コード例 #1
        private static double[] ConvertToVector_Text_Fit(double[] normalized, int width, TextAlignment justify)
            if (normalized.Length == width)
            else if (normalized.Length == 0)
                return(new double[width]);

            if (normalized.Length < width)
                #region Expand

                switch (justify)
                case TextAlignment.Left:
                           Concat(new double[width - normalized.Length]).

                case TextAlignment.Right:
                    return(new double[width - normalized.Length].

                case TextAlignment.Center:
                    int left  = (width - normalized.Length) / 2;
                    int right = width - (left + normalized.Length);

                    return(new double[left].
                           Concat(new double[right]).

                case TextAlignment.Justify:
                    // Nothing needs to be done

                    throw new ApplicationException("Unknown TextAlignment");


            // Create a bezier through the points, then pull points off of that curve.  Unless I read this wrong, this is what bicubic interpolation of images does (I'm just doing 1D instead of 2D)
            return(BezierUtil.GetPath(width, BezierUtil.GetBezierSegments(normalized.Select(o => new Point3D(o, 0, 0)).ToArray(), isClosed: false)).
                   Select(o => o.X).
コード例 #2
        private static Model3D GetModel_Second_Axe(BezierSegment3D[][] segmentSets, MaterialGroup materialMiddle, MaterialGroup materialEdge)
            Model3DGroup retVal = new Model3DGroup();

            int numSegments = segmentSets[0].Length;

            int squareCount = 8;

            // 2 is z=0.  0,4 are z=max.  1,3 are intermediate z's

            // Z to Z
            AddBezierPlates(squareCount, segmentSets[0], segmentSets[1], retVal, materialMiddle);

            if (numSegments == 3)
                AddBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[1][0], segmentSets[1][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][2] }, retVal, materialMiddle);
                AddBezierPlate(squareCount, segmentSets[1][1], segmentSets[2][1], retVal, materialEdge);

                AddBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[3][0], segmentSets[3][2] }, retVal, materialMiddle);
                AddBezierPlate(squareCount, segmentSets[2][1], segmentSets[3][1], retVal, materialEdge);
                AddBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[1][0], segmentSets[1][3] }, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][3] }, retVal, materialMiddle);
                AddBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[1][1], segmentSets[1][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[2][1], segmentSets[2][2] }, retVal, materialEdge);

                AddBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[2][0], segmentSets[2][3] }, new[] { segmentSets[3][0], segmentSets[3][3] }, retVal, materialMiddle);
                AddBezierPlates(squareCount, new[] { segmentSets[2][1], segmentSets[2][2] }, new[] { segmentSets[3][1], segmentSets[3][2] }, retVal, materialEdge);

            AddBezierPlates(squareCount, segmentSets[3], segmentSets[4], retVal, materialMiddle);

            // End cap plates
            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 2; cntr++)
                int index = cntr == 0 ? 0 : 4;

                // Turn the end cap into a polygon, then triangulate it
                Point3D[] endCapPoly = BezierUtil.GetPath(squareCount, segmentSets[index].Select(o => new[] { o }).ToArray());       // Call the jagged array overload so that the individual bezier end points don't get smoothed out

                TriangleIndexed[] endCapTriangles = Math2D.GetTrianglesFromConcavePoly3D(endCapPoly);
                if (cntr == 0)
                    endCapTriangles = endCapTriangles.Select(o => new TriangleIndexed(o.Index0, o.Index2, o.Index1, o.AllPoints)).ToArray();        // need to do this so the normals point in the proper direction

                AddPolyPlate(endCapTriangles, retVal, materialMiddle);

コード例 #3
        private static SOMItem GetSOMItem_1D(VectorND item, ToVectorInstructions instr)
            if (instr.FromSizes[0] == instr.ToSize)
                return(new SOMItem(item, item));

            // Create a bezier through the points, then pull points off of that curve.  Unless I read this wrong, this is what bicubic interpolation of images does (I'm just doing 1D instead of 2D)
            Point3D[] points = item.
                               Select(o => new Point3D(o, 0, 0)).

            BezierSegment3D[] bezier = BezierUtil.GetBezierSegments(points);

            VectorND resized = BezierUtil.GetPath(instr.ToSize, bezier).
                               Select(o => o.X).

            return(new SOMItem(item, resized));
コード例 #4
        private static Canvas DrawVoronoi_Blobs(VoronoiResult2D voronoi, Color[] colors, SOMNode[] nodes, ISOMInput[][] inputsByNode, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, BlobEvents events)
            const double MARGINPERCENT = 1.05;

            // Analyze size ratios
            double[] areas = AnalyzeVoronoiCellSizes(voronoi, inputsByNode);

            #region transform

            var aabb = Math2D.GetAABB(voronoi.EdgePoints);
            aabb = Tuple.Create((aabb.Item1.ToVector() * MARGINPERCENT).ToPoint(), (aabb.Item2.ToVector() * MARGINPERCENT).ToPoint());

            TransformGroup transform = new TransformGroup();
            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(-aabb.Item1.X, -aabb.Item1.Y));
            transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(imageWidth / (aabb.Item2.X - aabb.Item1.X), imageHeight / (aabb.Item2.Y - aabb.Item1.Y)));


            Canvas retVal = new Canvas();
            retVal.Effect = new DropShadowEffect()
                Color       = Colors.Gray,
                Opacity     = .2,
                BlurRadius  = 5,
                Direction   = 0,
                ShadowDepth = 0,

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < voronoi.ControlPoints.Length; cntr++)
                #region polygon

                Polygon polygon = new Polygon();

                if (voronoi.EdgesByControlPoint[cntr].Length < 3)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Expected at least three edge points");

                Edge2D[] edges      = voronoi.EdgesByControlPoint[cntr].Select(o => voronoi.Edges[o]).ToArray();
                Point[]  edgePoints = Edge2D.GetPolygon(edges, 1d);

                // Resize to match the desired area
                edgePoints = ResizeConvexPolygon(edgePoints, areas[cntr]);

                // Convert into a smooth blob
                BezierSegment3D[] bezier = BezierUtil.GetBezierSegments(edgePoints.Select(o => o.ToPoint3D()).ToArray(), .25, true);
                edgePoints = BezierUtil.GetPath(75, bezier).
                             Select(o => o.ToPoint2D()).

