コード例 #1
ファイル: LVDEntry.cs プロジェクト: ssbucarlos/StudioSB
        public virtual void Read(BinaryReaderExt r)
            EntryFlags  = r.ReadInt64();
            EntryNumber = r.ReadInt32();

            bool hasString = r.ReadBoolean();

            EntryName = r.ReadString(0x38);

            bool hasLabel = r.ReadBoolean();

            EntryLabel = r.ReadString(0x40);

            bool hasStartPosition = r.ReadBoolean();

            StartPosition    = new LVDVector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle());
            UseStartPosition = r.ReadBoolean();

            // Unknown
            UnknownIndex2 = r.ReadInt32();

            UnknownVector = new LVDVector3(r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle(), r.ReadSingle());
            UnknownIndex  = r.ReadInt32();

            BoneName = r.ReadString(0x40);
コード例 #2
        public override void Read(BinaryReaderExt r)

            ID = r.ReadInt32();

            Name = r.ReadString(0x40);

            X = r.ReadSingle();
            Y = r.ReadSingle();
            Z = r.ReadSingle();
            W = r.ReadSingle();

            Unknown1 = r.ReadInt32();
            Unknown2 = r.ReadInt32();
コード例 #3
ファイル: MEXSoundBank.cs プロジェクト: blooz/mexTool
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadFromStream(Stream s)
            using (BinaryReaderExt r = new BinaryReaderExt(s))
                if (s.Length < 0x14)

                if (new string(r.ReadChars(4)) != "SPKG")

                GroupFlags = r.ReadUInt32();
                Flags      = r.ReadUInt32();

                var ssmSize = r.ReadInt32();
                ScriptBank         = new SEMBank();
                ScriptBank.Scripts = new SEMBankScript[r.ReadInt32()];

                for (int i = 0; i < ScriptBank.Scripts.Length; i++)
                    ScriptBank.Scripts[i] = new SEMBankScript();
                    ScriptBank.Scripts[i].Decompile(r.GetSection(r.ReadUInt32(), r.ReadInt32()));

                var name = r.ReadString(r.ReadByte());

                if (ssmSize == 0)
                    SoundBank = null;
                    SoundBank = new SSM();
                    using (MemoryStream ssmStream = new MemoryStream(r.ReadBytes(ssmSize)))
                        SoundBank.Open(name, ssmStream);
コード例 #4
ファイル: CHR0Converter.cs プロジェクト: Ploaj/HSDLib
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static JointAnimManager LoadCHR0(string filePath, JointMap jointMap)
            JointAnimManager anim = new JointAnimManager();

            for (int i = 0; i < jointMap.Count; i++)
                anim.Nodes.Add(new AnimNode());

            using (BinaryReaderExt r = new BinaryReaderExt(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open)))
                r.BigEndian = true;
                if (r.BaseStream.Length < 4 || new string(r.ReadChars(4)) != "CHR0")
                    throw new InvalidDataException("CHR0 file is not valid");


                int versionNum = r.ReadInt32();

                if (versionNum != 4)
                    throw new InvalidDataException($"CHR0 version {versionNum} not supported");


                var indexGroupOffset = r.ReadUInt32();
                var animName         = r.ReadString(r.ReadInt32(), -1);

                anim.FrameCount = r.ReadUInt16() - 1;
                int animDataCount = r.ReadUInt16();

                var sectionOffset = r.ReadUInt32() + indexGroupOffset;
                int sectionCount  = r.ReadInt32();

                for (uint i = 0; i < sectionCount; i++)
                    r.Seek(indexGroupOffset + 8 + 16 * i);
                    r.Skip(4); // id and unknown
                    r.Skip(2); // let
                    r.Skip(2); // right
                    var boneName   = r.ReadString(r.ReadInt32() + (int)indexGroupOffset, -1);
                    var dataOffset = r.ReadUInt32() + indexGroupOffset;
                    if (dataOffset == indexGroupOffset)
                        sectionCount += 1;

                    if (jointMap.IndexOf(boneName) == -1)


