コード例 #1
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // Gain Access to all views and controls in our layout
            navBar   = FindViewById <ACNavBar> (Resource.Id.navBar);
            viewHome = FindViewById <ImageView> (Resource.Id.viewHome);

            //Are we rehydrating after a state change?
            if (bundle != null)
                //Yes, attempt to restore the previously selected NavBar button
                navBar.rehydrationId = bundle.GetInt("SelectedButton");
                navBar.Hidden        = bundle.GetBoolean("Hidden");

            // Style bar
            navBar.appearance.border = Color.LightGray;

            // Add buttons to the top of the bar
            // The first button added to the top collection will automatically be selected
            ACNavBarButton home = navBar.top.AddButton(Resource.Drawable.house, true, false);

            // Wire up request for this button's view
            home.RequestNewView += responder => {
                // Attach view to the button
                responder.attachedView = viewHome;

            // Add an action to the home button
            home.Touched += responder => {
                // Hide warning notification in NavBar
                if (warning != null)
                    warning.Hidden = true;

                // Disable the delete button
                if (delete != null)
                    delete.Enabled = false;

            // Add Bar Chart
            navBar.top.AddAutoDisposingButton(Resource.Drawable.barchart, true, false).RequestNewView += (responder) => {
                // Bring view into existance
                viewBarChart = (View)LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ViewBarChart, null);

                // Attach view to the button
                responder.attachedView = viewBarChart;

            // Add Org Chart
            navBar.top.AddAutoDisposingButton(Resource.Drawable.orgchart, true, false).RequestNewView += (responder) => {
                // Bring view into existance
                viewOrgChart = (View)LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ViewOrgChart, null);

                // Attach view to the button
                responder.attachedView = viewOrgChart;

            // Add ticket
            ticket = navBar.top.AddAutoDisposingButton(Resource.Drawable.ticket, true, false);

            ticket.RequestNewView += responder => {
                // Bring view into existance
                viewTicket = (View)LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ViewTIcket, null);

                // Attach view to the button
                responder.attachedView = viewTicket;

            ticket.Touched += responder => {
                // Enable the delete button
                if (delete != null)
                    delete.Enabled = true;

            // Add buttons to the middle of the bar
            navBar.middle.AddTool(Resource.Drawable.printer, true, false).Touched += (responder) => {
                // Inform user (dialogMessage defined as a global variable)
                ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(this, "Nav Bar", "Sorry but printing is not supported at this time.");

                // Display warning notification in NavBar
                if (warning != null)
                    warning.Hidden = false;

            delete = navBar.middle.AddTool(Resource.Drawable.trash, false, false);

            delete.Touched += (responder) => {
                // Inform user (dialogMessage defined as a global variable)
                ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(this, "Nav Bar", "Are you sure you what to delete the item?");

            // Add buttons to the bottom of the bar
            warning = navBar.bottom.AddNotification(Resource.Drawable.warning, null, true);
            navBar.bottom.AddAutoDisposingButton(Resource.Drawable.gear, true, false).RequestNewView += responder => {
                // Bring view into existance
                viewSettings = (View)LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ViewSettings, null);

                // Attach view to the button
                responder.attachedView = viewSettings;

                // grab show/hide button
                showHideNavBar = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.showHideButton);

                // Wireup button action
                if (showHideNavBar != null)
                    showHideNavBar.Click += (sender, e) => {
                        //Is the NavBar visible?
                        navBar.Hidden = (!navBar.Hidden);
コード例 #2
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // Create a new download manager
            downloadManager = new ACDownloadManager();

            // Get all of our interface items
            ProgressBar bar          = FindViewById <ProgressBar> (Resource.Id.progressBar);
            TextView    title        = FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.progressText);
            Button      startDowload = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.startDownload);
            Button      cancel       = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.cancel);

            // Create path to hold downloaded files
            string directory = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);

            Console.WriteLine("Directory: {0}", directory);

            // Wireup progress bar
            downloadManager.FileDownloadProgressPercent += (percentage) => {
                // Adjust percentage and display
                RunOnUiThread(() => {
                    percentage  *= 100f;
                    bar.Progress = (int)percentage;

            // Wireup completion handler
            downloadManager.AllDownloadsCompleted += () => {
                // Run on UI Thread
                RunOnUiThread(() => {
                    // Inform caller
                    ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(this, "Download Manager", "All files have been downloaded");

                    // Update GUI
                    startDowload.Enabled = true;
                    title.Visibility     = ViewStates.Invisible;
                    bar.Visibility       = ViewStates.Invisible;
                    cancel.Visibility    = ViewStates.Invisible;

            // Wireup error handler
            downloadManager.DownloadError += (message) => {
                // Run on UI Thread
                RunOnUiThread(() => {
                    // Update GUI
                    startDowload.Enabled = true;
                    title.Visibility     = ViewStates.Invisible;
                    bar.Visibility       = ViewStates.Invisible;
                    cancel.Visibility    = ViewStates.Invisible;

