コード例 #1
        internal static bool AreEqual(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper, Type sourceType, Type targetType, CastResult compilerResult, CastResult castResult, CastFlag expectedCastFlag)
            if (compilerResult.IsSuccessful == true && castResult.IsSuccessful == false)
                // Let's assert the details if the compiler generates a successful result
                // but the CastTo method does not the same.

                var castFlagsAreEqual = compilerResult.CastFlag == castResult.CastFlag || castResult.CastFlag == CastFlag.Implicit;
                if (!castFlagsAreEqual)
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("CastFlags of conversion between {0} and {1} are not equal." + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Expected CastFlag: {2}" + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Resulted CastFlag: {3}" + Environment.NewLine,
                    return false;

                var valuesAreNotEqual = compilerResult.CastFlag == castResult.CastFlag && !Equals(compilerResult.Value, castResult.Value);
                if (valuesAreNotEqual)
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Result of {0} conversion between {1} and {2} are not equal.",
                        expectedCastFlag == CastFlag.Implicit ? "implicit" : "explicit",

                    return false;

            return true;
コード例 #2
 private void HandleCasting()
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && preparing == false && casting == false)
         preparing = true;
         if (spellbookScroller.activeSelf == true)
     else if (casting)
         castTicker += Time.deltaTime;
         if (castTicker > castSpeed)
             castTicker = 0;
             CastResult res = spellBook[currentSpell].CastNext();
             if (res.storedMagic > channelLimit)
                 HandleAberration("GandalfOverflowAberration!", res.storedMagic);
             else if (res.aberration != "")
                 HandleAberration(res.aberration, res.storedMagic);
                 if (spellBook[currentSpell].currentLine == -1)
                     casting = false;
                     voice.Speak(spellBook[currentSpell].SpeakNext(), castSpeed);
    /// <summary>
    /// Handle movement along the ground axis.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="body"></param>
    /// <param name="direction"></param>
    /// <param name="filter"></param>
    /// <param name="results"></param>
    /// <param name="skinWidth"></param>
    protected void CastAndMove(Rigidbody2D body, Vector2 direction, ContactFilter2D filter, List <RaycastHit2D> results, float skinWidth, int maxIterations)
        // Add startup code here before the iteration.
        Vector2 currentPosition  = body.position;
        Vector2 currentDirection = direction;
        Vector2 targetPosition   = currentPosition + currentDirection;

        int i = 0;

        while (i < maxIterations)
            // The collision detection stage consists of casting the body in the given direction and length and
            // recieving the result in a CastResult structure. The length takes into account the
            // contact Offset/skinwidth. We then update the characters current position.
            CastResult hit = CollisionDetection(body, currentDirection, filter, results, skinWidth);
            currentPosition += currentDirection.normalized * hit.Distance;

            // The collision response stage consists of calculating a new target position from the hit recieved from
            // the collision detection stage. From the hit we calculate a new direction
            targetPosition   = CollisionResponse(currentPosition, targetPosition, hit.Normal, 0, 0);
            currentDirection = targetPosition - currentPosition;

            // At the end of the iteration we move the character's body to the current position. In the next iteration,
            // we'll move the character towards the deflected position we got from this iteration
            body.position = currentPosition;

        // Before we exit the method we make sure the character is sent to the right position.
        body.position = currentPosition;
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Raycast to forward
    /// </summary>
    private void CastToForward()
        //Origin position of ray cast
        Vector3 l_originCastPosition = transform.position + transform.forward * originDistance;

        //Make raycast from origin position to forward
        CastResult l_castResult = SMCast.RayCast(this, l_originCastPosition, transform.forward, castDistance);

        //Did raycast hit something? => Paint the target
        if (l_castResult)
            //Get first casted game object (In the simple ray cast it only one)
            GameObject l_castedGameObject = l_castResult.GetFirstHit().collider.gameObject;

