public void Start() { Game.Instance.Register(this); spawnTimer = new BasicTimer(spawnInterval, true); spawnTimer.Duration = spawnInterval * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 2f); spawnTimer.Reset(); }
public static BasicTimer SetupTimer(GameObject attachTo, float cycleTime, bool setPassive = false, float startTimerAt = 0f, bool startCycled = false) { if (cycleTime > 0) { BasicTimer newTimer = attachTo.AddComponent <BasicTimer> () as BasicTimer; newTimer.cycleInterval = cycleTime; newTimer.passiveTimer = setPassive; newTimer.counter = startTimerAt; if (startCycled) { newTimer.timesCycled = 1; } return(newTimer); } else if (cycleTime == 0) { Debug.Log("Error: invalid input. BasicTimer was passed 0 for cycle time."); } else { Debug.Log("Error: invalid input. BasicTimer was passed a negative value for cycle time."); } return(null); }
//public // Use this for initialization void Start() { uiEngine = GameObject.Find("UIMaster").GetComponent <UIEngine> (); narrativeEngine = GameObject.Find("NarrativeMaster").GetComponent <NarrativeEngine> (); objectiveTimer = new BasicTimer(0); transitionTimer = new BasicTimer(0); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Debug.Log(narrativeManager.narrativeFullList.Count + " elements in the list"); timerToUse = new BasicTimer(0); goTimer = true; //narrativeManager.ListAllNarrativeKeys (); }
public void Setup(ControllerBinding binding, int remaining, float period, float offset) { this.binding = binding; this.remaining = remaining; this.spawnTimer = new BasicTimer(period); this.spawnTimer.ShiftOnce(offset); }
void OnLaunch() { thisBody.Cycle(); Glue(GlueState.FREE); //test //thisTransform.position = thisTransform.position +*10f; thisRigidbody.AddForce(nextForce); expireTimer = new BasicTimer(1.5f, false); }
override protected void Awake() { base.Awake(); //objectCollider = transform.parent.GetComponent<BoxCollider>(); playerValues = GetComponent <PlayerValues>(); countdown = dashCooldown; DashCooldownTimer = new BasicTimer(dashCooldown); DashDurationTimer = new BasicTimer(dashDuration); IsWithinTriggerRange = false; DashLevel = 1; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (myTimer != null) { if (myTimer.Update()) //update returns true when it's finished! // Alternative to the OnFinished callback { myTimer = null; } } }
public override void Enter() { owner.reloadMeter.gameObject.SetActive(true); //reloadMeterBack = owner.reloadMeter.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Image>(true); reloadHolder = owner.reloadMeter.transform.Find("ReloadMeterBack").gameObject; reloadMeterBack = reloadHolder.GetComponent <Image>(); timer = new BasicTimer(reloadTime); owner.renderColor.material.color =; owner.agnes.isStopped = true; EventSystem.Current.FireEvent(new PlaySoundEvent(owner.transform.position, owner.ReloadSound, 1f, 1f, 1f)); }
public virtual void PlayerDash(Vector3 velocity, bool useKnockback = true) { if (Gracetimer == null) { CurrentToughness -= 1; knockbackDirection = velocity.normalized; agnes.velocity = knockbackDirection.normalized * (5f + velocity.magnitude); //Sets to false in stun leave -> changed to stun enter(). Gracetimer = new BasicTimer(graceTime); float knockbackTimerDuration = 0f; if (useKnockback) { DoingKnockback = true; knockbackTimerDuration = 0.5f; } timer = new BasicTimer(knockbackTimerDuration); if (CurrentToughness <= 0) { if (healthMeter != null && healthMeterBackground != null) { healthMeter.enabled = false; healthMeterBackground.enabled = false; } EventSystem.Current.FireEvent(new EnemyDieEvent("Bonde died", gameObject)); int randomNr = Random.Range(0, deathScreams.Length - 1); float volume = 1f; if (randomNr == 2) { volume = 0.3f; } if (deathScreams.Length > 0) { EventSystem.Current.FireEvent(new PlaySoundEvent(transform.position, deathScreams[randomNr], volume, 0.9f, 1.1f)); } } else { EventSystem.Current.FireEvent(new PlaySoundEvent(transform.position, hitSound, 0.6f, 0.9f, 1.3f)); } if (healthMeter != null) { healthMeter.fillAmount = CurrentToughness / toughness; } } }
void Awake() { posOffset.z = transform.position.z - transform.parent.position.z; creepyShakeInterval = creepyShakePeriodInterval / 3; creepyShakeWhenTimer = BasicTimer.SetupTimer(gameObject, creepyShakeAfter, false, 0f, true); creepyShakePeriodTimer = BasicTimer.SetupTimer(gameObject, creepyShakePeriodInterval); creepyShakeTimer = BasicTimer.SetupTimer(gameObject, creepyShakeInterval); shakeSpeed = creepyShakeInterval / 2; shakeSpeedVariance = shakeSpeed; }
