IEnumerator TextureStreamer(AssetSchematic schematic, MCSObjectLoader loader) { Dictionary <string, Texture2D> textures = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D> (); Dictionary <string, string> texturePaths = new Dictionary <string, string> (); if (schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.albedo != null && schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.albedo != "") { texturePaths.Add("albedo", schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.albedo); } if (schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.metal != null && schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.metal != "") { texturePaths.Add("metal", schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.metal); } if (schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.normal != null && schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.normal != "") { texturePaths.Add("normal", schematic.structure_and_physics.material_structure.normal); } var datetime = DateTime.Now; //TODO: this is commented out to prevent errors with Wii U compiles /* * while (!Caching.ready) * yield return null; */ foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in texturePaths) { using (WWW www = new WWW(entry.Value)) { while (!www.isDone) { loader.progress += www.progress * 100 / texturePaths.Count; yield return(0); } if (www.error != null) { throw new Exception("Download of " + entry.Key + "from: " + entry.Value + " has failed. Error: " + www.error); } Texture2D streamedTexture = www.texture; if (streamedTexture != null) { textures.Add(entry.Key, streamedTexture); } } } AssetCreator ac = new AssetCreator(); float difference = (float)System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(datetime).TotalMilliseconds; loader.Complete(ac.CreateMorphMaterial(schematic, textures), difference); }
Material FindLoadAndAssignFigureMaterial(Material fbxMaterial, string rendererName, string dirPath) { Material dstMaterial; bool useLods = true; string materialName =; if (materialName == "EyeSheen" || materialName == "EyeAndLash") { materialName = "EyeAndLash"; useLods = false; } string lodSuffix = ""; if (useLods) { int lodPos = rendererName.LastIndexOf("_LOD"); lodSuffix = rendererName.Substring(lodPos); } string dstMatBaseName = materialName + lodSuffix; string matPath = dirPath + "/Materials/" + dstMatBaseName + ".mat"; //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("MatPath: " + matPath); dstMaterial = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(matPath); if (dstMaterial != null) { return(dstMaterial); } string dirMon = dirPath + "/Materials"; string monPath = dirPath + "/Materials/" + dstMatBaseName + ".mon"; //AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(monPath, ImportAssetOptions.Default | ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); MonDeserializer monDes = new MonDeserializer(); AssetSchematic[] schematics = monDes.DeserializeMonFile(monPath); AssetCreator assetCreator = new AssetCreator(); foreach (AssetSchematic schematic in schematics) { if (schematic.type_and_function.primary_function != Morph3d.Utility.Schematic.Enumeration.PrimaryFunction.material) { continue; } Material newMaterial = assetCreator.CreateMorphMaterial(schematic, TextureLoader.GetTextures(schematic, dirMon)); if (schematic.stream_and_path.generated_path == "" || schematic.stream_and_path.generated_path == null) { schematic.stream_and_path.generated_path = dirMon + "/" + + ".mat"; } int pos = schematic.stream_and_path.generated_path.LastIndexOf('/'); string directoryPath = schematic.stream_and_path.generated_path.Substring(0, pos); if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); } //does a material already exist, if so, replace over it string dstPath = MCS_Utilities.Paths.ConvertRelativeToAbsolute(dirMon, schematic.stream_and_path.generated_path); if (!File.Exists(dstPath)) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newMaterial, dstPath); } else { Material oldMat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(dstPath); oldMat.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(newMaterial); } dstMaterial = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(dstPath); return(dstMaterial); } dstMaterial = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(matPath); return(dstMaterial); }
public static bool TryToImportMaterialsFromSchematics(string str, string dirMon, AssetSchematic[] schematics) { bool materialCreationStatus = true; AssetCreator ac = new AssetCreator(); //let's look for any materials in the mon file, if we find any create and import them now before we move on for (int i = 0; i < schematics.Length && materialCreationStatus; i++) { AssetSchematic mon = schematics[i]; if (mon.origin_and_description != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mon.origin_and_description.mcs_id)) { schematicLookup[mon.origin_and_description.mcs_id] = mon; } if (mon.type_and_function.artisttools_function == ArtistToolsFunction.material || mon.type_and_function.primary_function == PrimaryFunction.material) { try { Dictionary <string, Texture2D> textureDict = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D>(); bool textureLoadStatus = TextureLoader.GetTextures(mon, dirMon, out textureDict); if (textureLoadStatus == false) { //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Failed to find textures for material: " + str); continue; } Material mat = ac.CreateMorphMaterial(mon, textureDict); if (mon.stream_and_path.generated_path == "" || mon.stream_and_path.generated_path == null) { //mon.stream_and_path.generated_path = GENERATED_MATERIALS_FOLDER + "/" + + ".mat"; string newDir = dirMon + "/Materials"; if (!Directory.Exists(newDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(newDir); } mon.stream_and_path.generated_path = "Materials/" + + ".mat"; } int pos = mon.stream_and_path.generated_path.LastIndexOf('/'); string directoryPath = mon.stream_and_path.generated_path.Substring(0, pos); if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); } //does a material already exist, if so, replace over it string dstPath = MCS_Utilities.Paths.ConvertRelativeToAbsolute(dirMon, mon.stream_and_path.generated_path); //Convert incompatible maya ":" to "_" dstPath = dstPath.Replace(":", "_"); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("dstPath: " + dstPath); if (!File.Exists(dstPath)) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, dstPath); } else { Material oldMat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(dstPath); if (oldMat == null) { //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Unable to update material because we can't load it: " + dstPath); } else { oldMat.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(mat); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("Material creation failed. " + e.Message); materialCreationStatus = false; } } } return(materialCreationStatus); }