                    var nameOff = r.Position + r.ReadUInt32();
                    var flags   = r.ReadInt32();
                    //Console.WriteLine(boneName + " " + flags.ToString("X"));
                    int t_type = (flags >> 0x1e) & 0x3;
                    int r_type = (flags >> 0x1b) & 0x7;
                    int s_type = (flags >> 0x19) & 0x3;

                    int hasT = (flags >> 0x18) & 0x1;
                    int hasR = (flags >> 0x17) & 0x1;
                    int hasS = (flags >> 0x16) & 0x1;

                    int Zfixed = (flags >> 0x15) & 0x1;
                    int Yfixed = (flags >> 0x14) & 0x1;
                    int Xfixed = (flags >> 0x13) & 0x1;

                    int RZfixed = (flags >> 0x12) & 0x1;
                    int RYfixed = (flags >> 0x11) & 0x1;
                    int RXfixed = (flags >> 0x10) & 0x1;

                    int SZfixed = (flags >> 0xf) & 0x1;
                    int SYfixed = (flags >> 0xe) & 0x1;
                    int SXfixed = (flags >> 0xd) & 0x1;

                    int Tiso = (flags >> 0x6) & 0x1;
                    int Riso = (flags >> 0x5) & 0x1;
                    int Siso = (flags >> 0x4) & 0x1;

                    AnimNode    node   = new AnimNode();
                    FOBJ_Player trackX = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_TRAX
                    FOBJ_Player trackY = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_TRAY
                    FOBJ_Player trackZ = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_TRAZ
                    FOBJ_Player trackRX = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_ROTX
                    FOBJ_Player trackRY = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_ROTY
                    FOBJ_Player trackRZ = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_ROTZ
                    FOBJ_Player trackSX = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_SCAX
                    FOBJ_Player trackSY = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_SCAY
                    FOBJ_Player trackSZ = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_SCAZ

                    if (hasS == 1)
                        ReadKeys(r, node, (int)anim.FrameCount, trackSX, trackSY, trackSZ, Siso == 1, SXfixed == 1, SYfixed == 1, SZfixed == 1, s_type, dataOffset);

                    if (hasR == 1)
                        ReadKeys(r, node, (int)anim.FrameCount, trackRX, trackRY, trackRZ, Riso == 1, RXfixed == 1, RYfixed == 1, RZfixed == 1, r_type, dataOffset);

                    if (hasT == 1)
                        ReadKeys(r, node, (int)anim.FrameCount, trackX, trackY, trackZ, Tiso == 1, Xfixed == 1, Yfixed == 1, Zfixed == 1, t_type, dataOffset);

                    if (trackX.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackY.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackZ.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackRX.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackRY.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackRZ.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackSX.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackSY.Keys.Count > 0)
                    if (trackSZ.Keys.Count > 0)

                    foreach (var k in trackRX.Keys)
                        k.Value = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                        k.Tan   = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Tan);
                    foreach (var k in trackRY.Keys)
                        k.Value = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                        k.Tan   = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Tan);
                    foreach (var k in trackRZ.Keys)
                        k.Value = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                        k.Tan   = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Tan);

                    // make sure all tracks start at frame 0
                    foreach (var track in node.Tracks)
                        if (track.Keys.Count > 0 && track.Keys[0].Frame != 0)
                            track.Keys.Insert(0, new FOBJKey()
                                Frame             = 0,
                                Value             = track.Keys[0].Value,
                                InterpolationType = GXInterpolationType.HSD_A_OP_CON,

                    //Console.WriteLine(boneName + " Tracks:" + node.Tracks.Count + " " + flags.ToString("X"));
                    //Console.WriteLine($"{trackX.Keys.Count} {trackY.Keys.Count} {trackZ.Keys.Count}");
                    //Console.WriteLine($"{trackRX.Keys.Count} {trackRY.Keys.Count} {trackRZ.Keys.Count}");
                    //Console.WriteLine($"{trackSX.Keys.Count} {trackSY.Keys.Count} {trackSZ.Keys.Count}");
                    anim.Nodes[jointMap.IndexOf(boneName)] = node;

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static JointAnimManager LoadCHR0(string filePath, Dictionary <int, string> BoneLabelMap)
            JointAnimManager anim = new JointAnimManager();