            //Change color of material on casted game object
            PaintCastTarget(l_castedGameObject, Color.white);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Cancel cast with supplied <see cref="CastResult"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public void CancelCast(CastResult result)
            if (status != SpellStatus.Casting)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            if (caster is Player player && !player.IsLoading)
                player.Session.EnqueueMessageEncrypted(new Server07F9
                    ServerUniqueId = CastingId,
                    CastResult     = result,
                    CancelCast     = true

            status = SpellStatus.Executing;

            log.Trace($"Spell {parameters.SpellInfo.Entry.Id} cast was cancelled.");
コード例 #6
        private CastResult CheckCast()
            CastResult preReqCheck = CheckPrerequisites();

            if (preReqCheck != CastResult.Ok)

            CastResult ccResult = CheckCCConditions();

            if (ccResult != CastResult.Ok)

            if (caster is Player player)
                if (player.SpellManager.GetSpellCooldown(parameters.SpellInfo.Entry.Id) > 0d)

                // this isn't entirely correct, research GlobalCooldownEnum
                if (parameters.SpellInfo.Entry.GlobalCooldownEnum == 0 &&
                    player.SpellManager.GetGlobalSpellCooldown() > 0d)

                if (parameters.CharacterSpell?.MaxAbilityCharges > 0 && parameters.CharacterSpell?.AbilityCharges == 0)

コード例 #7
        private void Update()
            float   extrapolatedDistance = (direction * Time.deltaTime * speed).magnitude;
            Vector3 extrapolatedPosition = transform.position + direction * extrapolatedDistance;

            CastResult castResult = Cast(direction, extrapolatedDistance, transform.position);

            if (castResult.SomethingHit)
                direction = castResult.ReflectedDirection;

                if (castResult.FoundCell != null)
                    World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.AddComponentData(castResult.FoundCell.Entity, new SpawnBubbleCmp()
                        SolveHere = true, RandomizeNumber = false, Number = number
                    World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.AddComponentData(bubbleIsShootingTagEntity, new DestroyTagCmp());


                if (extrapolatedDistance > Vector3.Distance(transform.position, castResult.ContactPoint))
                    transform.position = castResult.ContactPoint;
                    transform.position = extrapolatedPosition;
                transform.position = extrapolatedPosition;
コード例 #8
        internal static bool AreEqual(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper, Type sourceType, Type targetType, CastResult compilerResult, CastResult castResult, CastFlag expectedCastFlag)
            if (compilerResult.IsSuccessful == true && castResult.IsSuccessful == false)
                // Let's assert the details if the compiler generates a successful result
                // but the CastTo method does not the same.

                var castFlagsAreEqual = compilerResult.CastFlag == castResult.CastFlag || castResult.CastFlag == CastFlag.Implicit;
                if (!castFlagsAreEqual)
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("CastFlags of conversion between {0} and {1} are not equal." + Environment.NewLine +
                                               "Expected CastFlag: {2}" + Environment.NewLine +
                                               "Resulted CastFlag: {3}" + Environment.NewLine,

                var valuesAreNotEqual = compilerResult.CastFlag == castResult.CastFlag && !Equals(compilerResult.Value, castResult.Value);
                if (valuesAreNotEqual)
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Result of {0} conversion between {1} and {2} are not equal.",
                                               expectedCastFlag == CastFlag.Implicit ? "implicit" : "explicit",


コード例 #9
ファイル: VoxelsUtils.cs プロジェクト: takaaptech/VoxelLand
        public static bool Cast(Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 direction, float maxDistance, Func <Int3, bool> checkMethod, out CastResult result)
            direction = direction.normalized;
            var t  = 0f;
            var ix = Mathf.FloorToInt(startPoint.x);
            var iy = Mathf.FloorToInt(startPoint.y);
            var iz = Mathf.FloorToInt(startPoint.z);

            var stepX = (int)Mathf.Sign(direction.x);
            var stepY = (int)Mathf.Sign(direction.y);
            var stepZ = (int)Mathf.Sign(direction.z);

            var txDelta = Mathf.Abs(1 / direction.x);
            var tyDelta = Mathf.Abs(1 / direction.y);
            var tzDelta = Mathf.Abs(1 / direction.z);

            var xDist = (stepX > 0) ? (ix + 1 - startPoint.x) : (startPoint.x - ix);
            var yDist = (stepY > 0) ? (iy + 1 - startPoint.y) : (startPoint.y - iy);
            var zDist = (stepZ > 0) ? (iz + 1 - startPoint.z) : (startPoint.z - iz);