                    // Inform caller
                    ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(this, "Download Error", message);

            // Wireup start button
            startDowload.Click += (sender, e) => {
                // Update GUI
                startDowload.Enabled = false;
                title.Visibility     = ViewStates.Visible;
                bar.Visibility       = ViewStates.Visible;
                cancel.Visibility    = ViewStates.Visible;

                // Queue up files to download
                downloadManager.QueueFile("http://appracatappra.com/wp-content/uploads/et_temp/ssh-140751_232x117.jpg", directory);
                downloadManager.QueueFile("http://appracatappra.com/wp-content/uploads/et_temp/4-TD-web-5-662620_960x332.png", directory);

                // Start the download process
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((callback) => {

            // Wireup cancel button
            cancel.Click += (sender, e) => {
                // Stop any running downloads

                // Update GUI
                startDowload.Enabled = true;
                title.Visibility     = ViewStates.Invisible;
                bar.Visibility       = ViewStates.Invisible;
                cancel.Visibility    = ViewStates.Invisible;

                // Inform user
                ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(this, "Download Manager", "User has aborted all downloads");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the alert for the current alertNum
        /// </summary>
        private void DisplayAlert()
            // Close any existing alert
            if (_alert != null)
                _alert = null;

            // Take action based on the current alert selected
            switch (alertNum)
            case 0:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 1:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, "ActionAlert", "");

            case 2:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, "", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 3:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, Resource.Drawable.ActionAlert_57, "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 4:
                ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(this, "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 5:
                ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(this, Resource.Drawable.ActionAlert_57, "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 6:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlertOKCancel(this, "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

                //Respond to the OK button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) => {
                    if (button.title == "OK")
                        ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, ACAlertLocation.Top, "You tapped the OK button.", "");

            case 7:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.", "Cancel,Maybe,OK");

                //Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) => {
                    ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, ACAlertLocation.Top, String.Format("You tapped the {0} button.", button.title), "");

            case 8:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlert(this, "Activity Alert", "Displays a notification to the user that some long running process has started. This one is being displayed non-modal so the user can still interact with the app.", false);

            case 9:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlert(this, "Activity Alert", "", false);

            case 10:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlert(this, "", "Displays a notification to the user that some long running process has started. This alert has been set to be movable by the user.", false);

                //Adjust the alert so it can be moved by the user
                var layout = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(_alert.LayoutWidth, _alert.LayoutHeight);
                layout.LeftMargin       = 20;
                layout.TopMargin        = 20;
                _alert.LayoutParameters = layout;
                _alert.draggable        = true;

            case 11:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlertCancel(this, "Activity Alert", "Displays a notification to the user that some long running process has started and allows the user to cancel the process.", true);

            case 12:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlertMedium(this, "Waiting...", false);

            case 13:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlertMediumCancel(this, "Waiting...", true);

            case 14:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert(this, "Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and gives feedback to the user.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 50;

            case 15:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert(this, "Waiting on Process...", "", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 10;

            case 16:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert(this, "", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and gives feedback to the user.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 80;

            case 17:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert(this, Resource.Drawable.ActionAlert_57, "Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and gives feedback to the user.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 80;

            case 18:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlertCancel(this, "Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and allos the user to cancel the process.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 20;

            case 19:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert(this, "Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and allos the user to cancel the process.", "Abort,Pause", true);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 30;

                // Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) => {

            case 20:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.", "Cancel,Maybe,OK");

                // Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) => {

            case 21:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlert(this, Resource.Drawable.ActionAlert_57, "ActionAlert is Customizable", "You can 'square off' one or more of the corners and ajust all of the colors and styles by using properties of the alert.", "No,Yes");
                _alert.appearance.background                  = Color.Orange;
                _alert.buttonAppearance.background            = Color.Orange;
                _alert.buttonAppearanceHighlighted.titleColor = Color.Orange;
                _alert.appearance.roundBottomLeftCorner       = false;

                // Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) => {

            case 22:
                // Create subview
                var lp     = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(278, 50);
                var flp    = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(278, 50);
                var rl     = new RelativeLayout(this);
                var field1 = new EditText(this);

                // Initialize subview
                rl.LayoutParameters = lp;

                // Initialize field and add to subview
                flp.TopMargin           = 0;
                flp.RightMargin         = 0;
                field1.LayoutParameters = flp;
                field1.Text             = "Default Value";

                // Create alert
                _alert = new ACAlert(this, ACAlertType.Subview, ACAlertLocation.Middle, "Custom Subview", rl, "Cancel,OK");

                // Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) => {
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the alert.
        /// </summary>
        private void AlertUser()
            // Close any existing alert
            if (_alert != null)
                _alert = null;

            // Take action based on the stepper value
            switch ((int)AlertSelection.Value)
            case 0:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert("ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 1:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert("ActionAlert", "");

            case 2:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert("", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 3:
                ACAlert.ShowAlert(UIImage.FromBundle("ActionAlertIcon"), "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 4:
                ACAlert.ShowAlertOK("ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 5:
                ACAlert.ShowAlertOK(UIImage.FromBundle("ActionAlertIcon"), "ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

            case 6:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlertOKCancel("ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.");

