/// <summary> /// Set initial parameters. /// </summary> public void Init(CWorld World, int PlayerIndex) { mWorld = World; mPlayerId = PlayerIndex; mActive = false; _counter = 0; }
public override void Init(CWorld World) { base.Init(World); mType = EType.ITEM_SAFE; mValue = 10000; }
public override bool CanUseItem(Player player) { int num = 0; float num2 = Main.maxTilesX / 4200; int num3 = (int)(400f * num2); for (int j = 5; j < Main.maxTilesX - 5; j++) { int num4 = 5; while (num4 < Main.worldSurface) { if (Main.tile[j, num4].active() && Main.tile[j, num4].type == (ushort)ModContent.TileType <Tiles.CometOre>()) { num++; if (num > num3) { BaseUtility.Chat("Another comet exists in this world in some form or another already...", new Color(136, 151, 255), true); return(false); } } num4++; } } CWorld.DropMeteor(); return(true); }
public virtual void Init(CWorld World) { mType = EType.NONE; mOwner = 0; mWorld = World; mActive = true; }
private void OnPlayGame(object argument) { IsInPlayMode = true; m_prePlayModeLevelReference = OpenedLevelAsset; UndoRedoModel.IsRecording = false; UndoRedoModel.Purge(null); CViewportViewModel viewport = GetTool <CViewportViewModel>(); viewport.IsVisible = true; viewport.IsActive = true; viewport.LockMouseCursor(); CEngine.Instance.Dispatch(EEngineUpdatePriority.BeginFrame, () => { CWorld world = CEngine.Instance.CurrentWorld; m_prePlayModeLevel = new CLevelAsset(world.LoadedLevel, "EditorTempLevel"); world.StartPlayMode(); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (Action)(() => { })); }); }
public static void DetachEntityFromAllParents(SEntityId entityId) { CEngine.Instance.Dispatch(EEngineUpdatePriority.BeginFrame, () => { CEntity target = entityId.GetEntity(); if (target == null || target.RootComponent == null || target.RootComponent.ParentComponent == null) { return; } SEntityComponentId oldRootParent = new SEntityComponentId(target.RootComponent.ParentComponent); void Do() { CWorld world = CEngine.Instance.CurrentWorld; CEntity entity = entityId.GetEntity(); if (entity != null) { entity.Detach(); } } void Undo() { CEngine.Instance.Dispatch(EEngineUpdatePriority.BeginFrame, () => { CWorld world = CEngine.Instance.CurrentWorld; CEntity entity = entityId.GetEntity(); CSceneComponent oldParent = oldRootParent.GetComponent <CSceneComponent>(); if (oldParent == null) { LogUtility.Log("[UndoRedo] The old parent is invalid! Undo stack has been corrupted and cleared."); UndoRedoUtility.Purge(null); return; } if (entity != null) { entity.AttachToComponent(oldParent); } }); } void Redo() { CEngine.Instance.Dispatch(EEngineUpdatePriority.BeginFrame, () => { Do(); }); } Do(); CRelayUndoItem item = new CRelayUndoItem(Undo, Redo); UndoRedoUtility.Record(item); }); }
public override void Init(CWorld World) { base.Init(World); mType = EType.PICKUP; mCarriedByUnitID = -1; mBuildTag = GetNextBuildID(); }
public override void Init(CWorld World) { base.Init(World); mType = EType.MISSILE; mFiredByUnitID = -1; mDead = -1; }
public override void Init(CWorld world, object userData) { base.Init(world, userData); if (GetComponent <CScenePickingComponent>() == null) { ScenePickingComponent = AddComponent <CScenePickingComponent>(true, true); } }
public CPlayer(CWorld World, int ID) { _world = World; mID = ID; mAvailableItems = new List <string>(); mHumanInput = false; mSpawnItemID = -1; }
public override void Init(CWorld World) { base.Init(World); mType = EType.RESUME; mAvailableFor = 70 * CWorld.TICKS_PER_SECOND; mAvailableUntil = mWorld.mGameTick + mAvailableFor; }
/// <summary> /// Create an entity and assign ID. /// </summary> public static T Create <T>(CWorld World, int ID = 0) where T : CEntity, new() { T entity = new T(); _InitNewEntity(entity, World, ID); return(entity); }
public override void Init(CWorld world, object userData) { base.Init(world, userData); m_cameraComponent = AddComponent <CCameraComponent>(true, false); m_cameraComponent.RegisterDuringInit = true; m_cameraComponent.Init(); m_updateScope = World.UpdateScheduler.Connect(Update, EUpdatePriority.Editor); }
