コード例 #1
        public QLearner(List <Action> actions, int numHidden, int numInputs, int seed)
            this.actions = actions;
            network      = new BackPropNeuralNet(numInputs, numHidden, actions.Count);
            int           numWeights = (numInputs * numHidden) + (numHidden * actions.Count) + (numHidden + actions.Count);
            List <double> weights    = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numWeights; i++)
                weights.Add(Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f));
コード例 #2
        public void Setup(IEnumerable <IFunctor> functors, StockHistorySet stockHistorySet)
            Fns = functors.ToArray();
            m_StockHistorySet = stockHistorySet;

            if (this.Fns == null)
                throw new ApplicationException();
            if (!Fns.Any())
                throw new ApplicationException();

            int numInput   = Fns.Length;
            int numHidden  = 8;
            int numOutput  = 1;
            int numWeights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + (numHidden + numOutput);

            DebugWrite("Creating a " + numInput + "-input, " + numHidden + "-hidden, " + numOutput + "-output neural network");
            DebugWrite("Using hard-coded tanh function for hidden layer activation");
            DebugWrite("Using hard-coded log-sigmoid function for output layer activation");

            m_Bnn = new BackPropNeuralNet(numInput, numHidden, numOutput);

            DebugWrite("\nGenerating random initial weights and bias values");
            double[] initWeights = new double[numWeights];
            for (int i = 0; i < initWeights.Length; ++i)
                initWeights[i] = (rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5d) * 1.0d;
            DebugWrite("Loading neural network initial weights and biases into neural network");

            double learnRate = 0.2; // learning rate - controls the maginitude of the increase in the change in weights.
            double momentum  = 0.1; // momentum - to discourage oscillation.

            DebugWrite("Setting learning rate = " + learnRate.ToString("F2") + " and momentum = " + momentum.ToString("F2"));

            int    maxEpochs   = 8000000;
            double errorThresh = 0.01;

            DebugWrite("\nSetting max epochs = " + maxEpochs + " and error threshold = " + errorThresh.ToString("F6"));

            // Train

            int    epoch = 0;
            double error = double.MaxValue;

            DebugWrite("\nBeginning training using back-propagation\n");

            int stocksCount = stockHistorySet.AllStockHistories.Count();;

            while (epoch < maxEpochs) // train
                int stockNum = rnd.Next(0, stocksCount);
                var stock    = stockHistorySet.AllStockHistories[stockNum];

                double realValue   = stock.Closes[Today + DaysInFuture] / stock.Closes[Today];
                double updateValue = Math.Tanh(realValue);

                double predictedOutput = m_Bnn.ComputeOutputs(ComputeInputs(stock))[0];
                double predictedValue  = ATanh(predictedOutput) * stock.Closes[Today];

                m_Bnn.UpdateWeights(new[] { updateValue }, learnRate, momentum);

                if (epoch % 20000 == 0)
                    error = GetAverageError(true);

                    if (error < errorThresh)
                        DebugWrite("Found weights and bias values that meet the error criterion at epoch " + epoch);
                    DebugWrite("epoch = " + epoch);
                    DebugWrite(" error = " + error + "\n");
            } // train loop

            double[] finalWeights = m_Bnn.GetWeights();
            DebugWrite("Final neural network weights and bias values are:");
            Helpers.ShowVector(finalWeights, 5, 8, true);
コード例 #3
        public void Setup(IEnumerable<IFunctor> functors, StockHistorySet stockHistorySet)
            Fns = functors.ToArray();
            m_StockHistorySet = stockHistorySet;

            if (this.Fns == null) throw new ApplicationException();
            if (!Fns.Any()) throw new ApplicationException();

            int numInput = Fns.Length;
            int numHidden = 8;
            int numOutput = 1;
            int numWeights = (numInput * numHidden) + (numHidden * numOutput) + (numHidden + numOutput);

            DebugWrite("Creating a " + numInput + "-input, " + numHidden + "-hidden, " + numOutput + "-output neural network");
            DebugWrite("Using hard-coded tanh function for hidden layer activation");
            DebugWrite("Using hard-coded log-sigmoid function for output layer activation");

            m_Bnn = new BackPropNeuralNet(numInput, numHidden, numOutput);

            DebugWrite("\nGenerating random initial weights and bias values");
            double[] initWeights = new double[numWeights];
            for (int i = 0; i < initWeights.Length; ++i)
                initWeights[i] = (rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5d) * 1.0d;
            DebugWrite("Loading neural network initial weights and biases into neural network");

            double learnRate = 0.2;  // learning rate - controls the maginitude of the increase in the change in weights.
            double momentum = 0.1; // momentum - to discourage oscillation.
            DebugWrite("Setting learning rate = " + learnRate.ToString("F2") + " and momentum = " + momentum.ToString("F2"));

            int maxEpochs = 8000000;
            double errorThresh = 0.01;
            DebugWrite("\nSetting max epochs = " + maxEpochs + " and error threshold = " + errorThresh.ToString("F6"));

            // Train

            int epoch = 0;
            double error = double.MaxValue;
            DebugWrite("\nBeginning training using back-propagation\n");

            int stocksCount = stockHistorySet.AllStockHistories.Count(); ;

            while (epoch < maxEpochs) // train
                int stockNum = rnd.Next(0, stocksCount);
                var stock = stockHistorySet.AllStockHistories[stockNum];

                double realValue = stock.Closes[Today + DaysInFuture] / stock.Closes[Today];
                double updateValue = Math.Tanh(realValue);

                double predictedOutput = m_Bnn.ComputeOutputs(ComputeInputs(stock))[0];
                double predictedValue = ATanh(predictedOutput) * stock.Closes[Today];

                m_Bnn.UpdateWeights(new[] { updateValue }, learnRate, momentum);

                if (epoch % 20000 == 0)
                    error = GetAverageError(true);

                    if (error < errorThresh)
                        DebugWrite("Found weights and bias values that meet the error criterion at epoch " + epoch);
                    DebugWrite("epoch = " + epoch);
                    DebugWrite(" error = " + error + "\n");
            } // train loop

            double[] finalWeights = m_Bnn.GetWeights();
            DebugWrite("Final neural network weights and bias values are:");
            Helpers.ShowVector(finalWeights, 5, 8, true);