コード例 #1
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
 private void aboutToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
             //splash = new SplashScreen(false, licenseInfo.licenseText, licenseInfo.isLicensed);
             using (About aboutBox = new About(licenseInfo.licenseText, licenseInfo.isLicensed)) {
                 if (aboutBox.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                     this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;
コード例 #2
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        //Thread redrawThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(data.regeneratePuzzle));
        public WordList()
            gridSizeTextBox.Text = data.gridSize.ToString();

               // splashThread.Abort();

            //this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

            //Hide the registration menu if the app is already registered
            licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
            if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == true)
                registerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: BingoFuncs.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        private void PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
            //Here we can do a license check to see how much we should randomize the cards
            System.Drawing.Graphics graphicsObj;
            graphicsObj = e.Graphics;
            Rectangle rect = e.MarginBounds;
            Point pt = new Point(rect.X, rect.Y);
            Size sz = new Size(rect.Width, rect.Height);
            Random rand = new Random();

            BingoLicense licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();

            //find the shortest dimension.  That will be our top.
            //Now, rows = cardsPerPage/2, columms = 2.
            //Except, 1 and 2 cards per page are special cases

            if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)

                if (bingoTable.numCardsPerPage == 1)
                    //Find shortest dimension
                    if (rect.Width <= rect.Height)
                        sz.Width = sz.Height = rect.Width;

                        sz.Width = sz.Height = rect.Height;

                    if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                        PrintCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo);

                else if (bingoTable.numCardsPerPage == 2)
                    Rectangle tempRect = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

                    //find shortest dimension that is less than 2x the longer dimension.  Add 10 pixels so we have some space between the tables
                    if (tempRect.Width >= tempRect.Height)
                        //We are in landscape mode, print out side by side
                        while ((tempRect.Height * 2 + 10) > tempRect.Width)
                            tempRect.Height -= 1;

                        //Adjust pt.y so we print in the center of the page
                        pt.Y = pt.Y + ((rect.Height - tempRect.Height) / 2);

                        //Now, the height is 1/2 the width.  Draw the first table.
                        sz.Width = sz.Height = tempRect.Height;

                        if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                            /*  e.HasMorePages =*/
                            PrintCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo);
                        //bingoTable.RandSeed += 1;
                        //Add the size of the first card + 10px to pt and draw again
                        if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                            pt.X = pt.X + sz.Width + 10;
                            /*    e.HasMorePages =*/
                            PrintCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo);

                    {  //We are in portrait mode
                        while ((tempRect.Width * 2 + 10) > tempRect.Height)
                            tempRect.Width -= 1;
                        //Adjust pt.x so we print in the center of the page.
                        pt.X = pt.X + ((rect.Width - tempRect.Width) / 2);

                        //Now, the width is 1/2 the height.  Draw the first table.
                        sz.Width = sz.Height = tempRect.Width;

                        /*e.HasMorePages = */
                        if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                            PrintCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo);

                        if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)

                            pt.Y = pt.Y + sz.Height + 10;
                            /* e.HasMorePages =*/
                            PrintCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo);

                else if (bingoTable.numCardsPerPage > 2)
                    Rectangle tempRect = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
                    if (tempRect.Width >= tempRect.Height)
                        //We are in landscape mode
                        int numCols = bingoTable.numCardsPerPage / 2;
                        tempRect.Width = (rect.Width - 10 * (numCols - 1)) / numCols;

                        tempRect.Height = (rect.Height - 10) / 2;

                        if (tempRect.Height > tempRect.Width)
                            while (tempRect.Height > tempRect.Width)
                                tempRect.Height -= 1;
                            //tempRect.Width = tempRect.Height;
                        else if (tempRect.Height < tempRect.Width)
                            while (tempRect.Height < tempRect.Width)
                                tempRect.Width -= 1;
                            //tempRect.Height = tempRect.Width;

                        //Remove a few px becausee we may gain some when we even everything out
                        sz.Height = sz.Width = tempRect.Width - 5;

                        //Adjust the height and column size so they divide evenly into table.row and table.column
                        //This is done because we use integer sizes and we want everything to line up correctly.
                        //Otherwise, there will be badness.
                        int rowSize = bingoTable.rowSize;
                        if (bingoTable.printTitle == true)
                            rowSize += 1;
                        int remainder = sz.Height % rowSize;
                        while (remainder != 0)
                            sz.Height += 1;
                            remainder = sz.Height % rowSize;

