protected override void ChannelRead0(IChannelHandlerContext ctx, CmppMessageReceiveArgs <CmppHead, CmppConnectResp> msg) { var connectBody = msg.Message; byte connectSuccess = 0; var channel = ctx.Channel; if (connectBody.Status.Equals(connectSuccess) && connectBody.AuthenticatorISMG != null) { var authenticatorISMG = CmppTools.CreateAuthenticatorISMG(connectSuccess, authenticatorSource, config.Password); if (authenticatorISMG.SequenceEqual(authenticatorISMG)) { logger.Info($"login success, return:{msg.Message.Status.ToString()}", ctx.Channel.ToString()); var session = sessionMap.GetSessionOrDefault(ctx); if (session == null) { ctx.Channel.CloseAsync(); } session.Send = true; connectCallBack_OK?.Invoke(); return; } } logger.Warn($"login fail, return:{msg.Message.Status.ToString()}", ctx.Channel.ToString()); ctx.Channel.CloseAsync(); }
public void Init(string head, string frame, long summonerExp) { SysSummonersPictureframeVo dataById = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysSummonersPictureframeVo>(frame); if (dataById != null) { this.S_HeadFrame.mainTexture = ResourceManager.Load <Texture>(dataById.pictureframe_icon, true, true, null, 0, false); } else { ClientLogger.Warn("SysSummonerPictureframeVo is NullFrameNumber is" + frame); this.S_HeadFrame.mainTexture = ResourceManager.Load <Texture>("pictureframe_0000", true, true, null, 0, false); } SysSummonersHeadportraitVo dataById2 = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysSummonersHeadportraitVo>(head); if (dataById2 == null) { this.S_Summoner.mainTexture = ResourceManager.Load <Texture>("headportrait_0001", true, true, null, 0, false); } else { this.S_Summoner.mainTexture = ResourceManager.Load <Texture>(dataById2.headportrait_icon, true, true, null, 0, false); } this.S_LV.text = CharacterDataMgr.instance.GetUserLevel(summonerExp).ToString(); }
private void L2C_UserBack(MobaMessage msg) { OperationResponse operationResponse = msg.Param as OperationResponse; byte b = (byte)operationResponse.Parameters[0]; byte[] buffer = operationResponse.Parameters[1] as byte[]; PlayerState playerState = (PlayerState)b; PvpStateBase.LogState("receive L2C_UserBack " + playerState + " "); Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.LoginInfo = null; Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.ServerBattleRoomInfo = null; this.TargetState = PlayerState.Free; switch (playerState) { case PlayerState.Free: this.RecoverFinish(new PvpStateHome()); return; case PlayerState.CheckReady: ClientLogger.Error("Cannot be here anymore."); this.RecoverFinish(new PvpStateHome()); return; case PlayerState.SelectHore: { CtrlManager.CloseWindow(WindowID.PvpWaitView); InSelectAllInfo inSelectAllInfo = SerializeHelper.Deserialize <InSelectAllInfo>(buffer); Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.SetBattleInfoWithoutJoinType(inSelectAllInfo.roomInfo.battleId); Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.SetRoomInfo(inSelectAllInfo.roomInfo, inSelectAllInfo.newUid, inSelectAllInfo.playerInfos, null); PvpMatchMgr.Instance.SelectHeroTime = new DateTime?(DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromTicks(inSelectAllInfo.useTime)); this.RecoverViewsForSelectHero(); this.RecoverFinish(new PvpStateSelectHero()); return; } case PlayerState.Loading: { InBattleLobbyInfo inBattleLobbyInfo = SerializeHelper.Deserialize <InBattleLobbyInfo>(buffer); InBattleRoomInfo inBattleRoomInfo = SerializeHelper.Deserialize <InBattleRoomInfo>(inBattleLobbyInfo.InBattleRoomInfoBytes); this.RecoverFromLoadingState(inBattleRoomInfo.roomInfo, inBattleLobbyInfo.loginInfo, inBattleRoomInfo.playerInfos, false); this.TargetState = PlayerState.Loading; return; } case PlayerState.InFight: { InBattleLobbyInfo inBattleLobbyInfo2 = SerializeHelper.Deserialize <InBattleLobbyInfo>(buffer); InBattleRoomInfo inBattleRoomInfo2 = SerializeHelper.Deserialize <InBattleRoomInfo>(inBattleLobbyInfo2.InBattleRoomInfoBytes); this.RecoverFromLoadingState(inBattleRoomInfo2.roomInfo, inBattleLobbyInfo2.loginInfo, inBattleRoomInfo2.playerInfos, true); this.TargetState = PlayerState.InFight; return; } } ClientLogger.Warn("L2C_UserBack: unknown state " + playerState); }
