コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Given an AABB Box Entity and a CircleEntity, checks if these objects are overlapping
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns> returns true if 'Circle' and 'Box' are overlapping each other </returns>
    public static bool DetectCollision(CircleEntity Circle, BoxEntity Box)
        Vector Edge = new Vector(Circle.x, Circle.y);

        //if the circle is on the left
        if (Circle.x < Box.Min.x)
            //edge x to check is set to left side
            Edge.x = Box.Min.x;
        //if the circle is on the right
        else if (Circle.x > Box.Max.x)
            //edge x to check is set to the right side
            Edge.x = Box.Max.x;

        //if the circle is above box
        if (Circle.y < Box.Min.y)
            //edge y to check is set on top
            Edge.y = Box.Min.y;
        //if the circle is below
        else if (Circle.y > Box.Max.y)
            //edge y to check is set on the bottom
            Edge.y = Box.Max.y;
        Vector Distance      = new Vector(Edge.x - Circle.x, Edge.y - Circle.y);
        float  RadiusSquared = Circle.Radius * Circle.Radius;

        return(Mathf.Pow(Distance.x, 2) + Mathf.Pow(Distance.y, 2) < RadiusSquared);
コード例 #2
    public void AddPlayer(BoxCollider box)
        BoxEntity entity = new BoxEntity();

        entity.collider = box;
        entity.aabb     = GetAABB(box);
コード例 #3
    void Start()
        var comps = StaticWorld.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>();

        foreach (BoxCollider box in comps) //遍历所有gameobject
            BoxEntity entity = new BoxEntity();
            entity.collider = box;
            entity.aabb     = GetAABB(box);
コード例 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Given a 2D Point in space, Checks if the point is inside the AABB Collider of type  BoxEntitiy
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Point"></param>
    /// <param name="Box"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool PointVBox(Vector Point, BoxEntity Box)
        if (Point.x < Box.Min.x || Point.x > Box.Max.x)
        if (Point.y < Box.Min.y || Point.y > Box.Max.y)

コード例 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Given 2 AABB colliders of type BoxEntity, checks if these objects are overlapping
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool DetectCollision(BoxEntity A, BoxEntity B)
        if (A.Max.x < B.Min.x || A.Min.x > B.Max.x)
        if (A.Max.y < B.Min.y || A.Min.y > B.Max.y)

コード例 #6
        public async Task Handle(IDomainEvent <BoxAggregate, BoxId, BoxCreatedEvent> domainEvent)
            var entity = new BoxEntity
                AggregateId = domainEvent.AggregateIdentity.Value,
                Barcode     = domainEvent.AggregateEvent.Barcode.Value,
                Created     = domainEvent.Timestamp,
                Modified    = domainEvent.Timestamp

            using (var db = new StorageDbContext(_dbContextOptions))
                await db.AddAsync(entity).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await db.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
コード例 #7
 private static async Task CreateCollaboration(BoxEntity folder, string searchUserId, BoxClient auClient,
                                               TimeLimiter throttle)
     var requestParams = new BoxCollaborationRequest()
         Item = new BoxRequestEntity()
             Type = BoxType.folder,
             Id   = folder.Id
         Role         = Config.SearchUserRole,
         AccessibleBy = new BoxCollaborationUserRequest()
             Id = searchUserId
     await throttle;
     await auClient.CollaborationsManager.AddCollaborationAsync(requestParams);
コード例 #8
ファイル: TestScene.cs プロジェクト: pacojq/Ferret
        public TestScene()
            //BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue;

             * Random rand = new Random();
             * for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
             * {
             *  PlayerEntity e = new PlayerEntity();
             *  e.Position = new Vector2(rand.Next(SandboxGame.Width), rand.Next(SandboxGame.Height));
             *  AddEntity(e);
             * }
            PlayerEntity p = new PlayerEntity();


            BoxEntity box = new BoxEntity(p.Renderer.Material);

            box.Position = new Vector2(64, 64);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: unitycoder/Drawing3D
        public void SetEntityKind(Entitykind Kind)
            Entities = Kind;

            if (Entities != Entitykind.CtrlRectangle)
                if (CRect != null)
                    CRect.Device = null;
            switch (Entities)

            case Entitykind.Boxentity:
                Box = new BoxEntity(new xyz(0, 0, 0), new xyz(4, 5, 6));


            case Entitykind.PolyCurveExtruder:
                PolyCurveEx = new PolyCurveExtruder();
                Loca       _Loca   = new Loca();
                CurveArray Curves0 = new CurveArray();
                Curves0.Count = 4;
                Curves0[0]    = new Line(new xy(-3, -3), new xy(-3, 4));
                Curves0[1]    = new Line(new xy(-3, 4), new xy(4, 4));
                Curves0[2]    = new Line(new xy(4, 4), new xy(4, -3));
                Curves0[3]    = new Line(new xy(4, -3), new xy(-3, -3));

                CurveArray Curves1 = new CurveArray();
                Curves1.Count = 4;
                Curves1[0]    = new Line(new xy(0, 0), new xy(1, 0));
                Curves1[1]    = new Line(new xy(1, 0), new xy(1, 1));
                Curves1[2]    = new Line(new xy(1, 1), new xy(0, 1));
                Curves1[3]    = new Line(new xy(0, 1), new xy(0, 0));

