コード例 #1
        public void constructorTest5()
            // AugmentedLagrangian with NonlinearConstraints
            // have a Gradient NullReferenceException issue
            // https://github.com/accord-net/framework/issues/177

            // Easy three dimensional minimization in ellipsoid.
            var function = new NonlinearObjectiveFunction(3,
                                                          function: x => x[0] * x[1] * x[2],
                                                          gradient: x => new[] { x[1] * x[2], x[0] * x[2], x[0] * x[1] });

            NonlinearConstraint[] constraints =
                new NonlinearConstraint(function,
                                        constraint: x => (1.0 - x[0] * x[0] - 2.0 * x[1] * x[1] - 3.0 * x[2] * x[2]) >= 0,
                                        gradient: x => new[] { -2.0 * x[0],                                        -4.0 * x[1], -6.0 * x[2] }),
                new NonlinearConstraint(function,
                                        constraint: x => x[0] >= 0,
                                        gradient: x => new[] { 1.0,                                                          0,           0 }),
                new NonlinearConstraint(function,
                                        constraint: x => x[1] >= 0,
                                        gradient: x => new[] { 0,                                                          1.0,           0 }),
                new NonlinearConstraint(function,
                                        constraint: x => - x[2] >= 0,
                                        gradient: x => new[] { 0,                                                            0,        -1.0 }),

            for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, constraints[i].ShouldBe);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, constraints[i].Value);

            var inner = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(3);

            inner.LineSearch  = LineSearch.BacktrackingArmijo;
            inner.Corrections = 10;

            var solver = new AugmentedLagrangian(inner, function, constraints);

            Assert.AreEqual(inner, solver.Optimizer);

            double minimum = solver.Value;

            double[] solution = solver.Solution;

            double[] expected =
                1.0 / Math.Sqrt(3.0), 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(6.0), -1.0 / 3.0

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], solver.Solution[i], 1e-3);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.078567420132031968, minimum, 1e-4);

            double expectedMinimum = function.Function(solver.Solution);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinimum, minimum);
コード例 #2
        public void ConstructorTest3()
            // minimize f(x) = x*y*z,
            // s.t.
            //    1 - x² - 2y² - 3z² > 0
            //    x > 0,
            //    y > 0

            // Easy three dimensional minimization in ellipsoid.
            var function = new NonlinearObjectiveFunction(3,
                                                          function: x => x[0] * x[1] * x[2],
                                                          gradient: x => new[] { x[1] * x[2], x[0] * x[2], x[0] * x[1] });

            NonlinearConstraint[] constraints =
                new NonlinearConstraint(3,
                                        function: x => 1.0 - x[0] * x[0] - 2.0 * x[1] * x[1] - 3.0 * x[2] * x[2],
                                        gradient: x => new[] { -2.0 * x[0],                               -4.0 * x[1], -6.0 * x[2] }),
                new NonlinearConstraint(3,
                                        function: x => x[0],
                                        gradient: x => new[] { 1.0,                                                 0,           0 }),
                new NonlinearConstraint(3,
                                        function: x => x[1],
                                        gradient: x => new[] { 0,                                                 1.0,           0 }),
                new NonlinearConstraint(3,
                                        function: x => - x[2],
                                        gradient: x => new[] { 0,                                                   0,        -1.0 }),

            for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, constraints[i].ShouldBe);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, constraints[i].Value);

            var inner = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(3);

            inner.LineSearch  = LineSearch.BacktrackingArmijo;
            inner.Corrections = 10;

            var solver = new AugmentedLagrangian(inner, function, constraints);

            Assert.AreEqual(inner, solver.Optimizer);

            double minimum = solver.Value;

            double[] solution = solver.Solution;

            double[] expected =
                1.0 / Math.Sqrt(3.0), 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(6.0), -1.0 / 3.0

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], solver.Solution[i], 1e-3);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.078567420132031968, minimum, 1e-4);

            double expectedMinimum = function.Function(solver.Solution);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMinimum, minimum);
コード例 #3
        public void AugmentedLagrangianSolverConstructorTest4()
            // min x*y+ y*z
            // s.t.  x^2 - y^2 + z^2 - 2  >= 0
            //       x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 10 <= 0
            //       x   + y               = 1

            double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

            var f = new NonlinearObjectiveFunction(

                function: () => x * y + y * z,

                gradient: () => new[]
                y,         // df/dx
                x + z,     // df/dy
                y,         // df/dz


            var constraints = new List <NonlinearConstraint>();

            constraints.Add(new NonlinearConstraint(f,

                                                    function: () => x * x - y * y + z * z,
                                                    gradient: () => new[] { 2 * x, -2 * y, 2 * z },

