private void BindSkill(string skill, ObserveHeroSkill skillComp) { try { SysSkillMainVo skillData = SkillUtility.GetSkillData(skill, -1, -1); string skill_icon = skillData.skill_icon; Texture mainTexture = ResourceManager.Load <Texture>(skill_icon, true, true, null, 0, false); skillComp.Texture.mainTexture = mainTexture; if (skillComp.Level) { int skillLevel = this._hero.skillManager.GetSkillLevel(skill); skillComp.Level.text = skillLevel.ToString(); } float num = 0f; float skillCDTime = this._hero.GetSkillCDTime(skill); if (skillCDTime > 0f) { num = this._hero.GetCDTime(skill) / skillCDTime; } skillComp.Mask.fillAmount = num; this.SetMaskEnableStatus(skillComp.Mask, num); } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
/// <summary> /// 打开指定窗口,使用指定视图控制器 /// </summary> /// <param name="winId"></param> /// <param name="ctrl"></param> public static void OpenWindow(WindowID winId, IView ctrl = null) { try { if (CtrlManager.mDicOpenCtrls.ContainsKey(winId)) { if (winId == WindowID.TipView) { CtrlManager.OnOpenWindow(new OpenWindowEventArgs(true, winId.ToString(), CtrlManager.mDicOpenCtrls[winId].uiWindow)); } } else { IView view = ctrl; if (view == null) { view = CtrlManager.GetViewInstance(winId); } view.WinId = winId; CtrlManager.mDicWindCtrls[winId] = view; UIManager.Instance.OpenWindow(view.WinId.ToString(), view.WinResCfg); } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
public void UpdateFriendState(string content) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { string[] stateStrs = content.Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (stateStrs.Length >= 3) { long userIdBySummId = ToolsFacade.Instance.GetUserIdBySummId(long.Parse(stateStrs[1])); FriendItemInHomeChat friendItemInHomeChat = this.FriendLst.transform.Find("Grid/" + userIdBySummId.ToString()).TryGetComp(null); if (!(friendItemInHomeChat == null)) { friendItemInHomeChat.SetGameState((GameStatus)int.Parse(stateStrs[2])); List <FriendData> list = ModelManager.Instance.Get_FriendDataList_X(); FriendData friendData = list.Find((FriendData _obj) => _obj.TargetId.ToString() == stateStrs[1]); if (friendData != null) { friendData.GameStatus = (sbyte)int.Parse(stateStrs[2]); } this._friendChat.CreateList(list); } } } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
public override void OnUpdate() { base.OnUpdate(); if (this._tasks.Count == 0) { return; } float now = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; List <Action> list = new List <Action>(); list.AddRange(from x in this._tasks where now > x.happenTime select x.action); this._tasks.RemoveAll((PvpServer.RunOnceTask x) => now > x.happenTime); list.ForEach(delegate(Action x) { try { x(); } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }); }
private void RefreshSummaryInfo() { try { PvpStatisticMgr.GroupData groupData = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.StatisticMgr.GetGroupData(0); if (groupData != null) { this._components.LmTowerCount.text = groupData.TeamTowerDestroy.ToString(); this._components.LmKillCount.text = groupData.TeamKill.ToString(); this._components.LmGold.text = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.StatisticMgr.GetTotalMeney(TeamType.LM).ToString(); } PvpStatisticMgr.GroupData groupData2 = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.StatisticMgr.GetGroupData(1); if (groupData2 != null) { this._components.BlTowerCount.text = groupData2.TeamTowerDestroy.ToString(); this._components.BlKillCount.text = groupData2.TeamKill.ToString(); this._components.BlGold.text = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.StatisticMgr.GetTotalMeney(TeamType.BL).ToString(); } this._components.ObserverCount.text = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.ObserverCount.ToString(); DateTime?gameStartTime = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.GameStartTime; TimeSpan timeSpan = default(TimeSpan); if (gameStartTime.HasValue) { timeSpan = DateTime.Now - gameStartTime.Value; } this._components.Time.text = StringUtils.FormatTimeInMinutes((int)timeSpan.TotalSeconds, true); } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