                        int colSize = bingoTable.colSize;
                        remainder = sz.Width % colSize;
                        while (remainder != 0)
                            sz.Width += 1;
                            remainder = sz.Width % colSize;
                        //End resize

                        if ((sz.Height <= 0) || (sz.Width <= 0))
                            MessageBox.Show("Unable to Print.  Bingo card size is less than 0!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                        } //Avoid badness

                        //  for (int card = 0; (card < bingoTable.numCardsPerPage) && (totalCardsToPrint > 0); card++, numCardsToPrint -= 1)
                        for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++)
                            int rowHeight = (rect.Height - 10) / 2;
                            pt.Y = rect.Y + (row * rowHeight) + (10 * row);

                            for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
                                //bingoTable.RandSeed = rand.Next() % 9999;
                                pt.X = rect.X + (col * tempRect.Width) + (10 * col);
                                if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                                    PrintCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo);
                        //We are in portrait mode
                        int numRows = bingoTable.numCardsPerPage / 2;
                        tempRect.Height = (rect.Height - 10 * (numRows - 1)) / numRows;  //(10 * numRows - 1) is the gap between each square

                        //Find the largest box that fits.
                        tempRect.Width = (rect.Width - 10) / 2; //10px gap between each square

                        if (tempRect.Width > tempRect.Height)
                            while (tempRect.Width > tempRect.Height)
                                tempRect.Width -= 1;
                            // tempRect.Height = tempRect.Width;
                        else if (tempRect.Width < tempRect.Height)
                            while (tempRect.Width < tempRect.Height)
                                tempRect.Height -= 1;
                            //tempRect.Width = tempRect.Height;

                        //Now, tempRect contains the perfect square size
                        sz.Height = sz.Width = tempRect.Width - 3;

                        //Adjust the height and column size so they divide evenly into table.row and table.column
                        //This is done because we use integer sizes and we want everything to line up correctly.
                        //Otherwise, there will be badness.
                        int rowSize = bingoTable.rowSize;
                        if (bingoTable.printTitle == true)
                            rowSize += 1;
                        int remainder = sz.Height % rowSize;
                        while (remainder != 0)
                            sz.Height += 1;
                            remainder = sz.Height % rowSize;

                        int colSize = bingoTable.colSize;
                        remainder = sz.Width % colSize;
                        while (remainder != 0)
                            sz.Width += 1;
                            remainder = sz.Width % colSize;
                        //End resize

                        if ((sz.Height <= 0) || (sz.Width <= 0))
                            MessageBox.Show("Unable to Print.  Bingo card size is less than 0!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                        } //Avoid badness

                        //for (int card = 0; (card < bingoTable.numCardsPerPage && numCardsToPrint > 0); card++, numCardsToPrint -= 1)
                        for (int col = 0; col < 2; col++)
                            //Center the columns
                            int colWidth = (rect.Width - 10) / 2; //10px gap between each square
                            pt.X = rect.X + (col * colWidth) + (10 * col);
                            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                                // if (e.HasMorePages == true)
                                    //bingoTable.RandSeed = rand.Next() % 9999;
                                    pt.Y = rect.Y + (row * tempRect.Height) + (10 * row);
                                    if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                                        PrintCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo);


            else if (printCallListOnNextPage == true)
                printBingoCallList(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj, licenseInfo, "Hello World!", false);
                printCallListOnNextPage = false;
                e.HasMorePages = false;
            if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                e.HasMorePages = true;
            else if (this.numCardsToPrint <= 0)
                if (bingoTable.printCallList == true)
                    e.HasMorePages = true;
                    printCallListOnNextPage = true;
                    e.HasMorePages = false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: BingoFuncs.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        public void PrintCard(Point pt, Size sz, BingoTable table, Color color, ref Graphics graphicsObj, BingoLicense licenseInfo)
            if (this.numCardsToPrint > 0)
                if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == true)
                    Random rand = new Random();
                    bingoTable.RandSeed = rand.Next() % 9999;
                    bingoTable.RandSeed += 1;

                DrawBingoCard(pt, sz, bingoTable, Color.Black, ref graphicsObj);
                //return (true);
            this.numCardsToPrint -= 1;
コード例 #5
ファイル: BingoFuncs.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        public void printBingoCallList(Point pt, Size sz, BingoTable table, Color color, ref Graphics graphicsObj, BingoLicense licenseInfo, string Message, bool printMessage)
            Font titleFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 14, FontStyle.Bold);
            Font itemFont = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12);
            Brush blackBrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
            string wordList = "";

            foreach (string item in table.items)
                wordList += item + "\n";

            if (printMessage == true)
                wordList += "\n\n" + Message + "\n";

