コード例 #1
        public Everything()
            var cp = new CreateParams
                Caption    = "PSEverything IPC Window",
                ClassName  = "Static",
                ClassStyle = 0,
                Style      = 0,
                ExStyle    = 0,
                X          = 0,
                Y          = 0,
                Height     = 1,
                Width      = 1,
                Parent     = IntPtr.Zero,
                Param      = null


            var cs = new ChangeFilterStruct
                Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ChangeFilterStruct))

            if (!Win32.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(Handle, WindowMessage.CopyData, ChangeWindowMessageFilterExAction.Allow, ref cs))
                throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), "Error allowing WM_COPYDATA mesasage from lower privilege processes.");
コード例 #2
        public static void EnableDragDropForWindow(Window window)
            var source  = new WindowInteropHelper(window);
            var changes = new ChangeFilterStruct();

            ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(source.Handle, WmDropFiles, ChangeWindowMessageFilterExAction.Allow, ref changes);
            ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(source.Handle, WmCopyData, ChangeWindowMessageFilterExAction.Allow, ref changes);
            ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(source.Handle, OtherOne, ChangeWindowMessageFilterExAction.Allow, ref changes);
コード例 #3
 public static extern bool ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(
     [In] IntPtr hwnd,                                         // Window
     [In] WindowMessage message,                               // WM_ message
     [In] MessageFilterAction action,                          // Message filter action value
     [In, Out] ref ChangeFilterStruct pChangeFilterStruct);    // Optional
コード例 #4
 internal static extern bool ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, ChangeWindowMessageFilterExAction action, ref ChangeFilterStruct changeInfo);
コード例 #5
        internal static void AddTabbedThumbnail(TabbedThumbnail preview)
            // Create a TOP-LEVEL proxy window for the user's source window/control
            TaskbarWindow taskbarWindow = preview.WindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero
                ? GetTaskbarWindow(preview.WindowsControl, TaskbarProxyWindowType.TabbedThumbnail)
                : GetTaskbarWindow(preview.WindowHandle, TaskbarProxyWindowType.TabbedThumbnail);

            // get the TaskbarWindow for UIElement/WindowHandle respectfully.

            //create taskbar, or set its TabbedThumbnail
            if (taskbarWindow == null)
                taskbarWindow = new TaskbarWindow(preview);
            else if (taskbarWindow.TabbedThumbnail == null)
                taskbarWindow.TabbedThumbnail = preview;

            // Listen for Title changes
            preview.TitleChanged   += new EventHandler(thumbnailPreview_TitleChanged);
            preview.TooltipChanged += new EventHandler(thumbnailPreview_TooltipChanged);

            // Get/Set properties for proxy window
            IntPtr windowHandle = taskbarWindow.WindowToTellTaskbarAbout;

            // Register this new tab and set it as being active.
            TaskbarList.Instance.RegisterTab(windowHandle, preview.ParentWindowHandle);
            TaskbarList.Instance.SetTabOrder(windowHandle, IntPtr.Zero);
            TaskbarList.Instance.SetTabActive(windowHandle, preview.ParentWindowHandle, 0);

            // We need to make sure we can set these properties even when running with admin

            var changeFilterResult = new ChangeFilterStruct
                cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <ChangeFilterStruct>()

            _ = HandlerNativeMethods.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(
                ref changeFilterResult);

            changeFilterResult = new ChangeFilterStruct
                cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <ChangeFilterStruct>()

            _ = HandlerNativeMethods.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(
                ref changeFilterResult);

            // BUG: There should be somewhere to disable CustomWindowPreview. I didn't find it.
            DesktopWindowManager.EnableCustomWindowPreview(windowHandle, true);

            // Make sure we use the initial title set by the user
            // Trigger a "fake" title changed event, so the title is set on the taskbar thumbnail.
            // Empty/null title will be ignored.
            thumbnailPreview_TitleChanged(preview, EventArgs.Empty);
            thumbnailPreview_TooltipChanged(preview, EventArgs.Empty);

            // Indicate to the preview that we've added it on the taskbar
            preview.AddedToTaskbar = true;