Esempio n. 1
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            Anchored anchor = getAnchor();

            if (!(anchor is Notehead))
                // We never found a previous Notehead in the TimesSlice, which shouldn't
                //   happen.  Just use whatever anchor was found
                _screenHotspot = anchor.getScreenHotspot();

            Notehead notehead = (Notehead)anchor;
            // Debug: very preliminary.  This does not account for the
            //  possibility of bumping into offset 2nds from the Stem, etc.
            int offsetX = notehead.getLeftEdge() - (graphicShape().getRightEdge() + 3);

            // offsetX should be negative
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint(notehead.getScreenHotspot(), offsetX, 0);
Esempio n. 2
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            // Draw the notehead
            graphicShape().draw(graphics, getScreenHotspot());

            // Draw extension to the staff as necessary
            if (_staffStep >= 10)
                // Notehead is above the staff, so draw staff line extensions.
                FinalPoint staffTop = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
                for (int step = 10; step <= _staffStep; step += 2)
                    int y = staffTop.y + staffStepOffsetY(step);
                    graphics.DrawLine(staffTop.x - 4, y, staffTop.x + 6, y);
            else if (_staffStep <= -2)
                // Notehead is below the staff, so draw staff line extensions.
                FinalPoint staffTop = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
                for (int step = -2; step >= _staffStep; step -= 2)
                    int y = staffTop.y + staffStepOffsetY(step);
                    graphics.DrawLine(staffTop.x - 4, y, staffTop.x + 6, y);
Esempio n. 3
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            //        // Compute the position by locating our start time between the start time
            //        //   of the measure start and the start time of the next measure start.
            //        // DEBUG: This all assumes that the measures in each staff of the staff
            //        //   system have the same beats in each measure.  Maybe check this.
            //        // DEBUG: must compute firstNoteOffset for real!
            //        int firstNoteOffset = 10;
            //        double pixelsPerDuration =
            //          (getParent().getWidth() - firstNoteOffset) / getParent().getDuration().doubleValue();
            //        _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
            //          (getParent().getScreenHotspot(),
            //           firstNoteOffset + (int)(_startTime.doubleValue() * pixelsPerDuration),
            //           0);
            int position = getParentMeasureStart().getSymbolPosition(_startTime);
            int x        = 10 + (getParentMeasureStart().getWidth() - 10) * position /
                           (getParentMeasureStart().getSymbolCount() - 1);

            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 (getParentMeasureStart().getScreenHotspot(), x, 0);

Esempio n. 4
        /** Return the Y screen coordinate of the bottom of the barline.  The
         * top is getScreenHotspot().  Even though this is private, we always
         * call this function to get the value so that invalidate() and caching
         * work properly.
        private int getBottomY()
            if (_bottomY.HasValue)

            FinalPoint top = getScreenHotspot();

            // Get the default value.
            // Use staffStepOffsetY to get the position at the bottom of the staff.
            int result = top.y + Notehead.staffStepOffsetY(0);

            // Debug: Does not consider extendsTo, etc.
            if (_extendsTo == ExtendsTo.NEXT_STAFF)
                Staff staff = getParentTimeSlice().getParentMeasureStart().getParentStaff();
                if (staff.getIndex() < staff.getParentSystem().getStaffCount() - 1)
                    // This is not the last staff, so we can extend to the next
                    result =
                        staff.getParentSystem().getStaff(staff.getIndex() + 1).getScreenHotspot().y;

            _bottomY = result;
Esempio n. 5
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            // This will force the hotspot to be computed if it isn't
            FinalPoint hotspot = getScreenHotspot();

            if (_shape == Shape.G_CLEF)
                if (_tags.smallSize())
                    _gClefSmall.draw(graphics, hotspot);
                    _gClef.draw(graphics, hotspot);
            else if (_shape == Shape.F_CLEF)
                if (_tags.smallSize())
                    _fClefSmall.draw(graphics, hotspot);
                    _fClefDot1.draw(graphics, hotspot.x, hotspot.y + 1);
                    _fClefDot2.draw(graphics, hotspot);
                    _fClef.draw(graphics, hotspot);
                    _fClefDot1.draw(graphics, hotspot);
                    _fClefDot2.draw(graphics, hotspot);
            // Debug: must add other shapes
Esempio n. 6
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            int             deltaY      = 0;
            Anchored        anchor      = getAnchor();
            AugmentationDot previousDot = getPreviousDot();

            if (anchor is Notehead)
                // Debug: should ensure that anchor is always a Notehead
                if (previousDot == null && ((Notehead)anchor).getStaffStep() % 2 == 0)
                    // Notehead is on a line and this is the first dot, so shift up the dot
                    deltaY = -3;

            if (previousDot == null)
                // This is the first dot
                _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint(anchor.getScreenHotspot(), 5, deltaY);
                // Shift to the right from the previous dot
                _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint(previousDot.getScreenHotspot(), 3, deltaY);