public override void Init(CWorld World) { base.Init(World); mType = EType.ITEM_START; mDoorPosition = 0.0f; _deliveryTimer = 0.0f; _waitingTimer = 0.0f; }
public override void Init(CWorld World) { base.Init(World); mType = EType.ITEM_DOOR; mAngle = 0.0f; mOpen = false; mLocked = false; }
public void SetWorld(CWorld world) { World = world; Point upperLeft = new Point(); upperLeft = PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)); CEngine.Instance.Dispatch(EEngineUpdatePriority.BeginFrame, () => { World.ViewManager.ResizeView((float)ActualWidth, (float)ActualHeight, (float)upperLeft.X, (float)upperLeft.Y); }); }
public void Init(int PlayerID, CItem Item, CWorld World, bool Blueprint) { if (PlayerID == -1) { Debug.LogError("CItemProxy should never have a playerID of -1!"); } mID = GetNextID(); mItemID = Item.mID; mState = EState.S_VISIBLE; mPlayerID = PlayerID; mWorld = World; _item = Item; mBlueprint = Blueprint; mAsset = Item.mAsset; mDurability = Item.mDurability; mMaxDurability = Item.mMaxDurability; mQueueList = new List <CQueueToken>(); mPosition = Item.mPosition; mRotation = Item.mItemRot; mBounds = Item.mBounds; mOwnerID = Item.mOwner; mAssignedPaperStacks = new List <CContractStack>(); mPaperStackUpdateTick = 0; mAssignedUnitID = -1; mSurfaceColor = mWorld.mMap.mBackgroundColor; mBounds = CItem.CalculateBounds(mPosition, mRotation, mAsset.mWidth, mAsset.mLength); if (!mBlueprint) { ModifyLocalCollisionMap(true); if (Item.mType == CEntity.EType.ITEM_DOOR) { mLocked = true; if (mWorld.IsAllied(Item.mOwner, PlayerID)) { mLocked = ((CItemDoor)Item).mLocked; } DoorModifyLocalCollisionMap(mLocked); } else if (Item.mType == CEntity.EType.ITEM_SAFE) { mValue = ((CItemSafe)Item).mValue; } else if (Item.mType == CEntity.EType.ITEM_DESK) { mMaxPaperStackSlots = ((CItemDesk)Item).mMaxPaperStackSlots; } } SetVisible(); UpdateState(Item); }
public SEntityComponentId SpawnScenePicker_EngineThread(CWorld world) { CScenePickerEntity scenePicker = world.LoadedLevel.GetEntity <CScenePickerEntity>(); if (scenePicker == null) { scenePicker = world.SpawnEntity <CScenePickerEntity>(); } return(new SEntityComponentId(scenePicker.ScenePickingComponent)); }
private void WorldLoadedCallback(CWorld world) { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke((Action) delegate { this.ShowWorld(world); }); } else { ShowWorld(world); } }
public override void Init(CWorld World) { base.Init(World); mType = EType.ITEM; mItemRot = 0; _playerItemViews = new CItemProxy[CWorld.MAX_PLAYERS]; _playerVisibility = 0; _placedInWorld = false; mUserUnitID = -1; }
// 0 = company will not participate // Increases by one for every completed contract // Decreases by 1 for each failure /// <summary> /// Standard constructor. /// </summary> public CClientCompany(CWorld World, string Name, Color Colour, float PaperMul, float DeadlineMul, float StackMul) { _world = World; mPlayerReputation = new int[CWorld.MAX_PLAYERS]; mPlayerTier = new int[CWorld.MAX_PLAYERS]; mName = Name; mColor = Colour; mPaperMul = PaperMul; mDeadlineMul = DeadlineMul; mStackMul = StackMul; }
public void Init(CWorld gameWorld) { m_gameWorld = gameWorld; for (int i = 0; i < System.Environment.ProcessorCount; i++) { m_looper.AddThread(); } m_physicSpace = new Space(m_looper); m_physicSpace.ForceUpdater.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -9.81f, 0); m_physicSpace.TimeStepSettings.TimeStepDuration = PhysicsTimeStepDuration; Input.RegisterListener(OnInputEvent); }
/// <summary> /// Initiallize an entity created by a factory method. /// </summary> private static void _InitNewEntity(CEntity Entity, CWorld World, int ID) { if (ID == 0) { Entity.mID = GetNextID(); } else { Entity.mID = ID; } Entity.Init(World); }
public void StartThread(CWorld World, int PlayerID) { _world = World; _currentPlayer = PlayerID; mEventBufferIn = new CThreadEventBuffer(); mEventBufferOut = new CThreadEventBuffer(); _timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); _timer.Start(); _thread = new Thread(_ThreadStart); _thread.Start(); }