            Dictionary <string, int> nameToIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var v in BoneLabelMap)
                nameToIndex.Add(v.Value, v.Key);
                anim.Nodes.Add(new AnimNode());

            using (BinaryReaderExt r = new BinaryReaderExt(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open)))
                r.BigEndian = true;
                if (r.BaseStream.Length < 4 || new string(r.ReadChars(4)) != "CHR0")
                    throw new InvalidDataException("CHR0 file is not valid");


                int versionNum = r.ReadInt32();

                if (versionNum != 4)
                    throw new InvalidDataException($"CHR0 version {versionNum} not supported");

                System.Console.WriteLine("Reading Track ");


                var indexGroupOffset = r.ReadUInt32();
                var animName         = r.ReadString(r.ReadInt32(), -1);

                anim.FrameCount = r.ReadUInt16();
                int animDataCount = r.ReadUInt16();

                var sectionOffset = r.ReadUInt32() + indexGroupOffset;
                int sectionCount  = r.ReadInt32();

                for (uint i = 0; i < sectionCount; i++)
                    r.Seek(indexGroupOffset + 8 + 16 * i);
                    r.Skip(4); // id and unknown
                    r.Skip(2); // let
                    r.Skip(2); // right
                    var boneName   = r.ReadString(r.ReadInt32() + (int)indexGroupOffset, -1);
                    var dataOffset = r.ReadUInt32() + indexGroupOffset;
                    if (dataOffset == indexGroupOffset)
                        sectionCount += 1;

                    if (!nameToIndex.ContainsKey(boneName))


                    var nameOff = r.Position + r.ReadUInt32();
                    var flags   = r.ReadInt32();

                    int t_type = (flags >> 0x1e) & 0x3;
                    int r_type = (flags >> 0x1b) & 0x7;
                    int s_type = (flags >> 0x19) & 0x3;

                    int hasT = (flags >> 0x18) & 0x1;
                    int hasR = (flags >> 0x17) & 0x1;
                    int hasS = (flags >> 0x16) & 0x1;

                    int Zfixed = (flags >> 0x15) & 0x1;
                    int Yfixed = (flags >> 0x14) & 0x1;
                    int Xfixed = (flags >> 0x13) & 0x1;

                    int RZfixed = (flags >> 0x12) & 0x1;
                    int RYfixed = (flags >> 0x11) & 0x1;
                    int RXfixed = (flags >> 0x10) & 0x1;

                    int SZfixed = (flags >> 0xf) & 0x1;
                    int SYfixed = (flags >> 0xe) & 0x1;
                    int SXfixed = (flags >> 0xd) & 0x1;

                    int Tiso = (flags >> 0x6) & 0x1;
                    int Riso = (flags >> 0x5) & 0x1;
                    int Siso = (flags >> 0x4) & 0x1;

                    AnimNode    node   = new AnimNode();
                    FOBJ_Player trackX = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_TRAX
                    FOBJ_Player trackY = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_TRAY
                    FOBJ_Player trackZ = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_TRAZ
                    FOBJ_Player trackRX = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_ROTX
                    FOBJ_Player trackRY = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_ROTY
                    FOBJ_Player trackRZ = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_ROTZ
                    FOBJ_Player trackSX = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_SCAX
                    FOBJ_Player trackSY = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_SCAY
                    FOBJ_Player trackSZ = new FOBJ_Player()
                        JointTrackType = JointTrackType.HSD_A_J_SCAZ

                    if (hasS == 1)
                        ReadKeys(r, node, (int)anim.FrameCount, trackSX, trackSY, trackSZ, Siso == 1, SXfixed == 1, SYfixed == 1, SZfixed == 1, s_type, dataOffset);

                    if (hasR == 1)
                        ReadKeys(r, node, (int)anim.FrameCount, trackRX, trackRY, trackRZ, Riso == 1, RXfixed == 1, RYfixed == 1, RZfixed == 1, r_type, dataOffset);

                    if (hasT == 1)
                        ReadKeys(r, node, (int)anim.FrameCount, trackX, trackY, trackZ, Tiso == 1, Xfixed == 1, Yfixed == 1, Zfixed == 1, t_type, dataOffset);

                    if (trackX.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackY.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackZ.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackRX.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackRY.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackRZ.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackSX.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackSY.Keys.Count > 1)
                    if (trackSZ.Keys.Count > 1)

                    foreach (var k in trackRX.Keys)
                        k.Value = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                        k.Tan   = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                    foreach (var k in trackRY.Keys)
                        k.Value = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                        k.Tan   = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                    foreach (var k in trackRZ.Keys)
                        k.Value = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);
                        k.Tan   = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(k.Value);

