コード例 #1
 public virtual void EntryAction()
     if (mfTime > 0.01)
         mTimer = new AgTime();
コード例 #2
 public virtual void EntryAction()
     if (mIsDebug)
         Ag.LogString(". . . . .     EntryAction   . . . . .   \n");
     if (mfTime > 0.01)
         mTimer = new AgTime();
コード例 #3
    //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____   Random   _____   Matching   _____
    public void RandomMatching(int pFilter1Same2League)
        Ag.LogStartWithStr(2, mName + "  RandomMatching    Emit  ...  \t\t\t\t <<<   Action :: RandomMatching >>>");
        Ag.GameStt.NodeInviteOrRandomAction("RandomMatching");  //        EnemyLeft = false; JoinMatched = false;
        MatchingTimer = new AgTime();
        MatchingTimer.WaitTimeFor(0, 0, 5);
        Dictionary <string, int> dRandom = new Dictionary <string, int> ();

        dRandom ["filter"] = pFilter1Same2League;
        //NodeRandom nObj = new NodeRandom () { filter = pFilter1Same2League };
        MySocket.Emit("RANDOM", dRandom);  //nObj);
        // TimerSet ();  상대방이 호스트일 때 엇갈리면 안올 수 있다. 제외.
        Ag.LogIntense(1, false);
コード例 #4
 public virtual void EntryAction()
     CommonEntryAction ();
     if (mfTime > 0.01) {
         mTimer = new AgTime ();
         mTimer.WaitTimeFor (mfTime);
コード例 #5
    public override void Start()
        Ag.LogIntenseWord(" Test.cs :: Start ");
        myGUI = new AmUI();
        myGUI.SetColumns(3, 18);
        ndGUI.SetColumns(2, 18);

        mTimeLooseAtStartPoint = 0.5f;
        // Test ID Setting ....    WAS, Node     related ......    etc...
        Ag.mySelf = myUser = new AmUser();

        // Kakao Login case
        myUser.WAS.KkoID = "88214690633939999"; //"00000690633939993";//(CAMERA)  // "88214690633939999";  // <FakeKKO>  88299368562514961 <Legend Card>

//        Ag.mGuest = true;
//        myUser.DeviceID = "MOONTEST0000";

        myUser.WAS.TeamName = "TeamName22"; // 01604eb9f3657ae65bb9d8382b36d4c7 <Rolco DID>  //  "90973535271650928";//(CAMERA)
        myUser.WAS.KkoNick  = "Nick2424";
        myUser.WAS.Country  = 11;

        user2 = new AmUser();

        user2.DeviceID = user2.DeviceID + "Alt";

        user2.WAS.KkoID    = "91278098233517152"; //"90060594732486160"; //"88894476708738001";//"APPS_TEST_ID_0002";  90060594732486160  88306087115705857  90060594732486160 <KimDR>
        user2.WAS.TeamName = "Teamamama";         // 88214690633939121<Rolco>  91278098233517152 <Moon iPAD>  88712330645978192 <Moon> 88159078716546208 <Cho>
        user2.WAS.KkoNick  = "Nickkkkk";
        user2.WAS.Country  = 22;

        Ag.LogString("//  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____   Test Started   _____");

        Ag.LogString("   abc_34 >>> " + "abc_34".GetContinuousInteger());
        Ag.LogString("   Pro_5 >>> " + "Pro_5".GetContinuousInteger());
        Ag.LogString("   empty >>> " + "".GetContinuousInteger());

        MtCompact aCom = new MtCompact(60);



        for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
            Ag.LogString("  nth >> " + k + "    val >> " + aCom.GetNth(k));


        Ag.LogString(" time span check " + DateTime.Now + " is now " + (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(24)));

        #if UNITY_IPHONE
        AgStt.mIAP.TheUser = myUser;

        NotificationServices.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes(RemoteNotificationType.Alert | RemoteNotificationType.Badge | RemoteNotificationType.Sound);
//        Ag.LogIntenseWord ("NotificationServices.RegisterForRemoteNotificationTypes  ");

        //        Ag.LogString ("  string Null Check " + string.IsNullOrEmpty (null));   // IsNullOrEmpty  string ...
        //        Ag.LogString ("  string Null Check " + string.IsNullOrEmpty (""));  true
        //        Ag.LogString ("  string Null Check " + string.IsNullOrEmpty (" ")); false

        Ag.LogString("//  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____   Time & Date   _____");
        DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
        Ag.LogString(" theNow.ToLongTimeString () " + dtNow.ToLongTimeString());
        Ag.LogString(" 1398369347000 theNow.ToFileTime () " + dtNow.ToFileTime());
        Ag.LogString(" theNow.ToFileTimeUtc () " + dtNow.ToFileTimeUtc());

        long lgNow = dtNow.ToFileTimeUtc();
        Ag.LogString(" Recover >>> " + DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(lgNow).ToString());