private void ShowWorld(CWorld world) { engineWorld = world; System.Drawing.Point topLeft = PointToScreen(new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)); CRenderer renderer = CRenderer.Instance; IntPtr handlePtr = Handle; renderer.Dispatch(ERendererDispatcherPriority.BeginFrame, () => renderer.Resize(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height, topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, handlePtr)); CEngine.Instance.Dispatch(EEngineUpdatePriority.BeginFrame, () => { engineWorld.ViewManager.ResizeView(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height, topLeft.X, topLeft.Y); }); Show(); }
private CUnit _GetTaskAcceptingUnit(CWorld World, int PlayerID, int PathingRoomID) { List <CUnit> units = World.mUnits; for (int i = 0; i < units.Count; ++i) { if (units[i].mOwner == PlayerID && units[i].mCanAcceptTask) { return(units[i]); } } return(null); }
public void Generate(CWorld World, int Tier, int Level) { mOwner = 0; CTierInfo tier = CGame.AssetManager.mUnitRules.GetTier(Tier); if (tier == null) { Debug.LogError("Requested tier did not exist in resume generation"); return; } if (Tier == 1) { Level = 1; // (int)(World.SimRnd.GetNextFloat() * ); } if (tier.mMaxLevel != 0 && Level > tier.mMaxLevel) { Level = tier.mMaxLevel; } mStats.mName = CUtility.GenerateRandomName(World.SimRnd); mStats.mTier = tier.mTierIndex; mStats.mLevel = Level; mStats.mSalary = tier.mSalary.Get(Level); mStats.mIntelligence = tier.mIntelligence.Get(Level); mStats.mMaxStamina = tier.mMaxStamina.Get(Level); mStats.mMaxSpeed = tier.mMaxSpeed.Get(Level); mStats.mHungerRate = tier.mHungerRate.Get(Level); mStats.mMaxHunger = tier.mMaxHunger.Get(Level); mStats.mPaperCapacity = tier.mPaperCapacity.Get(Level); mStats.mAttackDamage = tier.mAttackDamage.Get(Level); mStats.mDefense = tier.mDefense.Get(Level); mStats.mIdleTime = tier.mIdleTime.Get(Level); mStats.mWorkStaminaRate = tier.mWorkStaminaRate.Get(Level); mStats.mRequiredXP = tier.mRequiredXP.Get(Level); mStats.mPromotionDemand = 1; mStats.mMaxStress = 100; mStats.mRestDesired = 40; mStats.mRestForced = 20; mStats.mEatDesired = 50; mStats.mEatForced = 80; mStats.mStressRecoveryRate = 1; mStats.mEatRate = 10; mStats.mAttackSpeed = 1; }
/// <summary> /// Creates entity and assigns ID. /// </summary> public static CEntity Create(EType Type, CWorld World, int ID = 0) { CEntity entity = null; switch (Type) { case EType.UNIT: entity = new CUnit(); break; case EType.ITEM_START: entity = new CItemStart(); break; case EType.ITEM_DECO: entity = new CItemDeco(); break; case EType.ITEM_DESK: entity = new CItemDesk(); break; case EType.ITEM_SAFE: entity = new CItemSafe(); break; case EType.ITEM_REST: entity = new CItemRest(); break; case EType.ITEM_FOOD: entity = new CItemFood(); break; case EType.ITEM_DOOR: entity = new CItemDoor(); break; case EType.RESUME: entity = new CResume(); break; case EType.CONTRACT: entity = new CContract(); break; case EType.PICKUP: entity = new CPickup(); break; case EType.MISSILE: entity = new CMissile(); break; case EType.VOLUME: entity = new CVolume(); break; case EType.DECAL: entity = new CDecal(); break; } if (entity != null) { _InitNewEntity(entity, World, ID); } else { Debug.LogError("Entity Factory couldn't create a " + (int)Type + " is"); } return(entity); }
public override void Init(CWorld world, object userData) { base.Init(world, userData); m_bIsAlive = true; m_bIsInitialized = true; int count = m_components.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { m_components[i].Init(); m_guidToComponent.Add(m_components[i].ComponentGuid, m_components[i]); } KlaxScriptObject.Init(this); }
public WorldServer(CWorld config) { this.ID = config.ID; this.Name = config.Name; this.Channels = new ChannelServer[config.Channels]; short port = config.Port; for (byte id = 0; id < config.Channels; id++) { this.Channels[id] = new ChannelServer(id, this.ID, this.Name, port); port++; } this.Flag = config.Flag; this.EventMessage = config.EventMessage; this.TickerMessage = config.TickerMessage; }