public void Open() { isCurrentlyAnimating = true; IsOpened = true; if (GameManager.instance.player.IsDashing && GameManager.instance.player.HasDashSpeed) { animationTimer = new BasicTimer(0.2f); } else { animationTimer = new BasicTimer(2f); } GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false; }
// Update is called once per frame public override void Update() { if (isPaused) { return; } //while timer is tickinh, peasant cant take dmg if (Gracetimer != null && Gracetimer.IsCompleted(Time.deltaTime, false, true)) { Gracetimer = null; } if (timer != null && timer.IsCompleted(Time.deltaTime, false, true)) { timer = null; if (CurrentToughness <= 0f) { isDying = true; CurrentToughness = toughness; // lives are reset. agnes.velocity =; } else { DoingKnockback = false; agnes.velocity =; } return; } else { if (DoingKnockback) { agnes.velocity -= knockbackDirection * Time.deltaTime; } } if (agnes.velocity.magnitude > 20f) { agnes.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(agnes.velocity, 20f); } base.Update(); }
public virtual void PlayerInteraction() { if (playerIsInteracting == false) { if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(interactionSound); } UIManager.instance.ShowInteractionMeter(interactionDuration); playerIsInteracting = true; interactionTimer = new BasicTimer(interactionDuration); GameManager.instance.player.canTakeInput = false; //start eating GameManager.instance.player.anim.SetTrigger("IsStartingToEatTrigger"); GameManager.instance.player.anim.ResetTrigger("IsFinishingEatingTrigger"); } }
public override void Configure() { base.Configure(); stomachPeriod = acfg.stomachPeriod; if (stomachPeriod > 0.01f) { stomachTimer = new BasicTimer(acfg.stomachPeriod); } stomachCapacity = acfg.stomachCapacity; ad.stomach = acfg.stomachCapacity; float biteTimerPeriod = 8f;//acfg.biteTimerPeriod; if (biteTimerPeriod > 0.01f) { biteTimer = new BasicTimer(biteTimerPeriod); } }
public void AdvanceThrow() { switch (throwPhase) { case ThrowPhase.NONE: if (body.CanThrowStart()) { throwTimer = new BasicTimer(1f, false); body.AlignToThrower(); throwPhase = ThrowPhase.ALIGN; } else { TryCycle(); } break; case ThrowPhase.ALIGN: throwTimer = new BasicTimer(3f, false); body.Animate(); throwPhase = ThrowPhase.CHARGE; break; case ThrowPhase.CHARGE: if (body.CanThrowFinish()) { body.Launch(1f - throwTimer.Percent); throwTimer = new BasicTimer(0.5f, false); throwPhase = ThrowPhase.COOLDOWN; } break; case ThrowPhase.COOLDOWN: throwTimer.Pause(true); throwPhase = ThrowPhase.NONE; break; default: break; } }
public void GetCrushed() { if (Gracetimer == null) { CurrentToughness -= 1; Gracetimer = new BasicTimer(graceTime); if (CurrentToughness <= 0) { if (healthMeter != null && healthMeterBackground != null) { healthMeter.enabled = false; healthMeterBackground.enabled = false; } isDying = true; EventSystem.Current.FireEvent(new PlaySoundEvent(transform.position, hitSound, 0.6f, 0.9f, 1.3f)); EventSystem.Current.FireEvent(new EnemyDieEvent("Bonde died", gameObject)); } else if (CurrentToughness >= 1 && healthMeter != null) { healthMeter.fillAmount = CurrentToughness / toughness; } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { controllerTimer = new BasicTimer(moveCooldown); originalColor = buttons[currentlyChosenMenuItem].GetComponent <Image>().color; currentlyChosenMenuItem = -1; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { timerToUse = new BasicTimer(0f); narrativeManager.ListAllNarrativeKeys(); }
void Start() { respawnTimer = new BasicTimer(5); }
//public bool startObjectiveText2 = false; // Use this for initialization void Start() { timerToUse = new BasicTimer(0); }
public BasicTimerTest() { DefaultMonitorRegistry.Instance.Clear(); timer = new BasicTimer(MonitorConfig.Build("Test")); }
public AmmoSupplyLogic(List <BattleSideEnum> sideList) { this._sideList = sideList; this._checkTimer = new BasicTimer(MBCommon.TimeType.Mission); }
void Start() { timer = new BasicTimer(0); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { myTimer = new BasicTimer(); myTimer.Start(); }
void Start() { durationMeter = GetComponent <Image>(); durationMeter.fillAmount = 0; duration = new BasicTimer(interactionDuration); }