protected override void ChannelRead0(IChannelHandlerContext ctx, CmppMessageReceiveArgs <CmppHead, CmppSubmitResp> msg) { if (matchQueue.Match(ctx.Channel, msg.Header.SequenceId.ToString(), out Item <MsgEx> item)) //匹配流水号 { msg.Item = item; CmppMessageReceiveArgs <CmppHead, CmppSubmitResp, Item <MsgEx> > msgEx = new CmppMessageReceiveArgs <CmppHead, CmppSubmitResp, Item <MsgEx> >(msg.Header, msg.Message, item); smsHandler?.Cmpp2LongSmsRespondAssembly(msgEx); } else { logger.Warn($"sms is removed from match cache{msg}", ctx.Channel.ToString()); } }
public static float GetAttrFactor(TeamType teamType, SysBattleSceneVo myScene) { float num = 1f; if (teamType == TeamType.BL) { num = myScene.hero2_factor; } if (num <= 1.401298E-45f) { ClientLogger.Warn("attrFactor is zero, ignore"); num = 1f; } return(num); }
public ObjectRecycler(Func <T> getMethod, Action <T> delMethod = null) { this._getMethod = getMethod; this._delMethod = delMethod; GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("GlobalObject/recycler"); if (!gameObject) { ClientLogger.Warn("cannot found"); } else { this._recycleParent = gameObject.transform; } }
public Dictionary <string, object> GetDicByType <T>() where T : class { Dictionary <string, object> result; try { result =[typeof(T).Name]; } catch (Exception ex) { ClientLogger.Warn("warn\n" + ex.Message); string content = "配置文件和客户端不匹配,请装新版本,别找wcw!typeof(T).Name= " + typeof(T).Name + ",Info:" + ex.Message; CtrlManager.ShowMsgBox("错误", content, null, PopViewType.PopOneButton, "Shit", "取消", null); return(null); } return(result); }
protected override MobaPeer ConnectPeer() { MobaPeer mobaPeer = this._client.GetMobaPeer(MobaPeerType.C2Lobby, true); mobaPeer.ServerName = GlobalSettings.Instance.PvpSetting.LobbyServerName; mobaPeer.ApplicationName = "MobaServer.lobby"; if (!mobaPeer.ServerConnected) { if (!mobaPeer.PeerConnect()) { ClientLogger.Error("PeerConnect failed for lobby"); } } else { ClientLogger.Warn("Peer already connected"); } return(mobaPeer); }
public Transform GetSpawnPos(TeamType team, int key) { Dictionary <int, Transform> dictionary = this._spawnPointsDict[team]; Transform result; if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out result)) { return(result); } ClientLogger.Warn(string.Concat(new object[] { "GetSpawnPos failed for: ", team, " ", key })); Transform transform = dictionary.Values.FirstOrDefault <Transform>(); return(transform ? transform : this._spawnPointsDict[TeamType.LM].First <KeyValuePair <int, Transform> >().Value); }
private void updatashader() { if (this.mFog != null && this.mFog.enabled) { if (!this.mFog.getenabelfog()) { return; } this.mInverseMVP = (this.mCam.projectionMatrix * this.mCam.worldToCameraMatrix).inverse; float num = 1f / (float)this.mFog.worldSize; Transform transform = this.mFog.transform; float num2 = transform.position.x - (float)this.mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; float num3 = transform.position.z - (float)this.mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; Vector4 vector = this.mCam.transform.position; if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 0) { RuntimePlatform platform = Application.platform; if (platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer || platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer) { vector.w = 1f; } } if (this.mMat != null) { Vector4 vector2 = new Vector4(-num2 * num, -num3 * num, num, this.mFog.blendFactor); this.mMat.SetVector("_CamPos", vector); this.mMat.SetVector("_Params", vector2); this.mMat.SetMatrix("_InverseMVP", this.mInverseMVP); this.mMat.SetTexture("_MainTex", this.mFog.texture1); } else { ClientLogger.Warn("err mMat..."); } } else { ClientLogger.Warn("err fog.."); } }
protected override void OnInit(bool isRebirth = false) { this.configMosterMainVo = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetMonsterMainData(this.npc_id); this.musicid = this.configMosterMainVo.music_id; AudioMgr.loadSoundBank_Skill(this.musicid, true, 0); if (this.configMosterMainVo == null) { ClientLogger.Warn("Ignore scaling, cannot found SysMonsterMainVo: " + this.npc_id); } else { this.DoScale(this.configMosterMainVo.scale); } base.OnInit(false); if (!base.IsMonsterCreep()) { } if (base.UnitType == UnitType.EyeUnit || base.IsMonsterCreep() || base.UnitType == UnitType.Soldier) { this.m_nServerVisibleState = 2; } }