            var txMax = (txDelta < Mathf.Infinity) ? txDelta * xDist : Mathf.Infinity;
            var tyMax = (tyDelta < Mathf.Infinity) ? tyDelta * yDist : Mathf.Infinity;
            var tzMax = (tzDelta < Mathf.Infinity) ? tzDelta * zDist : Mathf.Infinity;

            var steppedIndex = -1;
            var res          = new CastResult();

            while (t < maxDistance)
                var isSolid = checkMethod(new Int3(ix, iy, iz));
                if (isSolid)
                    var point = startPoint + new Vector3(t * direction.x, t * direction.y, t * direction.z);
                    res.HitPosition = point;
                    if (steppedIndex == 0)
                        res.Normal = new Vector3(-stepX, 0, 0);
                    if (steppedIndex == 1)
                        res.Normal = new Vector3(0, -stepY, 0);
                    if (steppedIndex == 2)
                        res.Normal = new Vector3(0, 0, -stepZ);
                    result = res;

                if (txMax < tyMax)
                    if (txMax < tzMax)
                        ix          += stepX;
                        t            = txMax;
                        txMax       += txDelta;
                        steppedIndex = 0;
                        iz          += stepZ;
                        t            = tzMax;
                        tzMax       += tzDelta;
                        steppedIndex = 2;
                    if (tyMax < tzMax)
                        iy          += stepY;
                        t            = tyMax;
                        tyMax       += tyDelta;
                        steppedIndex = 1;
                        iz          += stepZ;
                        t            = tzMax;
                        tzMax       += tzDelta;
                        steppedIndex = 2;
            result = res;
コード例 #10
ファイル: GjkConvexCast.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		/// cast a convex against another convex object
		internal override bool calcTimeOfImpact(
							ref btTransform fromA,
							ref btTransform toA,
							ref btTransform fromB,
							ref btTransform toB,
							CastResult result)


			/// compute linear velocity for this interval, to interpolate
			//assume no rotation/angular velocity, assert here?
			btVector3 linVelA, linVelB;
			toA.m_origin.Sub( ref fromA.m_origin, out linVelA  );
			toB.m_origin.Sub( ref fromB.m_origin, out linVelB );

			double radius = (double)( 0.001 );
			double lambda = btScalar.BT_ZERO;
			btVector3 v =  btVector3.xAxis;

			int maxIter = MAX_ITERATIONS;

			btVector3 n = btVector3.Zero;
			bool hasResult = false;
			btVector3 c;
			btVector3 r; linVelA.Sub( ref linVelB, out r  );

			double lastLambda = lambda;
			//double epsilon = (double)(0.001);

			int numIter = 0;
			//first solution, using GJK
			//	result.drawCoordSystem(sphereTr);

			btPointCollector pointCollector = new btPointCollector();

			btGjkPairDetector gjk = BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Get();
			gjk.Initialize( m_convexA, m_convexB, m_simplexSolver, null);//m_penetrationDepthSolver);		
			btGjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new btDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

			//we don't use margins during CCD
			//	gjk.setIgnoreMargin(true);

			input.m_transformA = fromA.T;
			input.m_transformB = fromB.T;
			gjk.getClosestPoints( input, pointCollector, null );

			hasResult = pointCollector.m_hasResult;
			c = pointCollector.m_pointInWorld;

            if( hasResult )
				double dist;
				dist = pointCollector.m_distance;
				n = pointCollector.m_normalOnBInWorld;

				//not close enough
				while( dist > radius )
					if( numIter > maxIter )
						BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
						return false; //todo: report a failure
					double dLambda = btScalar.BT_ZERO;

					double projectedLinearVelocity = r.dot( ref n );

					dLambda = dist / ( projectedLinearVelocity );

					lambda = lambda - dLambda;

					if( lambda > btScalar.BT_ONE )
						BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
						return false;

					if( lambda < btScalar.BT_ZERO )
						BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
						return false;

					//todo: next check with relative epsilon
					if( lambda <= lastLambda )
						BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
						return false;
					lastLambda = lambda;

