コード例 #1
    // orient for collidables which have a platform as a parent
    public virtual void Orient(BasicObject parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
        thisTransform.parent = parent.GetTransform();
        Vector3 pos    = Vector3.zero;
        float   yAngle = rotation.eulerAngles.y;

        pos.Set(startPosition.x * Mathf.Cos(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + startPosition.z * Mathf.Sin(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), startPosition.y,
                -startPosition.x * Mathf.Sin(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + startPosition.z * Mathf.Cos(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
        pos += position;
        thisTransform.localPosition = parent.GetTransform().InverseTransformPoint(pos);
        thisTransform.rotation      = startRotation;
        thisTransform.Rotate(0, rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0, Space.World);
コード例 #2
ファイル: BasicObject.cs プロジェクト: imouto1994/jetrider
 /* Set parent object */
 public void SetObjectParent(BasicObject parentObject)
     objectParent         = parentObject;
     thisTransform.parent = parentObject.GetTransform();
コード例 #3
    // Move all of the active objects
    public void MoveObjects(float moveDistance)
        if (moveDistance == 0)
        // The distance vector to move the objects
        Vector3 delta = moveDirection * moveDistance;

        // Only move the top most platform/scene of each ObjectLocation because all of the other objects are children of these two
        // objects. Only have to check the bottom-most platform/scene as well to determine if it should be removed
        BasicObject currentObject   = null;
        Transform   objectTransform = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)           // loop through the platform and scenes
            bool isScene = i == 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < (int)Direction.Count; ++j)
                // Move objects
                currentObject = ObjectHistory.instance.GetTopObject((Direction)j, isScene);
                if (currentObject != null)
                    objectTransform = currentObject.GetTransform();
                    Vector3 pos = objectTransform.position;
                    pos -= delta;
                    objectTransform.position = pos;

                    // Check for removing bottom object if it is out of range
                    currentObject = ObjectHistory.instance.GetBottomObject((Direction)j, isScene);
                    if (playerTransform.InverseTransformPoint(currentObject.GetTransform().position).z < removeHorizon)
                        if (turnPlatform[j] == currentObject)
                            turnPlatform[j] = null;
                        ObjectHistory.instance.ObjectRemoved((Direction)j, isScene);

            // Move turn objects
            currentObject = ObjectHistory.instance.GetTopTurnObject(isScene);
            if (currentObject != null)
                objectTransform = currentObject.GetTransform();
                Vector3 pos = objectTransform.position;
                pos -= delta;
                objectTransform.position = pos;

                currentObject = ObjectHistory.instance.GetBottomTurnObject(isScene);
                if (playerTransform.InverseTransformPoint(currentObject.GetTransform().position).z < removeHorizon)

        if (!stopSpawning)
コード例 #4
    // Spawn objects
    public void SpawnObjects(bool activateImmediately)
        // Spawn objects in center direction
        BasicObject prevPlatform          = ObjectHistory.instance.GetTopObject(Direction.Center, IS_PLATFORM);
        bool        isWithinSpawnDistance = prevPlatform == null ||
                                            Vector3.Scale(prevPlatform.GetTransform().position, spawnDirection).sqrMagnitude < sqrHorizon;
        bool hasStraightPath = turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center] == null || (turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center].isStraight);

        while (isWithinSpawnDistance && hasStraightPath)
            Vector3 position = Vector3.zero;
            if (prevPlatform != null)
                int prevPlatformIndex = ObjectHistory.instance.GetLastLocalIndex(Direction.Center, ObjectType.Platform);
                position = prevPlatform.GetTransform().position
                           - GetPrevPlatformStartPosition(prevPlatform, prevPlatformIndex, spawnDirection)
                           + platformSizes[prevPlatformIndex].z / 2 * spawnDirection
                           + platformSizes[prevPlatformIndex].y * Vector3.up;
            PlatformObject platform = SpawnPlatformAndCollidables(Direction.Center, position, spawnDirection, activateImmediately);

            if (platform == null)

            SpawnSceneForPlatform(platform, Direction.Center, spawnDirection, activateImmediately);
            prevPlatform = ObjectHistory.instance.GetTopObject(Direction.Center, IS_PLATFORM);

            // Refresh conditions
            isWithinSpawnDistance = prevPlatform == null ||
                                    Vector3.Scale(prevPlatform.GetTransform().position, spawnDirection).sqrMagnitude < sqrHorizon;
            hasStraightPath = turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center] == null || turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center].isStraight;

        // Spawn objects in the left and right direction
        if (turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center] != null)
            Vector3 turnDirection = turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center].GetTransform().right;

            // spawn the platform and scene objects for the left and right turns
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                Direction location = (i == 0 ? Direction.Right : Direction.Left);

                bool canSpawn = (location == Direction.Right && turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center].isRightTurn) ||
                                (location == Direction.Left && turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center].isLeftTurn);
                if (canSpawn && turnPlatform[(int)location] == null)
                    prevPlatform          = ObjectHistory.instance.GetTopObject(location, IS_PLATFORM);
                    isWithinSpawnDistance = prevPlatform == null ||
                                            Vector3.Scale(prevPlatform.GetTransform().position, turnDirection).sqrMagnitude < sqrHorizon;
                    if (isWithinSpawnDistance)
                        Vector3 position = Vector3.zero;
                        if (prevPlatform != null)
                            int prevPlatformIndex = ObjectHistory.instance.GetLastLocalIndex(location, ObjectType.Platform);
                            position = prevPlatform.GetTransform().position
                                       - GetPrevPlatformStartPosition(prevPlatform, prevPlatformIndex, turnDirection)
                                       + platformSizes[prevPlatformIndex].z / 2 * turnDirection
                                       + platformSizes[prevPlatformIndex].y * Vector3.up;
                            PlatformObject centerTurn      = turnPlatform[(int)Direction.Center];
                            int            centerTurnIndex = platformTurnIndex[(int)Direction.Center];
                            position = centerTurn.GetTransform().position
                                       - platformStartPositions[centerTurnIndex].x * turnDirection
                                       - Vector3.up * platformStartPositions[centerTurnIndex].y
                                       - platformStartPositions[centerTurnIndex].z * spawnDirection
                                       + centerTurn.centerOffset.x * turnDirection + centerTurn.centerOffset.z * spawnDirection
                                       + platformSizes[centerTurnIndex].y * Vector3.up;

                        PlatformObject platform = SpawnPlatformAndCollidables(location, position, turnDirection, activateImmediately);
                        if (platform == null)

                        SpawnSceneForPlatform(platform, location, turnDirection, activateImmediately);
                turnDirection *= -1;

            // Reset
コード例 #5
 // it is a lot of work to adjust for the previous platform start position
 private Vector3 GetPrevPlatformStartPosition(BasicObject platform, int platformIndex, Vector3 direction)
     return(platformStartPositions[platformIndex].x * platform.GetTransform().right
            + platformStartPositions[platformIndex].y * Vector3.up
            + platformStartPositions[platformIndex].z * direction);