コード例 #1
        public override async Task <int> InsertModelAsync <T>(T model, string tableName = "")
            var arrProperty   = typeof(T).GetProperties();
            var builderSQL    = new StringBuilder();
            var builderParams = new StringBuilder(" ( ");
            var lstParams     = new List <DbParameter>();

            if (tableName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                tableName = AttrAssistant.GetTableName(typeof(T));

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in arrProperty)
                //NotMapped 是自定义的字段,不属于表,所以要排除,Key默认是有值的,自增int或者GUID
                if (AttrAssistant.IsKey(property) || AttrAssistant.IsNotMapped(property))

                object obj = property.GetValue(model, null);
                if (obj == null)
                    continue; //null无法加入到参数,跳过
                //日期类型没有值时,默认0001-1-1报错:SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM
                //因此设置新的默认值是 1900-1-1
                if (property.PropertyType.Name.Equals("DateTime") && ((DateTime)obj).Equals(new DateTime(0001, 1, 1)))
                    obj = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

                builderSQL.Append(property.Name + " , ");
                builderParams.Append("@" + property.Name + " , ");
                lstParams.Add(MakeParam("@" + property.Name, obj));

            builderSQL.Remove(builderSQL.Length - 2, 2);
            builderParams.Remove(builderParams.Length - 2, 2);

            builderSQL.Append(" ) values ");
            builderSQL.Append(builderParams.ToString() + " ) ");
            builderSQL.Append(";select @@IDENTITY;"); //返回最新的ID

            object objTemp = await GetObjectAsync(" insert into " + tableName + " ( " + builderSQL.ToString(), lstParams.ToArray());

コード例 #2
        public virtual async Task <bool> UpdateModelAsync <T>(T model) where T : class
            var arrProperty = typeof(T).GetProperties();
            var builderSQL  = new StringBuilder();
            var lstParams   = new List <DbParameter>();

            foreach (var property in arrProperty)
                //关键字key 和 不属于表的属性NotMapped 不更新
                if (AttrAssistant.IsKey(property) || AttrAssistant.IsNotMapped(property))

                object obj = property.GetValue(model, null);
                if (obj == null)

                builderSQL.AppendFormat("{0}=@{0} , ", property.Name);
                lstParams.Add(MakeParam("@" + property.Name, obj));

            builderSQL.Remove(builderSQL.Length - 2, 2);
            string key = AttrAssistant.GetKey(typeof(T));

            if (!key.IsNullOrEmpty())
                object primaryKeyUniqueValue = RefProperty.GetPropertyValue(model, key);
                builderSQL.AppendFormat(" where {0}=@primaryKeyUniqueValue ", key);
                lstParams.Add(MakeParam("@primaryKeyUniqueValue", primaryKeyUniqueValue));

            return(await ExecSQLAsync(" update " + AttrAssistant.GetTableName(typeof(T)) + " set " + builderSQL.ToString(), lstParams.ToArray()));
コード例 #3
        public override async Task <int> InsertModelAsync <T>(T model, string tableName = "")
            var dictSql = new Dictionary <string, (string, DbParameter[])>();

            var  arrProperty   = typeof(T).GetProperties();
            var  builderSQL    = new StringBuilder();
            var  builderParams = new StringBuilder(" ( ");
            var  lstParams     = new List <DbParameter>();
            bool isKeyAutoSEQ  = false;

            if (tableName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                tableName = AttrAssistant.GetTableName(typeof(T));

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in arrProperty)
                if (AttrAssistant.IsKey(property) && property.PropertyType.Name == "Int32")
                    isKeyAutoSEQ = true;
                    builderSQL.Append(property.Name + " , ");
                    builderParams.AppendFormat("SEQ_{0}.nextval, ", tableName.ToUpper());
                    //NotMapped 是自定义的字段,不属于表,所以要排除,非自增Key不处理
                    if (AttrAssistant.IsNotMapped(property) || (AttrAssistant.IsKey(property) && property.PropertyType.Name != "Int32"))

                    object obj = property.GetValue(model, null);
                    if (obj == null)
                        continue; //null无法加入到参数,跳过
                    //日期类型没有值时,默认0001-1-1报错:SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM
                    //因此设置新的默认值是 1900-1-1
                    if (property.PropertyType.Name.Equals("DateTime") && ((DateTime)obj).Equals(new DateTime(0001, 1, 1)))
                        obj = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

                    builderSQL.Append(property.Name + " , ");
                    builderParams.Append(":" + property.Name + " , ");
                    lstParams.Add(MakeParam(":" + property.Name, obj));

            builderSQL.Remove(builderSQL.Length - 2, 2);
            builderParams.Remove(builderParams.Length - 2, 2);

            builderSQL.Append(" ) values ");
            builderSQL.Append(builderParams.ToString() + " ) ");
            dictSql.Add("NOVALUE", (" insert into " + tableName + " ( " + builderSQL.ToString(), lstParams.ToArray()));

             * 先建立一个序列
             * create sequence SEQ_SINGOO minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 nocache
             * insert into cms_user(AutoID,UserName) VALUES(SEQ_SINGOO.nextval,'张三');
             * select SEQ_SINGOO.currval from dual; //取值
            if (isKeyAutoSEQ)
                dictSql.Add("REVALUE", ($"select SEQ_{tableName.ToUpper()}.currval from dual", null));

            var result = await ExecOracleTransAsync(dictSql);

            return((result != null && result.Count() == 2) ? result.ToList()[1] : 0);