public SerializedJumpConnection(NavmeshLayserSerializer ns, CellContentPointedConnection connection) { interconnection = connection.interconnection; connectedCell = ns.GetCellID(connection.connection); enterPoint = connection.enterPoint; lowerStandingPoint = connection.lowerStandingPoint; exitPoint = connection.exitPoint; axis = connection.axis; jumpState = (int)connection.jumpState; }
//after deserializing cells public void DeserializeConnections(bool deserializeJumpConnections) { foreach (var cell in serializedGraph.serializedCells) { Cell fromCell = cellPool[]; foreach (var connection in cell.serializedNormalConnections) { CellContentGenericConnection newCon = new CellContentGenericConnection(, fromCell, cellPool[connection.connectedCell], connection.interconnection, connection.costFrom, connection.costTo, connection.intersection); fromCell.SetContent(newCon); } if (deserializeJumpConnections) { foreach (var connection in cell.serializedJumpConnections) { CellContentPointedConnection newCon = new CellContentPointedConnection( connection.enterPoint, connection.lowerStandingPoint, connection.exitPoint, connection.axis, (ConnectionJumpState)connection.jumpState, fromCell, cellPool[connection.connectedCell], connection.interconnection); fromCell.SetContent(newCon); } } } }
protected void FunnelPath(CellPath path, Vector3 endV3) { List <Cell> cellPath = path.path; List <CellContent> cellPathConnections = path.connections; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Debuger_K.debugPath) { for (int i = 0; i < cellPath.Count - 1; i++) { Debuger_K.AddPath(cellPath[i].centerV3 + Vector3.up, cellPath[i + 1].centerV3 + Vector3.up, Color.magenta, 0.1f); } } #endif int keyGate = 0; while (true) { if (keyGate >= cellPathConnections.Count) { break; } int curKeyGate; List <CellContentGenericConnection> gateSiquence = new List <CellContentGenericConnection>(); for (curKeyGate = keyGate; curKeyGate < cellPathConnections.Count; curKeyGate++) { var c = cellPathConnections[curKeyGate]; if (c is CellContentGenericConnection) { gateSiquence.Add((CellContentGenericConnection)c); } else { break; } } if (keyGate != curKeyGate) { DoFunnelIteration(funnelPath.lastV3, curKeyGate == cellPathConnections.Count ? endV3 : (cellPathConnections[curKeyGate] as CellContentPointedConnection).enterPoint, gateSiquence); } if (curKeyGate != cellPathConnections.Count) { if (cellPathConnections[curKeyGate] is CellContentPointedConnection) { CellContentPointedConnection ju = cellPathConnections[curKeyGate] as CellContentPointedConnection; if (ju.jumpState == ConnectionJumpState.jumpUp) { funnelPath.AddMove(ju.lowerStandingPoint, (MoveState)(int)ju.from.passability); funnelPath.AddJumpUp(ju.lowerStandingPoint, ju.axis); funnelPath.AddMove(ju.exitPoint, (MoveState)(int)ju.connection.passability); } else { funnelPath.AddMove(ju.enterPoint, (MoveState)(int)ju.from.passability); funnelPath.AddMove(ju.axis, (MoveState)(int)ju.from.passability); funnelPath.AddJumpDown(ju.axis, ju.lowerStandingPoint); funnelPath.AddMove(ju.exitPoint, (MoveState)(int)ju.connection.passability); } } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("idk type of CellConnectionAbstract node {0}", cellPathConnections[curKeyGate].GetType().Name); } } keyGate = curKeyGate + 1; } funnelPath.AddMove(endV3, (MoveState)(int)cellPath[cellPath.Count - 1].passability); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Debuger_K.debugPath) { var resultNodes = funnelPath.nodes; for (int i = 0; i < resultNodes.Count - 1; i++) { Debuger_K.AddPath(resultNodes[i].positionV3, resultNodes[i + 1].positionV3,; } //for (int i = 0; i < resultNodes.Count; i++) { // Debuger3.AddDot(resultNodes[i].positionV3,, 0.03f, DebugGroup.path); // Debuger3.AddLabel(resultNodes[i].positionV3, resultNodes[i].ToString(), DebugGroup.path); //} } #endif funnelPath.RemoveFirst(); }
