollection Devices = await UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync();

                DeviceInformation DeviceInfo = this.FindDevice(Devices, "Arduino", "USB Serial Device");
                if (DeviceInfo is null)
                    Log.Error("Unable to find Arduino device.");
                    Log.Informational("Connecting to " + DeviceInfo.Name);

                    this.arduinoUsb = new UsbSerial(DeviceInfo);
                    this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionEstablished += () =>
                                                             Log.Informational("USB connection established.");

                    this.arduino              = new RemoteDevice(this.arduinoUsb);
                    this.arduino.DeviceReady += async() =>
                            Log.Informational("Device ready.");

                            this.arduino.pinMode(13, PinMode.OUTPUT);                                // Onboard LED.
                            this.arduino.digitalWrite(13, PinState.HIGH);

                            this.arduino.pinMode(8, PinMode.INPUT);                                  // PIR sensor (motion detection).

                            this.arduino.pinMode(9, PinMode.OUTPUT);                                 // Relay.

                            this.output = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("Actuator.Output", false);

                            this.arduino.digitalWrite(9, this.output.Value ? PinState.HIGH : PinState.LOW);

                            await MainPage.Instance.OutputSet(this.output.Value);

                            Log.Informational("Setting Control Parameter.", string.Empty, "Startup",
                                              new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Output", this.output.Value));

                            this.arduino.pinMode("A0", PinMode.ANALOG);                             // Light sensor.
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionFailed += message =>
                        Log.Error("USB connection failed: " + message);

                    this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionLost += message =>
                        Log.Error("USB connection lost: " + message);

                    this.arduinoUsb.begin(57600, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
                this.deviceId = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("DeviceId", string.Empty);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.deviceId))
                    this.deviceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
                    await RuntimeSettings.SetAsync("DeviceId", this.deviceId);

                Log.Informational("Device ID: " + this.deviceId);

                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint();
                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port,
                * with a sniffer that outputs communication to the window:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new LogSniffer());
                * To create a DTLS encrypted CoAP endpoint, on the default CoAPS port, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort, this.users);
                * To create a CoAP endpoint, that listens to both the default CoAP port, for
                * unencrypted communication, and the default CoAPS port, for encrypted,
                * authenticated and authorized communication, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users. Only users having the given
                * privilege (if not empty) will be authorized to access resources on the endpoint:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                *       new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, "PRIVILEGE", false, false);

                this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                                                     new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, string.Empty, false, false);

                this.outputResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Output", (req, resp) =>
                    string s;

                    if (this.output.HasValue)
                        s = this.output.Value ? "true" : "false";
                        s = "-";

                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, s, 64);
                }, async(req, resp) =>
                        string s = req.Decode() as string;
                        if (s is null && req.Payload != null)
                            s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(req.Payload);

                        if (s is null || !CommonTypes.TryParse(s, out bool Output))
                            await this.SetOutput(Output, req.From.ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Digital Output.", null, null,
コード例 #2
ファイル: App.xaml.cs プロジェクト: startupit69/MIoT
        private async void Init()
                Log.Informational("Starting application.");


                db = new FilesProvider(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path +
                                       Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Data", "Default", 8192, 1000, 8192, Encoding.UTF8, 10000);
                await db.RepairIfInproperShutdown(null);

                await db.Start();

                DeviceInformationCollection Devices = await UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync();

                DeviceInformation DeviceInfo = this.FindDevice(Devices, "Arduino", "USB Serial Device");
                if (DeviceInfo is null)
                    Log.Error("Unable to find Arduino device.");
                    Log.Informational("Connecting to " + DeviceInfo.Name);

                    this.arduinoUsb = new UsbSerial(DeviceInfo);
                    this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionEstablished += () =>
                                                             Log.Informational("USB connection established.");

                    this.arduino              = new RemoteDevice(this.arduinoUsb);
                    this.arduino.DeviceReady += () =>
                        Log.Informational("Device ready.");

                        this.arduino.pinMode(13, PinMode.OUTPUT);                            // Onboard LED.
                        this.arduino.digitalWrite(13, PinState.HIGH);

