コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads the screenshot at the given path to the work item with the given issue id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">path of screenshot to upload</param>
        /// <returns>Task with URL of the screenshot attachment reference, null if not connected</returns>
        internal async Task <string> AttachScreenshotToIssue(string path, int issueId)
            if (!ConnectedToAzureDevOps)
            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient wit        = _baseServerConnection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
            AttachmentReference        attachment = await wit.CreateAttachmentAsync(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open), Invariant($"{issueId}-pic.png")).ConfigureAwait(false);

            JsonPatchDocument patchDoc = new JsonPatchDocument();

            patchDoc.Add(new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/relations/-",
                Value     = new
                    rel        = "AttachedFile",
                    url        = attachment.Url,
                    attributes = new { comment = "Screenshot of element" }
            // Return attachment URL once this work item is updated
#pragma warning disable CA2007 // Do not directly await a Task
#pragma warning disable CA2008 // Do not create tasks without passing a TaskScheduler
            return(await wit.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDoc, issueId).ContinueWith(t => attachment.Url));

#pragma warning restore CA2008 // Do not create tasks without passing a TaskScheduler
#pragma warning restore CA2007 // Do not directly await a Task
コード例 #2
        public string AddAttachmentToBug()
            var _id       = _configuration.WorkItemId;
            var _filePath = _configuration.FilePath;

            using (WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient = new WorkItemTrackingHttpClient(_uri, _credentials))
                // upload attachment to attachment store and
                // get a reference to that file
                AttachmentReference attachmentReference = workItemTrackingHttpClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(_filePath).Result;

                JsonPatchDocument patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();

                patchDocument.Add(new JsonPatchOperation()
                    Operation = Operation.Add,
                    Path      = "/relations/-",
                    Value     = new
                        rel        = "AttachedFile",
                        url        = attachmentReference.Url,
                        attributes = new { comment = "adding link to bug" }

                WorkItem result = workItemTrackingHttpClient.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument, _id).Result;

コード例 #3
        private void CreateDefaultSwapchainRenderPass(Device SelectedLogicalGraphicsDevice)
            var anAttachmentDescription = new AttachmentDescription
                Format         = VulkanRenderer.Surface.SelectedSurfaceFormat.Format,
                Samples        = SampleCountFlags.Count1,
                LoadOp         = AttachmentLoadOp.Clear,
                StoreOp        = AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
                StencilLoadOp  = AttachmentLoadOp.DontCare,
                StencilStoreOp = AttachmentStoreOp.DontCare,
                InitialLayout  = ImageLayout.Undefined,
                FinalLayout    = ImageLayout.PresentSrcKHR
            var anAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference {
                Layout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal

            var aSubpassDescription = new SubpassDescription
                PipelineBindPoint = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
                ColorAttachments  = new AttachmentReference[] { anAttachmentReference }

            var aRenderPassCreateInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo
                Attachments = new AttachmentDescription[] { anAttachmentDescription },
                Subpasses   = new SubpassDescription[] { aSubpassDescription }

            myBaseRenderPass = SelectedLogicalGraphicsDevice.CreateRenderPass(aRenderPassCreateInfo);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an attachment to a work item by using the <paramref name="attachmentReference"/> and optionally setting the attachment's <paramref name="comment"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachmentReference">The attachment reference.</param>
        /// <param name="comment">The (optional) attachment comment.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">attachmentReference</exception>
        public virtual WorkItemPatchDocumentBuilder AddAttachment(AttachmentReference attachmentReference, string comment = "")
            if (attachmentReference == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(attachmentReference));

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = $"{Constants.WorkItems.RelationsBasePath}/-",
                Value     = new
                    rel        = Constants.WorkItems.RelationReferenceNameForAttachedFiles,
                    url        = attachmentReference.Url,
                    attributes = new
                        comment = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment)
                                ? comment
                                : string.Empty

