public void EnumeratorsWorkWhenNotEmpty() { var message = CreateEmptydDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); message.Properties.MessageId = new AmqpMessageId("test"); message.MessageAnnotations.Add("first", "one"); var expectedItems = new Dictionary <string, object> { { Properties.MessageIdName, message.Properties.MessageId } }; foreach (var item in message.MessageAnnotations) { expectedItems.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } // Count Assert.That(systemProps.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedItems.Count), "The number of items was incorrect."); // Enumerated Values match the expected set. foreach (var item in systemProps) { Assert.That(expectedItems.ContainsKey(item.Key), Is.True, $"The item with key, { item.Key }, was in the properties but is unexpected."); Assert.That(item.Value, Is.EqualTo(expectedItems[item.Key]), $"The item with key, { item.Key }, did not match the expected value."); } }
public void PropertiesSectionItemsAreIncluded() { var message = CreatePopulatedDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); // Set the expected values for well-known property section items. message.Properties.MessageId = new AmqpMessageId("test"); message.Properties.UserId = new byte[] { 0x33, 0x44 }; message.Properties.To = new AmqpAddress(""); message.Properties.Subject = "test-subject"; message.Properties.ReplyTo = new AmqpAddress(""); message.Properties.CorrelationId = new AmqpMessageId("corr"); message.Properties.ContentType = "text/plain"; message.Properties.ContentEncoding = "UTF-8"; message.Properties.AbsoluteExpiryTime = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 10, 27, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero); message.Properties.CreationTime = new DateTimeOffset(2012, 03, 04, 08, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero); message.Properties.GroupId = "bluebirds"; message.Properties.GroupSequence = 3; message.Properties.ReplyToGroupId = "7"; // Validate that the properties are present. Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.MessageIdName), Is.True, "The message identifier should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.UserIdName), Is.True, "The user identifier should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.ToName), Is.True, "The \"to\" property should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.SubjectName), Is.True, "The subject should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.ReplyToName), Is.True, "The \"reply to\" property should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.CorrelationIdName), Is.True, "The correlation identifier should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.ContentTypeName), Is.True, "The content type should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.ContentEncodingName), Is.True, "The content encoding should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.AbsoluteExpiryTimeName), Is.True, "The expiration time should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.CreationTimeName), Is.True, "The creation time should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.GroupIdName), Is.True, "The group identifier should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.GroupSequenceName), Is.True, "The group sequence should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(Properties.ReplyToGroupIdName), Is.True, "The reply-to group identifier should be included."); // Validate that the properties match. Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.MessageIdName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.MessageId), "The message identifier should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.UserIdName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.UserId), "The user identifier should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.ToName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.To), "The \"to\" property should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.SubjectName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.Subject), "The subject should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.ReplyToName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.ReplyTo), "The \"reply to\" property should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.CorrelationIdName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.CorrelationId), "The correlation identifier should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.ContentTypeName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.ContentType), "The content type should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.ContentEncodingName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.ContentEncoding), "The content encoding should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.AbsoluteExpiryTimeName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.AbsoluteExpiryTime), "The expiration time should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.CreationTimeName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.CreationTime), "The creation time should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.GroupIdName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.GroupId), "The group identifier should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.GroupSequenceName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.GroupSequence), "The group sequence should match."); Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.ReplyToGroupIdName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.ReplyToGroupId), "The reply-to group identifier should match."); }