					//interpolate to next lambda
					result.DebugDraw( lambda );
					btVector3 tmp;
					btVector3.setInterpolate3( out tmp, ref fromA.m_origin, ref toA.m_origin, lambda );
					input.m_transformA.setOrigin( ref tmp );
					btVector3.setInterpolate3( out tmp, ref fromB.m_origin, ref toB.m_origin, lambda );
					input.m_transformB.setOrigin( ref tmp );

					gjk.getClosestPoints( input, pointCollector, null );
					if( pointCollector.m_hasResult )
						if( pointCollector.m_distance < btScalar.BT_ZERO )
							result.m_fraction = lastLambda;
							n = pointCollector.m_normalOnBInWorld;
							result.m_normal = n;
							result.m_hitPoint = pointCollector.m_pointInWorld;
							BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
							return true;
						c = pointCollector.m_pointInWorld;
						n = pointCollector.m_normalOnBInWorld;
						dist = pointCollector.m_distance;
						BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
						return false;


				//is n normalized?
				//don't report time of impact for motion away from the contact normal (or causes minor penetration)
				if( n.dot( ref r ) >= -result.m_allowedPenetration )
					BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
					return false;

				result.m_fraction = lambda;
				result.m_normal = n;
				result.m_hitPoint = c;
				BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
				return true;

			BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjk );
			return false;

コード例 #11
 public bool CalcTimeOfImpact(Matrix fromA, Matrix toA, Matrix fromB, Matrix toB,
                              CastResult result)
     return(btConvexCast_calcTimeOfImpact(_native, ref fromA, ref toA, ref fromB,
                                          ref toB, result._native));
コード例 #12
 protected virtual void onCast(CastResult result, TypeOfResources resource = TypeOfResources.Nothing)
コード例 #13
 public static IEnumerable <Cast> ToModel(this CastResult castList)
     return(castList.Cast.Select(x => x.ToModel()));
コード例 #14
		internal override bool calcTimeOfImpact(
						ref btTransform fromA,
						ref btTransform toA,
						ref btTransform fromB,
						ref btTransform toB,
						CastResult result)

			/// compute linear and angular velocity for this interval, to interpolate
			btVector3 linVelA, angVelA, linVelB, angVelB;
			btTransformUtil.calculateVelocity( ref fromA,ref toA, btScalar.BT_ONE, out linVelA, out angVelA );
			btTransformUtil.calculateVelocity( ref fromB, ref toB, btScalar.BT_ONE, out linVelB, out angVelB );

			double boundingRadiusA = m_convexA.getAngularMotionDisc();
			double boundingRadiusB = m_convexB1 != null ? m_convexB1.getAngularMotionDisc() : 0;

			double maxAngularProjectedVelocity = angVelA.length() * boundingRadiusA + angVelB.length() * boundingRadiusB;
			btVector3 relLinVel = ( linVelB - linVelA );

			double relLinVelocLength = btVector3.btDelLength( ref linVelB,ref linVelA );

			if( ( relLinVelocLength + maxAngularProjectedVelocity ) == 0 )
				return false;

			double lambda = btScalar.BT_ZERO;
			btVector3 v = btVector3.xAxis;

			int maxIter = MAX_ITERATIONS;

			btVector3 n = btVector3.Zero;
			bool hasResult = false;
			btVector3 c;

			double lastLambda = lambda;
			//double epsilon = (double)(0.001);

			int numIter = 0;
			//first solution, using GJK

			double radius = 0.001f;
			//	result.drawCoordSystem(sphereTr);

			btPointCollector pointCollector1 = new btPointCollector();


				computeClosestPoints( ref fromA, ref fromB, pointCollector1 );

				hasResult = pointCollector1.m_hasResult;
				c = pointCollector1.m_pointInWorld;

			if( hasResult )
				double dist;
				dist = pointCollector1.m_distance + result.m_allowedPenetration;
				n = pointCollector1.m_normalOnBInWorld;
				double projectedLinearVelocity = relLinVel.dot( n );
				if( ( projectedLinearVelocity + maxAngularProjectedVelocity ) <= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
					return false;

				//not close enough
				while( dist > radius )
					if( result.m_debugDrawer != null )
						result.m_debugDrawer.drawSphere( ref c, 0.2f, ref btVector3.One );
					double dLambda = btScalar.BT_ZERO;

					projectedLinearVelocity = relLinVel.dot( n );