Esempio n. 7
        /** This is a utility function to return the screen X position of
         * a left-positioned symbol (as defined by isLeftPositioned()).
         * This finds the hotspot of the next symbol in the time slice
         * which isLeftPositioned() (or the hotspot of the time slice itself
         * if there are no more) and subtracts from its X value
         * the (measure width - 10) / (the measure symbol count - 1).
        protected int findLeftPositionedX()
            FinalPoint nextHotspot = null;

            for (int i = getIndex() + 1; i < getParentTimeSlice().getMusicSymbolCount(); ++i)
                MusicSymbol nextSymbol = getParentTimeSlice().getMusicSymbol(i);
                if (nextSymbol.isLeftPositionedSymbol())
                    nextHotspot = nextSymbol.getScreenHotspot();
            if (nextHotspot == null)
                // No next left positioned symbol, so use the time slice
                nextHotspot = getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot();

            MeasureStartTimeSlice measure = getParentTimeSlice().getParentMeasureStart();

            // Note that we know measure.getSymbolCount() is at least one
            return(nextHotspot.x -
                   (measure.getWidth() - 10) / (measure.getSymbolCount() - 1));
Esempio n. 8
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // debug: Very preliminary.  Should
            //   take into account the width of this and the previous shape, etc.
            int width = 0;

            // DEBUG: maybe look at actual width of a sharp or flat instead of hardcode to 5
            if (_standardCode >= 1 && _standardCode <= 7)
                // sharps
                width = 5 * _standardCode;
            else if (_standardCode >= 8 && _standardCode <= 14)
                // flats
                width = 5 * (_standardCode - 7);
            // DEBUG: need to handle negative standard code

            // Hotspot is at the left of the key signature
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 (findLeftPositionedX() - width / 2, getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y);

Esempio n. 9
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            // DEBUG: should use shapes instead of drawString and handle cut time, etc.
            FinalPoint hotspot = getScreenHotspot();

            graphics.DrawString("" + _topNumber, hotspot.x, hotspot.y + 10);
            graphics.DrawString("" + _bottomNumber, hotspot.x, hotspot.y + 20);
Esempio n. 10
        /** Return the origin in screen coordinates of the top staff.
        public FinalPoint getStavesScreenHotspot()
            if (_stavesScreenHotspot != null)
            return _stavesScreenHotspot;

              _stavesScreenHotspot = new FinalPoint(15, 25);
              return _stavesScreenHotspot;
Esempio n. 11
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            FinalPoint hotspot = getScreenHotspot();

            // The hotspot is defined as the center of the text.
            // Debug: need to properly compute the screen dimensions of the text.
                (_text, hotspot.x - 3 * _text.Length, hotspot.y + 4);
Esempio n. 12
        /** Return the origin in screen coordinates of the top staff.
        public FinalPoint getStavesScreenHotspot()
            if (_stavesScreenHotspot != null)

            _stavesScreenHotspot = new FinalPoint(15, 25);
Esempio n. 13
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            // This will set _topNotehead and _bottomNotehead if not already set.
            FinalPoint tip = getScreenHotspot();

            if (getTopNotehead() == null)
                // No noteheads with a stem so don't even draw a stem.

            bool stemDown = getStemDown();

            if (stemDown)
                // Make the up stem go from the top notehead past the bottom notehead
                //   on the left side of the noteheads.
                graphics.DrawLine(tip.x, tip.y, tip.x, getTopNotehead().getScreenHotspot().y);
                // Step is up
                // Make the up stem go from the bottom notehead past the top notehead
                //   on the right side of the noteheads.
                graphics.DrawLine(tip.x, tip.y, tip.x, getBottomNotehead().getScreenHotspot().y);

            if (_tags.numberOfFlags().HasValue)
                int numberOfFlags = _tags.numberOfFlags().Value;

                // Draw flags.
                // DEBUG: assume there are not also beams.  Maybe report an error.
                int y = tip.y;
                if (numberOfFlags > 1)
                    // Leave one flag at the tip, but for multiple, move closer to notehead
                    y += (stemDown ? -3 : 3);