private void RefreshBasicInfo() { try { this.HeroName.text = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.GetSummonerName(-this.UniqueId); this.Level.text = UtilManager.Instance.GetHerolv(this.UniqueId).ToString(); this.Hp.value = this._hero.hp / this._hero.hp_max; this.Mp.value = / this._hero.mp_max; this.Xp.value = UtilManager.Instance.GetHeroExpRatio(this.UniqueId); } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
private void TryStopThread() { if (this._thread != null) { this._threadDone = true; Thread thread = this._thread; this._thread = null; try { thread.Join(); } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } } }
public static void ExecuteMsg(MobaMessage msg) { if (msg.MessageType < (MobaMessageType)MobaMessageManager.mMessageFuncList.Length) { if (msg.MessageType == MobaMessageType.PvpCode) { } Dictionary <int, MobaMessageFunc> dictionary = MobaMessageManager.mMessageFuncList[(int)msg.MessageType]; MobaMessageFunc mobaMessageFunc; if (dictionary != null && dictionary.TryGetValue(msg.ID, out mobaMessageFunc)) { if (mobaMessageFunc == null) { return; } if (msg.MessageType == MobaMessageType.PvpCode) { } try { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); if (msg.MessageType == MobaMessageType.PvpCode) { stopwatch.Start(); } mobaMessageFunc(msg); if (msg.MessageType == MobaMessageType.PvpCode) { stopwatch.Stop(); } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } if (msg.MessageType == MobaMessageType.PvpCode) { } } } }
public static void PromptFormat(string id, params object[] args) { SysPromptVo dataById = BaseDataMgr.instance.GetDataById <SysPromptVo>(id); if (dataById != null) { try { string mess = string.Format(LanguageManager.Instance.GetStringById(dataById.prompt_text), args); UIMessageBox.ShowMessage(mess, dataById.text_time, 0); } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } AudioMgr.PlayUI(dataById.sound, null, false, false); } else { ClientLogger.Error("PromptHelper.Prompt: cannot found #" + id); } }
private static void TryRecoverUnit(UnitRuntimeInfo info) { UnitInfo baseUnitInfo = info.baseUnitInfo; Units units = MapManager.Instance.GetUnit(baseUnitInfo.unitId); try { UnitType unitType = baseUnitInfo.unitType; if (unitType != UnitType.Hero) { if (unitType != UnitType.Monster) { if (unitType != UnitType.Tower && unitType != UnitType.Home) { if (unitType == UnitType.MapItem) { if (!units) { PvpProtocolTools.CreateMapItem(info, UnitControlType.None); } goto IL_179; } if (unitType != UnitType.Soldier) { if (unitType == UnitType.FenShenHero) { if (!units) { units = PvpProtocolTools.CreateHeroByUnitInfo(info.baseUnitInfo); } PvpProtocolTools.SetUnitState(units, info); goto IL_179; } if (unitType != UnitType.EyeUnit && unitType != UnitType.SummonMonster && unitType != UnitType.Pet && unitType != UnitType.LabisiUnit) { goto IL_179; } } } else { units = MapManager.Instance.GetUnit(baseUnitInfo.unitId); if (!units) { ClientLogger.Error("TryCreateUnit: tower not found - " + StringUtils.DumpObject(baseUnitInfo)); return; } PvpProtocolTools.SetUnitState(units, info); goto IL_179; } } if (!units) { units = PvpProtocolTools.CreateMonsterByUnitInfo(info.baseUnitInfo); } PvpProtocolTools.SetUnitState(units, info); } else { if (!units) { units = MapManager.Instance.TryFetchRecycledUnit(baseUnitInfo.unitId); if (!units) { ClientLogger.Error("TryCreateUnit: hero not found - " + StringUtils.DumpObject(baseUnitInfo)); return; } } PvpProtocolTools.SetUnitState(units, info); } IL_179: if (units) { units.UpdateVisible(); units.RefreshSyncState(); } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
private static void SyncHeroSkills(Units unit, UnitInfo unitInfo) { if (!unit.isHero) { return; } if (unitInfo.heroInfo == null) { ClientLogger.Error("heroInfo is null"); return; } try { PvpStatisticMgr.HeroData heroData = Singleton <PvpManager> .Instance.StatisticMgr.GetHeroData(unitInfo.unitId); heroData.CurGold =; heroData.TotalGold = unitInfo.heroInfo.totalMoney; heroData.CurLv = unitInfo.level; heroData.CurExp = unitInfo.heroInfo.exp; if (unit.mCmdRunningController != null) { unit.mCmdRunningController.Reset(); } unit.level = unitInfo.level; unit.skillManager.SkillPointsLeft = unitInfo.heroInfo.skillPoint; if (unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo != null) { Dictionary <int, string> skills_index = unit.skillManager.skills_index; int num = 