public static void cmd_act(Bot bot, String ns, String[] args, String msg, String from, dAmnPacket packet) { if (args.Length < 2) { bot.Say(ns, String.Format("<b>» Usage:</b> {0}act <i>[#channel]</i> msg", bot.Config.Trigger)); } else { String chan, mesg; if (!args[1].StartsWith("#")) { chan = ns; mesg = msg.Substring(4); } else { chan = args[1]; mesg = msg.Substring(5 + args[1].Length); } lock (CommandChannels["send"]) { CommandChannels["send"].Add(ns); } bot.Act(chan, mesg); } }
public static void cmd_channels(Bot bot, String ns, String[] args, String msg, String from, dAmnPacket packet) { String output = String.Empty; List<String> chans = new List<String>(); try { foreach (var cd in Core.ChannelData.Values) if (cd.Name != "chat:DataShare" && !cd.Name.StartsWith("pchat") && !cd.Name.StartsWith("login")) chans.Add(Tools.FormatNamespace(cd.Name, Types.NamespaceFormat.Channel)); chans.Sort(); output += String.Format("<b>» I am currently residing in {0} channel{1}:</b><br/>", chans.Count, chans.Count == 1 ? "" : "s"); output += String.Format("<b> · [</b>{0}<b>]</b>", String.Join("<b>]</b>, <b>[</b>", chans)); bot.Act(ns, output); } catch (Exception Ex) { if (Program.Debug) bot.Say(ns, "Error: " + Ex.Message); } }
public static void cmd_about(Bot bot, String ns, String[] args, String msg, String from, dAmnPacket packet) { String output = String.Empty; output += String.Format("<b>» I am a <a href=\"\">{0}</a> v{1} <b><sup>{2}</sup></b>, written by :devDivinityArcane:<br/>»</b> I am owned by :dev{3}:<br/>", Program.BotName, Program.Version, Program.ReleaseName, bot.Config.Owner); output += String.Format("<b>»</b> I've disconnected {0} time{1}, while I've been running for {2}<br/>", Program.Disconnects, Program.Disconnects == 1 ? "" : "s", Tools.FormatTime(bot.uptime)); bot.Act(ns, output); }
public static void cmd_credits(Bot bot, String ns, String[] args, String msg, String from, dAmnPacket packet) { String output = String.Empty; output += "» lulzBot is a bot written by :devDivinityArcane: <sup><i>Formerly Kyogo</i></sup> and it couldn't have been done without the following people:"; output += "<br/><br/><b>Absolutely f*****g no one!</b> <sub><sub>No, not really.</sub></sub><br/><br/>"; output += ":devOrrinFox:, who thought of the name and inspired me to write the bot.<br/>"; output += ":devDeathShadow--666:, for letting me look at n00ds of his sister when I did well.<br/>"; output += ":devSubjectX52873M:, for teaching me quite a few fun things that bots could do, as well as proving that PHP sucks for bots. :cough: <sub><sub>Dante</sub></sub><br/>"; output += ":devdoofsmack: and :devtwexler:, who wrote dAmnBot, which inspired me to write bots for dAmn.<br/>"; output += ":devNoodleMan:, for writing NoodleBot and Gyn, which inspired me to do better, way back when.<br/>"; output += ":develectricnet:, for writing Futurism, which gave me quite a few ideas on what to do for user<->bot interaction.<br/>"; output += ":devphotofroggy:, for writing dAmnPHP and Contra, which gave me ideas on how to do certain things I was conflicted about.<br/>"; output += "And the whole #Botdom team, who put up with my bullshit for many, many years!<br/>"; output += "<br/>But, most of all, <b>you</b>, for continuing to use lulzBot and letting me know how I can improve it."; bot.Act(ns, output); }
private void PlayMove(GameResponse rawData) { _knowledge.Update(rawData); Move action = _bot.Act(); _con.SendMove(action); pictureBoard.Image = KnowledgeRenderer.Render(_knowledge.Map, 4); var visRequests = _bot.Visualizaton.ToList(); int max = Math.Min(visRequests.Count, _visCtrls.Count); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { _visCtrls[i].Description.Text = visRequests[i].Description; _visCtrls[i].Image.Image = KnowledgeRenderer.Render(_knowledge[visRequests[i].ChartName], KnowledgeRenderer.GradientRedToGreen, 4); } for (int i = max; i < _visCtrls.Count; i++) { _visCtrls[i].Description.Text = "..."; _visCtrls[i].Image.Image = null; } }