コード例 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)

        tblReportDetails.Visible = grdANReport.Visible;
        int cntOfRecordsinPreMode = _objCamperApplication.GetExistingCountOfANPremilinaryRecords(Application["CampYear"].ToString());

        if (cntOfRecordsinPreMode > 0 && rdbtnlstMode.SelectedItem.Value != "1")
            rdbtnlstMode.SelectedItem.Value = "0";
        if (cntOfRecordsinPreMode > 0 && ddlRecCount.Enabled)
            lblMessage.Visible  = true;
            lblMessage.Text     = "Note: There are already " + cntOfRecordsinPreMode.ToString() + " camper applications which are in premiliminary mode, untill these records are run in final mode you cannot change the no. of records you want to view";
            ddlRecCount.Enabled = false;
            lblMessage.Visible = false;
            lblMessage.Text    = "";