コード例 #1
        /*public static string TakeTempTiles() {
         *  AppToNodeRelationDataHolder vwAllApps = GetvwAppToServer();
         *  AppToNodeRelationDataHolder DataMartExport = GetDataMartExport();
         *  string DataMarttoCMDB = compareSources(vwAllApps, "CMDB", DataMartExport, "DataMart");
         *  string CMDBtoDataMart = compareSources(DataMartExport, "DataMart", vwAllApps, "CMDB");
         *  string DataMartDuplicates = DataMartExport.GetBadAdds();
         *  string CMDBDuplicates = vwAllApps.GetBadAdds();
         *  return CMDBtoDataMart + DataMarttoCMDB + DataMartDuplicates + CMDBDuplicates;
         * }*/
        /*public static Dictionary<string, AppToNodeRelation> GetDatamartExport() {
         *  string path = "/Users/Justin/Projects/Exciting_App/Exciting_App/bin/Copy of DataMartExport06142018.xls";
         *  string sheetName = "CMDB- UPDOwn attributes";
         *  int gsiIndex = 1;
         *  int upstreamIndex = 2;
         *  int downstreamIndex = 3;
         *  return GetDictionaryOfApps(path, sheetName, gsiIndex, upstreamIndex, downstreamIndex);
         * }*/

        //This method creates a dictionary which associates gsi IDs with App objects which contain the strings of the upstream/downstream lists

        /*public static Dictionary<String, App> GetDictionaryOfApps(String path, String sheetName, int gsiIdIndex, int upstreamIndex, int downstreamIndex) {
         *  HSSFWorkbook workbook;
         *  using (FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
         *      workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file);
         *  }
         *  ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet(sheetName);
         *  Dictionary<String, App> map = new Dictionary<String, App>();
         *  string returnString = "<table style=\"width: 100 % \">";
         *  for (int i = 0; i < sheet.LastRowNum; i++) {
         *      string upstream;
         *      string downstream;
         *      if (sheet.GetRow(i) != null) {
         *          string gsiId = string.Format(sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(gsiIdIndex).ToString());
         *          if (sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(2).ToString() != null) {
         *              upstream = string.Format(sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(2).ToString());
         *          }
         *          else {
         *              upstream = "";
         *          }
         *          if (sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(3).ToString() != null) {
         *              downstream = string.Format(sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(3).ToString());
         *          }
         *          else {
         *              downstream = "";
         *          }
         *          Exciting_App.Controllers.App newApp = new App(gsiId);
         *          newApp.SetUpstreamList(upstream);
         *          newApp.SetDownstreamList(downstream);
         *          map[gsiId] = newApp;
         *          returnString += "<tr><td>GSI: " + gsiId + "</td><td>Up: " + upstream + "</td><td>Down: " + downstream + "</td></tr>\n";
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return map; //sheet.LastRowNum.ToString();
         * }*/

        public static AppToNodeRelationDataHolder GetAppToNodeRelationships(string path, string sheetName, string source, int GsiIndex, int NodeIndex)
            IWorkbook workbook       = Exciting_App.ExcelMethods.GetWorkbook(path);
            ISheet    sheet          = workbook.GetSheet(sheetName);
            string    badAdds        = "";
            int       DuplicateCount = 0; //Jennifer will win
            //badAdds += " test";
            string app = "";
            Dictionary <string, AppToNodeRelation> map = new Dictionary <string, AppToNodeRelation>(3000);

            for (int i = 0; i < sheet.LastRowNum; i++)
                //badAdds += " at the start of iteration app was: " + app + "<br>";
                string node = "";
                if (string.Format(sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(NodeIndex).ToString()) != null)
                    node = string.Format(sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(NodeIndex).ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
                if (sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(GsiIndex).ToString() != null && sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(GsiIndex).ToString() != "")
                    if (sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(GsiIndex).ToString() != "")
                        if (sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(GsiIndex).ToString().Contains("[Busi") || sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(GsiIndex).ToString().Contains("gsi_id"))
                    app = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(GsiIndex).ToString().ToUpperInvariant();
                if (map.ContainsKey(app))
                    AppToNodeRelation current = map[app];
                    if (!current.AddNode(node))
                        badAdds += "Duplicate app to node relationship between " + app + " and " + node + " in the " + source + "<br>";
                        //badAdds += "Adding app " + app + " to " + node;
                    AppToNodeRelation current = new AppToNodeRelation(app, node);
                    map.Add(app, current);
            badAdds = "<h3>" + source + " has " + DuplicateCount + " Duplicates: </h3>" + badAdds;
            AppToNodeRelationDataHolder dataHolder = new AppToNodeRelationDataHolder(map, badAdds);

コード例 #2
        public static string compareSources(AppToNodeRelationDataHolder checkInData, string checkInSourceName, AppToNodeRelationDataHolder checkForData, string checkForSourceName)
            Dictionary <string, AppToNodeRelation> checkInDictionary  = checkInData.GetDictionary();
            Dictionary <string, AppToNodeRelation> checkForDictionary = checkForData.GetDictionary();
            string problems = "";
            //problems += checkInSourceName + " has " + checkInDictionary.Count + " entries<br> " + checkForSourceName + " has " + checkForDictionary.Count + "<br>";
            string Missing      = "";
            int    MissingCount = 0;
            int    ProblemCount = 0;
            IDictionaryEnumerator checkForEnumerator = checkForDictionary.GetEnumerator();

            while (checkForEnumerator.MoveNext())
                DictionaryEntry currentEntry = checkForEnumerator.Entry;
                string          gsi          = (string)currentEntry.Key;
                if (checkInDictionary.ContainsKey(gsi))
                    AppToNodeRelation    checkInRelation  = checkInDictionary[gsi];
                    AppToNodeRelation    checkForRelation = (AppToNodeRelation)currentEntry.Value;
                    HashSet <string>     checkForNodeList = checkForRelation.GetNodeList();
                    IEnumerator <string> nodeEnumerator   = (IEnumerator <string>)checkForNodeList.GetEnumerator();
                    while (nodeEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        string currentNode = nodeEnumerator.Current;

                        if (!checkInRelation.HasNode(currentNode))
                            problems += "The " + checkInSourceName + " is missing the relation " + gsi + " " + currentNode + "<br>";

                            //problems += "The " + checkInSourceName + " has a matching relation " + gsi + " " + currentNode + "\n";
                    Missing += checkForSourceName + " does not contain the app " + gsi + " but " + checkInSourceName + " does.<br>";
            Missing = "<h3>Found " + MissingCount + " Missing Apps in " + checkForSourceName + " but not in " + checkInSourceName + ": </h3>" + Missing;
            string complete = "<h3>Found a total of " + ProblemCount + " missing relations which are in " + checkForSourceName + " but not in " + checkInSourceName + ".</h3>" + problems + Missing;// + checkInData.GetBadAdds() + checkForData.GetBadAdds();
