private void Process(int i, bool suppressWarning = false) { var point = objects[i].transform.position; float distanceUsingMath; var posUsingMath = math.CalcPositionByClosestPoint(point, out distanceUsingMath); Debug.DrawLine(point, posUsingMath, Color.yellow); if (!CheckResults) { return; } float distanceUsingCheckMethod; var posUsingCheckMethod = CalcPositionByClosestPoint(math, point, out distanceUsingCheckMethod); Debug.DrawLine(point, posUsingCheckMethod,; var distanceCheck = Math.Abs(distanceUsingMath - distanceUsingCheckMethod) > .01f; var pointCheck = Vector3.Magnitude(posUsingMath - posUsingCheckMethod) > 0.001f; if ((distanceCheck || pointCheck) && Mathf.Abs((point - posUsingMath).magnitude - (point - posUsingCheckMethod).magnitude) > BGCurve.Epsilon) { ErrorPointIndex = i; if (!suppressWarning) { Debug.Log("Error detected. Simulation stopped, but erroneous iteration's still running. Use debugger to debug the issue."); Debug.Log("!!! Discrepancy detected while calculating pos by closest point: 1) [Using math] pos=" + posUsingMath + ", distance=" + distanceUsingMath + " 2) [Using check method] pos=" + posUsingCheckMethod + ", distance=" + distanceUsingCheckMethod); if (pointCheck) { Debug.Log("Reason: Result points varies more than " + BGCurve.Epsilon + ". Difference=" + Vector3.Magnitude(posUsingMath - posUsingCheckMethod)); } if (distanceCheck) { Debug.Log("Reason: Distances varies more than 1cm. Difference=" + Math.Abs(distanceUsingMath - distanceUsingCheckMethod)); } var mathPos = math.CalcByDistance(BGCurveBaseMath.Field.Position, distanceUsingMath); var checkMethodPos = math.CalcByDistance(BGCurveBaseMath.Field.Position, distanceUsingCheckMethod); Debug.Log("Distance check: 1) [Using math] check=" + (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(mathPos - posUsingMath) < BGCurve.Epsilon ? "passed" : "failed") + " 2) [Using check method] check=" + (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(checkMethodPos - posUsingCheckMethod) < BGCurve.Epsilon ? "passed" : "failed")); var actualDistUsingMath = Vector3.Distance(point, posUsingMath); var actualDistanceUsingCheckMethod = Vector3.Distance(point, posUsingCheckMethod); Debug.Log("Actual distance: 1) [Using math] Dist=" + actualDistUsingMath + " 2) [Using check method] Dist=" + actualDistanceUsingCheckMethod + (Math.Abs(actualDistUsingMath - actualDistanceUsingCheckMethod) > BGCurve.Epsilon ? (". And the winner is " + (actualDistUsingMath < actualDistanceUsingCheckMethod ? "math" : "check method")) : "")); } } }
private float FillIntoLine(Vector3 position, float distance, float newDistance) { float temp = distance; while (temp < newDistance) { positions.Add(math.CalcByDistance(BGCurveBaseMath.Field.Position, temp)); temp += 0.01f; } positions.Add(position); Vector3[] positionsArray = positions.ToArray(); fillrenderer.positionCount = positionsArray.Length; fillrenderer.SetPositions(positionsArray); return(newDistance); }