                PolyCurveEx.DownPlane     = new Plane(new xyz(0, 0, 0), new xyz(0, 0, 1));
                PolyCurveEx.UpPlane       = new Plane(new xyz(0, 0, 4), new xyz(0, 0.5, 1));
                PolyCurveEx.Loca          = _Loca;
                PolyCurveEx.ShowUpPlane   = true;
                PolyCurveEx.ShowDownPlane = true;
                PolyCurveEx.Height        = -1;
                PolyCurveEx.Direction     = new xyz(0, 1, 1);

            case Entitykind.CoordinateAxis:
                Axis                   = new CoordinateAxis();
                Axis.FullSize          = true;
                Axis.ShowText          = true;
                Axis.TextHeight        = 1;
                Axis.Color             = Color.Black;
                Axis.Size              = new xyz(10, 20, 30);
                Axis.Devider           = new xyz(4, 4, 4);
                Axis.DeviderLineLength = 0.3;
                Axis.LeftAndRight      = true;
                Axis.Dim3d             = true;
                Axis.ShowDevider       = true;

            case Entitykind.TextEntity:
                Text      = new TextEntity();
                Text.Text = "Drawing3d";

                Text.Size     = 4;
                Text.Italic   = true;
                Text.Position = new xyz(-5, 0, 0);

            case Entitykind.Interpolator:

                Interpolator        = new Interpolator3D();
                Interpolator.Points = new xyz[, ]
                    { new xyz(-3, -3, 0), new xyz(-3, 0, 2), new xyz(-3, 3, 0), new xyz(-3, 6, -2) },
                    { new xyz(0, -3, 2), new xyz(0, 0, 3), new xyz(0, 3, 2), new xyz(0, 6, -2) },
                    { new xyz(3, -3, 3), new xyz(3, 0, 2), new xyz(3, 3, 1), new xyz(3, 6, -2) },
                    { new xyz(6, -3, 2), new xyz(6, 0, 0), new xyz(6, 3, 0), new xyz(6, 6, -2) }


            case Entitykind.Zoom:

                Zoom        = new RectCtrlZoom(this);
                Zoom.Device = this;
                Zoom.Color  = Color.White;

            case Entitykind.CtrlRectangle:

                CRect               = new CtrlRectangle(this);
                CRect.Color         = Color.Black;
                CRect.MarkerColor   = Color.Red;
                CRect.Creating      = false;
                CRect.Rectangle     = new RectangleF(-1, -1, 6, 5);
                CRect.CompileEnable = false;
                Triangle            = new xyArray();
                Triangle.data       = new xy[] { new xy(0, 0), new xy(2, 2), new xy(4, 0), new xy(0, 0) };

                // S = new SphereEntity(new xyz(0, 0, 0), 2);
                //S = new BoxEntity(new xyz(0, 0, 0), new xyz(4, 4, 4));
                //S.CompileEnable = false;
                // CRect.TransformItems.Add(S);
                // CRect.LiveTransform = true;

            case Entitykind.Profiler:

                xyzArray A = new xyzArray();
                A.data = new xyz[] { new xyz(-3, 0, 0), new xyz(-3, -4, 0), new xyz(3, -4, 0), new xyz(3, 0, 0) };
                Loca       _Loca   = new Loca();
                CurveArray Curves0 = new CurveArray();
                Curves0.Count = 4;
                Curves0[0]    = new Line(new xy(-1, -1), new xy(-1, 2));
                Curves0[1]    = new Line(new xy(-1, 2), new xy(2, 2));
                Curves0[2]    = new Line(new xy(2, 2), new xy(2, -1));
                Curves0[3]    = new Line(new xy(2, -1), new xy(-1, -1));
                CurveArray Curves1 = new CurveArray();
                Curves1.Count = 4;
                Curves1[0]    = new Line(new xy(0, 0), new xy(1, 0));
                Curves1[1]    = new Line(new xy(1, 0), new xy(1, 1));
                Curves1[2]    = new Line(new xy(1, 1), new xy(0, 1));
                Curves1[3]    = new Line(new xy(0, 1), new xy(0, 0));
                Profil = new Profiler();
                Profil.CompileEnable = false;
                Profil.Trace         = A;
                Profil.Transverse    = _Loca;
                Profil.CloseFirst    = true;
                Profil.CloseLast     = true;

            case Entitykind.ActiveCursor:
                //  ActiveC.CrossColor = Color.Red;

            case Entitykind.SphereEntity:
                Sphere = new SphereEntity(new xyz(3, 2, 1), 4);
                //  Sphere.CompileEnable = false;
                //  Sphere = new SphereEntity(new xyz(0, 0, 0), 4);

            case Entitykind.Cone:
                Cone = new Cone(3, 5);

            case Entitykind.Arrow:
                Arrow = new Arrow();
                Arrow.Transformation = Matrix.Translation(new xyz(5, 0, 0));
                Arrow.SetShaftAndTop(new xyz(-10, 0, 0), new xyz(0, 0, 0));
                Arrow.Size = 8;
                drawSphere(new xyz(0, 0, 0), 0.5);

コード例 #10
ファイル: BoxBaseCommand.cs プロジェクト: jmfrank63/boxcli
 protected virtual void PrintEntity(BoxEntity item)
     Reporter.WriteInformation($"Item ID: {item.Id}");
     Reporter.WriteInformation($"Item Type: {item.Type}");