コード例 #1
    //to get the camper answers from the database
    void getCamperAnswers()
        string      strFJCID;
        DataSet     dsAnswers;
        DataView    dv;
        RadioButton rb;
        string      strFilter;

        strFJCID = hdnFJCIDStep2_2.Value;
        if (!strFJCID.Equals(string.Empty))
            dsAnswers = CamperAppl.getCamperAnswers(strFJCID, "3", "8", "N");
            if (dsAnswers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //if there are records for the current FJCID
                dv = dsAnswers.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                //to display answers for the QuestionId 3,6,7 and 8 for step 2_2_Midsex
                for (int i = 3; i <= 8; i++)
                    strFilter = "QuestionId = '" + i.ToString() + "'";

                    switch (i)
                    case 3:      //assigning the answer for question 3
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Table.Select(strFilter))
                            if (!dr["OptionID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                rb         = (RadioButton)Panel2.FindControl("RadioBtnQ3" + dr["OptionID"].ToString());
                                rb.Checked = true;


                    case 6:     // assigning the answer for question 6

                        foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Table.Select(strFilter))
                            if (!dr["Answer"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                ddlGrade.SelectedValue = dr["Answer"].ToString();

                    case 7:    // assigning the answer for question 7
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Table.Select(strFilter))
                            if (!dr["OptionID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                RadioButtionQ5.SelectedValue = dr["OptionID"].ToString();

                    case 8:     // assigning the answer for question 8
                        int     intSchool;
                        DataSet dsSchool = new DataSet();
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Table.Select(strFilter))
                            if (!dr["OptionID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                if (!dr["Answer"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    Int32.TryParse(dr["Answer"].ToString(), out intSchool);
                                    if (intSchool > 0)
                                        dsSchool             = CamperAppl.GetSchool(intSchool);
                                        txtCamperSchool.Text = dsSchool.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Answer"].ToString();
                                        txtCamperSchool.Text = dr["Answer"].ToString();
                                if (!dr["Answer"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    txtCamperSchool.Text = dr["Answer"].ToString();
            //to set the school text box to enable / disable based on the school type selected
        } //end if for null check of fjcid
コード例 #2
        private int StatusBasedOnSchool(string FJCID, bool EligibleNoCamp, int statusValue)
            //What kind of the school the camper go to
            //Jewish Day School ineligible
            int               StatusValue = statusValue;
            int               JewishSchool = 0, TimeInCamp = 0;
            DataSet           dsJewishSchool, dsTimeInCamp;
            CamperApplication oCA = new CamperApplication();

            dsJewishSchool = oCA.getCamperAnswers(FJCID, "7", "7", "N");
            dsTimeInCamp   = oCA.getCamperAnswers(FJCID, "3", "3", "N");

            DataRow drJewishSchool, drTimeInCamp;

            if (dsTimeInCamp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                drTimeInCamp = dsTimeInCamp.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                TimeInCamp   = Convert.ToInt32(drTimeInCamp["OptionID"]);

            if (dsJewishSchool.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                drJewishSchool = dsJewishSchool.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                JewishSchool   = Convert.ToInt32(drJewishSchool["OptionID"]);

                if (JewishSchool == 4)
                    if (TimeInCamp >= 2)
                        StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.SystemEligible;
                        StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.SystemInEligible;
                else if (JewishSchool == 3)
                    if (EligibleNoCamp)
                        StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.PendingSchoolAndCamp;
                        StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.EligiblePendingSchool;
                    DataSet dsApproveSchool;
                    dsApproveSchool = oCA.getCamperAnswers(FJCID, "8", "8", "N");
                    DataRow drApproveSchool;
                    //DataRow drApproveSchool2;
                    int SchoolOptionID = 0;
                    int SchoolID       = 0;

                    if (dsApproveSchool.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        int i;
                        for (i = 0; i < dsApproveSchool.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            drApproveSchool = dsApproveSchool.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                            if (drApproveSchool["OptionID"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                                SchoolOptionID = Convert.ToInt32(drApproveSchool["OptionID"]);
                                if (SchoolOptionID == 1)
                                    SchoolID = Convert.ToInt32(drApproveSchool["Answer"]);
                                    if (SchoolID == -1)
                                        if (EligibleNoCamp)
                                            StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.PendingSchoolAndCamp;
                                            StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.EligiblePendingSchool;
                                        DataSet dsSchool;
                                        dsSchool = oCA.GetSchool(SchoolID);
                                        DataRow drSchool;
                                        Boolean Approved = false;