                        this.arduino.pinMode(8, PinMode.INPUT);                              // PIR sensor (motion detection).
                        PinState Pin8 = this.arduino.digitalRead(8);
                        this.lastMotion = Pin8 == PinState.HIGH;
                        MainPage.Instance.DigitalPinUpdated(8, Pin8);

                        this.arduino.pinMode(9, PinMode.OUTPUT);                             // Relay.
                        this.arduino.digitalWrite(9, 0);                                     // Relay set to 0

                        this.arduino.pinMode("A0", PinMode.ANALOG);                          // Light sensor.
                        MainPage.Instance.AnalogPinUpdated("A0", this.arduino.analogRead("A0"));

                        this.sampleTimer = new Timer(this.SampleValues, null, 1000 - DateTime.Now.Millisecond, 1000);

                    this.arduino.AnalogPinUpdated += (pin, value) =>
                        MainPage.Instance.AnalogPinUpdated(pin, value);

                    this.arduino.DigitalPinUpdated += (pin, value) =>
                        MainPage.Instance.DigitalPinUpdated(pin, value);

                        if (pin == 8)
                            this.lastMotion = (value == PinState.HIGH);

                    this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionFailed += message =>
                        Log.Error("USB connection failed: " + message);

                    this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionLost += message =>
                        Log.Error("USB connection lost: " + message);

                    this.arduinoUsb.begin(57600, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);

                this.deviceId = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("DeviceId", string.Empty);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.deviceId))
                    this.deviceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
                    await RuntimeSettings.SetAsync("DeviceId", this.deviceId);

                Log.Informational("Device ID: " + this.deviceId);

                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint();
                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port,
                * with a sniffer that outputs communication to the window:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new LogSniffer());
                * To create a DTLS encrypted CoAP endpoint, on the default CoAPS port, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort, this.users);
                * To create a CoAP endpoint, that listens to both the default CoAP port, for
                * unencrypted communication, and the default CoAPS port, for encrypted,
                * authenticated and authorized communication, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users. Only users having the given
                * privilege (if not empty) will be authorized to access resources on the endpoint:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                *       new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, "PRIVILEGE", false, false);

                this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                                                     new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, string.Empty, false, false);

                this.lightResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Light", (req, resp) =>
                    string s;

                    if (this.lastLight.HasValue)
                        s = ToString(this.lastLight.Value, 2) + " %";
                        s = "-";

                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, s, 64);
                }, Notifications.Unacknowledged, "Light, in %.", null, null,
                                                                new int[] { PlainText.ContentFormatCode });

                this.lightResource?.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

                this.motionResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Motion", (req, resp) =>
                    string s;

                    if (this.lastMotion.HasValue)
                        s = this.lastMotion.Value ? "true" : "false";
                        s = "-";

                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, s, 64);
                }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Motion detector.", null, null,
                                                                 new int[] { PlainText.ContentFormatCode });

                this.motionResource?.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0));

                this.momentaryResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Momentary", (req, resp) =>
                    if (req.IsAcceptable(Xml.ContentFormatCode))
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsXml(req, resp);
                    else if (req.IsAcceptable(Json.ContentFormatCode))
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsJson(req, resp);
                    else if (req.IsAcceptable(PlainText.ContentFormatCode))
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsPlainText(req, resp);
                    else if (req.Accept.HasValue)
                        throw new CoapException(CoapCode.NotAcceptable);
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsPlainText(req, resp);
                }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Momentary values.", null, null,
                                                                    new int[] { Xml.ContentFormatCode, Json.ContentFormatCode, PlainText.ContentFormatCode });

                this.momentaryResource?.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));
            catch (Exception ex)