                    Console.WriteLine(boneName + " Tracks:" + node.Tracks.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine($"{trackX.Keys.Count} {trackY.Keys.Count} {trackZ.Keys.Count}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"{trackRX.Keys.Count} {trackRY.Keys.Count} {trackRZ.Keys.Count}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"{trackSX.Keys.Count} {trackSY.Keys.Count} {trackSZ.Keys.Count}");
                    anim.Nodes[nameToIndex[boneName]] = node;

コード例 #6
ファイル: RelocELF.cs プロジェクト: akaneia/MexTK
        private static void ParseDebugLine(BinaryReaderExt r)
            // read header
            var debug_line_header = new ELF_Debug_Line()
                length                 = r.ReadUInt32(),
                version                = r.ReadUInt16(),
                header_length          = r.ReadUInt32(),
                min_instruction_length = r.ReadByte(),
                default_is_stmt        = r.ReadByte(),
                line_base              = r.ReadSByte(),
                line_range             = r.ReadByte(),
                opcode_base            = r.ReadByte(),
                std_opcode_lengths     = new byte[12]

            for (int k = 0; k < 12; k++)
                debug_line_header.std_opcode_lengths[k] = r.ReadByte();

            // read directories
            while (r.PeekChar() != 0)

            // read files
            while (r.PeekChar() != 0)
                Debug.WriteLine(r.ReadString() + " " + r.ReadByte() + " " + r.ReadByte() + " " + r.ReadByte());


            int  address        = 0;
            int  op_index       = 0;
            int  file           = 1;
            int  line           = 1;
            int  column         = 0;
            bool is_stmt        = debug_line_header.default_is_stmt != 0;
            bool basic_block    = false;
            bool end_sequence   = false;
            bool prologue_end   = false;
            bool epilogue_begin = false;
            int  isa            = 0;
            int  dicriminator   = 0;

            var op_code_start = r.Position;

            while (true)
                var op = r.ReadByte();

                switch (op)
                case 0:
                    // extended byte
コード例 #7
ファイル: RelocELF.cs プロジェクト: akaneia/MexTK
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elfFile"></param>
        public RelocELF(byte[] elfFile)
            using (MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream(elfFile))
                using (BinaryReaderExt r = new BinaryReaderExt(mstream))
                    // Parse Header

                    if (!(r.ReadByte() == 0x7F && r.ReadByte() == 0x45 && r.ReadByte() == 0x4C && r.ReadByte() == 0x46))
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Not a valid ELF file");

                    byte bitType = r.ReadByte(); // 1 - 32, 2 - 64
                    if (bitType != 1)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Only 32 bit ELF files are currently supported");

                    r.BigEndian = r.ReadByte() == 2;

                    // I only care about the sections
                    var sectionOffset = r.ReadUInt32();
                    var sectionHeaderSize  = r.ReadUInt16();
                    var numOfSections      = r.ReadInt16();
                    var StringSectionIndex = r.ReadUInt16();

                    List <SectionData> DataSections = new List <SectionData>();

                    // Parse Sections
                    var Sections = new ELFSection[numOfSections];
                    for (uint i = 0; i < numOfSections; i++)
                        r.Seek(sectionOffset + sectionHeaderSize * i);

                        Sections[i] = new ELFSection()
                            sh_name      = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_type      = (SectionType)r.ReadInt32(),
                            sh_flags     = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_addr      = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_offset    = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_size      = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_link      = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_info      = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_addralign = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            sh_entsize   = r.ReadUInt32()

                        DataSections.Add(new SectionData());

