コード例 #1
        /// <summary>Does the donkey work of searching for a pattern.
        /// Returns the byte address of the first match.</summary>
        private static void DoFind(Pattern pat, long start, bool backward, BLIData d, Func <RangeI, bool> on_found)
            using (d.file)
                var         line      = new Line();
                AddLineFunc test_line = (line_rng, baddr, fend, bf, enc) =>
                    // Ignore blanks?
                    if (line_rng.Empty && d.ignore_blanks)

                    // Parse the line from the buffer
                    line.Read(baddr + line_rng.Beg, bf, (int)line_rng.Beg, (int)line_rng.Size, d.encoding, d.col_delim, null, d.transforms);

                    // Keep searching while the text is filtered out or doesn't match the pattern
                    if (!PassesFilters(line.RowText, d.filters) || !pat.IsMatch(line.RowText))

                    // Found a match
                    return(on_found(new RangeI(baddr + line_rng.Beg, baddr + line_rng.End)));

                // Search for files
                var  line_buf = new byte[d.max_line_length];
                long count    = backward ? start - 0 : d.fileend - start;
                FindLines(d.file, start, d.fileend, backward, count, test_line, d.encoding, d.row_delim, line_buf, d.progress);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>Searches the file from 'start' looking for a match to 'pat'</summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if a match is found, false otherwise. If true
        /// is returned 'found' contains the file byte offset of the first match</returns>
        private bool Find(Pattern pat, long start, bool backward, out long found)
            long         at  = -1;
            DialogResult res = DialogResult.Cancel;

                var body = backward
                                        ? (start == FileByteRange.End
                                                ? "Searching backward from the end of the file..."
                                                : "Searching backward from the current selection position...")
                                        : (start == FileByteRange.Beg
                                                ? "Searching forward from the start of the file..."
                                                : "Searching forward from the current selection position...");

                // Although this search runs in a background thread, it's wrapped in a modal
                // dialog box, so it should be ok to use class members directly
                var search = new ProgressForm("Searching...", body, null, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee, (s, a, cb) =>
                    var d             = new BLIData(this, Src, fileend_: m_fileend);
                    int last_progress = 0;
                    d.progress        = (scanned, length) =>
                        int progress = (int)(100 * Math_.Frac(0, scanned, length != 0?length:1));
                        if (progress != last_progress)
                            cb(new ProgressForm.UserState {
                                FractionComplete = progress * 0.01f
                            last_progress = progress;

                    // Searching....
                    DoFind(pat, start, backward, d, rng =>
                        at = rng.Beg;

                    // We can call BuildLineIndex in this thread context because we know
                    // we're in a modal dialog.
                    if (at != -1 && !s.CancelPending)
                        this.BeginInvoke(() => SelectRowByAddr(at));
                    StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent

                using (search)
                    res = search.ShowDialog(this, 500);
            catch (OperationCanceledException) {}
            catch (Exception ex) { Misc.ShowMessage(this, "Find terminated by an error.", "Find error", MessageBoxIcon.Error, ex); }
            found = at;
            return(res == DialogResult.OK);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>Searches the entire file and bookmarks all locations that match the find pattern</summary>
        private void FindBookmarkAll()
            if (!PreFind())

                Log.Write(ELogLevel.Info, "FindBookmarkAll");

                var          pat  = FindUI.Pattern;
                const string body = "Bookmarking all found instances...";

                // Although this search runs in a background thread, it's wrapped in a modal
                // dialog box, so it should be ok to use class members directly
                var search = new ProgressForm("Searching...", body, null, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee, (s, a, cb) =>
                    var d = new BLIData(this, Src, fileend_: m_fileend);

                    int last_progress = 0;
                    d.progress        = (scanned, length) =>
                        int progress = (int)(100 * Math_.Frac(0, scanned, length != 0?length:1));
                        if (progress != last_progress)
                            cb(new ProgressForm.UserState {
                                FractionComplete = progress * 0.01f
                            last_progress = progress;