0; foreach (string current in unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo.Keys) { int num2 = -1; foreach (int current2 in skills_index.Keys) { if (skills_index[current2] == current) { num2 = current2; break; } } if (num2 >= 0) { string text = skills_index[num2]; Skill skillById = unit.skillManager.getSkillById(text); if (skillById != null) { skillById.BulletIndex = unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo[current].index; } int level = (int)unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo[current].level; num += level; int skillIdx = unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo[current].skillIdx; unit.skillManager.UpgradeSkillLevel(text, level); unit.skillManager.ResetSkillSubIndex(text, skillIdx); float num3 = (float)unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo[current].cd / 1000f; float cd_time = unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo[current].chargeCD / 1000f; unit.SetCDTime(text, num3); unit.SetChargeTime(text, cd_time); unit.OnSkillSynced(text, unitInfo.heroInfo.skillInfo[current].useState); if (unit.isPlayer) { Singleton <SkillView> .Instance.SetSkillUILevel(text, level); Singleton <SkillView> .Instance.UpdateSkillItemCDTime(num3, text); Singleton <SkillView> .Instance.UpdateSkillView(text, false); } } } if (num == 0 && unit.level == 1 && unit.skillManager.SkillPointsLeft == 0 && unit.isPlayer) { unit.skillManager.SkillPointsLeft = 1; } } if (unit.isPlayer) { Singleton <SkillView> .Instance.SetSkillPointLeft(unitInfo.heroInfo.skillPoint); } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
private static void SyncUnitLifeState(Units unit, UnitInfo unitInfo, long reliveLeftTime) { try { PvpLifeState lifeState = (PvpLifeState)unitInfo.lifeState; if (lifeState == PvpLifeState.Dead || lifeState == PvpLifeState.WaitRelive) { PvpProtocolTools.ToDie(unit, null, reliveLeftTime); } else { if (!unit.isLive) { if (unit.isHero) { SpawnUtility spawnUtility = GameManager.Instance.Spawner.GetSpawnUtility(); spawnUtility.RespawnPvpHero(unit); } else { ClientLogger.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "SetUnitState: cannot relive non-hero unit #", unit.unique_id, " ",, " to state ", lifeState })); } } if (unit.IsMonsterCreep()) { Monster monster = unit as Monster; if (lifeState == PvpLifeState.Unactive) { monster.Sleep(); } else if (lifeState == PvpLifeState.Live) { if (monster.Sleeping.IsInState) { monster.Wakeup(false); } else { monster.Appear(); } } else { ClientLogger.Warn(string.Concat(new object[] { "don't know how to treat ",, " with life state ", lifeState })); } } } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); } }
public static Units CreateHeroByUnitInfo(UnitInfo info) { Units result; try { if (info == null) { result = null; } else { EntityVo entityVo = new EntityVo(EntityType.Hero, info.typeId, 0, 0, string.Empty, "Default", 0) { uid = info.unitId, level = info.level, hp = 99999f, mp = 99999f, effectId = string.Empty }; Units unit = MapManager.Instance.GetUnit(info.mainHeroId); if (unit != null) { if (unit.npc_id == "Jiansheng") { entityVo.effectId = "1|Perform_jsbirth_fenshen"; } else if (unit.npc_id == "Houzi") { } } SpawnUtility spawnUtility = GameManager.Instance.Spawner.GetSpawnUtility(); Vector3 vector = MoveController.SVectgor3ToVector3(info.position); string userName = (!(unit == null)) ? unit.summonerName : "1"; string summerId = "1"; Units units = spawnUtility.SpawnPvpHero(entityVo, "Hero", (TeamType), 0, userName, summerId, new Vector3?(vector), UnitType.FenShenHero); if (units != null && unit != null) { units.level = unit.level;;;;; units.SetParentUnit(unit); units.SetMirrorState(true); if (unit.npc_id == "Jiansheng") { units.SetCanAIControl(true); units.SetCanSkill(false); units.effect_id = "2|Perform_jsdead_fenshen"; } else if (unit.npc_id == "Houzi") { units.effect_id = "2|FenShenDeath,2|DashengS2"; units.SetCanAIControl(false); units.SetCanAction(false); units.trans.rotation = unit.trans.rotation; } Units selectedTarget = PlayerControlMgr.Instance.GetSelectedTarget(); if (selectedTarget != null && unit.unique_id == selectedTarget.unique_id) { PlayerControlMgr.Instance.GetPlayer().SetSelectTarget(null); PlayerControlMgr.Instance.GetPlayer().SetAttackTarget(null); PlayerControlMgr.Instance.SetSelectedTarget(null); } units.SetPosition(vector, true); } result = units; } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); result = null; } return(result); }
