protected void btnSignUpCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateCustomerSignUp()) { DataSet ds; string firstName = txtSUCFirstName.Text; string lastName = txtSUCLastName.Text; string email = txtSUCEmail.Text; string password = txtSUCPassword.Text; string phoneNumber = txtSUCPhoneNumber.Text; string deliveryAddress = txtSUCDeliveryAddress.Text; string billingAddress = txtSUCBillingAddress.Text; string bankingAccount = txtSUCAccount.Text; string bankingRoute = txtSUCRouting.Text; ds = gd.GetProfile(email); //Makes sure that the email is not already in use if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { sd.CreateCustomer(email, password, "Customer", firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, deliveryAddress, billingAddress); DataSet user = gd.GetProfile(email); string userid = user.Tables[0].Rows[0]["userID"].ToString(); try { int walletID = apic.CreateWalletUser(userid, email, password, bankingAccount, bankingRoute); sd.AddWalletID(int.Parse(userid), walletID); } catch { ErrorLabel.FillError("Unable to create virtual wallet. Please contact your chosen restaurant about payment"); } LogInAsCustomer(email); } else { ErrorLabel.FillError("That email is already connected to an account"); } } }