private void Start() { shootingCooldown = new Cooldown(1); bulletData = new BulletData(); bulletData.position = new Position(); bulletData.direction = new Position(); }
private AnimEventShot CreateExplosion() { //IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) BulletData bulletData = m_atkInfo.bulletData; if (bulletData == null) { return(null); } BulletData.BulletMine dataMine = bulletData.dataMine; if (bulletData == null) { return(null); } if (m_attacker == null) { return(null); } Quaternion rotation = m_cachedTransform.get_rotation(); Vector3 position = m_cachedTransform.get_position(); AnimEventShot animEventShot = AnimEventShot.CreateByExternalBulletData(dataMine.explodeBullet, m_attacker, m_atkInfo, position, rotation, null, Player.ATTACK_MODE.NONE, null); if (animEventShot == null) { return(null); } return(animEventShot); }
private void OutOfRange(BulletData bullet) { if (bullet.TraveledDistance() > despawnRadius) { bullet.Despawn(); } }
private void SpawnBullet(BulletData bullet) { var init = initialPosition.transform.position; var direction = (init - pivot.transform.position).normalized; bullet.Spawn(init, direction); }
void shootBullet() { timePass += Time.deltaTime; if (shotInterval - timePass > 0) { return; } Vector2 shotSpeed = controller.GetShot(); if (shotSpeed.x != 0 || shotSpeed.y != 0) { timePass = 0; Transform currBullet = Instantiate(_bullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GameManager.Instance.transform); currBullet.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = calculateBulletSpeed(shotSpeed.x, shotSpeed.y); BulletData bdata = currBullet.GetComponent <BulletData>(); if (bdata == null) { bdata = currBullet.gameObject.AddComponent <BulletData>(); } currBullet.GetComponent <BulletData>().playerScript = this; //GameManager.Instance.bullets.Add(bdata); Destroy(currBullet.gameObject, bulletLifeTime); } }
private void UpdateModelPosition(BulletData bullet) { var model = bullet.Model; var delta = Time.deltaTime * speed * bullet.Direction; model.transform.Translate(delta.x, 0, delta.y); }
public void Shoot() { if (targetVisible == null) { return; } Vector2 force = spriteForward.x > 0 ? Vector2.right.Rotate(longAttack.shootAngle) : Vector2.left.Rotate(longAttack.shootAngle); force *= longAttack.shootForce; Vector2 shootPos = longAttack.shootPos.localPosition; if ((spriteFacingLeft && spriteForward.x > 0) || (!spriteFacingLeft && spriteForward.x > 0)) { shootPos.x *= -1; } // Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation (targetVisible.position); Transform obj = PoolManager.Instance.myObjectPools ["Bullets"].Spawn(longAttack.bullet.transform, longAttack.shootPos.TransformPoint(shootPos), Quaternion.identity, null); BulletData data = obj.gameObject.GetComponent <BulletData>(); bool d = true; if (spriteForward.x > 0) { d = false; } data.spriteRenderer.flipX = d ^ data.facingLeft; obj.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ().velocity = GetProjectilVelocity(targetShootPosition, longAttack.shootPos.transform.position); }
// Changed Item when they get moved around in the inventory public void ChangeInventoryItem(ItemSlot slot) { CraftingType ct = Utils.ConvertCollectableType(slot.Item.Type); BulletData bullet = mInventory.GetActiveBulletItem(); WeaponData weapon = mInventory.GetActiveWeaponItem(); CoreData core = mInventory.GetActiveCoreItem(); ScriptableObject slotItem = slot.Item; if (!slot.IsInventorySlot) { slotItem = null; } switch (ct) { case CraftingType.BULLET: bullet = (BulletData)slotItem; break; case CraftingType.WEAPON: weapon = (WeaponData)slotItem; break; case CraftingType.CORE: core = (CoreData)slotItem; break; } mInventory.SetActiveItems(bullet, weapon, core); updateCraftingItems(); }
public void Spawn(EntityManager _entityManager, List <Entity> list, float3 _parentPos, int _damage, int _bulletType, ObjectMoveData moveData) { Debug.Assert(list != null); if (list == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { BulletData bulletInfo = _entityManager.GetComponentData <BulletData>(list[i]); if (!bulletInfo.IsInitialized) { bulletInfo.IsInitialized = true; bulletInfo.IsCollide = false; bulletInfo.Damage = _damage; bulletInfo.BulletType = _bulletType; _entityManager.SetComponentData <Translation>(list[i], new Translation { Value = _parentPos }); _entityManager.SetComponentData <ObjectMoveData>(list[i], moveData); _entityManager.SetComponentData <BulletData>(list[i], bulletInfo); break; } } }
void BulletSwap(int a, int b) { BulletData temp = bullets[a]; bullets[a] = bullets[b]; bullets[b] = temp; }