                    // Searching....
                    DoFind(pat, 0, false, d, rng =>
                        this.BeginInvoke(() => SetBookmark(rng, Bit.EState.Set));
                    StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent

                using (search)
                    search.ShowDialog(this, 500);
            catch (OperationCanceledException) {}
            catch (Exception ex)
                Misc.ShowMessage(this, "Find terminated by an error.", "Find error", MessageBoxIcon.Error, ex);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>Called when building the line index completes (success or failure)</summary>
        private void BuildLineIndexComplete(BLIData d, RangeI range, List <RangeI> line_index, Exception error, Action on_success)
            // This method runs in the main thread, so if the build issue is the same at
            // the start of this method it can't be changed until after this function returns.
            if (BuildCancelled(d.build_issue))

            ReloadInProgress = false;
            UpdateStatusProgress(1, 1);

            // If an error occurred
            if (error != null)
                if (error is OperationCanceledException)
                else if (error is FileNotFoundException)
                    SetStaticStatusMessage($"Error reading {Path.GetFileName(d.file.Name)}", Color.White, Color.DarkRed);
                    Log.Write(ELogLevel.Error, error, "Exception ended BuildLineIndex() call");

            // Otherwise, merge the results into the main cache
                // Merge the line index results
                int row_delta = MergeLineIndex(range, line_index, d.file_buffer_size, d.filepos, d.fileend, d.reload);

                // Ensure the grid is updated

                if (on_success != null)

                // On completion, check if the file has changed again and rerun if it has

                // Trigger a collect to free up memory, this also has the
                // side effect of triggering a signing test of the exe because
                // that test is done in a destructor
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the line index centred around 'filepos'.
        /// If 'filepos' is within the byte range of 'm_line_index' then an incremental search for
        /// lines is done in the direction needed to re-centre the line list around 'filepos'.
        /// If 'reload' is true a full rescan of the file is done</summary>
        private void BuildLineIndex(long filepos, bool reload, Action on_success = null)
                // No file open, nothing to do
                if (Src == null)

                // Incremental updates cannot supplant reloads
                if (ReloadInProgress && reload == false)

                // Cause any existing builds to stop by changing the issue number
                Interlocked.Increment(ref m_build_issue);
                Log.Write(ELogLevel.Info, $"build start request (id {m_build_issue}, reload: {reload})\n{string.Empty}");                //new StackTrace(0,true)));
                ReloadInProgress = reload;

                // Make copies of variables for thread safety
                var bli_data = new BLIData(this, Src, filepos_: filepos, reload_: reload, build_issue_: m_build_issue)
                    // Set up callbacks that marshal to the main thread
                    progress = (scanned, length) =>
                        this.BeginInvoke(() => UpdateStatusProgress(scanned, length));

                // Find the new line indices in a background thread
                    x => BuildLineIndexAsync(bli_data,
                                             (d, range, line_index, error) => this.BeginInvoke(    // Marshal the results back to the main thread
                                                 () => BuildLineIndexComplete(d, range, line_index, error, on_success))));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ReloadInProgress = false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: export.cs プロジェクト: psryland/rylogic_code
        /// <summary>
        /// Export the file 'filepath' using current filters to the stream 'outp'.
        /// Note: this method throws if an exception occurs in the background thread.</summary>
        /// <param name="d">A copy of the data needed to do the export</param>
        /// <param name="ranges">Byte ranges within 'filepath' to be exported</param>
        /// <param name="row_delimiter">The delimiter that defines rows (robitised)</param>
        /// <param name="col_delimiter">The delimiter that defines columns (robitised)</param>
        /// <param name="outp">The stream to write the exported file to</param>
        private bool DoExportWithProgress(BLIData d, IEnumerable <RangeI> ranges, string row_delimiter, string col_delimiter, StreamWriter outp)
            DialogResult res = DialogResult.Cancel;

                // Although this search runs in a background thread, it's wrapped in a modal
                // dialog box, so it should be ok to use class members directly
                var export = new ProgressForm("Exporting...", null, null, ProgressBarStyle.Continuous, (s, a, cb) =>
                    // Report progress and test for cancel
                    int last_progress = -1;
                    d.progress        = (scanned, length) =>
                        int progress = (int)(100 * Math_.Frac(0, scanned, length != 0?length:1));
                        if (progress != last_progress)
                            cb(new ProgressForm.UserState {
                                FractionComplete = progress * 0.01f
                            last_progress = progress;