コード例 #5
 public AttachmentLink(string filename, AttachmentReference aRef, long resourceSize, string comment = null)
     this.FileName            = filename;
     this.AttachmentReference = aRef;
     this.ResourceSize        = resourceSize;
     this.Comment             = comment;
コード例 #6
 public FrameObjectModel(FrameObjectModel other) : base(other)
     blendInfoIndex        = other.blendInfoIndex;
     skeletonIndex         = other.skeletonIndex;
     skeletonHierachyIndex = other.skeletonHierachyIndex;
     skeleton  = other.skeleton;
     blendInfo = other.blendInfo;
     restPose  = new TransformMatrix[skeleton.NumBones[0]];
     for (int i = 0; i != restPose.Length; i++)
         restPose[i] = new TransformMatrix(other.restPose[i]);
     unkTrasform          = other.unkTrasform;
     attachmentReferences = new AttachmentReference[other.attachmentReferences.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i != attachmentReferences.Length; i++)
         attachmentReferences[i] = new AttachmentReference(other.attachmentReferences[i]);
     unkFlags        = other.unkFlags;
     physSplitSize   = other.physSplitSize;
     hitBoxSize      = other.hitBoxSize;
     nPhysSplits     = other.nPhysSplits;
     blendMeshSplits = new WeightedByMeshSplit[nPhysSplits];
     for (int i = 0; i != blendMeshSplits.Length; i++)
         blendMeshSplits[i] = new WeightedByMeshSplit(other.blendMeshSplits[i]);
     hitBoxInfo = new HitBoxInfo[other.hitBoxInfo.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i != hitBoxInfo.Length; i++)
         hitBoxInfo[i] = new HitBoxInfo(hitBoxInfo[i]);
コード例 #7
        private RenderPass CreateRenderPass(SurfaceFormatKhr surfaceFormat)
            var attDesc = new AttachmentDescription
                Format         = surfaceFormat.Format,
                Samples        = SampleCountFlags.Count1,
                LoadOp         = AttachmentLoadOp.Clear,
                StoreOp        = AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
                StencilLoadOp  = AttachmentLoadOp.DontCare,
                StencilStoreOp = AttachmentStoreOp.DontCare,
                InitialLayout  = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,
                FinalLayout    = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal
            var attRef = new AttachmentReference {
                Layout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal
            var subpassDesc = new SubpassDescription
                PipelineBindPoint = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
                ColorAttachments  = new [] { attRef }
            var renderPassCreateInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo
                Attachments = new [] { attDesc },
                Subpasses   = new [] { subpassDesc }

コード例 #8
        public AttachmentReference UploadAttachmentBinaryFile(string filePath)
            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(_uri, _credentials);
            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
            AttachmentReference        attachmentReference        = workItemTrackingHttpClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(@filePath).Result;

コード例 #9
        public async Task <IEnumerable <JsonPatchOperation> > Process(IMigrationContext migrationContext, IBatchMigrationContext batchContext, WorkItem sourceWorkItem, WorkItem targetWorkItem)
            IList <JsonPatchOperation> jsonPatchOperations = new List <JsonPatchOperation>();
            AttachmentReference        aRef = await UploadAttachmentsToTarget(migrationContext, sourceWorkItem);

            JsonPatchOperation revisionHistoryAttachmentAddOperation = MigrationHelpers.GetRevisionHistoryAttachmentAddOperation(aRef, sourceWorkItem.Id.Value);


            return(jsonPatchOperations); // We could just return one item, but we make an IList to be consistent
コード例 #10
        public void ReadFromFilePart2(MemoryStream stream, bool isBigEndian)
            //do rest matrices.
            restTransform = new Matrix[skeleton.NumBones[0]];
            for (int i = 0; i != restTransform.Length; i++)
                restTransform[i] = MatrixExtensions.ReadFromFile(stream, isBigEndian);

            //unknown transform.
            unkTransform = MatrixExtensions.ReadFromFile(stream, isBigEndian);

            int length1 = stream.ReadInt32(isBigEndian);

            attachmentReferences = new AttachmentReference[length1];

            for (int i = 0; i != length1; i++)
                attachmentReferences[i] = new AttachmentReference(stream, isBigEndian);

            unkFlags      = stream.ReadUInt32(isBigEndian);
            physSplitSize = stream.ReadInt32(isBigEndian);
            hitBoxSize    = stream.ReadInt32(isBigEndian);

            if (physSplitSize > 0)
                nPhysSplits = stream.ReadInt16(isBigEndian);
                nPhysSplits = 0;

            int totalSplits = 0;

            blendMeshSplits = new WeightedByMeshSplit[nPhysSplits];
            for (int i = 0; i != nPhysSplits; i++)
                blendMeshSplits[i] = new WeightedByMeshSplit(stream, isBigEndian);
                int index = blendInfo.BoneIndexInfos[0].IDs[blendMeshSplits[i].BlendIndex];
                blendMeshSplits[i].JointName = skeleton.BoneNames[index].ToString();
                totalSplits += blendMeshSplits[i].Data.Length;

            hitBoxInfo = new HitBoxInfo[totalSplits];
            for (int i = 0; i != hitBoxInfo.Length; i++)
                hitBoxInfo[i] = new HitBoxInfo(stream, isBigEndian);
コード例 #11
        public void ReadFromFilePart2(BinaryReader reader, FrameSkeleton skeleton, FrameBlendInfo blendInfo)
            this.skeleton  = skeleton;
            this.blendInfo = blendInfo;