					//don't report time of impact for motion away from the contact normal (or causes minor penetration)
					if( ( projectedLinearVelocity + maxAngularProjectedVelocity ) <= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
						return false;

					dLambda = dist / ( projectedLinearVelocity + maxAngularProjectedVelocity );

					lambda = lambda + dLambda;

					if( lambda > btScalar.BT_ONE )
						return false;

					if( lambda < btScalar.BT_ZERO )
						return false;

					//todo: next check with relative epsilon
					if( lambda <= lastLambda )
						return false;
					lastLambda = lambda;

					//interpolate to next lambda
					btTransform interpolatedTransA, interpolatedTransB, relativeTrans;

					btTransformUtil.integrateTransform( ref fromA, ref linVelA, ref angVelA, lambda, out interpolatedTransA );
					btTransformUtil.integrateTransform( ref fromB, ref linVelB, ref angVelB, lambda, out interpolatedTransB );
					interpolatedTransB.inverseTimes( ref interpolatedTransA, out relativeTrans );

					if( result.m_debugDrawer != null )
						result.m_debugDrawer.drawSphere( ref interpolatedTransA.m_origin, 0.2f, ref btVector3.xAxis );

					result.DebugDraw( lambda );

					btPointCollector pointCollector = new btPointCollector();
					computeClosestPoints( ref interpolatedTransA, ref interpolatedTransB, pointCollector );

					if( pointCollector.m_hasResult )
						dist = pointCollector.m_distance + result.m_allowedPenetration;
						c = pointCollector.m_pointInWorld;
						n = pointCollector.m_normalOnBInWorld;
						result.reportFailure( -1, numIter );
						return false;

					if( numIter > maxIter )
						result.reportFailure( -2, numIter );
						return false;

				result.m_fraction = lambda;
				result.m_normal = n;
				result.m_hitPoint = c;
				return true;

			return false;

コード例 #15
 public static Cast Map(CastResult source) => Mapper.Map <Cast>(source);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Cannon.cs プロジェクト: Powell00000/BubbleShooter
    private IEnumerator ShootLineRoutine()
        while (true)
            if (GameManager.Initialized == false)
                yield return(null);

            //if (!Input.GetMouseButton(1))
            //    yield return null;
            //    continue;

            Vector3 mouseWorldPosition = cameraBounds.Cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            Vector3 position           = new Vector3(mouseWorldPosition.x, mouseWorldPosition.y, 0);

            Vector3 normalToTarget = (position - pivot.position).normalized;

            List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();

            Quaternion desiredRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, normalToTarget);
            float      zAngle          = Vector3.SignedAngle(Vector3.up, normalToTarget, Vector3.forward);
            zAngle = Mathf.Clamp(zAngle, -60, 60);
            Quaternion clampedRotation = Quaternion.Euler(desiredRotation.eulerAngles.x, desiredRotation.eulerAngles.y, zAngle);
            pivot.rotation = clampedRotation;

            Vector3 cannonDirection     = clampedRotation * Vector3.up;
            Vector3 currentRayPosition  = shootPoint.position;
            Vector3 currentRayDirection = cannonDirection;


            yield return(null);

            bool exitLoop = false;
            canShoot = false;
            while (!exitLoop)
                CastResult castResult = PhysicsEx.Cast(currentRayDirection, float.MaxValue, currentRayPosition);

                if (castResult.SomethingHit)
                    currentRayPosition  = castResult.ContactPoint;
                    currentRayDirection = castResult.ReflectedDirection;

                    if (castResult.FinalObjectHit)
                        exitLoop = true;

                    if (castResult.FoundCell != null)
                        CellCmp cellCmp = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.GetComponentData <CellCmp>(castResult.FoundCell.Entity);
                        if (cellCmp.IsEmpty)
                            canShoot = true;
                            circle.transform.position   = castResult.FoundCell.transform.position;
                            circle.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * GameManager.CellDiameter;

                    exitLoop = true;


            shootLine.positionCount = points.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                shootLine.SetPosition(i, points[i]);

                if (i + 1 < points.Count)
                    Debug.DrawLine(points[i], points[i + 1], Color.red);

            shootLine.startColor = shootLine.endColor = canShoot ? Color.green : Color.red;

            yield return(null);

            if (spawnBubble)
                ShootingBubble spawnedBubble = Instantiate(shootingBubblePrefab, shootPoint.position, Quaternion.identity, null);
                spawnedBubble.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * GameManager.CellDiameter;
                spawnBubble = false;