                    // Do the export
                    DoExport(d, ranges, row_delimiter, col_delimiter, outp);
                    StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent

                using (export)
                    res = export.ShowDialog(this);
            catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
            catch (Exception ex) { Misc.ShowMessage(this, "Exporting terminated due to an error.", "Export error", MessageBoxIcon.Error, ex); }
            return(res == DialogResult.OK);
コード例 #7
ファイル: export.cs プロジェクト: psryland/rylogic_code
        /// <summary>Export 'filepath' to 'outp'.</summary>
        /// <param name="d">A copy of the data needed to do the export</param>
        /// <param name="ranges">Byte ranges within the input file to export</param>
        /// <param name="row_delimiter">The row delimiter to use in the output file (robitised)</param>
        /// <param name="col_delimiter">The column delimiter to use in the output file (robitised)</param>
        /// <param name="outp">The output stream to write the exported result to</param>
        private static void DoExport(BLIData d, IEnumerable <RangeI> ranges, string row_delimiter, string col_delimiter, StreamWriter outp)
            var line = new Line();

            // Call back for adding lines to the export result
            AddLineFunc add_line = (line_rng, baddr, fend, bf, enc) =>
                if (line_rng.Empty && d.ignore_blanks)

                // Parse the line from the buffer
                line.Read(baddr + line_rng.Beg, bf, (int)line_rng.Beg, (int)line_rng.Size, d.encoding, d.col_delim, null, d.transforms);

                // Keep searching while the text is filtered out or doesn't match the pattern
                if (!PassesFilters(line.RowText, d.filters))

                // Write to the output file
                outp.Write(string.Join(col_delimiter, line.Column));

            byte[] buf = new byte[d.max_line_length];
            foreach (var rng in ranges)
                // Find the start of a line (grow the range if necessary)
                var r = new RangeI(Math_.Clamp(rng.Beg, 0, d.file.Stream.Length), Math_.Clamp(rng.End, 0, d.file.Stream.Length));
                r.Beg = FindLineStart(d.file, r.Beg, r.End, d.row_delim, d.encoding, buf);

                // Read lines and write them to the export file
                FindLines(d.file, r.Beg, r.End, false, r.Size, add_line, d.encoding, d.row_delim, buf, d.progress);
コード例 #8
ファイル: export.cs プロジェクト: psryland/rylogic_code
        /// <summary>Performs an export from the command line</summary>
        public static void ExportToFile(StartupOptions startup_options)
            string tmp_settings_path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "rylog_settings_" + Guid.NewGuid() + ".xml");

                // Copy the settings to a tmp file so that we don't trash the normal settings
                if (Path_.FileExists(startup_options.SettingsPath))
                    File.Copy(startup_options.SettingsPath, tmp_settings_path);
                    new Settings().Save(tmp_settings_path);
                startup_options.SettingsPath = tmp_settings_path;

                // Load an instance of the app and the options.
                var m = new Main(startup_options);

                // Override settings passed on the command line
                if (startup_options.RowDelim != null)
                    m.Settings.RowDelimiter = startup_options.RowDelim;
                if (startup_options.ColDelim != null)
                    m.Settings.ColDelimiter = startup_options.ColDelim;
                if (startup_options.PatternSetFilepath != null)
                    // Specifying a pattern set implies the filters and transforms should be enabled
                    m.Settings.Patterns          = PatternSet.Load(startup_options.PatternSetFilepath);
                    m.Settings.FiltersEnabled    = true;
                    m.Settings.TransformsEnabled = true;

                // Do the export
                using (var outp = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(startup_options.ExportPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)))
                        var d = new BLIData(m, new SingleFile(startup_options.FileToLoad));
                        using (d.file)
                            var rng           = new[] { new RangeI(0, long.MaxValue) };
                            var row_delimiter = Misc.Robitise(m.Settings.RowDelimiter);
                            var col_delimiter = Misc.Robitise(m.Settings.ColDelimiter);

                            if (startup_options.NoGUI)
                                using (var done = new ManualResetEvent(false))
                                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(x =>
                                        d.progress = (c, l) => true;
                                        DoExport(d, rng, row_delimiter, col_delimiter, outp);