private void ReadExcel_X(string _promptId, ref int val) { SysPvpPromptVo dataById = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysPvpPromptVo>(_promptId); if (dataById != null) { string[] array = dataById.PromptCondition.Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (array.Length > 1) { val = int.Parse(array[1]); } else { ClientLogger.Warn(_promptId + " data in PvpPrompt is error"); } } else { ClientLogger.Warn(_promptId + " data in PvpPrompt is none"); } }
public static ArrayList LoadFileByArray(string path, string name) { StreamReader streamReader = null; try { streamReader = File.OpenText(path + "//" + name); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientLogger.Warn("warn\n" + ex.Message); return(null); } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); string value; while ((value = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null) { arrayList.Add(value); } streamReader.Close(); streamReader.Dispose(); return(arrayList); }
public void InitData(DetailAchieveData achieveData = null, DailyTaskData dailyData = null) { if (achieveData != null) { if (Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.IsOpen) { this.getRewardEffect.panel = Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.transform.GetComponent <UIPanel>(); } this.taskid = achieveData.taskid.ToString(); this.achievementTaskVo = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysAchievementTaskVo>(this.taskid); if (this.achievementTaskVo == null) { ClientLogger.Error("taskid=" + this.taskid + " !!在表里找不到"); return; } =; this.describe = this.achievementTaskVo.describe; this.parameter = this.achievementTaskVo.parameter.ToString(); this.icon = this.achievementTaskVo.icon; this.reward = this.achievementTaskVo.reward; this.achievement_point = this.achievementTaskVo.achievement_point.ToString(); this.value = achieveData.value.ToString(); } else { if (Singleton <DailyView> .Instance.IsOpen) { this.getRewardEffect.panel = Singleton <DailyView> .Instance.transform.GetComponent <UIPanel>(); } this.taskid = dailyData.taskid.ToString(); this.achievementDailyVo = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysAchievementDailyVo>(this.taskid); if (this.achievementDailyVo == null) { ClientLogger.Warn("daily_id=" + this.taskid + " 在SysAchievementDailyVo中找不到"); } =; this.describe = this.achievementDailyVo.describe; this.parameter = this.achievementDailyVo.parameter.ToString(); this.icon = this.achievementDailyVo.icon; this.reward = this.achievementDailyVo.reward; this.value = dailyData.value.ToString(); } this.drop_items = null; this.title.text = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetLanguageData(; this.content.text = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetLanguageData(this.describe).content; if (Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.coroutineManager == null) { Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.coroutineManager = new CoroutineManager(); } Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.coroutineManager.StartCoroutine(this.GetDisPlayTexture(BaseDataMgr.instance.GetGameResData(this.icon.Split(new char[] { '|' })[1]).path), true); this.numLeft.text = this.value; this.numRight.text = "/" + this.parameter; this.rewards = this.reward.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (achieveData != null) { this.drop_items = this.achievement_point + ","; } for (int i = 0; i < this.rewards.