コード例 #1
    private void BtnContinuePressed()
        if (CardType.Get() == CardType.Type.Genetics)
            _pileCardId = CardOutcomes.Genetic.OutcomesReceivedCount - 1;
            _pileCard   = CardOutcomes.Genetic.Pile.Get()[_pileCardId];
            _pileCardId = CardOutcomes.Environment.OutcomesReceivedCount - 1;
            _pileCard   = CardOutcomes.Environment.Pile.Get()[_pileCardId];

        //stop the current coroutines and move the card into the pile card position
        Transform pileCardT = _pileCard.transform;

        StartCoroutine(LerpCardTransform(gameObject, pileCardT.position, pileCardT.localScale, pileCardT.rotation, 1.0f));
コード例 #2
    private void Start()
        //determine whether the player guessed correctly
        if ((Guess.Higher && Guess.NewCardHigher) || (Guess.Higher == false && Guess.NewCardHigher == false))
            Guess.Correct = true;
            Guess.Correct = false;

        GameObject btnContinueGo = transform.Find("btnContinue").gameObject;

        btnContinue = btnContinueGo.GetComponent <Button>();

        List <Card> cards;

        btnContinue = btnContinueGo.GetComponent <Button>();
        TextMeshProUGUI txtHeading    = transform.Find("txtHeading").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        TextMeshProUGUI txtSubHeading = transform.Find("txtSubHeading").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

        //depending on whether the player chose correctly, display the correct outcome
        if (Guess.Correct)
            //retrieve a list of all good outcomes
            if (CardType.Get() == CardType.Type.Genetics)
                cards = CardOutcomes.Get().GeneticCards.GoodCards;
                cards = CardOutcomes.Get().EnvironmentCards.GoodCards;

            GetComponent <Image>().color = positivePrimaryColour;
            btnContinueGo.GetComponent <Image>().color = positiveSecondaryColour;

            txtHeading.text    = "Good Choice!";
            txtSubHeading.text = "You Receive a good " + CardType.Get() + " card.";
            //retrieve a list of all bad outcomes
            if (CardType.Get() == CardType.Type.Genetics)
                cards = CardOutcomes.Get().GeneticCards.BadCards;
                cards = CardOutcomes.Get().EnvironmentCards.BadCards;

            GetComponent <Image>().color = negativePrimaryColour;
            btnContinueGo.GetComponent <Image>().color = negativeSecondaryColour;

            txtHeading.text    = "Bad Choice";
            txtSubHeading.text = "You Receive a bad " + CardType.Get() + " card.";

        //choose an outcome card for the player
        Card newCard = cards[Random.Range(0, cards.Count)];

        newCard.IsPositive = Guess.Correct;

        //store the new card
        if (CardType.Get() == CardType.Type.Genetics)

        //set the spawn position of the popup and move it to the centre of the screen
        transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, -1500.0f, 0.0f);
        StartCoroutine(LerpCardY(gameObject, 0.0f, 2.0f));
コード例 #3
    //private float _lerpTimer;

    //private bool _btnPressed;

    //private Vector3 _cardRestPos = Vector3.zero;

    //private int outcomeType = -1; //-1 = undefined, 0 = negative, 1 = positive

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    private void Start()
        Card card = null;

        if (CardType.Get() == CardType.Type.Genetics)
            _cardId = CardOutcomes.Genetic.OutcomesReceivedCount - CardOutcomes.Genetic.Pile.OutcomesViewed;

            _pileCard = CardOutcomes.Genetic.Pile.Get()[_cardId];

            card = CardOutcomes.Genetic.Received()[_cardId];

            //add the points from the outcome to the new genetic total
            _cardId = CardOutcomes.Environment.OutcomesReceivedCount - CardOutcomes.Environment.Pile.OutcomesViewed;

            _pileCard = CardOutcomes.Environment.Pile.Get()[_cardId];

            card = CardOutcomes.Environment.Received()[_cardId];

            //add the points from the outcome to the new environment total

        _cardPileHandler = _pileCard.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent <CardPileHandler>();

        //set the initial position to that of the card on the pile
        transform.position   = _pileCard.transform.position;
        transform.localScale = _pileCard.transform.localScale;
        transform.rotation   = _pileCard.transform.rotation;


        Image bgMain = GetComponent <Image>();
        //begin by setting the graphics colours depending on whether the outcome was positive or negative
        //Image bgMain = transform.Find("bgMain").GetComponent<Image>();
        //Image bottomPanel = bgMain.transform.Find("bottomPanel").GetComponent<Image>();
        Image btnContinueBackground = transform.Find("btnContinue").GetComponent <Image>();

        //get references to all the text boxes
        TextMeshProUGUI txtHeading    = transform.Find("txtHeading").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        TextMeshProUGUI txtSubHeading = transform.Find("txtSubHeading").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        TextMeshProUGUI txtBody       = transform.Find("txtBody").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        TextMeshProUGUI txtPoints     = transform.Find("txtPoints").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

        string pointsPrefix = "";

        //determine whether the player has received a positive or negative outcome
        if (card.IsPositive)
            //set the popup panel colours
            bgMain.color = positivePrimaryColour;
            //bottomPanel.color = positiveSecondaryColour;
            btnContinueBackground.color = positiveButtonColour;

            pointsPrefix = "+";
            //set the popup panel colours
            bgMain.color = negativePrimaryColour;
            //bottomPanel.color = negativeSecondaryColour;
            btnContinueBackground.color = negativeButtonColour;

        //populate the outcome text with the data from the JSON files
        txtHeading.text    = card.Heading;
        txtSubHeading.text = card.SubHeading;
        txtBody.text       = card.Description;
        txtPoints.text     = pointsPrefix + card.Points + " Points";

        //display the card pile card, and update the position of the text overlay
        if (_cardId < 4)
            _cardPileHandler.EnableCard(_cardId + 1, true);
        _cardPileHandler.UpdateCardText(true, (_cardId == 4) ? 3 : 4);

        //find the GUI Handler class and update the GUI

        _btnContinue = transform.Find("btnContinue").GetComponent <Button>();

        //lerp the card to the middle of the screen
        StartCoroutine(LerpCardTransform(gameObject, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f), Quaternion.identity, 1.0f, false));