public void SetUp(BulletData info) // information sent from gun to bullet to change bullet properties { ResetBullet(); damage = info.Damage; // bullet damage impactForce = info.ImpactForce; // force applied to rigid bodies maxInaccuracy = info.MaxSpread; // max inaccuracy of the bullet variableInaccuracy = info.Spread; // current inaccuracy... mostly for machine guns that lose accuracy over time speed = info.Speed; // bullet speed DirectionFrom = info.Position; GunName = info.WeaponName; OwnGunID = info.WeaponID; isNetwork = info.isNetwork; // lifetime = info.LifeTime; AIViewID = bl_GameManager.m_view; // direction bullet is traveling direction = transform.TransformDirection(Random.Range(-maxInaccuracy, maxInaccuracy) * variableInaccuracy, Random.Range(-maxInaccuracy, maxInaccuracy) * variableInaccuracy, 1); newPos = transform.position; // bullet's new position oldPos = newPos; // bullet's old position velocity = speed * transform.forward; // bullet's velocity determined by direction and bullet speed if (Trail != null) { if (!bl_GameData.Instance.BulletTracer) { Destroy(Trail); } } // schedule for destruction if bullet never hits anything Invoke("Disable", 5); }
public override ResultType DoAction() { if (null == _owner.Enemy) { return(ResultType.Fail); } _owner.SubEnergy(0.01f); if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - _lastAttackTime <= _attackInterval) { return(ResultType.Running); } _lastAttackTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; BulletData bulletData = new BulletData(); bulletData.startPos = _owner.Position; = _owner.Enemy.transform; bulletData.speed = 5f; bulletData.damage = 5; BulletManager.GetInstance().AddBullet(bulletData); return(ResultType.Success); }
public static void CreateScriptableObject() { BulletData bulletData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BulletData>(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(bulletData, "Assets/Resources/ScriptableObjects/BulletData.asset"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); }
public BulletData GetBulletData(int bulletId) { BulletData data = null; m_bulletDataDictionary.TryGetValue(bulletId, out data); return(data); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.tag == "PlayerBullet") { BulletData bulletdata = other.GetComponent <BulletData>(); if (!bulletdata.getEnemyName().Equals( { return; } } if (other.tag == "EnemyBullet" || other.tag == "Enemy" || other.tag == "Boundary") { return; } if (explosion != null) { Instantiate(explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation); } if (other.tag == "Player") { Instantiate(playerExplosion, other.transform.position, other.transform.rotation); gameController.GameOver(); } gameController.AddScore(scoreValue); Destroy(other.gameObject); Destroy(gameObject); }
//Calculate the bullet's drag acceleration public static Vector3 CalculateBulletDragAcc(Vector3 bulletVel, BulletData bulletData) { //If you have a wind speed in your game, you can take that into account here: // Vector3 bulletVelRelativeToWindVel = bulletVel - bulletData.windSpeedVector; //Step 1. Calculate the bullet's drag force [N] // //F_drag = 0.5 * rho * v^2 * C_d * A //The velocity of the bullet [m/s] float v = bulletVelRelativeToWindVel.magnitude; //The bullet's cross section area [m^2] float A = Mathf.PI * bulletData.r * bulletData.r; float dragForce = 0.5f * bulletData.rho * v * v * bulletData.C_d * A; //Step 2. We need to add an acceleration, not a force, in the integration method [m/s^2] //Drag acceleration F = m * a -> a = F / m float dragAcc = dragForce / bulletData.m; //SHould be in a direction opposite of the bullet's velocity vector Vector3 dragVec = dragAcc * bulletVelRelativeToWindVel.normalized * -1f; return(dragVec); }
private void OnDisappear() { //IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0082: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0095: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ownerPlayer = null; usePlayer = null; bulletData = null; skillParam = null; cachedPlayerTransform = null; cachedTransform = null; if (!object.ReferenceEquals(cachedCollider, null)) { cachedCollider.set_enabled(false); } cachedCollider = null; if (cachedEffectTransform != null && cachedEffectTransform.get_gameObject() != null) { EffectManager.ReleaseEffect(cachedEffectTransform.get_gameObject(), true, false); } cachedEffectTransform = null; if (!object.ReferenceEquals((object)this.get_gameObject(), null)) { Object.Destroy(this.get_gameObject()); } isInitialized = false; }