コード例 #17
        internal static CastResult CastTo(object value, Type targetType)
            if (value == null)
                return(new CastResult((object)null, CastFlag.Undefined));

            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(targetType, nameof(targetType));

            var sourceType     = value.GetType();
            var sourceTypeInfo = value.GetType().GetTypeInfo();
            var targetTypeInfo = targetType.GetTypeInfo();

            if (targetTypeInfo.IsGenericType && !targetTypeInfo.GenericTypeArguments.Any())
                    (new CastResult(
                             string.Format("The target type {0} does not have sufficient generic type arguments specified.", targetType.GetFormattedName())),

            CastResult castResult = null;
            CastFlag   castFlag   = CastFlag.Undefined;

                // explicit conversion always works if to : from OR if there's an implicit conversion
                if (targetType.IsSameOrParent(sourceType))
                    castFlag = CastFlag.Implicit;
                    var castedValue = GenericCast(() => AttemptImplicitCast <object, object>(null), sourceType, targetType, value);
                    castResult = new CastResult(castedValue, castFlag);
                // for nullable types, we can simply strip off the nullability and evaluate the underyling types
                else if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(targetType) != null)
                    castResult = CastTo(value, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(targetType));
                else if (sourceTypeInfo.IsValueType)
                    castFlag = CastFlag.Explicit;
                    var castedValue = GenericCast(() => AttemptExplicitCast <object, object>(null), sourceType, targetType, value);
                    castResult = new CastResult(castedValue, castFlag);
                    // Implicit cast operators have priority in favour of explicit operators
                    // since they should not lose precision. See C# language specification:
                    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z5z9kes2.aspx
                    var conversionMethods =
                        GetCastOperatorMethods(sourceType, targetType)
                        .OrderByDescending(m => m.Name == "op_Implicit")
                        .ThenByDescending(m => m.ReturnType == targetType || m.ReturnType.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(targetTypeInfo));

                    foreach (var conversionMethod in conversionMethods)
                            var convertedValue = conversionMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { value });
                            castResult = CastTo(convertedValue, targetType);
                            if (castResult.IsSuccessful)
                                castResult = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                castResult = new CastResult(ConversionNotSupportedException.Create(sourceType, targetType, ex.InnerException), castFlag);

            if (castResult == null)
                castResult = new CastResult(ConversionNotSupportedException.Create(sourceType, targetType), castFlag);

コード例 #18
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        lr.SetPosition(0, transform.position);
        lr.SetPosition(1, transform.position + transform.forward * showDistance);

        SteamVR_Controller.Device device = SteamVR_Controller.Input((int)trackedObj.index);

        if (device.GetPress(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Touchpad))
            Vector2 pad   = device.GetAxis();
            Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(new Vector2(1, 0), pad);
            float   angle = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(1, 0), pad);
            float   ang   = cross.z > 0 ? -angle : angle;

            if (ang > 0 && ang < 180)

                if (res.resultObj != null)
                    res.resultObj.transform.Translate(-transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * 5, Space.World);
            else if (ang < 0 && ang > -180)
                if (res.resultObj != null)
                    res.resultObj.transform.Translate(transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * 5, Space.World);

                //obj.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * 5);

            // if (ang > 45 && ang < 135)
            // {
            //  Debug.Log("down");

            //     //obj.transform.Translate(Vector3.back * Time.deltaTime * 5);
            // }
            // else if (ang < -45 && ang> -135)
            // {
            //  Debug.Log("up");

            //     //obj.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * 5);
            // }
            // else if ((ang < 180 && ang> 135) || (ang < -135 && ang > -180))
            // {
            //  Debug.Log("left");

            //     //obj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * -25);
            // }
            // else if ((ang > 0 && ang< 45) || (ang > -45 && ang< 0)){
            //  Debug.Log("right");