                // Transform to canvas coords
                edgePoints = edgePoints.
                             Select(o => transform.Transform(o)).

                foreach (Point point in edgePoints)

                polygon.Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(colors[cntr]);
                polygon.Stroke          = null; // new SolidColorBrush(UtilityWPF.OppositeColor(colors[cntr], false));
                polygon.StrokeThickness = 1;

                polygon.Tag = Tuple.Create(events, nodes[cntr], inputsByNode[cntr]);

                if (events != null)
                    if (events.MouseMove != null && events.MouseLeave != null)
                        polygon.MouseMove  += Polygon2D_MouseMove;
                        polygon.MouseLeave += Polygon2D_MouseLeave;

                    if (events.Click != null)
                        polygon.MouseUp += Polygon_MouseUp;



コード例 #5
        private void DrawBell2()
            Point[] points = GetBellPoints(txtBell2.Text);
            if (points == null)
                txtBell2.Effect = _errorEffect;

            txtBell2.Effect = null;

            BezierSegment3D[] bezier = BezierUtil.GetBezierSegments(points.Select(o => o.ToPoint3D()).ToArray(), trkBell2.Value);

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < bezier.Length; cntr++)
                bezier[cntr] = new BezierSegment3D(bezier[cntr].EndIndex0, bezier[cntr].EndIndex1, new Point3D[0], bezier[cntr].AllEndPoints);

            Random rand = StaticRandom.GetRandomForThread();

            IEnumerable <double> samples = Enumerable.Range(0, 50000).
                                           Select(o => BezierUtil.GetPoint(rand.NextDouble(), bezier).Y);

            IEnumerable <Point> idealLine = BezierUtil.GetPath(100, bezier).
                                            Select(o => o.ToPoint2D());

            DrawGraph(samples, idealLine);

            var samples2 = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).
                           Select(o =>
                double randPercent = rand.NextDouble();
                Point3D point      = BezierUtil.GetPoint(randPercent, bezier);
                return(Tuple.Create(randPercent, point.X, point.Y, point.Z));
                           OrderBy(o => o.Item1).

            if (!samples2.All(o => o.Item4.IsNearZero()))
                int three = 2;

            if (!samples2.All(o => o.Item2.IsNearValue(o.Item3)))
                int four = 7;

            var samples2a = samples2.
                            Select(o => Tuple.Create(o.Item1, o.Item2, o.Item1 - o.Item2)).

            //IEnumerable<Point> testLine = Enumerable.Range(0, 150).
            //    Select(o => BezierUtil.GetPoint(o / 150d, bezier).ToPoint2D());

            //Rect bounds = GetBounds();

            //IEnumerable<Point> testLineFinal = idealLine
            //    .Select(o => new Point(bounds.Left + (o.X * bounds.Width), bounds.Bottom - (o.Y * bounds.Height)));

            //AddLine(testLineFinal, new SolidColorBrush(UtilityWPF.ColorFromHex("FF0000")), 1, "test line");
コード例 #6
        private void DrawBellFail()
            double midX = trkBellFailPeak.Value;

            BezierSegment3D[] bezier = BezierUtil.GetBezierSegments(new[] { new Point3D(0, 0, 0), new Point3D(midX, 1, 0), new Point3D(1, 0, 0) }, trkBellFailPinch.Value);

            // Add a control point so the curve will be attracted to the x axis at the two end points
            double run;

            if (trkBellFailLeftZero.Value > 0)
                run       = (bezier[0].EndPoint1.X - bezier[0].EndPoint0.X) * trkBellFailLeftZero.Value;
                bezier[0] = new BezierSegment3D(bezier[0].EndIndex0, bezier[0].EndIndex1, new[] { new Point3D(run, 0, 0), bezier[0].ControlPoints[0] }, bezier[0].AllEndPoints);

            if (trkBellFailRightZero.Value > 0)
                run       = (bezier[1].EndPoint1.X - bezier[1].EndPoint0.X) * trkBellFailRightZero.Value;
                bezier[1] = new BezierSegment3D(bezier[1].EndIndex0, bezier[1].EndIndex1, new[] { bezier[1].ControlPoints[0], new Point3D(bezier[1].EndPoint1.X - run, 0, 0), }, bezier[1].AllEndPoints);

            Random rand = StaticRandom.GetRandomForThread();

            //TODO: There is still a bug with calculating percent, or something
            //It might be treating X as a percent.  Maybe need to get the length of the lines, and take the percent of those???? - should be the same though

            IEnumerable <double> samples = Enumerable.Range(0, 50000).
                                           Select(o =>
                double percent = rand.NextDouble();

                int index;
                if (percent < midX)
                    index   = 0;
                    percent = percent / midX;
                    index   = 1;
                    percent = (percent - midX) / (1d - midX);

                double retVal = BezierUtil.GetPoint(percent, bezier[index]).Y;

                if (retVal < 0)
                    retVal = 0;
                else if (retVal > 1)
                    retVal = 1;


            IEnumerable <Point> idealLine = BezierUtil.GetPath(100, bezier).
                                            Select(o => o.ToPoint2D());

            DrawGraph(samples, idealLine);