                MessageDialog Dialog = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Error");
                await MainPage.Instance.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                            async() => await Dialog.ShowAsync());
コード例 #3
        public void TestInitialize()

            this.server.Register("/test", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseTest, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Default test resource");

            this.server.Register("/", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseRoot, 64);

            this.server.Register("/separate", (req, resp) =>
                Task.Run(() =>
                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseTest, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Resource which cannot be served immediately and which cannot be acknowledged in a piggy-backed way.");

            this.server.Register("/seg1", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseTest, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Long path resource");

            this.server.Register("/seg1/seg2", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseTest, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Long path resource");

            this.server.Register("/seg1/seg2/seg3", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseTest, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Long path resource");

            this.server.Register("/large", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseLarge, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Large resource", new string[] { "block" }, null, null, 1280);

            this.server.Register("/large-separate", (req, resp) =>
                Task.Run(() =>
                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseLarge, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Large resource", new string[] { "block" }, null, null, 1280);

            this.server.Register("/multi-format", (req, resp) =>
                if (req.IsAcceptable(PlainText.ContentFormatCode))
                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseTest, 64);
                else if (req.IsAcceptable(Xml.ContentFormatCode))
                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, "<text>" + ResponseTest + "</text>", 64,
                                 new CoapOptionContentFormat(Xml.ContentFormatCode));
                    throw new CoapException(CoapCode.NotAcceptable);
            }, Notifications.None, "Resource that exists in different content formats (text/plain utf8 and application/xml)",
                                 null, null, new int[] { PlainText.ContentFormatCode, Xml.ContentFormatCode });

            this.server.Register("/path", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, ResponseHierarchical, 64,
                             new CoapOptionContentFormat(CoreLinkFormat.ContentFormatCode));
            }, Notifications.None, "Hierarchical link description entry", null, null,
                                 new int[] { CoreLinkFormat.ContentFormatCode });

            this.server.Register("/path/sub1", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, "/path/sub1", 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Hierarchical link description sub-resource");

            this.server.Register("/path/sub2", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, "/path/sub2", 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Hierarchical link description sub-resource");

            this.server.Register("/path/sub3", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, "/path/sub3", 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Hierarchical link description sub-resource");

            this.server.Register("/query", (req, resp) =>
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                bool First       = true;

                foreach (CoapOption Option in req.Options)
                    if (Option is CoapOptionUriQuery Query)
                        if (First)
                            First = false;


                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, sb.ToString(), 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Resource accepting query parameters");

            CoapResource Obs = this.server.Register("/obs", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, DateTime.Now.ToString("T"), 64);
            }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Observable resource which changes every 5 seconds",
                                                    new string[] { "observe" });

            Obs.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

            Obs = this.server.Register("/obs-large", (req, resp) =>
                string s        = DateTime.Now.ToString("T");
                int i           = 61 - s.Length;
                s               = '|' + new string(' ', i / 2) + s + new string(' ', i - (i / 2)) + "|\r\n";
                string Response =
                    "/-------------------------------------------------------------\\\r\n" + s +
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, Response, 64);
            }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Observable resource which changes every 5 seconds",
                                       new string[] { "observe" });

            Obs.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

            Obs = this.server.Register("/obs-non", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, DateTime.Now.ToString("T"), 64);
            }, Notifications.Unacknowledged, "Observable resource which changes every 5 seconds",
                                       new string[] { "observe" });

            Obs.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

            Obs = this.server.Register("/obs-pumping", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, DateTime.Now.ToString("T"), 64);
            }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Observable resource which changes every 5 seconds",
                                       new string[] { "observe" });

            Obs.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

            Obs = this.server.Register("/obs-pumping-non", (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, DateTime.Now.ToString("T"), 64);
            }, Notifications.Unacknowledged, "Observable resource which changes every 5 seconds",
                                       new string[] { "observe" });

            Obs.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

            this.server.Register("/location-query", null, (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, req.Payload, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Perform POST transaction with responses containing several Location-Query options (CON mode)");

            this.server.Register("/large-create", null, (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Created, req.Payload, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Large resource that can be created using POST method",
                                 new string[] { "block" }, null, new int[] { 0 }, 2000);

            this.server.Register("/large-post", null, (req, resp) =>
                resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, req.Payload, 64);
            }, Notifications.None, "Handle POST with two-way blockwise transfer",
                                 new string[] { "block" });

            this.server.Register(new LargeUpdate());
コード例 #4
ファイル: App.xaml.cs プロジェクト: markchipman/MIoT
        private async void Init()
                Log.Informational("Starting application.");