public int ChargedShot(int charge, int maxCharge, BulletData bulletData, Transform self, Vector2 barrelOffSet) { charge = charge <= maxCharge ? charge : maxCharge; int splits = charge; if (splits == 0) { Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (chargedRandomSpreadLimit != 0) { rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Random.Range(-chargedRandomSpreadLimit, chargedRandomSpreadLimit)); } ShootBullet(bulletData, self, barrelOffSet, rotation); } else { for (int i = 0; i < splits; i++) { Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; if (chargedRandomSpreadLimit != 0) { rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, Random.Range(-chargedRandomSpreadLimit, chargedRandomSpreadLimit)); } rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, i * chargredAngle / splits - chargredAngle * 0.5f); ShootBullet(bulletData, self, barrelOffSet, rotation); } } return(charge); }
public override void Shoot(BulletData bulletData, Transform self, Vector2 barrelOffSet) { float timeBetweenShots = Time.time - previousShot; randomSpreadIndex -= timeBetweenShots - weaponFireRate - recoilDuration; float randomAngle; if (bulletCount - 1 == 0) { randomAngle = Random.Range(-0.5f * randomAngles[RandomSpreadIndex], 0.5f * randomAngles[RandomSpreadIndex]); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, randomAngle); ShootBullet(bulletData, self, barrelOffSet, rotation); } else { for (int i = 0; i < bulletCount; i++) { randomAngle = Random.Range(-0.5f * randomAngles[RandomSpreadIndex], 0.5f * randomAngles[RandomSpreadIndex]); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, randomAngle); rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, spreadAngle / bulletCount * 0.5f + i * spreadAngle / bulletCount - spreadAngle * 0.5f); ShootBullet(bulletData, self, barrelOffSet, rotation); } } previousShot = Time.time; }
//Calculate the bullet's lift acceleration public static Vector3 CalculateBulletLiftAcc(Vector3 bulletVel, BulletData bulletData, Vector3 bulletUpDir) { //If you have a wind speed in your game, you can take that into account here: // Vector3 bulletVelRelativeToWindVel = bulletVel - bulletData.windSpeedVector; //Step 1. Calculate the bullet's lift force [N] // //F_lift = 0.5 * rho * v^2 * S * C_l //The velocity of the bullet [m/s] float v = bulletVelRelativeToWindVel.magnitude; //Planform (projected) wing area, which is assumed to be the same as the cross section area [m^2] float S = Mathf.PI * bulletData.r * bulletData.r; float liftForce = 0.5f * bulletData.rho * v * v * S * bulletData.C_l; //Step 2. We need to add an acceleration, not a force, in the integration method [m/s^2] //Drag acceleration F = m * a -> a = F / m float liftAcc = liftForce / bulletData.m; //The lift force acts in the up-direction = perpendicular to the velocity direction it travels in Vector3 liftVec = liftAcc * bulletUpDir; return(liftVec); }
public bool CreateFan(BulletData bulletData, Vector3 pos, float eulerY) { //\如果不是扇形 if (bulletData.m_shapeParam1 != 3) { return(false); } if (isShowFanBullet) { GameObject fanGO = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(FanGO); float rad = bulletData.m_shapeParam2 / 10f; fanGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(rad, rad, rad); fanGO.transform.position = pos + Vector3.up; fanGO.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, eulerY, 0); var funBehaviour = fanGO.GetComponent <FanController>(); if (funBehaviour != null) { funBehaviour.m_Angel = bulletData.m_shapeParam3; } fanGO.AddComponent <DestroySelf>(); } return(true); }
public void UpdateDisplayUI(BulletData bulletData) { bulletName.text = bulletData.BulletName; icon.sprite = bulletData.Icon; attackDamage.text = bulletData.AttackDamage.ToString(); bulletController.attackForce = bulletData.AttackDamage; }
void DrawSettings(BulletData b_Data) { b_Data.b_Name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Projectile name: ", b_Data.b_Name); b_Data.b_Mass = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Projectile mass: ", b_Data.b_Mass); b_Data.b_Velocity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Projectile max velocity: ", b_Data.b_Velocity); b_Data.b_Damage = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Projectile basic damage: ", b_Data.b_Damage); b_Data.hasAnimation = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Has animation? ", b_Data.hasAnimation); if (b_Data.hasAnimation != false) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Reminder: Please uncheck 'has animation' box if animation is not yet available.", MessageType.Warning); b_Data.animation = (Animation)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Projectile animation: ", b_Data.animation, typeof(Animation)); } b_Data.b_Prefab = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Projectile prefab: ", b_Data.b_Prefab, typeof(GameObject)); if (b_Data.b_Name == null || b_Data.b_Name.Length < 2) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Reminder: Please input a name for the new projectile. [Should be longer than two characters]", MessageType.Warning); } if (GUILayout.Button("Finish and save new projectile...", GUILayout.Height(40))) { SaveBulletSettings(); window.Close(); } }