public static Units CreateMonsterByUnitInfo(UnitInfo info) { Units result; try { if (info == null) { ClientLogger.Error("CreateMonsterByUnitInfo: info is null"); result = null; } else if (MapManager.Instance == null) { ClientLogger.Error("MapManager.Instance is null"); result = null; } else if (GlobalSettings.TestCreep) { Singleton <CreepSpawner> .Instance.CreateCreeps(new List <string> { "101" }, info.unitId); result = null; } else if (GlobalSettings.NoMonster) { ClientLogger.Warn("P2C_CreateUnits create monster ignored"); result = null; } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.EyeItem) { result = PvpProtocolTools.CreateEyeItemByUnitInfo(info); } else { TeamType teamType = PvpProtocolTools.GroupToTeam((int); int num = -1; Transform transform = null; if (StringUtils.CheckValid(info.burnValue)) { string[] stringValue = StringUtils.GetStringValue(info.burnValue, '|'); UnitType unitType = info.unitType; if (unitType != UnitType.Monster) { if (unitType != UnitType.Soldier) { ClientLogger.Error("cannot be here"); } else { num = int.Parse(stringValue[2]); } } else { num = int.Parse(stringValue[1]); transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos(TeamType.Neutral, num); } if (num < 0) { ClientLogger.Error("burnValue is invalid, use position #" + info.typeId + " " + info.burnValue); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.EyeUnit) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos(TeamType.Neutral, 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.SummonMonster || info.unitType == UnitType.BoxUnit) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos((TeamType), 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.Pet) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos((TeamType), 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else if (info.unitType == UnitType.LabisiUnit) { transform = MapManager.Instance.GetSpawnPos((TeamType), 1); if (transform != null) { transform.position = new Vector3(info.position.x, info.position.y, info.position.z); } } else { ClientLogger.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "burnValue is invalid, use default position #", info.typeId, " utype:", info.unitType })); } Units unit = MapManager.Instance.GetUnit(info.mainHeroId); int skin = 0; if (unit != null && info.unitType == UnitType.SummonMonster) { skin = HeroSkins.GetRealHeroSkin((TeamType)unit.teamType, unit.model_id); } EntityVo npcinfo = new EntityVo(EntityType.Monster, info.typeId, num, 0, string.Empty, "Default", 0) { uid = info.unitId, skin = skin }; if (null == GameManager.Instance) { Debug.LogError("null == GameManager.Instance"); result = null; } else if (GameManager.Instance.Spawner == null) { Debug.LogError("null == GameManager.Instance.Spawner"); result = null; } else { SpawnUtility spawnUtility = GameManager.Instance.Spawner.GetSpawnUtility(); Units units = spawnUtility.SpawnInstance(npcinfo, "Monster", teamType, num, "[]", transform, UnitControlType.None, info.unitType); if (units == null) { ClientLogger.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "P2C_CreateUnits create monster failed, creepId=", info.creepId, " typeid= ", info.typeId, " burnValue=", info.burnValue ?? "null" })); result = null; } else { if (units.UnitType == UnitType.EyeUnit) { } if (unit != null) { units.ParentUnit = unit; } if (units.UnitType == UnitType.EyeUnit || units.UnitType == UnitType.SummonMonster) { units.m_fLiveTime = info.liveTime; units.m_fLeftTime = info.liveTime; } units.SetOrigin(true, info.creepId.ToString(), info.monsterTeamId); units.TryAddBirthEffect(); units.SetIsMonsterCreep(info.unitType == UnitType.Monster || info.unitType == UnitType.CreepBoss); PvpProtocolTools.SyncUnitLifeStateAndSkill(units, info, 0L); if (units.isMonster && units.skillManager != null) { units.skillManager.EnableSkills(true); } if (units != null && transform != null) { units.SetPosition(transform.position, true); } result = units; } } } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLogger.LogException(e); result = null; } return(result); }