            // }

        if (device.GetPressDown(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Trigger))
            if (setLock == false)
                res = testCast();
                if (res.castable != false)
                    res.resultObj.transform.position = transform.position + transform.forward * distance;

                    res.resultObj.GetComponent <BuoyancyApplier>().enabled = false;

                    rb            = res.resultObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    rb.useGravity = false;

                    //srb.mass = rb.mass;
                    //srb.drag = rb.drag;
                    //srb.angularDrag = rb.angularDrag;
                    //srb.useGravity = rb.useGravity;


                    setLock = true;
                if (res.resultObj != null)
                    res.resultObj.transform.parent = null;


                    rb            = res.resultObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    rb.useGravity = true;

                    //rb = res.resultObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

                    //rb.mass = srb.mass ;
                    //rb.drag = srb.drag ;
                    //rb.angularDrag = srb.angularDrag;
                    //rb.useGravity = srb.useGravity;

                    // res.resultObj.AddComponent<BuoyancyApplier>();
                    res.resultObj.GetComponent <BuoyancyApplier>().enabled = true;

                    setLock = false;

        // if(device.GetPressUp(SteamVR_Controller.ButtonMask.Trigger)){
        //  if(res.resultObj != null){
        //      res.resultObj.transform.parent = null;
        //  }
        //  // res = testCast();
        //  // if(res.castable != false){
        //  //  res.resultObj.transform.position = transform.position + transform.forward * distance;
        //  // }
        // }
コード例 #19
 public SpherecastInfo(Ray ray, float radius, float maxDistance, bool castAll, CastResult castResult)
     OriginPoint = ray.origin;
     Direction   = ray.direction;
     MaxDistance = maxDistance;
     CastResult  = castResult;
     CastAll     = castAll;
     Radius      = radius;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ConvexCast.cs プロジェクト: d3x0r/Voxelarium
		/// cast a convex against another convex object
		internal abstract bool calcTimeOfImpact(
						ref btTransform fromA,
						ref btTransform toA,
						ref btTransform fromB,
						ref btTransform toB,
						CastResult result );
コード例 #21
 public BoxcastInfo(Ray ray, Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, float maxDistance, bool castAll, CastResult castResult)
     OriginPoint = ray.origin;
     Direction   = ray.direction;
     CastResult  = castResult;
     Size        = size;
     MaxDistance = maxDistance;
     CastAll     = castAll;
     Rotation    = rotation;
コード例 #22
		public bool CalcTimeOfImpact(Matrix fromA, Matrix toA, Matrix fromB, Matrix toB, CastResult result)
			return btConvexCast_calcTimeOfImpact(_native, ref fromA, ref toA, ref fromB, ref toB, result._native);
コード例 #23
ファイル: IdleBehavior.cs プロジェクト: jiowchern/Regulus
 private void _CastResult(CastResult cast_result)
     if (cast_result == CastResult.Hit || cast_result == CastResult.Miss)
コード例 #24
 protected override void onCast(CastResult result, TypeOfResources resource = TypeOfResources.Nothing)
     base.onCast(result, resource);
コード例 #25
		///SimsimplexConvexCast calculateTimeOfImpact calculates the time of impact+normal for the linear cast (sweep) between two moving objects.
		///Precondition is that objects should not penetration/overlap at the start from the interval. Overlap can be tested using btGjkPairDetector.
		///Typically the conservative advancement reaches solution in a few iterations, clip it to 32 for degenerate cases.
		///See discussion about this here http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=565
		internal override bool calcTimeOfImpact(
				ref btTransform fromA,
				ref btTransform toA,
				ref btTransform fromB,
				ref btTransform toB,
				CastResult result )


			btVector3 linVelA, linVelB;
			toA.m_origin.Sub( ref fromA.m_origin, out linVelA );
			toB.m_origin.Sub( ref fromB.m_origin, out linVelB );

			double lambda = btScalar.BT_ZERO;

			btTransform interpolatedTransA; fromA.Get( out interpolatedTransA );
			btTransform interpolatedTransB; fromB.Get( out interpolatedTransB );

