public static void F_DELETE_NAME(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { GameClient cclient = client as GameClient; string CharName = packet.GetString(30); string UserName = packet.GetString(20); byte Bad = 0; if (CharName.Length < 3 || CharMgr.NameIsUsed(CharName) || !System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(CharName, @"^[a-zA-Z]+$")) { Bad = 1; } Log.Debug("F_DELETE_NAME", "Bad=" + Bad + ",Name=" + CharName); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CHECK_NAME, 54); Out.FillString(CharName, 30); Out.FillString(UserName, 20); Out.WriteByte(Bad); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); cclient.SendPacket(Out); }
public static void F_RENAME_CHARACTER(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { GameClient cclient = client as GameClient; packet.Skip(3); string OldName = packet.GetString(24); string NewName = packet.GetString(24); //Log.Success("F_RENAME_CHARACTER", "Renaming '" + OldName + "' to '" + NewName + "'"); if (NewName.Length > 2 && !CharMgr.NameIsUsed(NewName)) { Character Char = CharMgr.GetCharacter(Player.AsCharacterName(OldName), false); if (Char == null || Char.AccountId != cclient._Account.AccountId) { Log.Error("CharacterRename", "Hack: Tried to rename character which account doesn't own"); cclient.Disconnect("Null or unowned character in F_RENAME_CHARACTER"); return; } Char.Name = NewName; CharMgr.Database.SaveObject(Char); // Wrong response? Perhaps needs to send F_REQUEST_CHAR_RESPONSE again. PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_SEND_CHARACTER_RESPONSE); Out.WritePascalString(cclient._Account.Username); cclient.SendPacket(Out); } else { // Wrong response? PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_SEND_CHARACTER_ERROR); Out.WritePascalString(cclient._Account.Username); cclient.SendPacket(Out); } }
public static void F_CREATE_CHARACTER(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { GameClient cclient = (GameClient)client; CreateInfo Info; Info.slot = packet.GetUint8(); Info.race = packet.GetUint8(); = packet.GetUint8(); = packet.GetUint8(); Info.model = packet.GetUint8(); Info.NameSize = packet.GetUint16(); packet.Skip(2); byte[] traits = new byte[8]; packet.Read(traits, 0, traits.Length); packet.Skip(7); string name = packet.GetString(Info.NameSize); ushort duplicate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) { if (name[i] == name[i - 1]) { duplicate++; } else { duplicate = 0; } if (duplicate > 3) { break; } } } if (name.Length > 2 && !CharMgr.NameIsUsed(name) && CharMgr.AllowName(name) && !CharMgr.NameIsDeleted(name) && duplicate < 3) { CharacterInfo CharInfo = CharMgr.GetCharacterInfo(; if (CharInfo == null) { Log.Error("ON_CREATE", "Can not find career :" +; } else { //Log.Success("OnCreate", "New Character : " + Name); Character Char = new Character { AccountId = cclient._Account.AccountId, bTraits = traits, Career =, CareerLine = CharInfo.CareerLine, ModelId = Info.model, Name = name, Race = Info.race, Realm = CharInfo.Realm, RealmId = Program.Rm.RealmId, Sex =, FirstConnect = true }; if (!CharMgr.CreateChar(Char)) { Log.Error("CreateCharacter", "Hack : can not create more than 10 characters!"); } else { List <CharacterInfo_item> Items = CharMgr.GetCharacterInfoItem(Char.CareerLine); foreach (CharacterInfo_item Itm in Items) { if (Itm == null) { continue; } CharacterItem Citm = new CharacterItem { Counts = Itm.Count, CharacterId = Char.CharacterId, Entry = Itm.Entry, ModelId = Itm.ModelId, SlotId = Itm.SlotId, PrimaryDye = 0, SecondaryDye = 0 }; CharMgr.CreateItem(Citm); } Character_value CInfo = new Character_value { CharacterId = Char.CharacterId, Level = 1, Money = 2000, Online = false, RallyPoint = CharInfo.RallyPt, RegionId = CharInfo.Region, Renown = 0, RenownRank = 1, RestXp = 0, Skills = CharInfo.Skills, Speed = 100, PlayedTime = 0, WorldO = CharInfo.WorldO, WorldX = CharInfo.WorldX, WorldY = CharInfo.WorldY, WorldZ = CharInfo.WorldZ, Xp = 0, ZoneId = CharInfo.ZoneId }; CharMgr.Database.AddObject(CInfo); Program.AcctMgr.UpdateRealmCharacters(Program.Rm.RealmId, (uint)CharMgr.Database.GetObjectCount <Character>(" Realm=1"), (uint)CharMgr.Database.GetObjectCount <Character>(" Realm=2")); CharacterClientData clientData = new CharacterClientData { CharacterId = Char.CharacterId }; CharMgr.Database.AddObject(clientData); Char.Value = CInfo; Char.ClientData = clientData; PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_SEND_CHARACTER_RESPONSE, 32); Out.WritePascalString(cclient._Account.Username); cclient.SendPacket(Out); } } } else { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_SEND_CHARACTER_ERROR, 64); Out.FillString(cclient._Account.Username, 24); Out.WriteStringBytes("You have entered a duplicate or invalid name. Please enter a new name."); cclient.SendPacket(Out); } }