public void ValueOperationsWorkWhenNotEmpty() { var message = CreateEmptydDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); message.Properties.MessageId = new AmqpMessageId("test"); message.MessageAnnotations.Add("first", "one"); var unexpectedKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var expectedValues = new HashSet <object> { message.Properties.MessageId }; foreach (var value in message.MessageAnnotations.Values) { expectedValues.Add(value); } // Count Assert.That(systemProps.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedValues.Count), "The number of items was incorrect."); // System property values are correct. Assert.That(systemProps[Properties.MessageIdName], Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.MessageId), "The message identifier did not match when read through the indexer."); Assert.That(systemProps.TryGetValue(Properties.MessageIdName, out var messageId), Is.True, "The message identifier was not contained when read through TryGetValue."); Assert.That(messageId, Is.EqualTo(message.Properties.MessageId), "The message identifier did not match when read through TryGetValue."); // Message annotation values are correct. foreach (var key in message.MessageAnnotations.Keys) { Assert.That(systemProps[key], Is.EqualTo(message.MessageAnnotations[key]), $"The message annotation, { key }, did not match when read through the indexer."); Assert.That(systemProps.TryGetValue(key, out var currentValue), Is.True, $"The message annotation, { key }, was not contained when read through TryGetValue."); Assert.That(currentValue, Is.EqualTo(message.MessageAnnotations[key]), $"The message annotation, { key }, did not match when read through TryGetValue."); } // Unexpected values are not returned. Assert.That(() => systemProps[unexpectedKey], Throws.InstanceOf <KeyNotFoundException>(), "The unexpected key should result in an exception when read through the indexer."); Assert.That(systemProps.TryGetValue(unexpectedKey, out var unexpectedValue), Is.False, "The unexpected key should not succeed for TryGetValue."); // Enumerated Values match the expected set. foreach (var value in systemProps.Values) { Assert.That(expectedValues.Contains(value), Is.True, $"The value, { value }, was in the properties but is unexpected."); } }
public void EnumeratorsWorkWhenEmpty() { var message = CreateEmptydDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); // Count Assert.That(systemProps.Count, Is.EqualTo(0), "The number of items was incorrect."); // Enumerated Values are empty. foreach (var item in systemProps) { Assert.Fail($"The key, { item.Key }, was found in the set that should be empty."); } }
public void MessageAnnotationSectionItemsAreIncluded() { var message = CreatePopulatedDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); // Set the expected values for well-known property section items. message.MessageAnnotations.Clear(); message.MessageAnnotations.Add("first", "one"); message.MessageAnnotations.Add("second", 2); message.MessageAnnotations.Add("third", new object()); // Validate that the properties are present and match. foreach (var key in message.MessageAnnotations.Keys) { Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(key), Is.True, $"The delivery annotation key, { key }, should be included."); Assert.That(systemProps[key], Is.EqualTo(message.MessageAnnotations[key]), $"The delivery annotation key, { key }, should match."); } }
public void KeyOperationsWorkWhenEmpty() { var message = CreateEmptydDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); var unexpectedKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Key counts are correct. Assert.That(systemProps.Count, Is.EqualTo(0), "The number of items was incorrect."); // Unexpected keys are not returned by ContainsKey. Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(unexpectedKey), Is.False, "The unexpected key was contained."); // Enumerated keys are empty foreach (var key in systemProps.Keys) { Assert.Fail($"The key, { key }, was found in the set that should be empty."); } }
public void KeyOperationsWorkWhenNotEmpty() { var message = CreateEmptydDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); message.Properties.MessageId = new AmqpMessageId("test"); message.MessageAnnotations.Add("first", "one"); var unexpectedKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var expectedKeys = new HashSet <string> { Properties.MessageIdName }; foreach (var key in message.MessageAnnotations.Keys) { expectedKeys.Add(key); } // Key counts are correct. Assert.That(systemProps.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedKeys.Count), "The number of items was incorrect."); // Expected keys are returned by ContainsKey. foreach (var key in expectedKeys) { Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(key), Is.True, $"The key, { key }, was not contained."); } // Unexpected keys are not returned by ContainsKey. Assert.That(systemProps.ContainsKey(unexpectedKey), Is.False, "The unexpected key was contained."); // Enumerated keys match the expected set. foreach (var key in systemProps.Keys) { Assert.That(expectedKeys.Contains(key), $"The key, { key }, was in the properties but is unexpected."); } }
public void ValueOperationsWorkWhenEmpty() { var message = CreateEmptydDataBodyMessage(); var systemProps = new AmqpSystemProperties(message); var unexpectedKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Count Assert.That(systemProps.Count, Is.EqualTo(0), "The number of items was incorrect."); // Unexpected values are not returned. Assert.That(() => systemProps[unexpectedKey], Throws.InstanceOf <KeyNotFoundException>(), "The unexpected key should result in an exception when read through the indexer."); Assert.That(systemProps.TryGetValue(unexpectedKey, out var unexpectedValue), Is.False, "The unexpected key should not succeed for TryGetValue."); // Enumerated Values are empty. foreach (var value in systemProps.Values) { Assert.Fail($"The value, { value }, was found in the set that should be empty."); } }