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) { this.drop_items += ","; } if (this.rewards[i] != "[]") { this.dropRewardsVo = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysDropRewardsVo>(this.rewards[i]); this.drop_items += this.dropRewardsVo.drop_items; } } if (this.drop_items == null) { this.rewards = new string[0]; } else { this.rewards = this.drop_items.Split(new char[] { ',' }); } this.offX = 0f; this.havaShowItem = false; for (int j = 0; j < this.rewardRoot.childCount; j++) { this.rewardRoot.GetChild(j).gameObject.SetActive(false); } int k = 0; while (k < this.rewards.Length) { if (Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.taskRewardItem == null) { Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.taskRewardItem = (Resources.Load("Prefab/UI/Home/TaskRewardItem") as GameObject); } string[] array = null; if (k == 0 && dailyData == null) { goto IL_4A1; } this.dropItemsVo = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysDropItemsVo>(this.rewards[k]); array = this.dropItemsVo.rewards.Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (!this.havaShowItem || (!(array[0] == "2") && !(array[0] == "3"))) { goto IL_4A1; } IL_77B: k++; continue; IL_4A1: if (k < this.rewardRoot.childCount) { this.rewarItem = this.rewardRoot.GetChild(k).gameObject; this.rewarItem.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { this.rewarItem = NGUITools.AddChild(this.rewardRoot.gameObject, Singleton <TaskView> .Instance.taskRewardItem); } UISprite component = this.rewarItem.transform.Find("Icon").GetComponent <UISprite>(); UILabel component2 = this.rewarItem.transform.Find("Label").GetComponent <UILabel>(); this.rewarItem.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(this.offX, 0f, 0f); if (k == 0 && achieveData != null) { component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_stars"; component2.text = "x" + this.rewards[0]; this.offX += (float)(component.width + component2.width + 20); goto IL_77B; } if (array == null) { goto IL_77B; } if (array[0] == "1") { if (array[1] == "1") { component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_gold"; } else if (array[1] == "2") { component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_diamond"; } else if (array[1] == "9") { component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_cap"; } } else if (array[0] == "2") { this.havaShowItem = true; component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_others"; } else if (array[0] == "3") { this.havaShowItem = true; component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_others"; } else if (array[0] == "4") { if (array[1] == "1") { component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_exp_summoner"; } else if (array[1] == "2") { component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_exp_bottle"; } } else if (array[0] == "6") { this.havaShowItem = true; component.spriteName = "Achievement_icons_others"; } if (array.Length >= 3 && array[0] != "2" && array[0] != "3") { component2.text = "x" + array[2]; } else { component2.text = "x1"; } this.offX += (float)(component.width + component2.width + 20); goto IL_77B; } bool flag = (achieveData == null) ? dailyData.isGetAward : achieveData.isGetAward; bool flag2 = (achieveData == null) ? dailyData.isComplete : achieveData.isComplete; if (flag) { this.getRewardBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (this.achievementDailyVo != null) { if (this.achievementDailyVo.travel_to == 11) { this.finishMark.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.Travel.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.doingMark.gameObject.SetActive(false); = this.achievementDailyVo.travel_to.ToString(); UIEventListener.Get(this.Travel.gameObject).onClick = new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnClickTravel); } else { this.finishMark.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } else if (this.achievementTaskVo.travel_to == 11) { this.finishMark.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.Travel.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.doingMark.gameObject.SetActive(false); = this.achievementTaskVo.travel_to.ToString(); UIEventListener.Get(this.Travel.gameObject).onClick = new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnClickTravel); } else { this.finishMark.gameObject.SetActive(true); } this.bgRed.SetActive(true); this.bgBlue.SetActive(false); this.SetColor(true); } else if (flag2) { this.getRewardBtn.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.finishMark.