			///take relative motion
			btVector3 r; linVelA.Sub( ref linVelB, out r );
			btVector3 v;
			btVector3 tmp;
			btVector3 tmp2;

			r.Invert( out v );
			fromA.m_basis.ApplyInverse( ref v, out tmp );
			m_convexA.localGetSupportingVertex( ref tmp, out tmp2 );
			btVector3 supVertexA; fromA.Apply( ref tmp2, out supVertexA );
			//btVector3 supVertexA = fromA( m_convexA.localGetSupportingVertex( -r * fromA.getBasis() ) );

			fromB.m_basis.ApplyInverse( ref r, out tmp );
			m_convexB.localGetSupportingVertex( ref tmp, out tmp2 );
			btVector3 supVertexB; fromB.Apply( ref tmp2, out supVertexB );
			//btVector3 supVertexB = fromB( m_convexB.localGetSupportingVertex( r * fromB.getBasis() ) );
			supVertexA.Sub( ref supVertexB, out v );
			//v = supVertexA - supVertexB;
			int maxIter = MAX_ITERATIONS;

			btVector3 n = btVector3.Zero;

			//btVector3 c;

			double dist2 = v.length2();
			btVector3 w;
			double VdotR;

			while( ( dist2 > btScalar.SIMD_LARGE_EPSILON ) && ( maxIter-- != 0 ) )
				//btVector3 tmp, tmp2;
				v.Invert( out tmp );
				interpolatedTransA.m_basis.ApplyInverse( ref tmp, out tmp2 );
				m_convexA.localGetSupportingVertex( ref tmp2, out tmp );
				interpolatedTransA.Apply( ref tmp, out supVertexA );
				//supVertexA = interpolatedTransA( m_convexA.localGetSupportingVertex( -v * interpolatedTransA.getBasis() ) );
				interpolatedTransB.m_basis.ApplyInverse( ref v, out tmp2 );
				m_convexB.localGetSupportingVertex( ref tmp2, out tmp );
				interpolatedTransB.Apply( ref tmp, out supVertexB );
				//supVertexB = interpolatedTransB( m_convexB.localGetSupportingVertex( v * interpolatedTransB.getBasis() ) );
				supVertexA.Sub( ref supVertexB, out w );
				//w = supVertexA - supVertexB;

				double VdotW = v.dot( ref w );

				if( lambda > (double)( 1.0 ) )
					return false;

				if( VdotW > btScalar.BT_ZERO )
					VdotR = v.dot( ref r );

					if( VdotR >= -( btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON * btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) )
						return false;
						lambda = lambda - VdotW / VdotR;
						//interpolate to next lambda
						//	x = s + lambda * r;
						interpolatedTransA.m_origin.setInterpolate3( ref fromA.m_origin, ref toA.m_origin, lambda );
						interpolatedTransB.m_origin.setInterpolate3( ref fromB.m_origin, ref toB.m_origin, lambda );
						//check next line
						supVertexA.Sub( ref supVertexB, out w );
						//w = supVertexA - supVertexB;

						n = v;

				///Just like regular GJK only add the vertex if it isn't already (close) to current vertex, it would lead to divisions by zero and NaN etc.
				if( !m_simplexSolver.inSimplex( ref w ) )
					m_simplexSolver.addVertex( ref w, ref supVertexA, ref supVertexB );

				if( m_simplexSolver.closest( out v ) )
					dist2 = v.length2();

					//todo: check this normal for validity
					//Console.WriteLine("V=%f , %f, %f\n",v,v[1],v[2]);
					//Console.WriteLine("numverts = %i\n",m_simplexSolver.numVertices());
					dist2 = btScalar.BT_ZERO;

			//int numiter = MAX_ITERATIONS - maxIter;
			//	Console.WriteLine("number of iterations: %d", numiter);

			//don't report a time of impact when moving 'away' from the hitnormal

			result.m_fraction = lambda;
			if( n.length2() >= ( btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON * btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) )
				n.normalized( out result.m_normal );
				result.m_normal = btVector3.Zero;

			//don't report time of impact for motion away from the contact normal (or causes minor penetration)
			if( result.m_normal.dot( ref r ) >= -result.m_allowedPenetration )
				return false;

			btVector3 hitA, hitB;
			m_simplexSolver.compute_points( out hitA, out hitB );
			result.m_hitPoint = hitB;
			return true;