public void Reset() { // reset all important variables initialLog = true; gameHasBegun = false; isBombAudioPlaying = false; myHighestScoringWord = ""; myHighestScoringWordScore = 0; myRarestWord = ""; myRarestWordRarity = 0; myHighScoreUpdated = false; counter = 5; GameObject boxes = GameObject.Find("SpawnBoxes"); foreach (Transform child in boxes.transform) { child.gameObject.GetComponent <SpawnBoxScript>().Reset(); } // reset all important BoxScript variables BoxScript.Reset(); ResetTimer(); UpdatePlayButton(); gameOverPanel.SetActive(false); int scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex; SceneManager.LoadScene(scene); // eventually delete the key "currentPath" // PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("currentPath"); }
public void LoadGameState() { ResetGame(); if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Board")) { string prefString = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Board"); board = StringToIntList(prefString).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < actualBoard.Length; i++) { BoxScript boardControl = actualBoard[i].GetComponent <BoxScript>(); if (board[i] == -1) { boardControl.TouchBox(); moveCount++; } else if (board[i] == 1) { boardControl.ComputerTouch(); } else { boardControl.Reset(); } } } else { print("No board to load!"); } }