void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); currentColorIndex = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(currentColorKey, 0); isRight = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(isRightKey, 1); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { isLockArray[i] = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(keys[i], 1); } else { isLockArray[i] = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(keys[i], 0); } } } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
private Bullet CreateBullet(AmmoType type, BulletData data, Transform spawn) { Bullet bullet = factory.GetAmmo(type) as Bullet; bullet.Shoot(data, spawn.position); return(bullet); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.anyKeyDown) { string inputMessage = Input.inputString; if (Input.inputString != "" && !showmessage.getIsShow()) { //Debug.Log(Input.inputString); //Debug.Log(Input.inputString.Substring(0,1)); for (int i = 0; i < datacontrol.GetEnemyListLength(); i++) { if (datacontrol.EnemyList[i] != null && datacontrol.EnemyList[i].transform.position.z >= -4.8f) { Data data = datacontrol.EnemyList[i].GetComponent <Data>(); if (Input.inputString.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper().Equals(data.CharName.ToString()) && !data.getChanged()) { GameObject bullet = Instantiate(shot, shotSpawn.position, shotSpawn.rotation); bulletdata = bullet.GetComponent <BulletData>(); bulletdata.setEnemy(i); GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); data.setChanged(); istrue = true; return; } } } } if (istrue == false && !inputMessage.Equals("") && !showmessage.getIsShow()) { gameControllerScript.Reduce(10); gameControllerScript.UpdateScore(); } istrue = false; } }
public Bullet(BulletData _bulletData, Vector3 target, GameObject bulletObj) { _speed = _bulletData.BulletSpeed; _damage = _bulletData.BulletDamage; _target = target; _bulletObj = bulletObj; }
public virtual void Initialize(BulletData bullet, SkillInfo.SkillParam skillParam, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) { //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) speed =; initialVelocity =; bulletSkillInfoParam = skillParam; Vector3 forward = Vector3.get_forward(); forward = rot * forward; forward *= speed; _transform.set_position(pos); _transform.LookAt(pos + forward); _rigidbody.set_velocity(forward); }
// Shoot private void HandleShot(BulletData data, float power) { switch (Mathf.FloorToInt(power)) { case 0: case 1: BulletHandler.ShootSplit(data, 3f, 2); break; case 2: case 3: BulletHandler.ShootSplit(data, 3f, 3); break; case 4: BulletHandler.ShootSplit(data, 4f, 3); break; default: BulletHandler.ShootSplit(data, 4f, 4); break; } foreach (Transform orb in transform.Find("Orbs")) { if (orb.gameObject.activeSelf) { orb.GetComponent <Orb>().Shoot(); } } }
// Shoot bullet burst public static IEnumerator ShootBurst(BulletData data, float spread, int count, float time, GameObject requiredObj = null) { bool hasRequiredObj = requiredObj != null; float delay = time / count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Stop if requiredObj was destroyed if (hasRequiredObj && requiredObj == null) { yield break; } BulletData newData = data; if (hasRequiredObj) { newData.pos = requiredObj.transform.position; } newData.rot = data.rot + Random.Range(-spread, spread); ShootBullet(newData); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); } yield return(null); }
public static BulletData getInstance() { if(_instance == null) { _instance = new BulletData(); } return _instance; }
// Use this for initialization // Update is called once per frame public static Bullet GetBullet(BulletData bulletData) { GameObject bulletObj = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Bullet/Bullet"); bulletObj = GameObject.Instantiate (bulletObj); Bullet bullet = bulletObj.GetComponent<Bullet>(); bullet.MyBulletData = bulletData; return bullet; }
// Use this for initialization public override void StartFire( eUnitType findType) { m_findType = findType; m_GunData = new GunData (); m_bulletData = new BulletData (); m_fireCount = m_GunData.m_repeatCount; //newBullet.Fire (); m_isFire = true; }
public void AssignBulletType(BulletData data) { int index = GetIndex(data.beltSlotInstance_m); Debug.Log("!! Assigning belt : " + index); if(index >= 0) { SetBulletType(index, BulletType.Regular); } }
