public Node(Node parent, float runningCost, HashSet <KeyValuePair <string, object> > state, AbstractGOAPAction action) { this.parent = parent; this.runningCost = runningCost; this.state = state; this.action = action; }
public bool moveAgent(AbstractGOAPAction nextAction) { if (path != null && path.Count > 0) { currentTargetNode = path[0]; if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(transform.position - currentTargetNode.transform.position) <= 1.0f) { path.RemoveAt(0); } } if (currentTargetNode != null) { transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, new Vector3(currentTargetNode.transform.position.x, transform.position.y, currentTargetNode.transform.position.z), Time.deltaTime * 2); // Gets vector direction of movement, normalize and multiply it with speed after setting the y direction to Vector3 posValue = currentTargetNode.transform.position - transform.position; // Move towards goal if (currentTargetNode != null && posValue.magnitude > minDist) { posValue.y = 0; Vector3 newDir = Vector3.RotateTowards(transform.forward, posValue, 0.1f, 0.0f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newDir); } } // Sends a raytrace to check if the enemy tank is in view RaycastHit hit; bool tankVisible = !Physics.Linecast(transform.position, EnemyTank.transform.position, out hit, ~(1 << gameObject.layer)); canSeeEnemy = tankVisible; Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, EnemyTank.transform.position,; Debug.DrawRay(barrelDirection.position, barrelDirection.forward * 100,; // DEBUG if (tankVisible || hit.collider.transform == EnemyTank.transform) { knownEnemyPosition = new Vector3(EnemyTank.transform.position.x, 0, EnemyTank.transform.position.z); // check if barrel points towards target RaycastHit barrelHit; // Only shoots if the enemy is in sights from the turret if (Physics.Linecast(transform.position, transform.position + barrelDirection.forward * 100, out barrelHit, (1 << gameObject.layer))) //|| barrelHit.collider.transform == EnemyTank.transform) { shoot.Fire(); } } // Points the turrent towards the last known position of the tank as long as one such position is known if (knownEnemyPosition != null) { PointTurretAtTarget(); } return true; }
private void createPerformActionState() { performActionState = (fsm, obj) => { if (!hasActionPlan()) { //Go find new plan and tell the agent it is finished fsm.popState(); fsm.pushState(idleState); dataProvider.actionsFinished(); return; } AbstractGOAPAction action = currentActions.Peek(); if (action.isDone()) { //Take action out of action queue currentActions.Dequeue(); } if (hasActionPlan()) { //Set action to the action on top of the queue action = currentActions.Peek(); //Check if you need to be in range bool inRange = action.requiresInRange() ? action.isInRange() : true; if (inRange) { //Check if we could perfrom action if not go to idle state and find a new plan bool success = action.perform(obj); if (!success) { fsm.popState(); fsm.pushState(idleState); //ABORT dataProvider.planAborted(action); } } else { fsm.pushState(moveToState); } } else { //I don't have a plan and need to find one fsm.popState(); fsm.pushState(idleState); dataProvider.actionsFinished(); } }; }
private void createMoveToState() { moveToState = (fsm, gameObject) => { AbstractGOAPAction action = currentActions.Peek(); if (action.requiresInRange() && == null) { fsm.popState(); fsm.popState(); fsm.pushState(idleState); return; } if (dataProvider.moveAgent(action)) { fsm.popState(); } }; }
//Create a subset of the actions excluding the removeMe one. Creates a new set. protected HashSet <AbstractGOAPAction> actionSubset(HashSet <AbstractGOAPAction> actions, AbstractGOAPAction removeMe) { HashSet <AbstractGOAPAction> subset = new HashSet <AbstractGOAPAction>(); foreach (AbstractGOAPAction a in actions) { if (!a.Equals(removeMe)) { subset.Add(a); } } return(subset); }
public void removeAction(AbstractGOAPAction action) { availableActions.Remove(action); }
public void addAction(AbstractGOAPAction action) { availableActions.Add(action); }
public void planAborted(AbstractGOAPAction aborter) { Debug.Log("Aborted current plan"); }