        (" dtNow   " + dtNow.ToString()).HtLog();
        dtNow = dtNow.AddSeconds(1234567);
        (" dtNow   " + dtNow.ToString()).HtLog();
        (" 10,000 sec :: " + UtTimestamp.ToDateTime(100000).ToString()).HtLog();
        int iNow = UtTimestamp.ToTimestamp(DateTime.Now);
        (" UtTimestamp.ToTimestamp  : Now  ==> " + iNow).HtLog();
        (" Back to Not :: " + UtTimestamp.ToDateTime(iNow).ToString()).HtLog();

        DateTime after10min = UtTimestamp.ToDateTime(iNow + 600);

        Ag.LogString(" After 10 Min ::  " + after10min.Minute.ToString() + " : " + after10min.Second.ToString());

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    Score   _____

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    Encript   _____
        // TestEncript();

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    Deck System   _____
        Ag.LogString("//  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    Deck System   Case 1 >> _____");

        AmGameLogic aGLogic = new AmGameLogic("", "");
        Ag.LogString("  Score " + 5000 + "  1 * 7% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckIncrease(5000f, new int[] { 0, 1, 0 }, 1));
        Ag.LogString("  Score " + 5000 + "  2 * 7% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckIncrease(5000f, new int[] { 1, 1, 0 }, 2));
        Ag.LogString("  Score " + 5000 + "  3 * 7% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckIncrease(5000f, new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }, 3));

        Ag.LogString("  Score " + 5000 + "  1 * 10% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckLosingScore(5000f, new int[] { 2, 7, 3 }, 2));
        Ag.LogString("  Score " + 5000 + "  2 * 10% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckLosingScore(5000f, new int[] { 7, 7, 3 }, 2));
        Ag.LogString("  Score " + 5000 + "  3 * 10% " + aGLogic.ApplyDeckLosingScore(5000f, new int[] { 7, 7, 7 }, 2));

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    Meta Programming   _____
        Ag.LogDouble("  Meta Programming >>>  " + char.Parse("3") + " " + char.Parse("4") + char.Parse("K"));
//        char ch3 = char.Parse ("3"), ch4 = char.Parse ("4");
//        (ch3 > ch4).ToString ().HtLog ();
//        (ch3 < ch4).ToString ().HtLog ();
//        (" 0 : to Byte " + Convert.ToByte ("0").ToString () + " -> char -> byte : " + Convert.ToByte (char.Parse ("0"))).HtLog ();
//        (" 1 : to Byte " + Convert.ToByte ("1").ToString () + " -> char -> byte : " + Convert.ToByte (char.Parse ("1"))).HtLog ();
//        (" 9 : to Byte " + Convert.ToByte ("9").ToString () + " -> char -> byte : " + Convert.ToByte (char.Parse ("9"))).HtLog ();
//        ("00345 parse :: " + int.Parse ("000345")).HtLog ();
//        ("GetContinuousInteger  Test >>   abcde345dkdk  ::  " + "abcde345dkdk".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog ();
//        ("GetContinuousInteger  Test >>   abcde00345dkdk34399  ::  " + "abcde00345dkdk34399".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog ();
//        ("GetContinuousInteger  Test >>   abcde002345dkdk34399  ::  " + "abcde002345dkdk34399".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog ();
//        ("GetContinuousInteger  Test >>   abcdewlwlwl  ::  " + "abcdewlwlwl".GetContinuousInteger ()).HtLog ();

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    Game Win / Lose   _____
//        bool goal = AgUtilGame.DidKickerWinThisTurn(5, 3, 0, 0);
//        Ag.LogString ("   goal  >>>   " + goal);
//        goal = AgUtilGame.DidKickerWinThisTurn(5, 3, 1, 2);
//        Ag.LogString ("   goal  >>>   " + goal);

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    ??   _____
//        string str = "1~`aA+_';\"지금";
//        Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
//        Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
//        byte[] unicodeBytes = unicode.GetBytes(str);
//        byte[] utf8Bytes = Encoding.Convert( unicode,
//            utf8,
//            unicodeBytes );
//        //Console.WriteLine( "UTF Bytes:" );
//        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//        foreach( byte b in utf8Bytes ) {
//            sb.Append( b ).Append(" : ");
//        }
//        Ag.LogIntenseWord ("   UTF 16 :: " + sb.ToString());
        Ag.LogString("  Jail Break Result >>>>>  Fb.JailBreakIOS : " + Fb.JailBreakIOS);
        timerObj.WaitTimeFor(0, 0, 8);