                                    if (!startup_options.Silent)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Export completed successfully.");
                                if (m.DoExportWithProgress(d, rng, row_delimiter, col_delimiter, outp))
                                    if (!startup_options.Silent)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Export completed successfully.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Environment.ExitCode = 1;
                        if (!startup_options.Silent)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Export failed.\r\n{ex.Message}");
                if (Path_.FileExists(tmp_settings_path))
コード例 #9
ファイル: export.cs プロジェクト: psryland/rylogic_code
        /// <summary>Show the export dialog</summary>
        private void ShowExportDialog()
            if (Src == null)

            // Determine the export file path
            var filepath = Settings.ExportFilepath;

            if (!filepath.HasValue())
                filepath = Path.ChangeExtension(Src.PsuedoFilepath, ".exported" + Path.GetExtension(Src.PsuedoFilepath));

            // Prompt for export settings
            var dlg = new ExportUI(filepath,

            using (dlg)
                if (dlg.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK)

                // Save the export filepath to the settings
                Settings.ExportFilepath = dlg.OutputFilepath;

                // Find the range to export
                IEnumerable <RangeI> rng;
                switch (dlg.RangeToExport)
                default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                case ExportUI.ERangeToExport.WholeFile: rng = new[] { FileByteRange }; break;

                case ExportUI.ERangeToExport.Selection: rng = SelectedRowRanges; break;

                case ExportUI.ERangeToExport.ByteRange: rng = new[] { dlg.ByteRange }; break;

                // Delimiters
                var row_delimiter = Misc.Robitise(dlg.RowDelim);
                var col_delimiter = Misc.Robitise(dlg.ColDelim);

                // Do the export
                using (var outp = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(dlg.OutputFilepath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)))
                        var d = new BLIData(this, Src);
                        if (DoExportWithProgress(d, rng, row_delimiter, col_delimiter, outp))
                            MsgBox.Show(this, "Export completed successfully.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Write(ELogLevel.Error, ex, "Export failed");
                        MsgBox.Show(this, string.Format("Export failed.\r\n{0}", ex.Message), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>The grunt work of building the new line index.</summary>
        private static void BuildLineIndexAsync(BLIData d, Action <BLIData, RangeI, List <RangeI>, Exception> on_complete)
            // This method runs in a background thread
            // All we're doing here is loading data around 'd.filepos' so that there are an equal number
            // of lines on either side. This can be optimised however because the existing range of
            // cached data probably overlaps the range we want loaded.
                Log.Write(ELogLevel.Info, "BLIAsync", $"build started. (id {d.build_issue}, reload {d.reload})");
                if (BuildCancelled(d.build_issue))
                using (d.file)
                    // A temporary buffer for reading sections of the file
                    var buf = new byte[d.max_line_length];

                    // Seek to the first line that starts immediately before 'filepos'
                    d.filepos = FindLineStart(d.file, d.filepos, d.fileend, d.row_delim, d.encoding, buf);
                    if (BuildCancelled(d.build_issue))

                    // Determine the range to scan and the number of lines in each direction
                    var scan_backward = (d.fileend - d.filepos) > (d.filepos - 0);                     // scan in the most bound direction first
                    var scan_range    = CalcBufferRange(d.filepos, d.fileend, d.file_buffer_size);
                    var line_range    = CalcLineRange(d.line_cache_count);
                    var bwd_lines     = line_range.Begi;
                    var fwd_lines     = line_range.Endi;

                    // Incremental loading - only load what isn't already cached.
                    // If the 'filepos' is left of the cache centre, try to extent in left direction first.
                    // If the scan range in that direction is empty, try extending at the other end. The
                    // aim is to try to get d.line_index_count as close to d.line_cache_count as possible
                    // without loading data that is already cached.
                    #region Incremental loading
                    if (!d.reload && !d.cached_whole_line_range.Empty)
                        // Determine the direction the cached range is moving based on where 'filepos' is relative
                        // to the current cache centre and which range contains an valid area to be scanned.
                        // With incremental scans we can only update one side of the cache because the returned line index has to
                        // be a contiguous block of lines. This means one of 'bwd_lines' or 'fwd_lines' must be zero.
                        var Lrange = new RangeI(scan_range.Beg, d.cached_whole_line_range.Beg);
                        var Rrange = new RangeI(d.cached_whole_line_range.End, scan_range.End);
                        var dir    =
                            (!Lrange.Empty && !Rrange.Empty) ? Math.Sign(2 * d.filepos_line_index - d.line_cache_count) :
                            (!Lrange.Empty) ? -1 :
                            (!Rrange.Empty) ? +1 :

