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Rylogic Lib project organisation

This repository contains the Rylogic Ltd code.

Project structure

|-- art
|   |-- icons       - Art assets
|   |-- pngs        - Art assets
|   |-- etc...
|-- build           - Project files and property sheets
|   |-- props       - Property sheets
|   |-- rylogic.sln - "Everything" solution file
|   |-- cex.vcxproj - Project files
|   |-- etc...
|-- include         - Public headers and interfaces. Users of this library should add this directory as an include path.
|   |-- pr            All rylogic library code uses includes relative to '/rylogic_code/include', e.g. #include "pr/common/..."
|       |-- common
|       |-- etc...
|-- projects        - C/C++/C# Projects
|   |-- view3d
|   |-- Rylogic.Core
|   |-- Rylogic.TextAligner
|   |-- etc...
|-- typescript      - Typescript Projects
|   |-- Rylogic.TextAligner
|   |-- etc...
|-- script          - Python scripts used in the build process. Only the variables in ''
|   |--   should need to be set to have the library build.
|   |--
|   |-- etc...
|-- sdk             - Third party libraries and source
|-- tools           - Handy binaries
|-- miscellaneous   - HowTos, binary templates, licenses, and other random stuff
|-- obj             - Generated directory containing all object files for native projects
|-- lib             - Generated directory containing compiled libraries
|-- bin             - Generated directory containing compiled executables


This project is only used on windows. Compiling requires MSBuild and Python 3. Follow these steps to build:

  • Pull to a clean directory
  • Create a /script/ file based on the file in the same directory.
  • Use /script/ to build projects from the command line, or, open /build/rylogic.sln in Visual Studio 2022.

This repo is actively developed, often refactored, and frequently broken. It is public so that the source for my released projects is publicly available.