public override void PerformWork(object context) { WorkContext con = (WorkContext)context; agent = con.agent; properties =; target =; maxSearchCost = con.maxSearchCost; searchToArea = con.searchToArea; start = con.start; snapToNavMesh = con.snapToNavMesh; callBack = con.callBack; applyRaycast = con.applyRaycast; ignoreCrouchCost = con.ignoreCrouchCost; path = Path.pathPool.Rent(); path.owner = agent; //start parameters Cell cellStart; bool outsideCell; Vector3 closestPoint; #region start parameters //find start point if (PathFinder.TryGetClosestCell(start, properties, out cellStart, out outsideCell, out closestPoint) == false) { if (con.callBack != null) { con.callBack.Invoke(); } path.pathType = PathResultType.InvalidAgentOutsideNavmesh; Finish(); return; } //Debuger_K.ClearGeneric(); //Debuger_K.AddLine(start, cellStart.centerVector3,; AddMove(start, cellStart); if (snapToNavMesh && outsideCell) { start = closestPoint; AddMove(closestPoint, cellStart); } if (searchToArea) { if (cellStart.area == target) { path.pathType = PathResultType.Valid; //if there is no issues at this point then path is valid Finish(); return; } } else { if (cellStart.area != target) { Finish(); return; } } #endregion closed.Add(cellStart); foreach (var ccon in cellStart.connections) { AddNode(-1, ccon, ccon.Cost(start, properties, ignoreCrouchCost)); } for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { if (heapCount == 0) { break; } Node curNode = HeapRemoveFirst(); if (curNode.g > maxSearchCost) { path.pathType = PathResultType.InvalidNoPath; Finish(); return; } Cell curNodeCell = curNode.content.connection; //var c = curNode.content; //Cell c1 = c.from; //Cell c2 = c.connection; //Vector3 v1 = c1.centerVector3; //Vector3 v2 = c2.centerVector3; //Debuger_K.AddLine(v1, v2,, 0.1f); //Debuger_K.AddLabel(SomeMath.MidPoint(v1, v2),; if (searchToArea) { if (curNodeCell.area == target) { Restore(curNode.index); break; } } else { if (curNodeCell.area != target) { Restore(curNode.index); break; } } if (closed.Add(curNodeCell) == false) { continue; } foreach (var ccon in curNodeCell.connections) { AddNode(curNode.index, ccon, curNode.g + ccon.Cost(properties, ignoreCrouchCost)); } } if (cellPath.Count == 0) { if (con.callBack != null) { con.callBack.Invoke(); } path.pathType = PathResultType.InvalidNoPath; Finish(); return; } //funnel cellPath.Reverse(); #if UNITY_EDITOR //for (int cpi = 0; cpi < cellPath.Count; cpi++) { // var f = cellPath[cpi]; // Vector3 ff = f.from.centerVector3; // Vector3 fc = f.connection.centerVector3; // Debuger_K.AddLine(ff, fc,, 0.2f); //} #endif Vector3 targetPos = cellPath[cellPath.Count - 1].connection.centerVector3; int keyGate = 0; while (true) { if (keyGate >= cellPath.Count) { break; } int curKeyGate; gateSiquence.Clear(); for (curKeyGate = keyGate; curKeyGate < cellPath.Count; curKeyGate++) { var c = cellPath[curKeyGate]; if (c is CellContentGenericConnection) { gateSiquence.Add((CellContentGenericConnection)c); } else { break; } } if (keyGate != curKeyGate) { DoFunnelIteration(path.lastV3, curKeyGate == cellPath.Count ? targetPos : (cellPath[curKeyGate] as CellContentPointedConnection).enterPoint, gateSiquence); } if (curKeyGate != cellPath.Count) { if (cellPath[curKeyGate] is CellContentPointedConnection) { CellContentPointedConnection ju = cellPath[curKeyGate] as CellContentPointedConnection; if (ju.jumpState == ConnectionJumpState.jumpUp) { AddMove(ju.lowerStandingPoint, ju.from); AddJumpUp(ju.lowerStandingPoint, ju.axis); AddMove(ju.exitPoint, ju.connection); } else { AddMove(ju.enterPoint, ju.from); AddMove(ju.axis, ju.from); AddJumpDown(ju.axis, ju.lowerStandingPoint); AddMove(ju.exitPoint, ju.connection); } } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("idk type of CellConnectionAbstract node {0}", cellPath[curKeyGate].GetType().Name); } } keyGate = curKeyGate + 1; } AddMove(targetPos, cellPath[cellPath.Count - 1].connection); path.pathType = PathResultType.Valid; //if there is no issues at this point then path is valid Finish(); }