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFlags; ++i)
                    if (stemDown)
                        _stemDownFlag.draw(graphics, tip.x, y);
                        _stemUpFlag.draw(graphics, tip.x, y);

                    y += (stemDown ? 4 : -4);
Esempio n. 14
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // debug: Very preliminary.  Should
              //   take into account the width of this and the previous shape, etc.
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
            (findLeftPositionedX(), getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y);

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 15
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            // debug: should compute this properly.
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 (getParentSystem().getScreenHotspot(), 0,
                                 (int)(getIndex() * getParentSystem().getParentPage().getStaffSpacingY()));
Esempio n. 16
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // debug: Very preliminary.  Should
            //   take into account the width of this and the previous shape, etc.
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 (findLeftPositionedX(), getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y);

Esempio n. 17
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            // DEBUG: does not deal with barlines next to each other.
            FinalPoint top     = getScreenHotspot();
            int        bottomY = getBottomY();

            graphics.DrawLine(top.x, top.y, top.x, bottomY);
            if (_type == Type.THICK)
                // Thicken by drawing more of the same line to the left
                graphics.DrawLine(top.x - 1, top.y, top.x - 1, bottomY);
                graphics.DrawLine(top.x - 2, top.y, top.x - 2, bottomY);
Esempio n. 18
        /** Override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
         * from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
            //   from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y + staffStepOffsetY(_staffStep));

Esempio n. 19
        /** Override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
         * from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // DEBUG: should handle multi-measure rests
            // DEBUG: should center half and whole rests
            // override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
            //   from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y +
Esempio n. 20
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // debug: Very preliminary.  Should
            //   take into account the width of this and the previous shape, etc.
            // Use the Y value from staffStepOffsetY
            //   from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y +

Esempio n. 21
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            // This will force the hotspot to be computed if it isn't
            FinalPoint hotspot = getScreenHotspot();
            int        width   = getParentSystem().getWidth();

            // Draw the staff lines
            for (int y = 0; y <= 20; y += 5)
                graphics.DrawLine(hotspot.x, hotspot.y + y,
                                  hotspot.x + width, hotspot.y + y);

            // Draw all time slices.
            for (int i = 0; i < getMeasureStartCount(); ++i)
Esempio n. 22
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // Compute the position by locating the start time within the staff duration.
            // DEBUG: This all assumes that the measures in each staff of the staff
            //   system have the same number of measures.  Maybe check this.
            StaffSystem parentSystem = getParentStaff().getParentSystem();

            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 (int)((_startTime.doubleValue() - parentSystem.getStartTime().doubleValue())
                                       * parentSystem.getWidth() /
                                       parentSystem.getDuration().doubleValue()), 0);

Esempio n. 23
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            if (getStaffCount() == 0)
                // Nothing to draw

            // Debug: should check for multistaff barline tags
            FinalPoint top     = getScreenHotspot();
            int        bottomY =
                getStaff(getStaffCount() - 1).getScreenHotspot().y +

            graphics.DrawLine(top.x, top.y, top.x, bottomY);

            for (int i = 0; i < getStaffCount(); ++i)
Esempio n. 24
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            // debug: should compute this properly relative to the page.
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // The staff system has a vertical offset from the stavesHotspot
            //   based on how many total staves there are above this system.
            int stavesAbove = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < getIndex(); ++i)
                stavesAbove += getParentPage().getSystem(i).getStaffCount();

            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 (getParentScore().getStavesScreenHotspot(), 0,
                                 (int)(stavesAbove * getParentPage().getStaffSpacingY()));
Esempio n. 25
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            int multiNodeCount = getMultiNodeCount();

            if (multiNodeCount == 0)
                // Only the defining Beam draws the beams for all in the multi-node group

            if (multiNodeCount != 2)
                // DEBUG: should handle this case

            Tie        leftNode            = getMultiNode(0);
            Tie        rightNode           = getMultiNode(1);
            FinalPoint leftHotspot         = leftNode.getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
            FinalPoint rightHotspot        = rightNode.getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
            Staff      leftNodeParentStaff =

            if (leftNodeParentStaff !=
                // The two ends of the tie are on different staves. Assume that
                //   the left end should extend to the end of the staff and that
                //   the right end should have a little continuation from the beginning
                int endX = leftNodeParentStaff.getParentSystem().getScreenHotspot().x +
                           leftNodeParentStaff.getParentSystem().getWidth() + 10;
                drawTie(graphics, leftHotspot.x + 3, leftHotspot.y, endX);
                drawTie(graphics, rightHotspot.x - 12, rightHotspot.y, rightHotspot.x - 3);
                drawTie(graphics, leftHotspot.x + 3, leftHotspot.y, rightHotspot.x - 3);
Esempio n. 26
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
         *  Note that the hotspot for a Lyric is the center of the text.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)