                        // Determine the number of lines to scan, based on direction
                        if (dir < 0)
                            scan_backward = true;
                            scan_range    = Lrange;
                            bwd_lines    -= Math_.Clamp(d.filepos_line_index - 0, 0, bwd_lines);
                            fwd_lines     = 0;
                        else if (dir > 0)
                            scan_backward = false;
                            scan_range    = Rrange;
                            bwd_lines     = 0;
                            fwd_lines    -= Math_.Clamp(d.line_index_count - d.filepos_line_index - 1, 0, fwd_lines);
                        else if (dir == 0)
                            bwd_lines  = 0;
                            fwd_lines  = 0;
                            scan_range = RangeI.Zero;

                    Debug.Assert(bwd_lines + fwd_lines <= d.line_cache_count);

                    // Build the collection of line byte ranges to add to the cache
                    var line_index = new List <RangeI>();
                    if (bwd_lines != 0 || fwd_lines != 0)
                        // Line index buffers for collecting the results
                        var fwd_line_buf = new List <RangeI>();
                        var bwd_line_buf = new List <RangeI>();

                        // Data used in the 'add_line' callback. Updated for forward and backward passes
                        var lbd = new LineBufferData
                            line_buf   = null,                           // pointer to either 'fwd_line_buf' or 'bwd_line_buf'
                            line_limit = 0,                              // Caps the number of lines read for each of the forward and backward searches

                        // Callback for adding line byte ranges to a line buffer
                        AddLineFunc add_line = (line, baddr, fend, bf, enc) =>
                            if (line.Empty && d.ignore_blanks)

                            // Test 'text' against each filter to see if it's included
                            // Note: not caching this string because we want to read immediate data
                            // from the file to pick up file changes.
                            string text = d.encoding.GetString(buf, (int)line.Beg, (int)line.Size);
                            if (!PassesFilters(text, d.filters))

                            // Convert the byte range to a file range
                            line = line.Shift(baddr);
                            Debug.Assert(new RangeI(0, d.fileend).Contains(line));
                            Debug.Assert(lbd.line_buf.Count <= lbd.line_limit);
                            return((fwd_line_buf.Count + bwd_line_buf.Count) < lbd.line_limit);

                        // Callback for updating progress
                        ProgressFunc progress = (scanned, length) =>
                            int numer = fwd_line_buf.Count + bwd_line_buf.Count, denom = lbd.line_limit;
                            return(d.progress(numer, denom) && !BuildCancelled(d.build_issue));

                        // Scan twice, starting in the direction of the smallest range so that any
                        // unused cache space is used by the search in the other direction
                        var scan_from = Math_.Clamp(d.filepos, scan_range.Beg, scan_range.End);
                        for (int a = 0; a != 2; ++a, scan_backward = !scan_backward)
                            if (BuildCancelled(d.build_issue))

                            lbd.line_buf    = scan_backward ? bwd_line_buf : fwd_line_buf;
                            lbd.line_limit += scan_backward ? bwd_lines : fwd_lines;
                            if ((bwd_line_buf.Count + fwd_line_buf.Count) < lbd.line_limit)
                                var length = scan_backward ? scan_from - scan_range.Beg : scan_range.End - scan_from;
                                FindLines(d.file, scan_from, d.fileend, scan_backward, length, add_line, d.encoding, d.row_delim, buf, progress);

                        // Scanning backward adds lines to the line index in reverse order.

                        // 'line_index' should be a contiguous block of byte offset ranges for
                        // the lines around 'd.filepos'. If 'd.reload' is false, then the line
                        // index will only contain byte offset ranges that are not currently cached.
                        line_index.Capacity = bwd_line_buf.Count + fwd_line_buf.Count;

                    // Job done
                    on_complete(d, scan_range, line_index, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                on_complete(d, RangeI.Zero, null, ex);