            //do rest matrices.
            restPose = new TransformMatrix[skeleton.NumBones[0]];
            for (int i = 0; i != restPose.Length; i++)
                restPose[i] = new TransformMatrix(reader);

            //unknown transform.
            unkTrasform = new TransformMatrix(reader);

            int length1 = reader.ReadInt32();

            attachmentReferences = new AttachmentReference[length1];

            for (int i = 0; i != length1; i++)
                attachmentReferences[i] = new AttachmentReference(reader);

            unkFlags      = reader.ReadUInt32();
            physSplitSize = reader.ReadInt32();
            hitBoxSize    = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (physSplitSize > 0)
                nPhysSplits = reader.ReadInt16();
                nPhysSplits = 0;

            int totalSplits = 0;

            blendMeshSplits = new WeightedByMeshSplit[nPhysSplits];
            for (int i = 0; i != nPhysSplits; i++)
                blendMeshSplits[i] = new WeightedByMeshSplit(reader);
                totalSplits       += blendMeshSplits[i].Data.Length;

            hitBoxInfo = new HitBoxInfo[totalSplits];
            for (int i = 0; i != hitBoxInfo.Length; i++)
                hitBoxInfo[i] = new HitBoxInfo(reader);
        public void AddAttachment()
            // Create a file to attach with sample text
            var filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());

            using (FileStream fstream = File.Create(filePath))
                using (StreamWriter swriter = new StreamWriter(fstream))
                    swriter.Write("Sample attachment text");

            // Upload attachment
            AttachmentReference attachment = WitClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(filePath).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Attachment created");
            Console.WriteLine($"ID: {attachment.Id}");
            Console.WriteLine($"URL: '{attachment.Url}'");

            // Get an existing work item and add the attachment to it
            WorkItem          wi = WitClient.GetWorkItemAsync(this.WorkItemsAdded.First()).Result;
            JsonPatchDocument attachmentPatchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument
                new JsonPatchOperation()
                    Operation = Operation.Add,
                    Path      = "/relations/-",
                    Value     = new
                        rel        = "AttachedFile",
                        url        = attachment.Url,
                        attributes = new
                            comment = "Attached a file"

            var attachments = wi.Relations?.Where(r => r.Rel == "AttachedFile") ?? new List <WorkItemRelation>();
            var previousAttachmentsCount = attachments.Count();

            var result = WitClient.UpdateWorkItemAsync(attachmentPatchDocument, wi.Id.Value).Result;

            var newAttachments      = result.Relations?.Where(r => r.Rel == "AttachedFile");
            var newAttachmentsCount = newAttachments.Count();

            Console.WriteLine($"Updated Existing Work Item: '{wi.Id}'. Had {previousAttachmentsCount} attachments, now has {newAttachmentsCount}");
コード例 #13
ファイル: TfsUtility.cs プロジェクト: tauke1/outlook-addin
 /// <summary>
 /// Create document for work item with attachment info
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reference">attachment reference</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static JsonPatchOperation CreateAttachmentJsonPatchOperation(AttachmentReference reference)
     return(new JsonPatchOperation()
         Operation = Operation.Add,
         Path = "/relations/-",
         Value = new
             rel = "AttachedFile",
             url = reference.Url
コード例 #14
        private void CreateRenderPass()
            var colorAttachment = new AttachmentDescription()
                Format         = vkSwapChainImageFormat,
                Samples        = SampleCountFlags.Count1,
                LoadOp         = AttachmentLoadOp.Clear,
                StoreOp        = AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
                StencilLoadOp  = AttachmentLoadOp.DontCare,
                StencilStoreOp = AttachmentStoreOp.DontCare,
                InitialLayout  = ImageLayout.Undefined,
                FinalLayout    = ImageLayout.PresentSrcKhr,

            var colorAttachmentRef = new AttachmentReference()
                Attachment = 0,
                Layout     = Vulkan.ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,

            var subpass = new SubpassDescription()
                PipelineBindPoint    = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
                ColorAttachmentCount = 1,
                ColorAttachments     = new AttachmentReference[] { colorAttachmentRef },

            var dependency = new SubpassDependency()
                SrcSubpass    = VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL,
                SrcStageMask  = PipelineStageFlags.ColorAttachmentOutput,
                SrcAccessMask = 0,