                                                    shouldBe: ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, value: 2

            constraints.Add(new NonlinearConstraint(f,

                                                    function: () => x * x + y * y + z * z,
                                                    gradient: () => new[] { 2 * x, 2 * y, 2 * z },

                                                    shouldBe: ConstraintType.LesserThanOrEqualTo, value: 10

            constraints.Add(new NonlinearConstraint(f,

                                                    function: () => x + y,
                                                    gradient: () => new[] { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 },

                                                    shouldBe: ConstraintType.EqualTo, value: 1
                Tolerance = 1e-5

            var solver = new AugmentedLagrangian(f, constraints);

            solver.Solution[0] = 1;
            solver.Solution[1] = 1;
            solver.Solution[2] = 1;

            double minValue = solver.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, solver.Solution[0] + solver.Solution[1], 1e-4);

コード例 #4
        public void solve_vectors()
            #region doc_vector
            // Suppose we would like to minimize the following function:
            //    f(x,y) = min 100(y-x²)²+(1-x)²
            // Subject to the constraints
            //    x >= 0  (x must be positive)
            //    y >= 0  (y must be positive)

            // Now, we can create an objective function using vectors
            var f = new NonlinearObjectiveFunction(numberOfVariables: 2,

                                                   // This is the objective function:  f(x,y) = min 100(y-x²)²+(1-x)²
                                                   function: (x) => 100 * Math.Pow(x[1] - x[0] * x[0], 2) + Math.Pow(1 - x[0], 2),

                                                   // And this is the vector gradient for the same function:
                                                   gradient: (x) => new[]
                2 * (200 * Math.Pow(x[0], 3) - 200 * x[0] * x[1] + x[0] - 1),  // df/dx = 2(200x³-200xy+x-1)
                200 * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0])                                     // df/dy = 200(y-x²)

            // Now we can start stating the constraints
            var constraints = new List <NonlinearConstraint>()
                // Add the non-negativity constraint for x
                new NonlinearConstraint(f,
                                                               // 1st constraint: x should be greater than or equal to 0
                                        function: (x) => x[0], // x
                                        shouldBe: ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
                                        value: 0,
                                        gradient: (x) => new[] { 1.0, 0.0 }

                // Add the non-negativity constraint for y
                new NonlinearConstraint(f,
                                                               // 2nd constraint: y should be greater than or equal to 0
                                        function: (x) => x[1], // y
                                        shouldBe: ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo,
                                        value: 0,
                                        gradient: (x) => new[] { 0.0, 1.0 }

            // Finally, we create the non-linear programming solver
            var solver = new AugmentedLagrangian(f, constraints);

            // And attempt to find a minimum
            bool success = solver.Minimize();

            // The solution found was { 1, 1 }
            double[] solution = solver.Solution;

            // with the minimum value zero.
            double minValue = solver.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, minValue, 1e-10);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, solver.Solution[0], 1e-6);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, solver.Solution[1], 1e-6);

コード例 #5
        public static void AugmentedLagrangianSolverConstructorTest4()
            double x = 0, y = 0;

            var f = new NonlinearObjectiveFunction(

                function: () => 0.3 * x + 0.6 * y,

                gradient: () => new[]
                0.3,     // df/dx
                0.6,     // df/dy


            var constraints = new List <NonlinearConstraint>();

            constraints.Add(new NonlinearConstraint(f,

                                                    function: () => 7 * x + 3 * y,
                                                    gradient: () => new[] { 7.0, 3.0 },

                                                    shouldBe: ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, value: 2100

            constraints.Add(new NonlinearConstraint(f,

                                                    function: () => y,
                                                    gradient: () => new[] { 0, 1.0 },

                                                    shouldBe: ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, value: 1200

            constraints.Add(new NonlinearConstraint(f,

                                                    function: () => x,
                                                    gradient: () => new[] { 1.0, 0 },

                                                    shouldBe: ConstraintType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, value: 0

            var solver = new AugmentedLagrangian(f, constraints);

            solver.Solution[0] = 1;
            solver.Solution[1] = 1;

            bool success = solver.Minimize();

            double[] solution = solver.Solution;

            double minValue = solver.Value;

            Console.WriteLine("Solver Value = " + solver.Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Solver Minize = " + solver.Minimize());
            Console.WriteLine("Solver Solution x = " + solver.Solution[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("Solver Solution y = " + solver.Solution[1]);