                Database.Register(new FilesProvider(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path +
                                                    Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Data", "Default", 8192, 1000, 8192, Encoding.UTF8, 10000));

#if GPIO
                gpio = GpioController.GetDefault();
                if (gpio != null)
                    if (gpio.TryOpenPin(gpioOutputPin, GpioSharingMode.Exclusive, out this.gpioPin, out GpioOpenStatus Status) &&
                        Status == GpioOpenStatus.PinOpened)
                        if (this.gpioPin.IsDriveModeSupported(GpioPinDriveMode.Output))

                            this.output = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("Actuator.Output", false);

                            this.gpioPin.Write(this.output.Value ? GpioPinValue.High : GpioPinValue.Low);

                            await MainPage.Instance.OutputSet(this.output.Value);

                            Log.Informational("Setting Control Parameter.", string.Empty, "Startup",
                                              new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Output", this.output.Value));
                            Log.Error("Output mode not supported for GPIO pin " + gpioOutputPin.ToString());
                        Log.Error("Unable to get access to GPIO pin " + gpioOutputPin.ToString());
                DeviceInformationCollection Devices = await UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync();

                foreach (DeviceInformation DeviceInfo in Devices)
                    if (DeviceInfo.IsEnabled && DeviceInfo.Name.StartsWith("Arduino"))
                        Log.Informational("Connecting to " + DeviceInfo.Name);

                        this.arduinoUsb = new UsbSerial(DeviceInfo);
                        this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionEstablished += () =>
                                                                 Log.Informational("USB connection established.");

                        this.arduino              = new RemoteDevice(this.arduinoUsb);
                        this.arduino.DeviceReady += async() =>
                                Log.Informational("Device ready.");

                                this.arduino.pinMode(13, PinMode.OUTPUT);                                    // Onboard LED.
                                this.arduino.digitalWrite(13, PinState.HIGH);

                                this.arduino.pinMode(8, PinMode.INPUT);                                      // PIR sensor (motion detection).

                                this.arduino.pinMode(9, PinMode.OUTPUT);                                     // Relay.

                                this.output = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("Actuator.Output", false);

                                this.arduino.digitalWrite(9, this.output.Value ? PinState.HIGH : PinState.LOW);

                                await MainPage.Instance.OutputSet(this.output.Value);

                                Log.Informational("Setting Control Parameter.", string.Empty, "Startup",
                                                  new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Output", this.output.Value));

                                this.arduino.pinMode("A0", PinMode.ANALOG);                                 // Light sensor.
                            catch (Exception ex)

                        this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionFailed += message =>
                            Log.Error("USB connection failed: " + message);

                        this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionLost += message =>
                            Log.Error("USB connection lost: " + message);

                        this.arduinoUsb.begin(57600, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);
                this.deviceId = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("DeviceId", string.Empty);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.deviceId))
                    this.deviceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
                    await RuntimeSettings.SetAsync("DeviceId", this.deviceId);

                Log.Informational("Device ID: " + this.deviceId);

                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint();
                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port,
                * with a sniffer that outputs communication to the window:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new LogSniffer());
                * To create a DTLS encrypted CoAP endpoint, on the default CoAPS port, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort, this.users);
                * To create a CoAP endpoint, that listens to both the default CoAP port, for
                * unencrypted communication, and the default CoAPS port, for encrypted,
                * authenticated and authorized communication, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users. Only users having the given
                * privilege (if not empty) will be authorized to access resources on the endpoint:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                *       new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, "PRIVILEGE", false, false);

                this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                                                     new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, string.Empty, false, false);

                this.outputResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Output", (req, resp) =>
                    string s;

                    if (this.output.HasValue)
                        s = this.output.Value ? "true" : "false";
                        s = "-";

                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, s, 64);
                }, async(req, resp) =>
                        string s = req.Decode() as string;
                        if (s == null && req.Payload != null)
                            s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(req.Payload);