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.bgRed.SetActive(true); this.bgBlue.SetActive(false); this.SetColor(true); } else { this.bgRed.SetActive(false); this.bgBlue.SetActive(true); if (achieveData != null) { if (this.achievementTaskVo.travel_to != 0) { this.Travel.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.doingMark.gameObject.SetActive(false); = this.achievementTaskVo.travel_to.ToString(); UIEventListener.Get(this.Travel.gameObject).onClick = new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnClickTravel); } else { this.doingMark.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.Travel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else if (this.achievementDailyVo.travel_to != 0) { = this.achievementDailyVo.travel_to.ToString(); UIEventListener.Get(this.Travel.gameObject).onClick = new UIEventListener.VoidDelegate(this.OnClickTravel); this.Travel.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.doingMark.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { this.Travel.gameObject.SetActive(false); this.doingMark.gameObject.SetActive(true); } this.SetColor(false); } }
public static Units CreateMonsterByUnitInfo(UnitInfo info) { Units result; try { if (info == null) { ClientLogger.Error("CreateMonsterByUnitInfo: info is null"); result = null; } else if (MapManager.Instance == null) { ClientLogger.Error("MapManager.Instance is null"); result = null; } else if (GlobalSettings.TestCreep) { Singleton <CreepSpawner> .Instance.CreateCreeps(new List <string> { "101" }, info.unitId); result = null; } else if (GlobalSettings.NoMonster) { ClientLogger.Warn("P2C_CreateUnits create monster ignored"); result = null; } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.EyeItem) { result = PvpProtocolTools.CreateEyeItemByUnitInfo(info); } else { TeamType teamType = PvpProtocolTools.GroupToTeam((int); int num = -1; Transform transform = null; if (StringUtils.CheckValid(info.burnValue)) { string[] stringValue = StringUtils.GetStringValue(info.burnValue, '|'); UnitType unitType = info.unitType; if (unitType != UnitType.Monster) { if (unitType != UnitType.Soldier) { ClientLogger.Error("cannot be here"); } else { num = int.Parse(stringValue[2]); } } else { num = int.Parse(stringValue[1]); transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos(TeamType.Neutral, num); } if (num < 0) { ClientLogger.Error("burnValue is invalid, use position #" + info.typeId + " " + info.burnValue); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.EyeUnit) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos(TeamType.Neutral, 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.SummonMonster || info.unitType == UnitType.BoxUnit) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos((TeamType), 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.Pet) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos((TeamType), 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.LabisiUnit) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos((TeamType), 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else { ClientLogger.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "burnValue is invalid, use default position #", info.typeId, " utype:", info.unitType })); } Units unit = MapManager.Instance.GetUnit(info.mainHeroId); int skin = 0; if (unit != null && info.unitType == UnitType.SummonMonster) { skin = HeroSkins.GetRealHeroSkin((TeamType)unit.teamType, unit.model_id); } EntityVo npcinfo = new EntityVo(EntityType.Monster, info.typeId, num, 0, string.Empty, "Default", 0) { uid = info.unitId, skin = skin }; if (null == GameManager.Instance) { Debug.LogError("null == GameManager.Instance"); result = null; } else if (GameManager.Instance.Spawner == null) { Debug.LogError("null == GameManager.Instance.Spawner"); result = null; } else { SpawnUtility spawnUtility = GameManager.Instance.Spawner.GetSpawnUtility(); Units units = spawnUtility.SpawnInstance(npcinfo, "Monster", teamType, num, "[]", transform, UnitControlType.None, info.unitType); if (units == null) { ClientLogger.