                //Respond to the OK button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) =>
                    if (button.title == "OK")
                        ACAlert.ShowAlert(ACAlertLocation.Top, "You tapped the OK button.", "");

            case 7:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlert("ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.", "Cancel,Maybe,OK");

                //Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) =>
                    ACAlert.ShowAlert(ACAlertLocation.Top, String.Format("You tapped the {0} button.", button.title), "");

            case 8:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlert("Activity Alert", "Displays a notification to the user that some long running process has started. This one is being displayed non-modal so the user can still interact with the app.", false);

            case 9:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlert("Activity Alert", "", false);

            case 10:
                _alert           = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlert("", "Displays a notification to the user that some long running process has started. This alert has been set to be movable by the user.", false);
                _alert.draggable = true;

            case 11:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlertCancel("Activity Alert", "Displays a notification to the user that some long running process has started and allows the user to cancel the process.", true);

            case 12:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlertMedium("Waiting...", false);

            case 13:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowActivityAlertMediumCancel("Waiting...", true);

            case 14:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert("Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and gives feedback to the user.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 0.5f;

            case 15:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert("Waiting on Process...", "", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 0.1f;

            case 16:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert("", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and gives feedback to the user.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 0.8f;

            case 17:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert(UIImage.FromBundle("ActionAlertIcon"), "Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and gives feedback to the user.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 0.8f;

            case 18:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlertCancel("Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and allos the user to cancel the process.", false);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 0.2f;

            case 19:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowProgressAlert("Progress Alert", "Displays an Alert for a process with a known length and allos the user to cancel the process.", "Abort,Pause", true);
                _alert.progressView.Progress = 0.3f;

                //Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) =>

            case 20:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlert("ActionAlert", "A cross platform Alert, Dialog and Notification system for iOS and Android.", "Cancel,Maybe,OK");

                //Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) =>

            case 21:
                _alert = ACAlert.ShowAlert(UIImage.FromBundle("ActionAlertIcon"), "ActionAlert is Customizable", "You can 'square off' one or more of the corners and ajust all of the colors and styles by using properties of the alert.", "No,Yes");
                _alert.appearance.background                  = UIColor.Orange;
                _alert.buttonAppearance.background            = UIColor.Orange;
                _alert.buttonAppearanceHighlighted.titleColor = UIColor.Orange;
                _alert.appearance.roundBottomLeftCorner       = false;

                // Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) =>

            case 22:
                // Build a custom view for this alert
                UITextField field1 = new UITextField(new CGRect(13, 41, 278, 29))
                    BorderStyle        = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect,
                    TextColor          = UIColor.DarkGray,
                    Font               = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(14f),
                    Placeholder        = "Name",
                    Text               = "DefaultValue",
                    BackgroundColor    = UIColor.White,
                    AutocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionType.No,
                    KeyboardType       = UIKeyboardType.Default,
                    ReturnKeyType      = UIReturnKeyType.Done,
                    ClearButtonMode    = UITextFieldViewMode.WhileEditing,
                    Tag     = 0,
                    Enabled = true
                field1.ShouldReturn = delegate(UITextField field)
                field1.ShouldEndEditing = delegate(UITextField field)

                // Create the new alert and attach the new field
                _alert = new ACAlert(ACAlertType.Subview, ACAlertLocation.Middle, "Custom Subview", field1, "Cancel,OK");

                // Respond to any button being tapped
                _alert.ButtonReleased += (button) =>
コード例 #5
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            //Call base

            // Build a download manager
            downloadManager = new ACDownloadManager();

            //Wireup progress bar
            downloadManager.FileDownloadProgressPercent += delegate(float percentage) {
                //Update GUI
                using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool())
                    pool.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
                        //Set current percentage
                        DownloadingProgress.Progress = percentage;

            //Wireup completion handler
            downloadManager.AllDownloadsCompleted += delegate() {
                //Update GUI
                using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool())
                    pool.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
                        //Display Alert Dialog Box
                        ACAlert.ShowAlertOK("Download Manager", "All files have been downloaded.");

                        //Update GUI
                        DownloadingProgress.Hidden = true;
                        DownloadButton.Enabled  = true;
                        CancelButton.Enabled    = false;
                        DownloadingLabel.Hidden = true;

            //Wireup download error event
            downloadManager.DownloadError += delegate(string message) {
                //Update GUI
                using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool())
                    pool.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
                        //Display Alert Dialog Box
                        ACAlert.ShowAlertOK("Download Error", message);

                        //Update GUI
                        DownloadingProgress.Hidden = true;
                        DownloadButton.Enabled  = true;
                        CancelButton.Enabled    = false;
                        DownloadingLabel.Hidden = true;

            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
            DownloadingProgress.Hidden = true;
            DownloadButton.Enabled = true;
            CancelButton.Enabled   = false;