                        if (s == null || !CommonTypes.TryParse(s, out bool Output))
                            await this.SetOutput(Output, req.From.ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Digital Output.", null, null,
                                                                 new int[] { PlainText.ContentFormatCode });

                this.outputResource?.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0));

                this.lwm2mClient = new Lwm2mClient("MIoT:Actuator:" + this.deviceId, this.coapEndpoint,
                                                   new Lwm2mSecurityObject(),
                                                   new Lwm2mServerObject(),
                                                   new Lwm2mAccessControlObject(),
                                                   new Lwm2mDeviceObject("Waher Data AB", "ActuatorLwm2m", this.deviceId, "1.0", "Actuator", "1.0", "1.0"),
                                                   new DigitalOutput(this.digitalOutput0 = new DigitalOutputInstance(0, this.output.HasValue && this.output.Value, "Relay")),
                                                   new Actuation(this.actuation0         = new ActuationInstance(0, this.output.HasValue && this.output.Value, "Relay")));

                this.digitalOutput0.OnRemoteUpdate += async(Sender, e) =>
                        await this.SetOutput(((DigitalOutputInstance)Sender).Value, e.Request.From.ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex)

                this.actuation0.OnRemoteUpdate += async(Sender, e) =>
                        await this.SetOutput(((ActuationInstance)Sender).Value, e.Request.From.ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex)

                await this.lwm2mClient.LoadBootstrapInfo();

                this.lwm2mClient.OnStateChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("LWM2M state changed to " + this.lwm2mClient.State.ToString() + ".");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnBootstrapCompleted += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("Bootstrap procedure completed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnBootstrapFailed += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Error("Bootstrap procedure failed.");

                    this.coapEndpoint.ScheduleEvent(async(P) =>
                            await this.RequestBootstrap();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                    }, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15), null);

                this.lwm2mClient.OnRegistrationSuccessful += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("Server registration completed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnRegistrationFailed += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Error("Server registration failed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnDeregistrationSuccessful += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("Server deregistration completed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnDeregistrationFailed += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Error("Server deregistration failed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnRebootRequest += async(sender, e) =>
                    Log.Warning("Reboot is requested.");

                        await this.RequestBootstrap();
                    catch (Exception ex)

                await this.RequestBootstrap();
            catch (Exception ex)

                MessageDialog Dialog = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Error");
                await MainPage.Instance.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                            async() => await Dialog.ShowAsync());
コード例 #5
ファイル: App.xaml.cs プロジェクト: ParamountVentures/MIoT
        private async void Init()
                Log.Informational("Starting application.");


                Database.Register(new FilesProvider(Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path +
                                                    Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Data", "Default", 8192, 1000, 8192, Encoding.UTF8, 10000));

                DeviceInformationCollection Devices = await UsbSerial.listAvailableDevicesAsync();

                foreach (DeviceInformation DeviceInfo in Devices)
                    if (DeviceInfo.IsEnabled && DeviceInfo.Name.StartsWith("Arduino"))
                        Log.Informational("Connecting to " + DeviceInfo.Name);

                        this.arduinoUsb = new UsbSerial(DeviceInfo);
                        this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionEstablished += () =>
                                                                 Log.Informational("USB connection established.");

                        this.arduino              = new RemoteDevice(this.arduinoUsb);
                        this.arduino.DeviceReady += () =>
                            Log.Informational("Device ready.");

                            this.arduino.pinMode(13, PinMode.OUTPUT);                                // Onboard LED.
                            this.arduino.digitalWrite(13, PinState.HIGH);

                            this.arduino.pinMode(0, PinMode.INPUT);                                  // PIR sensor (motion detection).
                            PinState Pin0 = this.arduino.digitalRead(0);
                            this.lastMotion = Pin0 == PinState.HIGH;
                            MainPage.Instance.DigitalPinUpdated(0, Pin0);

                            this.arduino.pinMode(1, PinMode.OUTPUT);                                // Relay.
                            this.arduino.digitalWrite(1, 0);                                        // Relay set to 0

                            this.arduino.pinMode("A0", PinMode.ANALOG);                             // Light sensor.
                            MainPage.Instance.AnalogPinUpdated("A0", this.arduino.analogRead("A0"));

                            this.sampleTimer = new Timer(this.SampleValues, null, 1000 - DateTime.Now.Millisecond, 1000);