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "P2C_CreateUnits create monster failed, creepId=", info.creepId, " typeid= ", info.typeId, " burnValue=", info.burnValue ?? "null" })); result = null; } else { if (units.UnitType == UnitType.EyeUnit) { } if (unit != null) { units.ParentUnit = unit; } if (units.UnitType == UnitType.EyeUnit || units.UnitType == UnitType.SummonMonster) { units.m_fLiveTime = info.liveTime; units.m_fLeftTime = info.liveTime; } units.SetOrigin(true, info.creepId.ToString(), info.monsterTeamId); units.TryAddBirthEffect(); units.SetIsMonsterCreep(info.unitType == UnitType.Monster || info.unitType == UnitType.CreepBoss); PvpProtocolTools.SyncUnitLifeStateAndSkill(units, info, 0L); if (units.isMonster && units.skillManager != null) { units.skillManager.EnableSkills(true); } if (units != null && transform != null) { units.SetPosition(transform.position, true); } result = units; } } } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); result = null; } return(result); }
public void Conjure_Impl(string skillId, Units target, Vector3?targetPos, bool isPvp = false) { Skill skillById = this.self.getSkillById(skillId); if (SkillUtility.IsBurnUnitSkill(skillById) && targetPos.HasValue) { Units touchUnit = ManualControlTarget.GetTouchUnit(targetPos.Value); if (touchUnit != null && (touchUnit.GetType() == typeof(Tower) || touchUnit.GetType() == typeof(Home))) { base.OnSkillFailedBeforeStart(skillById); ClientLogger.Warn(string.Concat(new object[] { "不能摆蘑菇在这里", touchUnit, " ", targetPos.Value })); return; } } if (this.self.CanSkill || skillById.CheckSkillCanUseSpecial) { if (target == null && !targetPos.HasValue) { target = this.self.GetAttackTarget(); } skillById.attackTarget = target; skillById.attackPosition = targetPos; if (skillById.CheckCondition() && skillById.CheckTargets()) { if (isPvp) { UseSkillInfo useSkillInfo = new UseSkillInfo { unitId = this.self.unique_id, skillId = skillById.skillMainId, targetUnit = (!(skillById.attackTarget != null)) ? 0 : skillById.attackTarget.unique_id, targetPosition = (!skillById.attackPosition.HasValue) ? null : MoveController.Vector3ToSVector3(skillById.attackPosition.Value), targetRotate = this.self.transform.eulerAngles.y }; PvpEvent.SendUseSkill(useSkillInfo); this.sendUseSkills[skillId] = true; this.sendUseSkillTicks[skillId] = DateTime.Now.Ticks; this.self.moveController.clearContinueMovingTarget(); if (GlobalSettings.Instance.ClientGoAhead) { List <Units> list = new List <Units>(); if (target != null) { list.Add(target); } ActionManager.ReadySkill(new SkillDataKey(useSkillInfo.skillId, skillById.skillLevel, 0), this.self, list, skillById.attackPosition, skillById, false); } } else { this.self.InterruptAction(SkillInterruptType.Initiative); skillById.OnSkillStartCallback = new Callback <Skill>(base.OnSkillStart); skillById.OnSkillEndCallback = new Callback <Skill>(base.OnSkillEnd); skillById.OnSkillFailedBeforeStartCallback = new Callback <Skill>(base.OnSkillFailedBeforeStart); skillById.Start(); base.currSkill = skillById; } } else { base.OnSkillFailedBeforeStart(skillById); } } }
private static void SyncUnitLifeState(Units unit, UnitInfo unitInfo, long reliveLeftTime) { try { PvpLifeState lifeState = (PvpLifeState)unitInfo.lifeState; if (lifeState == PvpLifeState.Dead || lifeState == PvpLifeState.WaitRelive) { PvpProtocolTools.ToDie(unit, null, reliveLeftTime); } else { if (!unit.isLive) { if (unit.isHero) { SpawnUtility spawnUtility = GameManager.Instance.Spawner.GetSpawnUtility(); spawnUtility.RespawnPvpHero(unit); } else { ClientLogger.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "SetUnitState: cannot relive non-hero unit #", unit.unique_id, " ",, " to state ", lifeState })); } } if (unit.IsMonsterCreep()) { Monster monster = unit as Monster; if (lifeState == PvpLifeState.Unactive) { monster.Sleep(); } else if (lifeState == PvpLifeState.Live) { if (monster.Sleeping.IsInState) { monster.Wakeup(false); } else { monster.Appear(); } } else { ClientLogger.Warn(string.Concat(new object[] { "don't know how to treat ",, " with life state ", lifeState })); } } } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }