public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.Owner == from || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.Administrator) { if (m_Boat.Contains(from)) { from.SendGump(new TillerManGump(from, m_Boat, false)); //m_Boat.BeginRename( from ); } else if (DockSearch.NearDock(from) == false) { from.SendMessage("You must be near a dock to dry dock your ship!"); } else { m_Boat.BeginDryDock(from, m_Boat.Hue); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(501023); // You must be the owner to use this item } } }
public override void OnClick() { if (m_Boat != null && !m_Boat.Contains(m_From)) { m_Boat.BeginDryDock(m_From); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_Boat != null && m_Boat.Contains(from)) { m_Boat.BeginRename(from); } else if (m_Boat != null) { m_Boat.BeginDryDock(from); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (m_Boat?.Contains(from) == true) { m_Boat.BeginRename(from); } else { m_Boat?.BeginDryDock(from); } }
public override void OnClick() { BaseBoat boat = BaseBoat.GetBoat(m_From); if (boat != null && m_DockMaster.InRange(boat.Location, 100)) { boat.BeginDryDock(m_From, m_DockMaster); } else { m_DockMaster.SayTo(m_From, 502581); //I cannot find the ship! } }
public override void OnClick() { BaseBoat boat = m_DockMaster.GetBoatInRegion(m_From); if (boat != null) { boat.BeginDryDock(m_From, m_DockMaster); } else { m_DockMaster.SayTo(m_From, 502581); //I cannot find the ship! } }
public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info) { if (m_Player == null) { return; } BaseBoat m_Boat = m_Player.BoatOccupied; if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.Deleted || m_Boat.m_SinkTimer != null) { m_Boat = null; } } bool closeGump = true; int minorActionCount = 0; int epicActionCount = 0; int currentMovementMode; int movementModeCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MovementMode)).Length; int currentShipAction; int shipActionCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ShipAction)).Length; switch (info.ButtonID) { //Forward case 1: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveForward(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveForward(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Forward Right case 2: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveForwardRight(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveForwardRight(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Right case 3: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveRight(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveRight(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Backwards Right case 4: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveBackwardRight(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveBackwardRight(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Backward case 5: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveBackward(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveBackward(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Backwards Left case 6: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveBackwardLeft(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveBackwardLeft(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Left case 7: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveLeft(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveLeft(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Forward Left case 8: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode == MovementMode.Full) { BaseBoat.StartMoveForwardLeft(m_Player); } else { BaseBoat.OneMoveForwardLeft(m_Player); } } closeGump = false; break; //Turn Left case 9: if (m_Boat != null) { BaseBoat.StartTurnLeft(m_Player); } closeGump = false; break; //Stop case 10: if (m_Boat != null) { BaseBoat.Stop(m_Player); } closeGump = false; break; //Turn Right case 11: if (m_Boat != null) { BaseBoat.StartTurnRight(m_Player); } closeGump = false; break; //Previous Movement Mode case 12: currentMovementMode = (int)m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode; currentMovementMode--; if (currentMovementMode < 0) { currentMovementMode = movementModeCount - 1; } m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode = (MovementMode)currentMovementMode; closeGump = false; break; //Next Movement Mode case 13: currentMovementMode = (int)m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode; currentMovementMode++; if (currentMovementMode > movementModeCount - 1) { currentMovementMode = 0; } m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_MovementMode = (MovementMode)currentMovementMode; closeGump = false; break; //Previous Ship Action case 14: currentShipAction = (int)m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_ShipAction; currentShipAction--; if (currentShipAction < 0) { currentShipAction = shipActionCount - 1; } m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_ShipAction = (ShipAction)currentShipAction; closeGump = false; break; //Next Ship Action case 15: currentShipAction = (int)m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_ShipAction; currentShipAction++; if (currentShipAction > shipActionCount - 1) { currentShipAction = 0; } m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_ShipAction = (ShipAction)currentShipAction; closeGump = false; break; //Activate Ship Action case 16: switch (m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_ShipAction) { case ShipAction.RaiseAnchor: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsCoOwner(m_Player) || m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { BaseBoat.RaiseAnchor(m_Player); } } break; case ShipAction.LowerAnchor: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsCoOwner(m_Player) || m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { BaseBoat.LowerAnchor(m_Player); } } break; case ShipAction.Embark: BaseBoat.TargetedEmbark(m_Player); break; case ShipAction.EmbarkFollowers: BaseBoat.TargetedEmbarkFollowers(m_Player); break; case ShipAction.Disembark: if (m_Boat != null) { m_Boat.Disembark(m_Player); } break; case ShipAction.DisembarkFollowers: if (m_Boat != null) { m_Boat.DisembarkFollowers(m_Player); } break; case ShipAction.Dock: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { m_Boat.BeginDryDock(m_Player); } } break; case ShipAction.ClearDeck: //TEST: Finish break; case ShipAction.DividePlunder: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { m_Boat.BeginDivideThePlunder(m_Player); } } break; case ShipAction.AddFriend: if (m_Boat != null) { m_Boat.AddFriendCommand(m_Player); } break; case ShipAction.AddCoOwner: if (m_Boat != null) { m_Boat.AddCoOwnerCommand(m_Player); } break; case ShipAction.ThrowTargetOverboard: if (m_Boat != null) { m_Boat.ThrowOverboardCommand(m_Player); } break; } closeGump = false; break; //Fire Left Cannons case 17: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsCoOwner(m_Player) || m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { BaseBoat.FireCannons(m_Player, true); } } closeGump = false; break; //Fire Right Cannons case 18: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsCoOwner(m_Player) || m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { BaseBoat.FireCannons(m_Player, false); } } closeGump = false; break; //Targeting Mode: Previous case 19: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsCoOwner(m_Player) || m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { switch (m_Boat.TargetingMode) { case TargetingMode.Random: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Guns); break; case TargetingMode.Hull: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Random); break; case TargetingMode.Sails: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Hull); break; case TargetingMode.Guns: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Sails); break; } } } closeGump = false; break; //Targeting Mode: Next case 20: if (m_Boat != null) { if (m_Boat.IsCoOwner(m_Player) || m_Boat.IsOwner(m_Player)) { switch (m_Boat.TargetingMode) { case TargetingMode.Random: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Hull); break; case TargetingMode.Hull: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Sails); break; case TargetingMode.Sails: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Guns); break; case TargetingMode.Guns: m_Boat.SetTargetingMode(TargetingMode.Random); break; } } } closeGump = false; break; //Minor Ability: Previous case 21: if (m_Boat != null) { } closeGump = false; break; //Minor Ability: Next case 22: if (m_Boat != null) { } closeGump = false; break; //Minor Ability: Activate case 23: if (m_Boat != null) { } closeGump = false; break; //Epic Ability: Previous case 24: if (m_Boat != null) { } closeGump = false; break; //Epic Ability: Next case 25: if (m_Boat != null) { } closeGump = false; break; //Epic Ability: Activate case 26: if (m_Boat != null) { } closeGump = false; break; //Collapse + Expand case 27: m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_CollapseMode = !m_Player.m_ShipControlSettings.m_CollapseMode; closeGump = false; break; //Ship Selection case 28: BaseBoat.ShipSelection(m_Player); closeGump = false; break; } if (!closeGump) { m_Player.CloseGump(typeof(BoatHotbarGump)); m_Player.SendGump(new BoatHotbarGump(m_Player)); } }