                        this.arduino.AnalogPinUpdated += (pin, value) =>
                            MainPage.Instance.AnalogPinUpdated(pin, value);

                        this.arduino.DigitalPinUpdated += (pin, value) =>
                            MainPage.Instance.DigitalPinUpdated(pin, value);

                            if (pin == 0)
                                bool Input = (value == PinState.HIGH);
                                this.lastMotion = Input;
                                this.genericSensor0?.Set(Input ? 1.0 : 0.0);

                        this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionFailed += message =>
                            Log.Error("USB connection failed: " + message);

                        this.arduinoUsb.ConnectionLost += message =>
                            Log.Error("USB connection lost: " + message);

                        this.arduinoUsb.begin(57600, SerialConfig.SERIAL_8N1);

                this.deviceId = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("DeviceId", string.Empty);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.deviceId))
                    this.deviceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
                    await RuntimeSettings.SetAsync("DeviceId", this.deviceId);

                Log.Informational("Device ID: " + this.deviceId);

                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint();
                * To create an unencrypted CoAP Endpoint on the default CoAP port,
                * with a sniffer that outputs communication to the window:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new LogSniffer());
                * To create a DTLS encrypted CoAP endpoint, on the default CoAPS port, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort, this.users);
                * To create a CoAP endpoint, that listens to both the default CoAP port, for
                * unencrypted communication, and the default CoAPS port, for encrypted,
                * authenticated and authorized communication, using
                * the users defined in the IUserSource users. Only users having the given
                * privilege (if not empty) will be authorized to access resources on the endpoint:
                *    this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                *       new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, "PRIVILEGE", false, false);

                //this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapPort },
                //	new int[] { CoapEndpoint.DefaultCoapsPort }, this.users, string.Empty, false, false);

                this.coapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint(new int[] { 5783 }, new int[] { 5784 }, null, null,
                                                     false, false);

                this.lightResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Light", (req, resp) =>
                    string s;

                    if (this.lastLight.HasValue)
                        s = ToString(this.lastLight.Value, 2) + " %";
                        s = "-";

                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, s, 64);
                }, Notifications.Unacknowledged, "Light, in %.", null, null,
                                                                new int[] { PlainText.ContentFormatCode });

                this.lightResource?.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

                this.motionResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Motion", (req, resp) =>
                    string s;

                    if (this.lastMotion.HasValue)
                        s = this.lastMotion.Value ? "true" : "false";
                        s = "-";

                    resp.Respond(CoapCode.Content, s, 64);
                }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Motion detector.", null, null,
                                                                 new int[] { PlainText.ContentFormatCode });

                this.motionResource?.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0));

                this.momentaryResource = this.coapEndpoint.Register("/Momentary", (req, resp) =>
                    if (req.IsAcceptable(Xml.ContentFormatCode))
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsXml(req, resp);
                    else if (req.IsAcceptable(Json.ContentFormatCode))
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsJson(req, resp);
                    else if (req.IsAcceptable(PlainText.ContentFormatCode))
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsPlainText(req, resp);
                    else if (req.Accept.HasValue)
                        throw new CoapException(CoapCode.NotAcceptable);
                        this.ReturnMomentaryAsPlainText(req, resp);
                }, Notifications.Acknowledged, "Momentary values.", null, null,
                                                                    new int[] { Xml.ContentFormatCode, Json.ContentFormatCode, PlainText.ContentFormatCode });

                this.momentaryResource?.TriggerAll(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5));