                    // Parse Symbols
                    var symbolSection = Array.Find(Sections, e => r.ReadString((int)(Sections[StringSectionIndex].sh_offset + e.sh_name), -1) == ".symtab");

                    var Symbols = new ELFSymbol[symbolSection.sh_size / 0x10];
                    for (uint i = 0; i < Symbols.Length; i++)
                        r.Seek(symbolSection.sh_offset + 0x10 * i);

                        Symbols[i] = new ELFSymbol()
                            st_name  = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            st_value = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            st_size  = r.ReadUInt32(),
                            st_info  = r.ReadByte(),
                            st_other = r.ReadByte(),
                            st_shndx = r.ReadInt16()

                        SymbolSections.Add(new SymbolData());

                    // Grab Relocation Data

                    for (int i = 0; i < Sections.Length; i++)
                        var section = Sections[i];

                        var data = DataSections[i];
                        data.Name = r.ReadString((int)(Sections[StringSectionIndex].sh_offset + Sections[i].sh_name), -1);

                        data.Data = r.GetSection(section.sh_offset, (int)section.sh_size);

                        if (section.sh_type == SectionType.SHT_RELA || section.sh_type == SectionType.SHT_REL)
                            var relocs = ParseRelocationSection(r, section);

                            foreach (var v in relocs)
                                DataSections[(int)section.sh_info].Relocations.Add(new RelocData()
                                    Offset      = v.r_offset,
                                    AddEnd      = v.r_addend,
                                    Symbol      = SymbolSections[(int)v.R_SYM],
                                    Type        = (RelocType)v.R_TYP,
                                    SymbolIndex = v.R_SYM

                    var symbolStringSection = Sections[symbolSection.sh_link];

                    // rip out symbol data

                    for (int i = 0; i < Symbols.Length; i++)
                        var sym = Symbols[i];

                        var section = sym.st_shndx >= 0 ? DataSections[sym.st_shndx] : null;

                        byte[]           symbolData  = new byte[sym.st_size];
                        List <RelocData> relocations = new List <RelocData>();

                        if (section != null)
                            SymbolSections[i].SectionName = section.Name;

                            if (Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_type == SectionType.SHT_NOBITS)
                                symbolData = new byte[section.Data.Length];
                                // Console.WriteLine($"{section.Name} {(Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_offset + sym.st_value).ToString("X")} {sym.st_size} {sym.st_value} {symbolData.Length} {Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_type}");
                                // If size of section is 0, get all data?
                                if (sym.st_size == 0)
                                    symbolData = section.Data;
                                //if ((sym.st_value & 0x80000000) != 0)
                                //    Array.Copy(section.Data, sym.st_value - 0x80000000 - Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_offset, symbolData, 0, sym.st_size);
                                //    Debug.WriteLine($"LONG CALL {section.Relocations.Count} Off: {(sym.st_value - 0x80000000).ToString("X")} SectionOff: {Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_offset.ToString("X")} {sym.st_value.ToString("X")} Size: {sym.st_size.ToString("X")} Total Size: {section.Data.Length.ToString("X")}");
                                    Array.Copy(section.Data, sym.st_value, symbolData, 0, sym.st_size);

                                // TODO: when to get relocations?
                                relocations = section.Relocations.Where(
                                    e => e.Offset >= sym.st_value &&
                                    (e.Offset < sym.st_value + symbolData.Length)

                                // make relative
                                foreach (var rel in relocations)
                                    rel.Offset -= sym.st_value;

                            // if the offset is 0 the function is usually in another file
                            SymbolSections[i].External = Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_offset == 0;
                            //Console.WriteLine(section.Name + " " + r.ReadString((int)(symbolStringSection.sh_offset + sym.st_name), -1)
                            //    + " " + Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_info + " " + Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_addr + " " + relocations.Count);

                            //Debug.WriteLine($"{section.Name} {r.ReadString((int)(symbolStringSection.sh_offset + sym.st_name), -1)} {(Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_offset + + sym.st_value).ToString("X")} {sym.st_size.ToString("X")}");

                            if (section.Name == ".debug_line")
                                //r.Seek(Sections[sym.st_shndx].sh_offset + +sym.st_value);

                        SymbolSections[i].Symbol      = r.ReadString((int)(symbolStringSection.sh_offset + sym.st_name), -1);
                        SymbolSections[i].Data        = symbolData;
                        SymbolSections[i].Relocations = relocations;