                DstSubpass    = 0,
                DstStageMask  = PipelineStageFlags.ColorAttachmentOutput,
                DstAccessMask = AccessFlags.ColorAttachmentRead | AccessFlags.ColorAttachmentWrite,

            var renderPassInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo()
                AttachmentCount = 1,
                Attachments     = new AttachmentDescription[] { colorAttachment },
                SubpassCount    = 1,
                Subpasses       = new SubpassDescription[] { subpass },
                DependencyCount = 1,
                Dependencies    = new SubpassDependency[] { dependency },

            vkRenderPass = vkDevice.CreateRenderPass(renderPassInfo);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Tutorial03.cs プロジェクト: Benkei/Crow.Framework
        void CreateRenderPass()
            var attachment_descriptions = new AttachmentDescription
                flags                 = (AttachmentDescriptionFlagBits)0,                  // VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits   flags
                format                = GetSwapChain.Format,                               // VkFormat                       format
                samples               = SampleCountFlagBits._1Bit,                         // VkSampleCountFlagBits          samples
                loadOperation         = AttachmentLoadOperation.Clear,                     // VkAttachmentLoadOp             loadOp
                storeOperation        = AttachmentStoreOperation.Store,                    // VkAttachmentStoreOp            storeOp
                stencilLoadOperation  = AttachmentLoadOperation.DontCare,                  // VkAttachmentLoadOp             stencilLoadOp
                stencilStoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.DontCare,                 // VkAttachmentStoreOp            stencilStoreOp
                initialLayout         = ImageLayout.Undefined,                             // VkImageLayout                  initialLayout;
                finalLayout           = ImageLayout.PresentSourceKhr                       // VkImageLayout                  finalLayout

            var color_attachment_references = new AttachmentReference
                attachment = 0,                                                            // uint32_t                       attachment
                layout     = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal                            // VkImageLayout                  layout

            var subpass_descriptions = new SubpassDescription
                flags                   = 0,                                       // VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits      flags
                pipelineBindPoint       = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,              // VkPipelineBindPoint            pipelineBindPoint
                inputAttachmentCount    = 0,                                       // uint32_t                       inputAttachmentCount
                pInputAttachments       = (AttachmentReference *)0,                // const VkAttachmentReference   *pInputAttachments
                colorAttachmentCount    = 1,                                       // uint32_t                       colorAttachmentCount
                pColorAttachments       = &color_attachment_references,            // const VkAttachmentReference   *pColorAttachments
                pResolveAttachments     = (AttachmentReference *)0,                // const VkAttachmentReference   *pResolveAttachments
                pDepthStencilAttachment = (AttachmentReference *)0,                // const VkAttachmentReference   *pDepthStencilAttachment
                preserveAttachmentCount = 0,                                       // uint32_t                       preserveAttachmentCount
                pPreserveAttachments    = (uint *)0                                // const uint32_t*                pPreserveAttachments

            var render_pass_create_info = new RenderPassCreateInfo
                sType           = StructureType.RenderPassCreateInfo,       // VkStructureType                sType
                pNext           = IntPtr.Zero,                              // const void                    *pNext
                flags           = 0,                                        // VkRenderPassCreateFlagBits        flags
                attachmentCount = 1,                                        // uint32_t                       attachmentCount
                pAttachments    = &attachment_descriptions,                 // const VkAttachmentDescription *pAttachments
                subpassCount    = 1,                                        // uint32_t                       subpassCount
                pSubpasses      = &subpass_descriptions,                    // const VkSubpassDescription    *pSubpasses
                dependencyCount = 0,                                        // uint32_t                       dependencyCount
                pDependencies   = (SubpassDependency *)0                    // const VkSubpassDependency     *pDependencies

            vk.CreateRenderPass(GetDevice, ref render_pass_create_info, (AllocationCallbacks *)0, out Vulkan.RenderPass).CheckError();
コード例 #16
        public WorkItem AddAttachment()
            int    id       = Convert.ToInt32(Context.GetValue <WorkItem>("$newWorkItem3").Id);
            string filePath = ClientSampleHelpers.GetSampleTextFile();

            VssConnection connection = Context.Connection;
            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

            // upload attachment to store and get a reference to that file
            AttachmentReference attachmentReference = workItemTrackingClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(filePath).Result;

            JsonPatchDocument patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Test,
                Path      = "/rev",
                Value     = "1"

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/fields/System.History",
                Value     = "Adding the necessary spec"

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/relations/-",
                Value     = new
                    rel        = "AttachedFile",
                    url        = attachmentReference.Url,
                    attributes = new { comment = "VanDelay Industries - Spec" }

            WorkItem result = workItemTrackingClient.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument, id).Result;