                this.lwm2mClient = new Lwm2mClient("MIoT:Sensor:" + this.deviceId, this.coapEndpoint,
                                                   new Lwm2mSecurityObject(),
                                                   new Lwm2mServerObject(),
                                                   new Lwm2mAccessControlObject(),
                                                   new Lwm2mDeviceObject("Waher Data AB", "SensorLwm2m", this.deviceId, "1.0", "Sensor", "1.0", "1.0"),
                                                   new DigitalInput(this.digitalInput0           = new DigitalInputInstance(0, this.lastMotion, "Motion Detector", "PIR")),
                                                   new AnalogInput(this.analogInput0             = new AnalogInputInstance(0, this.lastLight, 0, 100, "Ambient Light Sensor", "%")),
                                                   new GenericSensor(this.genericSensor0         = new GenericSensorInstance(0, null, string.Empty, 0, 1, "Motion Detector", "PIR"),
                                                                     this.genericSensor1         = new GenericSensorInstance(1, this.lastLight, "%", 0, 100, "Ambient Light Sensor", "%")),
                                                   new IlluminanceSensor(this.illuminanceSensor0 = new IlluminanceSensorInstance(0, this.lastLight, "%", 0, 100)),
                                                   new PresenceSensor(this.presenceSensor0       = new PresenceSensorInstance(0, this.lastMotion, "PIR")),
                                                   new PercentageSensor(this.percentageSensor0   = new PercentageSensorInstance(0, this.lastLight, 0, 100, "Ambient Light Sensor")));

                await this.lwm2mClient.LoadBootstrapInfo();

                this.lwm2mClient.OnStateChanged += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("LWM2M state changed to " + this.lwm2mClient.State.ToString() + ".");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnBootstrapCompleted += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("Bootstrap procedure completed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnBootstrapFailed += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Error("Bootstrap procedure failed.");

                    this.coapEndpoint.ScheduleEvent(async(P) =>
                            await this.RequestBootstrap();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                    }, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15), null);

                this.lwm2mClient.OnRegistrationSuccessful += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("Server registration completed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnRegistrationFailed += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Error("Server registration failed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnDeregistrationSuccessful += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Informational("Server deregistration completed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnDeregistrationFailed += (sender, e) =>
                    Log.Error("Server deregistration failed.");

                this.lwm2mClient.OnRebootRequest += async(sender, e) =>
                    Log.Warning("Reboot is requested.");

                        await this.RequestBootstrap();
                    catch (Exception ex)

                await this.RequestBootstrap();
            catch (Exception ex)

                MessageDialog Dialog = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Error");
                await MainPage.Instance.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                                                            async() => await Dialog.ShowAsync());
コード例 #6
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: wrtcoder/Learning-IoT-MQTT
		public static int Main (string[] args)
			Log.Register (new ConsoleOutEventLog (80));
			Log.Information ("Initializing application...");

			HttpSocketClient.RegisterHttpProxyUse (false, false);	// Don't look for proxies.

			DB.BackupConnectionString = "Data Source=sensor.db;Version=3;";
			DB.BackupProviderName = "Clayster.Library.Data.Providers.SQLiteServer.SQLiteServerProvider";
			db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy ("TheSensor");

			Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
				e.Cancel = true;
				executionLed.Low ();

			// Initializing hardware and retrieving current sensor values

				tmp102.Configure (false, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.FaultQueue.ConsecutiveFaults_6, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.AlertPolarity.AlertActiveLow,
					TexasInstrumentsTMP102.ThermostatMode.ComparatorMode, false, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.ConversionRate.Hz_1, false);

				temp = (short)tmp102.ReadTemperatureRegister ();
				temperatureC = temp / 256.0;

				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					tempAvgWindow [i] = temp;

				sumTemp = temp * 10;
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);

				sumTemp = 0;
				temperatureC = 0;
				errorLed.High ();

				adc.Configure (true, false, false, false, false, false);

				light = adc.ReadRegistersBinary () [0];
				lightPercent = (100.0 * light) / 0x0fff;

				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					lightAvgWindow [i] = light;

				sumLight = light * 10;
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);

				sumLight = 0;
				lightPercent = 0;
				errorLed.High ();

			// Loading historical Sensor Values

			Log.Information ("Loading Minute Values.");
			perMinute.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Minute));

			Log.Information ("Loading Hour Values.");
			perHour.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Hour));

			Log.Information ("Loading Day Values.");
			perDay.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Day));

			Log.Information ("Loading Month Values.");
			perMonth.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Month));

			// Resuming average calculations

			int Pos = perSecond.Count;
			DateTime CurrentTime = DateTime.Now;
			DateTime Timestamp;

			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perSecond [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Minute == CurrentTime.Minute && Timestamp.Hour == CurrentTime.Hour && Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumSeconds += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perMinute.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perMinute [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Hour == CurrentTime.Hour && Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumMinutes += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perHour.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perHour [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumHours += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perDay.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perDay [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Month == CurrentTime.Month && Timestamp.Year == CurrentTime.Year)
					sumDays += Rec;
				} else

			// Sampling of new Sensor Values

			Timer Timer = new Timer (SampleSensorValues, null, 1000 - DateTime.Now.Millisecond, 1000);	// Every second.