// Update is called once per frame public void Fire(BulletData bulletData, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 velocityDir, eUnitType findUnitType) { if(m_BulletModel) m_BulletModel.SetActive(true); if(m_crasheffect) m_crasheffect.SetActive(false); m_destoryed = false; m_findUnitType = findUnitType; float speed = m_baseSpeed * bulletData.m_bulletSpeed; m_rigidbody.transform.forward = velocityDir; m_rigidbody.position = startPos; m_rigidbody.velocity = velocityDir*speed; CancelInvoke (); float endTime = m_maxRange/speed; Invoke ("EndRange", endTime); }
public static Dictionary<int, BulletData> Load(string fileName) { Dictionary<int, BulletData> table = new Dictionary<int, BulletData>(); // 텍스트 테이블 읽어 들임 XmlDocument xmlFile = new XmlDocument(); xmlFile.PreserveWhitespace = false; try { TextAsset textAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("XML/" + fileName, typeof(TextAsset)); xmlFile.LoadXml(textAsset.text); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } XmlNodeList allData = xmlFile.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode mainNode in allData) { if (mainNode.Name.Equals("Data") == true) { XmlNodeList childNodeList = mainNode.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode node in childNodeList) { BulletData tableData = new BulletData(); tableData.Index = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Index").Value); tableData.MoveType = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("MoveType").Value); tableData.HitType = Int32.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("HitType").Value); tableData.Speed= Int32.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Speed").Value); tableData.MuzzleCount= Int32.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("MuzzleCount").Value); tableData.MuzzleAngle= float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("MuzzleAngle").Value); tableData.Amount= Int32.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Amount").Value); tableData.Repeat= Int32.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Repeat").Value); tableData.Delay= float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Delay").Value); tableData.Period= float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Period").Value); tableData.Size = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Size").Value); table.Add(tableData.Index, tableData); } } } return table; }
//----------------死亡处理过程----------------// public Bullet1(TextureManager _t, Vector2D direction, Vector2D position, int color = 5,float _speed = 100) { texturemanager = _t; Direction.X = direction.X; Position.X = position.X; Direction.Y = direction.Y; Position.Y = position.Y; bulletbody = new BulletBodys.BigButterfly(_t, 3); //敌机子弹皮肤(miniRice) speed = _speed; BulletData bulletdata = new BulletData(Position, Direction, Scale, speed); contorler = new Entities.Controlors.DirectControler(bulletdata); //选择直线控制器 renderlevel = 0; //需要提前约定好 MissTick = 61; MissRefresh = 60; }
/// <summary> /// Shoots the bullet. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Data.</param> public void ShootBullet(BulletData data) { if (!bulletsResMapping.ContainsKey(data.BulletResName)) { bulletsResMapping.Add(data.BulletResName, Statics.GetPrefab("Prefabs/Bullets/" + data.BulletResName)); } GameObject bulletObj = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(bulletsResMapping[data.BulletResName]) as GameObject; Bullet bullet = bulletObj.GetComponent<Bullet>(); if (bullet != null) { bullet.bulletData = data; bullet.Shoot(data.FromPosition, data.ToPosition); bullets.Add(bullet); } }
public FrameData(string text) { string[] data = text.Split('|'); string[] robotText = data[0].Split('*'); string[] bulletText = data[1].Split ('*'); string[] hitText = data[2].Split('*'); string[] arsenalText = data[3].Split('*'); robotData = new RobotData[robotText.Length]; for(int i = 0; i<robotText.Length; i++) { robotData[i] = new RobotData(robotText[i]); } if(bulletText[0] != "") { bulletData = new BulletData[bulletText.Length]; for(int i = 0; i<bulletText.Length; i++) { bulletData[i] = new BulletData(bulletText[i]); } } else { bulletData = null; } if(hitText[0] != "") { hitData = new HitData[hitText.Length]; for(int i = 0; i<hitText.Length; i++) { hitData[i] = new HitData(hitText[i]); } } else { hitData = null; } if(arsenalText[0] != "") { arsenalRespawnTime = new int[arsenalText.Length]; for(int i = 0; i<arsenalText.Length; i++) { arsenalRespawnTime[i] = Convert.ToInt32(arsenalText[i]); } } else { arsenalRespawnTime = null; } }
public BulletData bulletdata; //子弹的记录数据 #endregion Fields #region Constructors public DirectControler(BulletData b) { this.bulletdata = b; Direction = bulletdata.Direction; Position = bulletdata.Position; }