コード例 #17
ファイル: MeteoraViewBase.cs プロジェクト: Amatsugu/Meteora
        protected void CreateRenderPass()
            var colorAttachment = new AttachmentDescription
                Format         = format.Format,
                Samples        = SampleCountFlags.Count1,
                LoadOp         = AttachmentLoadOp.Clear,
                StoreOp        = AttachmentStoreOp.Store,
                StencilLoadOp  = AttachmentLoadOp.DontCare,
                StencilStoreOp = AttachmentStoreOp.DontCare,
                InitialLayout  = ImageLayout.Undefined,
                FinalLayout    = ImageLayout.PresentSrcKhr

            var colorAttachmentRef = new AttachmentReference
                Attachment = 0,
                Layout     = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal

            var subpass = new SubpassDescription
                PipelineBindPoint    = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
                ColorAttachmentCount = 1,
                ColorAttachments     = new AttachmentReference[] { colorAttachmentRef },

            var dependency = new SubpassDependency
                SrcSubpass    = VK_SUBPASS_INTERNAL,
                DstSubpass    = 0,
                SrcStageMask  = PipelineStageFlags.ColorAttachmentOutput,
                SrcAccessMask = 0,
                DstStageMask  = PipelineStageFlags.ColorAttachmentOutput,
                DstAccessMask = AccessFlags.ColorAttachmentRead | AccessFlags.ColorAttachmentWrite

            var renderPassInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo
                AttachmentCount = 1,
                Attachments     = new AttachmentDescription[] { colorAttachment },
                SubpassCount    = 1,
                Subpasses       = new SubpassDescription[] { subpass },
                DependencyCount = 1,
                Dependencies    = new SubpassDependency[] { dependency }

            renderPass = device.CreateRenderPass(renderPassInfo);
コード例 #18
 // This method will upload attachment and return url for file and Id
 private static AttachmentReference UploadAttachment(Uri uri, VssBasicCredential credentials)
         VssConnection _tpc = new VssConnection(uri, credentials);
         WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient = _tpc.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
         AttachmentReference        attachment = workItemTrackingHttpClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(PathOfAttachment).Result;
         // Save the attachment ID for the "download" sample call later
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Logger.Error("Error occurred while Attaching Attachment in bug" + ex);
コード例 #19
        public WorkItem UpdateWorkItemAddAttachment(int id, string filePath)
            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(_uri, _credentials);
            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

            // upload attachment to attachment store and
            // get a reference to that file
            AttachmentReference attachmentReference = workItemTrackingHttpClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(filePath).Result;

            JsonPatchDocument patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Test,
                Path      = "/rev",
                Value     = "1"

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/fields/System.History",
                Value     = "Adding the necessary spec"

                new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/relations/-",
                Value     = new
                    rel        = "AttachedFile",
                    url        = attachmentReference.Url,
                    attributes = new { comment = "VanDelay Industries - Spec" }

            WorkItem result = workItemTrackingHttpClient.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument, id).Result;

コード例 #20
        public static WorkItem CreateBugInVSO(IWebDriver driver, Fields fields)
                PathOfAttachment = ScreenShotCapture.CaptureScreenShotOfCurrentBrowser(driver, fields.PathOfFile);
                Uri                 uri = new Uri(_uri);
                string              personalAccessToken = _personalAccessToken;
                string              project             = _project;
                VssBasicCredential  credentials         = new VssBasicCredential("", _personalAccessToken);
                AttachmentReference attachment          = UploadAttachment(uri, credentials);
                ListParams.Add(new Params()
                    Path  = "/relations/-",
                    Value = new
                        rel        = "AttachedFile",
                        url        = attachment.Url,
                        attributes = new { comment = fields.Comments }
                JsonPatchDocument patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
                //add fields and their values to your patch document
                foreach (var item in ListParams)
                        new JsonPatchOperation()
                        Operation = Operation.Add,
                        Path      = item.Path,
                        Value     = item.Value,
                VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(uri, credentials);
                WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingHttpClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

                WorkItem result = workItemTrackingHttpClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument, project, "Bug").Result;
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                Log.Logger.Error("Error occurred while Creating bug in VSO" + ex);
コード例 #21
ファイル: Sample.cs プロジェクト: jcapellman/SharpVulkan
        private void CreateRenderPass()
            var colorAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference {
                Attachment = 0, Layout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal
            var depthStencilAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference {
                Attachment = 1, Layout = ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal

            var subpass = new SubpassDescription
                PipelineBindPoint    = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
                ColorAttachmentCount = 1,
                ColorAttachments     = new IntPtr(&colorAttachmentReference),

            var attachments = new[]
                new AttachmentDescription
                    Format                = backBufferFormat,
                    Samples               = SampleCountFlags.Sample1,
                    LoadOperation         = AttachmentLoadOperation.Load,
                    StoreOperation        = AttachmentStoreOperation.Store,
                    StencilLoadOperation  = AttachmentLoadOperation.DontCare,
                    StencilStoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.DontCare,
                    InitialLayout         = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,
                    FinalLayout           = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal

            fixed(AttachmentDescription *attachmentsPointer = &attachments[0])
                var createInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo
                    StructureType   = StructureType.RenderPassCreateInfo,
                    AttachmentCount = (uint)attachments.Length,
                    Attachments     = new IntPtr(attachmentsPointer),
                    SubpassCount    = 1,
                    Subpasses       = new IntPtr(&subpass)

                renderPass = device.CreateRenderPass(ref createInfo);
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload attachment of file at the given path to the issue with given issue id
        ///     from "AzureDevOps-dotnet-samples" repo
        /// Also adds comment about snapshot to work item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">path to file that should be attached</param>
        /// <param name="issueId">issue id to attach file to</param>
        /// <returns>Task with completed issue ID or null if user is not connected to AzureDevOps</returns>
        internal async Task <int?> AttachTestResultToIssue(string path, int issueId)
            if (!ConnectedToAzureDevOps)
            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient wit        = _baseServerConnection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
            AttachmentReference        attachment = await wit.CreateAttachmentAsync(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open), Invariant($"{issueId}.a11ytest")).ConfigureAwait(false);

            JsonPatchDocument patchDoc = new JsonPatchDocument();

            patchDoc.Add(new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Test,
                Path      = "/rev",
                Value     = "1"
            patchDoc.Add(new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/fields/System.History",
                Value     = "Attached an Accessibility Insights for Windows test file and screenshot."
            patchDoc.Add(new JsonPatchOperation()
                Operation = Operation.Add,
                Path      = "/relations/-",
                Value     = new
                    rel        = "AttachedFile",
                    url        = attachment.Url,
                    attributes = new { comment = "Accessibility Insights for Windows test file" }

#pragma warning disable CA2007 // Do not directly await a Task
#pragma warning disable CA2008 // Do not create tasks without passing a TaskScheduler
            return(await wit.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDoc, issueId).ContinueWith(t => t.Result.Id));

#pragma warning restore CA2008 // Do not create tasks without passing a TaskScheduler
#pragma warning restore CA2007 // Do not directly await a Task
コード例 #23
        public static JsonPatchOperation GetRevisionHistoryAttachmentAddOperation(AttachmentReference attachmentReference, int workItemId)
            JsonPatchOperation jsonPatchOperation = new JsonPatchOperation();

            jsonPatchOperation.Operation = Operation.Add;
            jsonPatchOperation.Path      = $"/{Constants.Relations}/-";
            jsonPatchOperation.Value     = new
                rel        = Constants.AttachedFile,
                url        = attachmentReference.Url,
                attributes = new
                    name = $"{Constants.WorkItemHistory}{workItemId}.json"

コード例 #24
        public AttachmentReference UploadBinaryFile()
            // Full path to the binary file to upload as an attachment
            string filePath = ClientSampleHelpers.GetSampleBinaryFile();

            VssConnection connection = Context.Connection;
            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

            Console.WriteLine("Attempting upload of: {0}", filePath);

            AttachmentReference attachment = workItemTrackingClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(@filePath).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Attachment created");
            Console.WriteLine(" ID    : {0}", attachment.Id);
            Console.WriteLine(" URL   : {0}", attachment.Url);

コード例 #25
        public void CL_WorkItemTracking_Attachements_UploadAttachmentBinaryFile_Success()
            // arrange
            Attachments request  = new Attachments(_configuration);
            string      filePath = @"D:\temp\test.jpg";

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
                Assert.Inconclusive("file not found");

            // act
            AttachmentReference attachmentReference = request.UploadAttachmentBinaryFile(filePath);

            // assert

            request = null;
コード例 #26
        private AttachmentReference SaveThumbnailAttachment(AttachmentReference photoReference)
            var thumbnailFileName = "thumb_" + photoReference.FileName;

            var photo = RavenSession.Load <Attachment>(photoReference.Id);

            var photoStream = Query(new ReadAttachment(photo)
                UploadPath = UploadPath

            photoStream.Position = 0; //Find a more elegant way to do it
            //TODO: generate thumbnail
            var thumbnailStream = photoStream;

            return(ExecuteCommand(new SaveAttachment(RelatedEntity, thumbnailFileName, thumbnailStream)
                UploadPath = UploadPath
コード例 #27
        public void CL_WorkItemTracking_Attachements_DownloadAttachmentTextFile_Success()
            // arrange
            Attachments request  = new Attachments(_configuration);
            string      filePath = @"D:\temp\test.txt";

            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
                Assert.Inconclusive("file not found");

            // act
            AttachmentReference attachmentReference = request.UploadAttachmentTextFile(filePath);

            request.DownloadAttachment(attachmentReference.Id, @"D:\temp\attachment.txt");