			// HTTP Interface

			HttpServer HttpServer = new HttpServer (80, 10, true, true, 1);

			Log.Information ("HTTP Server receiving requests on port " + HttpServer.Port.ToString ());

			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Sensor Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());

			credentials = LoginCredentials.LoadCredentials ();
			if (credentials == null)
				credentials = new LoginCredentials ();
				credentials.UserName = "******";
				credentials.PasswordHash = CalcHash ("Admin", "Password");
				credentials.SaveNew ();

			HttpServer.Register ("/", HttpGetRoot, HttpPostRoot, false);							// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/html", HttpGetHtml, false);										// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/historygraph", HttpGetHistoryGraph, false);						// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/credentials", HttpGetCredentials, HttpPostCredentials, false);	// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/xml", HttpGetXml, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/json", HttpGetJson, true);										// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/turtle", HttpGetTurtle, true);									// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/rdf", HttpGetRdf, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/xml", HttpGetEventXml, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/json", HttpGetEventJson, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/turtle", HttpGetEventTurtle, true, false);					// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/rdf", HttpGetEventRdf, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication

			// HTTPS interface

			// Certificate must be a valid P12 (PFX) certificate file containing a private key.
			// X509Certificate2 Certificate = new X509Certificate2 ("Certificate.pfx", "PASSWORD");
			// HttpServer HttpsServer = new HttpServer (443, 10, true, true, 1, true, false, Certificate);
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Sensor Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());
			// foreach (IHttpServerResource Resource in HttpServer.GetResources())
			//    HttpsServer.Register (Resource);
			// Log.Information ("HTTPS Server receiving requests on port " + HttpsServer.Port.ToString ());

			// CoAP Interface

			CoapEndpoint CoapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint ();
			Log.Information ("CoAP endpoint receiving requests on port " + CoapEndpoint.Port.ToString ());

			//CoapEndpoint.RegisterLineListener (new ConsoleOutLineListenerSink (BinaryFormat.Hexadecimal, true));
			CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("temp/txt", "Current Temperature, as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 30, true, (Request, Payload) =>
					return FieldNumeric.Format (temperatureC, "C", 1);

			motionTxt = CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("motion/txt", "Motion detection, as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 10, true, (Request, Payload) =>
					return motionDetected ? "1" : "0";

			CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("light/txt", "Current Light Density, as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 2, true, (Request, Payload) =>
					return FieldNumeric.Format (lightPercent, "%", 1);

			foreach (CoapBlockSize BlockSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CoapBlockSize)))
				if (BlockSize == CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_Datagram)

				string Bytes = (1 << (4 + (int)BlockSize)).ToString ();

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("xml/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in XML. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetXml);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("json/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in JSON. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetJson);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("turtle/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in TURTLE. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetTurtle);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("rdf/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in RDF. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetRdf);

			// MQTT

			mqttThread = new Thread (MqttThread);
			mqttThread.Name = "MQTT";
			mqttThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
			mqttThread.Start ();

			// Main loop

			Log.Information ("Initialization complete. Application started...");

				while (executionLed.Value)
					System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000);
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);
				executionLed.Low ();
			} finally
				Log.Information ("Terminating application.");
				Log.Flush ();
				Log.Terminate ();
				Timer.Dispose ();

				HttpServer.Dispose ();
				//HttpsServer.Dispose ();

				CoapEndpoint.Dispose ();

				if (mqttThread != null)
					mqttThread.Abort ();
					mqttThread = null;

				executionLed.Dispose ();
				measurementLed.Dispose ();
				errorLed.Dispose ();
				networkLed.Dispose ();
				motion.Dispose ();
				i2cBus.Dispose ();

			return 0;