コード例 #1
        //Read a Memory Card from DexDrive (return null if there was an error)
        public static async Task <byte[]> readMemoryCardDexDrive(Window hostWindow, string applicationName, string comPort)
            //Initialize DexDrive
            string errorString = dexDevice.StartDexDrive(comPort);

            //Check if there were any errors
            if (errorString != null)
                //Display an error message and cleanly close DexDrive communication
                var messageBoxCustomWindow = MessageBox.Avalonia.MessageBoxManager
                                             .GetMessageBoxCustomWindow(new MessageBoxCustomParams {
                    Style             = Style.DarkMode,
                    CanResize         = true,
                    MaxWidth          = 800,
                    ContentTitle      = applicationName,
                    ContentMessage    = errorString,
                    ButtonDefinitions = new [] {
                        new ButtonDefinition {
                            Name = "OK"
                    WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner
                await messageBoxCustomWindow.ShowDialog(hostWindow);


            var vm = new CardReaderWindowViewModel()
                //Set scale for progress bar
                Maximum = 1024,

                //Set current device to DexDrive
                currentDeviceIdentifier = 0,

                //Set window title and information
                Title = "DexDrive communication",
                Info  = "Reading data from DexDrive (ver. " + dexDevice.GetFirmwareVersion() + ")..."

            //Start reading data
            vm.backgroundReader = new BackgroundWorker();
            vm.backgroundReader.ProgressChanged    += vm.backgroundReader_ProgressChanged;
            vm.backgroundReader.DoWork             += vm.backgroundReader_DoWork;
            vm.backgroundReader.RunWorkerCompleted += vm.backgroundReader_RunWorkerCompleted;

            vm.backgroundWriter = new BackgroundWorker();
            vm.backgroundWriter.ProgressChanged    += vm.backgroundWriter_ProgressChanged;
            vm.backgroundWriter.DoWork             += vm.backgroundWriter_DoWork;
            vm.backgroundWriter.RunWorkerCompleted += vm.backgroundWriter_RunWorkerCompleted;


            window             = new CardReaderWindow();
            window.DataContext = vm;
            await window.ShowDialog(hostWindow);

            //Stop working with DexDrive

            //Check the final status (return data if all is ok, otherwise return null)
            if (vm.sucessfullRead == true)
コード例 #2
        //Write a Memory Card to PS1CardLink
        public static async Task writeMemoryCardPS1CLnk(Window hostWindow, string applicationName, string comPort, byte[] memoryCardData, int frameNumber)
            //Initialize PS1CardLink
            string errorString = PS1CLnk.StartPS1CardLink(comPort);

            //Check if there were any errors
            if (errorString != null)
                //Display an error message and cleanly close PS1CardLink communication

                //Display an error message and cleanly close DexDrive communication
                var messageBoxCustomWindow = MessageBox.Avalonia.MessageBoxManager
                                             .GetMessageBoxCustomWindow(new MessageBoxCustomParams {
                    Style             = Style.DarkMode,
                    CanResize         = true,
                    MaxWidth          = 800,
                    ContentTitle      = applicationName,
                    ContentMessage    = errorString,
                    ButtonDefinitions = new [] {
                        new ButtonDefinition {
                            Name = "OK"
                    WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner
                await messageBoxCustomWindow.ShowDialog(hostWindow);


            var vm = new CardReaderWindowViewModel()
                //Set maximum number of frames to write
                maxWritingFrames = frameNumber,

                //Set scale for progress bar
                Maximum = frameNumber,

                //Set current device to PS1CardLink
                currentDeviceIdentifier = 2,

                //Set window title and information
                Title = "PS1CardLink communication",
                Info  = "Writing data to PS1CardLink (ver. " + PS1CLnk.GetSoftwareVersion() + ")...",

                //Set reference to the Memory Card data
                completeMemoryCard = memoryCardData,

            //Start reading data
            vm.backgroundReader = new BackgroundWorker();
            vm.backgroundReader.ProgressChanged    += vm.backgroundReader_ProgressChanged;
            vm.backgroundReader.DoWork             += vm.backgroundReader_DoWork;
            vm.backgroundReader.RunWorkerCompleted += vm.backgroundReader_RunWorkerCompleted;

            vm.backgroundWriter = new BackgroundWorker();
            vm.backgroundWriter.ProgressChanged    += vm.backgroundWriter_ProgressChanged;
            vm.backgroundWriter.DoWork             += vm.backgroundWriter_DoWork;
            vm.backgroundWriter.RunWorkerCompleted += vm.backgroundWriter_RunWorkerCompleted;


            window             = new CardReaderWindow();
            window.DataContext = vm;
            await window.ShowDialog(hostWindow);

            //Stop working with PS1CardLink