            // assert

            request = null;
コード例 #28
        public static JsonPatchDocument ToPatchDocument(this AttachmentReference attachment)
            var patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument()
                new JsonPatchOperation
                    Operation = Operation.Add,
                    Path      = "/relations/-",
                    Value     = new
                        rel        = "AttachedFile",
                        url        = attachment.Url,
                        attributes = new
                            comment = $"Ported by tfs-to-devops @ {DateTime.Now:dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}"

コード例 #29
        public AttachmentReference UploadTextFile()
            // Full path to the text file to upload as an attachment
            string filePath = ClientSampleHelpers.GetSampleTextFile();

            // Get a client
            VssConnection connection = Context.Connection;
            WorkItemTrackingHttpClient workItemTrackingClient = connection.GetClient <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();

            Console.WriteLine("Attempting upload of: {0}", filePath);

            // Upload the attachment
            AttachmentReference attachment = workItemTrackingClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(@filePath).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Attachment created");
            Console.WriteLine(" ID    : {0}", attachment.Id);
            Console.WriteLine(" URL   : {0}", attachment.Url);

            // Save the attachment ID for the "download" sample call later
            Context.SetValue <Guid>("$attachmentId", attachment.Id);
            Context.SetValue <string>("$attachmentFileName", Path.GetFileName(filePath));

コード例 #30
        private unsafe void CreateRenderPass(PipelineStateDescription pipelineStateDescription)
            bool hasDepthStencilAttachment = pipelineStateDescription.Output.DepthStencilFormat != PixelFormat.None;

            var renderTargetCount = pipelineStateDescription.Output.RenderTargetCount;

            var attachmentCount = renderTargetCount;
            if (hasDepthStencilAttachment)

            var attachments = new AttachmentDescription[attachmentCount];
            var colorAttachmentReferences = new AttachmentReference[renderTargetCount];

            fixed (PixelFormat* renderTargetFormat = &pipelineStateDescription.Output.RenderTargetFormat0)
            fixed (BlendStateRenderTargetDescription* blendDescription = &pipelineStateDescription.BlendState.RenderTarget0)
                for (int i = 0; i < renderTargetCount; i++)
                    var currentBlendDesc = pipelineStateDescription.BlendState.IndependentBlendEnable ? (blendDescription + i) : blendDescription;

                    attachments[i] = new AttachmentDescription
                        Format = VulkanConvertExtensions.ConvertPixelFormat(*(renderTargetFormat + i)),
                        Samples = SampleCountFlags.Sample1,
                        LoadOperation = currentBlendDesc->BlendEnable ? AttachmentLoadOperation.Load : AttachmentLoadOperation.DontCare, // TODO VULKAN: Only if any destination blend?
                        StoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.Store,
                        StencilLoadOperation = AttachmentLoadOperation.DontCare,
                        StencilStoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.DontCare,
                        InitialLayout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,
                        FinalLayout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,

                    colorAttachmentReferences[i] = new AttachmentReference
                        Attachment = (uint)i,
                        Layout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,

            if (hasDepthStencilAttachment)
                attachments[attachmentCount - 1] = new AttachmentDescription
                    Format = Texture.GetFallbackDepthStencilFormat(GraphicsDevice, VulkanConvertExtensions.ConvertPixelFormat(pipelineStateDescription.Output.DepthStencilFormat)),
                    Samples = SampleCountFlags.Sample1,
                    LoadOperation = AttachmentLoadOperation.Load, // TODO VULKAN: Only if depth read enabled?
                    StoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.Store, // TODO VULKAN: Only if depth write enabled?
                    StencilLoadOperation = AttachmentLoadOperation.DontCare, // TODO VULKAN: Handle stencil
                    StencilStoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.DontCare,
                    InitialLayout = ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal,
                    FinalLayout = ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal,

            var depthAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference
                Attachment = (uint)attachments.Length - 1,
                Layout = ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal,

            var subpass = new SubpassDescription
                PipelineBindPoint = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
                ColorAttachmentCount = (uint)renderTargetCount,
                ColorAttachments = colorAttachmentReferences.Length > 0 ? new IntPtr(Interop.Fixed(colorAttachmentReferences)) : IntPtr.Zero,
                DepthStencilAttachment = hasDepthStencilAttachment ? new IntPtr(&depthAttachmentReference) : IntPtr.Zero,

            var renderPassCreateInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo
                StructureType = StructureType.RenderPassCreateInfo,
                AttachmentCount = (uint)attachmentCount,
                Attachments = attachments.Length > 0 ? new IntPtr(Interop.Fixed(attachments)) : IntPtr.Zero,
                SubpassCount = 1,
                Subpasses = new IntPtr(&subpass)
            NativeRenderPass = GraphicsDevice.NativeDevice.CreateRenderPass(ref renderPassCreateInfo);
コード例 #31
ファイル: Sample.cs プロジェクト: jwollen/SharpVulkan
        private void CreateRenderPass()
            var colorAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference { Attachment = 0, Layout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal };
            var depthStencilAttachmentReference = new AttachmentReference { Attachment = 1, Layout = ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal };