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        " #if UNITY_EDITOR ".HtLog();

        //  _////////////////////////////////////////////////_    _____  Test  _____    T e s t   _____
        // # 참고... String 이 너무 짧아 crash 되는 소스. iOS try 문에서 잡아줌. ...
        //NotificationServices.enabledRemoteNotificationTypes.ToString ().HtLog ();

//        Ag.LogStartWithStr (3, "  Card  WAS   SetDirection ()  ");
//        AmCard tCrd = new AmCard ();
//        tCrd.WAS.grade = "S";
//        tCrd.WAS.isKicker = true;
//        tCrd.WAS.SetDirection ();
//        tCrd.WAS.ShowMySelf ();

        //Ag.SingleTry = 1;

        string hanTest = WWW.UnEscapeURL("%EC%9E%AC%EA%B2%BD%EA%B8%B0%EC%88%98%EB%9D%BD%20%EC%8B%9C%EA%B0%84%EC%B4%88%EA%B3%BC");

        hanTest = "%E0%B8%B8%32";
        if (hanTest == "%E0%B8%B8")
            Ag.LogIntenseWord("  if (hanTest  ");

        hanTest = WWW.UnEscapeURL(null);

        string errhanTest = WWW.UnEscapeURL(WWW.EscapeURL("종국이 총각 김치"));   // Error

        Ag.LogStartWithStr(3, "  0.ToFixedWidth (jarisu++).HtLog();" + hanTest + errhanTest);

        int jarisu = 0;
        0.ToFixedWidth (jarisu++).HtLog();

        //  AgUtil.ToJson  int 어레이를 Json 으로.
        ("  AgUtil.ToJson  Test ::   " + AgUtil.IntArrToJson("AgUtil.ToJson", new int[] {
            3, 4, 5
        ("  AgUtil.ToJson  Empty ::   " + AgUtil.IntArrToJson("AgUtil.ToJson  >> ", new int[] { })).HtLog();

        // Null Parsing
        string   strNullInclude = " {\"WasKey\":null}";
        JSONNode aNde           = JSON.Parse(strNullInclude);
        string   strNullParsed  = aNde ["WasKey"];
        Ag.LogString("  if (aNde['WasKey'] == null)   is true   " + aNde ["WasKey"] + aNde ["WasKey"].ToString());
        if (AgUtil.IsNullJson(aNde ["WasKey"]))
            Ag.LogString("  OK   print this line ......     AgUtil.IsNullJson    Success  ...... ");
        ("  this is null parse to Int test >>>  " + aNde ["Nooo"].AsInt).HtLog();
        ("  this is null parsing  >>>>  " + aNde ["WasKey"]).HtLog();                                            // null
        ("  this is null parsed String  >>>>  " + strNullParsed + "  Length : " + strNullParsed.Length).HtLog(); // null4 .. ??

        // Simple JSON Test
        ATestClass aObb  = new ATestClass();
        string     jsStr = JsonMapper.ToJson(aObb); // LitJson 으로 인코딩.. int 355
        ("  object ==> JsonMapper.ToJson  ==>   jsStr :: >>   " + jsStr).HtLog();
        JSONNode jsLitSim = JSON.Parse(jsStr);
        ("       Parsed  as  >>>>      " + jsLitSim.ToString()).HtLog();
        ("  If no info JSON Parsing ::  This will Crash ???   " + jsLitSim ["Empty"].AsBool.ToString() + " <<  AsBool == false ...   ").HtLog();
        ("  If no info JSON Parsing ::  This will Crash ???   " + jsLitSim ["Empty"].AsInt.ToString() + " <<  AsInt == false ...   ").HtLog();
        ("        Just[\"sB\"] :  " + jsLitSim ["sB"] + "        Add  ToString() : " + jsLitSim ["sB"].ToString()).HtLog();
        //public string nameOfYourVariable = MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => MyVariable);

        // Print Name of variables ....   Reflection  ???
        int    nameOfInt          = 35;
        string nameOfYourVariable = AgUtil.GetN(() => nameOfInt);
        ("   nameOfYourVariable  >>  Test ::  Key : " + nameOfYourVariable + "  Value : " + nameOfInt).HtLog();

        // Null test ...
        ("  {  }   Test IsJsonNull  >> All True ?? >>  " + " { } ".IsJsonNull() + " {} ".IsJsonNull() + "null".IsJsonNull() + "{ }".IsJsonNull()).HtLog();
        ("  {  }   Test IsJsonNull  >> All True ?? >>  " + " { _ } ".IsJsonNull() + "  }{  ".IsJsonNull()).HtLog();

        Ag.LogIntense(5, false);