            //Draw title
            string listTitle = "Call List";

            SizeF itemSize = graphicsObj.MeasureString(listTitle.ToString(), titleFont);
            Point titlePoint = new Point(pt.X + (int)((sz.Width - itemSize.Width) / 2), pt.Y);
            graphicsObj.DrawString(listTitle, titleFont, blackBrush, titlePoint);

            pt.Y += (int)(itemSize.Height + 0.5);

            //Draw words
            graphicsObj.DrawString(wordList, itemFont, blackBrush, pt);
コード例 #6
 private bool readLicenceFile()
     licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
     return (licenseInfo.isLicensed);
コード例 #7
 public RegistrationScreen()
     licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
コード例 #8
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
 private void addWord()
     licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
             if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == false) {
                 if (data.words.Count >= licenseInfo.maxWordSearchWords) {
                     splash = new SplashScreen(true, "Sorry, the trial version of Word Search Designer\nis limited to " + licenseInfo.maxWordSearchWords + " words at a time.", licenseInfo.isLicensed);
                     using (splash) {
コード例 #9
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        private void WordSearchPrintDocument()
            bool printPerformed = screenDraw.PrintWordSearchDocument(ref this.data);

                    if (printPerformed == true) {
                        licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
                        if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == false) {
                            FeatureList features = new FeatureList();
                            //splash = new SplashScreen(true, "Thank you for trying Bingo Card Designer.\nThis version will print the same cards for the same word list.\nPurchasing Bingo Card Designer will allow you to print unique cards every time.", licenseInfo.isLicensed);
                            using (features) {
                                if (features.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                                    this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

コード例 #10
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        private void WordList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            itemsListBoxToolTip.SetToolTip(this.itemsListBox, "Word will not fit. Try refreshing \nor a larger grid size.");

            licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
            splash = new SplashScreen(false, licenseInfo.licenseText, licenseInfo.isLicensed);

            Thread splashThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(showSplashScreen));
コード例 #11
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        private void regeneratePuzzleAndGrid()
            int temp;
                    try {
                        temp = int.Parse(gridSizeTextBox.Text);
                    catch {
                        MessageBox.Show("Grid Size Must be a Number!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
                    if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == false) {
                        if (temp > licenseInfo.gridSize) {
                            temp = licenseInfo.gridSize;
                            gridSizeTextBox.Text = temp.ToString();
                            splash = new SplashScreen(true, "Sorry, the trial version of Word Search Designer\nis limited to a grid size of 15.", licenseInfo.isLicensed);
                            using (splash) {

                    data.gridSize = temp;

                        regeneratingPuzzleWait wait = new regeneratingPuzzleWait(ref data);
            using (wait)
                //				data.gridSize = int.Parse(gridSizeTextBox.Text);
コード例 #12
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
        private void numberCardsToPrintTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int numCardsToPrint = -1;
                    if (numberCardsToPrintTextBox.Text == "") {
                        data.numCardsToPrint = 1;
                    } //If they clear it out, set it to 1 by default

                    try {
                        numCardsToPrint = int.Parse(numberCardsToPrintTextBox.Text);
                    catch {
                        numberCardsToPrintTextBox.Text = data.numCardsToPrint.ToString();
                        numCardsToPrint = data.numCardsToPrint;
                        //data.numCardsToPrint = int.Parse(numberCardsToPrintTextBox.Text);
                    finally {
                        licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
                        if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == false) {
                            if (numCardsToPrint > licenseInfo.maxWordSearchCardsToPrint) {
                                numCardsToPrint = licenseInfo.maxWordSearchCardsToPrint;
                                splash = new SplashScreen(true, "Sorry, the trial version of Word Search Designer\nis limited to printing " + licenseInfo.maxWordSearchCardsToPrint + " puzzles at a time.", licenseInfo.isLicensed);
                                using (splash) {
                            data.numCardsToPrint = numCardsToPrint;
                            numberCardsToPrintTextBox.Text = data.numCardsToPrint.ToString();
コード例 #13
ファイル: WordList.cs プロジェクト: xyzio/bingowords
 private void helpToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Hide the registration menu if the app is already registered
             licenseInfo = new BingoLicense();
             if (licenseInfo.isLicensed == true) {
                 registerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false;