            var subpass = new SubpassDescription
                PipelineBindPoint = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics,
                ColorAttachmentCount = 1,
                ColorAttachments = new IntPtr(&colorAttachmentReference),

            var attachments = new[]
                new AttachmentDescription
                    Format = backBufferFormat,
                    Samples = SampleCountFlags.Sample1,
                    LoadOperation = AttachmentLoadOperation.Load,
                    StoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.Store,
                    StencilLoadOperation = AttachmentLoadOperation.DontCare,
                    StencilStoreOperation = AttachmentStoreOperation.DontCare,
                    InitialLayout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal,
                    FinalLayout = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal

            fixed (AttachmentDescription* attachmentsPointer = &attachments[0])
                var createInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo
                    StructureType = StructureType.RenderPassCreateInfo,
                    AttachmentCount = (uint)attachments.Length,
                    Attachments = new IntPtr(attachmentsPointer),
                    SubpassCount = 1,
                    Subpasses = new IntPtr(&subpass)

                renderPass = device.CreateRenderPass(ref createInfo);
コード例 #32
        public override async Task <IEnumerable <WorkItemModel> > FileWorkItems(IEnumerable <WorkItemModel> workItemModels)
            foreach (WorkItemModel workItemModel in workItemModels)
                //TODO: Provide helper that generates useful attachment name from filed bug.
                //      This helper should be common to both ADO and GH filers. The implementation
                //      should work like this: the filer should prefix the proposed file name with
                //      the account and project and number of the filed work item. So an attachment
                //      name of Scan.sarif would be converted tO
                //         MyAcct_MyProject_WorkItem1000_Scan.sarif
                //      The GH filer may prefer to use 'issue' instead:
                //         myowner_my-repo_Issue1000_Scan.sarif
                //      The common helper should preserve casing choices in the account/owner and
                //      project/repo information that's provided.
                //      Obviously, this proposal requires a change below to first file the bug,
                //      then compute the file name and add the attachment.
                //      https://github.com/microsoft/sarif-sdk/issues/1753

                AttachmentReference attachmentReference = null;
                string attachmentText = workItemModel.Attachment?.Text;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentText))
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
                            stream.Position = 0;
                                attachmentReference = await _witClient.CreateAttachmentAsync(stream, fileName : workItemModel.Attachment.Name);
                                // TBD error handling

                var patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument
                    new JsonPatchOperation
                        Operation = Operation.Add,
                        Path      = $"/fields/{AzureDevOpsFieldNames.Title}",
                        Value     = workItemModel.Title
                    new JsonPatchOperation
                        Operation = Operation.Add,
                        Path      = $"/fields/{AzureDevOpsFieldNames.Area}",
                        Value     = workItemModel.Area ?? workItemModel.RepositoryOrProject
                    new JsonPatchOperation
                        Operation = Operation.Add,
                        Path      = $"/fields/{AzureDevOpsFieldNames.Tags}",
                        Value     = string.Join(",", workItemModel.LabelsOrTags)

                if (workItemModel.CustomFields != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> customField in workItemModel.CustomFields)
                        patchDocument.Add(new JsonPatchOperation
                            Operation = Operation.Add,
                            Path      = $"/fields/{customField.Key}",
                            Value     = customField.Value

                if (attachmentReference != null)
                        new JsonPatchOperation
                        Operation = Operation.Add,
                        Path      = $"/relations/-",
                        Value     = new
                            rel = "AttachedFile",

                WorkItem workItem = null;

                    // TODO: Make work item kind configurable for Azure DevOps filer
                    // https://github.com/microsoft/sarif-sdk/issues/1770
                    string workItemKind = "Bug";

                    Console.Write($"Creating work item: {workItemModel.Title}");
                    workItem = await _witClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument, project : this.ProjectOrRepository, workItemKind);

                    Console.WriteLine($": {workItem.Id}: DONE");
                catch (Exception e)

                    if (patchDocument != null)
                        string patchJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(patchDocument, Formatting.Indented);


                const string HTML = "html";
                workItemModel.HtmlUri = new Uri(((ReferenceLink)workItem.Links.Links[HTML]).Href, UriKind.Absolute);

                // TODO: ADO work item filer should populate the raw URI (in addition to HtmlUri)
                //       https://github.com/microsoft/sarif-sdk/issues/1773