                                        if (dsSchool.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                            drSchool = dsSchool.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                                            Approved = Convert.ToBoolean(drSchool["Approved"]);
                                            if (Approved)
                                                StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.SystemEligible;
                                                StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.SystemInEligible;
                                            if (EligibleNoCamp)
                                                StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.PendingSchoolAndCamp;
                                                StatusValue = (int)StatusInfo.EligiblePendingSchool;
コード例 #3
    //to get the camper answers from the database
    void getCamperAnswers()
        string          strFilter, strFJCID, strModifiedBy;
        DataSet         dsAnswers;
        DataView        dv;
        RadioButtonList rb;
        DataRow         dr;

        DataRow[]    drows;
        HiddenField  hdnval;
        DropDownList ddl;
        TextBox      tb;
        DataSet      dsSchool = new DataSet();

        strFJCID      = hdnFJCID.Value;
        strModifiedBy = Master.UserId;
        if (!strFJCID.Equals(string.Empty))
            dsAnswers = CamperAppl.getCamperAnswers(strFJCID, "3", "33", "N");
            if (dsAnswers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //if there are records for the current FJCID
                dv = dsAnswers.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                //to display answers for the Questions 3 -11
                for (int i = 3; i <= 9; i++)
                    //to get the QuestionId for the Questions
                    hdnval    = (HiddenField)PnlHidden.FindControl("hdnQ" + i.ToString() + "Id");
                    strFilter = "QuestionId = '" + hdnval.Value + "'";
                    tb        = null;
                    ddl       = null;
                    rb        = null;

                    switch (i)
                    case 3:      //assigning the answer for question 3
                        rb = (RadioButtonList)Panel2.FindControl("RadioBtnQ" + i.ToString());
                        goto default;

                    case 4:    // assigning the answer for question 4
                        rb = (RadioButtonList)Panel2.FindControl("RadioBtnQ" + i.ToString());
                        goto default;

                    case 5:    // assigning the answer for question 5
                        rb = (RadioButtonList)Panel2.FindControl("RadioBtnQ" + i.ToString());
                        goto default;

                    case 6:     // assigning the answer for question 6
                        ddl = ddlGrade;
                        goto default;

                    case 7:     // assigning the answer for question 9
                        rb = (RadioButtonList)Panel2.FindControl("RadioBtnQ9");
                        goto default;

                    case 8:     // assigning the answer for question 10
                        //ddl = ddlQ10;
                        //tb = txtJewishSchool;
                        goto default;

                    case 9:     // assigning the answer for question 11
                        tb = txtCamperSchool;
                        goto default;

                    default:      //to implement the common logic
                        drows = dv.Table.Select(strFilter);
                        int intSchool;
                        if (drows.Length > 0)     //if there are rows for the filter
                            dr = (DataRow)drows.GetValue(0);
                            if (!dr["OptionID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                if (!dr["Answer"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    Int32.TryParse(dr["Answer"].ToString(), out intSchool);
                                    if (intSchool > 0)
                                        dsSchool = CamperAppl.GetSchool(intSchool);
                                        dr       = (DataRow)dsSchool.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                                    else if (intSchool == -1)
                                        if (drows.Length > 1)
                                            dr = (DataRow)drows.GetValue(1);
                            //for dropdownlist
                            if (ddl != null)
                                if (ddl == ddlGrade)      //for the grade question the value is stored in "Answer"
                                    if (!dr["Answer"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                        ddl.SelectedValue = dr["Answer"].ToString();
                                if (!dr["OptionID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    ddl.SelectedValue = dr["OptionID"].ToString();
                            //for text box
                            if (tb != null)
                                if (!dr["Answer"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    tb.Text = dr["Answer"].ToString();
                            //for radio buttonlist
                            if (rb != null)
                                if (!dr["OptionID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    rb.SelectedValue = dr["OptionID"].ToString();
            //to set the status of the panel based on the radio button selected
        } //end if for null check of fjcid