コード例 #1
        public MatterType(ALBData data)
            Name        = "Matter";
            Description = "A legal thingy";

            Field <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> >("reference", "The reference of the matter.");
            Field <StringGraphType>("description", "The description of the matter.");
            Field <DebtType>("debt", "The debt information",
                             resolve: context => data.GetDebtForMatter(context.Source as Matter));
            IsTypeOf = value => value is Matter;
コード例 #2
        public ALBData MapALBData(ALBGlobal albGlobal)
            var data = new ALBData();

            if (albGlobal.Learners != null)
                data.Globals  = MapGlobals(albGlobal).ToList();
                data.Learners = MapLearners(albGlobal).ToList();
                data.LearnerPeriodisedValues          = MapLearnerPeriodisedValues(albGlobal).ToList();
                data.LearnerPeriods                   = MapLearnerPeriods(albGlobal).ToList();
                data.LearningDeliveries               = MapLearningDeliveries(albGlobal).ToList();
                data.LearningDeliveryPeriodisedValues = MapLearningDeliveryPeriodisedValues(albGlobal).ToList();
                data.LearningDeliveryPeriods          = MapLearningDeliveryPeriods(albGlobal).ToList();

コード例 #3
        public ClientType(ALBData data)
            Name        = "Client";
            Description = "A client - person or organisation";

            Field <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> >("reference", "The reference of the client.");
            Field <StringGraphType>("name", "The name of the client.");

            var arguments = new QueryArguments(
                new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <StringGraphType> >
                    Name        = "reference",
                    Description = "reference of the matter"

            Field <ListGraphType <MatterType> >("matters", "The matters for the client", arguments,
                                                resolve: context => data.GetMattersForClient(context.Source as Client, (string)context.Arguments["reference"]));

            IsTypeOf = value => value is Client;
 public Task StoreALBDataAsync(ALBData albData, SqlConnection sqlConnection, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 => _albDataStoreService.StoreAsync(albData, sqlConnection, cancellationToken);