            // Debug: Maybe we need to find the lowest notehead, not just the anchor.
            Anchored anchor = getAnchor();
            int      staffStep;

            if (anchor is Notehead)
                staffStep = ((Notehead)anchor).getStaffStep();
                // Not a Notehead, but staffStep will be adjusted below.
                staffStep = 0;

            // Adjust so we put the text below the note
            staffStep -= 6;

            if (staffStep > -8)
                // Note is high enough that we need to keep the text below the staff
                staffStep = -8;

            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                 getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y +

Esempio n. 27
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            // Look at the clef we are in and shift the staff step given
            //  by SHARP_STEPS, etc. accordingly.  Use G_CLEF as default.
            int clefStepOffset = 0;

            if (getClefShape() == Clef.Shape.F_CLEF)
                clefStepOffset = -2;
            // DEBUG: add support for clefs other than G clef and F clef.

            FinalPoint hotspot = getScreenHotspot();

            // DEBUG: does not handle negative standard code.
            if (_standardCode >= 1 && _standardCode <= 7)
                // sharps
                for (int i = 0; i < _standardCode; ++i)
                        (graphics, hotspot.x + i * 5,
                        hotspot.y + Notehead.staffStepOffsetY(SHARP_STEPS[i] + clefStepOffset));
            else if (_standardCode >= 8 && _standardCode <= 14)
                // flats
                for (int i = 0; i < _standardCode - 7; ++i)
                        (graphics, hotspot.x + i * 5,
                        hotspot.y + Notehead.staffStepOffsetY(FLAT_STEPS[i] + clefStepOffset));
Esempio n. 28
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              int deltaY = 0;
              Anchored anchor = getAnchor();
              AugmentationDot previousDot = getPreviousDot();
              if (anchor is Notehead) {
            // Debug: should ensure that anchor is always a Notehead
            if (previousDot == null && ((Notehead)anchor).getStaffStep() % 2 == 0)
              // Notehead is on a line and this is the first dot, so shift up the dot
              deltaY = -3;

              if (previousDot == null)
            // This is the first dot
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint(anchor.getScreenHotspot(), 5, deltaY);
            // Shift to the right from the previous dot
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint(previousDot.getScreenHotspot(), 3, deltaY);

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 29
        /** Override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
         * from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // DEBUG: should handle multi-measure rests
              // DEBUG: should center half and whole rests
              // override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
              //   from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
             getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y +
              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 30
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            // debug: should compute this properly relative to the page.
              if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // The staff system has a vertical offset from the stavesHotspot
              //   based on how many total staves there are above this system.
              int stavesAbove = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < getIndex(); ++i)
            stavesAbove += getParentPage().getSystem(i).getStaffCount();

              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
            (getParentScore().getStavesScreenHotspot(), 0,
             (int)(stavesAbove * getParentPage().getStaffSpacingY()));
              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 31
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // debug: Very preliminary.  Should
              //   take into account the width of this and the previous shape, etc.
              int width = 0;
              // DEBUG: maybe look at actual width of a sharp or flat instead of hardcode to 5
              if (_standardCode >= 1 && _standardCode <= 7)
            // sharps
            width = 5 * _standardCode;
              else if (_standardCode >= 8 && _standardCode <= 14)
            // flats
            width = 5 * (_standardCode - 7);
              // DEBUG: need to handle negative standard code

              // Hotspot is at the left of the key signature
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
            (findLeftPositionedX() - width / 2, getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y);

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 32
        /** Override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
         * from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // override the y position to use the value from staffStepOffsetY
              //   from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
              getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y + staffStepOffsetY(_staffStep));

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 33
        /** Return the screen hotspot, computing it if called for the first time.
         * This also sets _topNotehead and _bottomNotehead used internally.
         * @return  The position of the hotspot in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
                // We have already computed it

            // Set up _topNotehead and _bottomNotehead.
            _topNotehead    = null;
            _bottomNotehead = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < getNoteheadCount(); ++i)
                Notehead notehead = getNotehead(i);

                if (notehead.getShape() == Notehead.Shape.BREVE ||
                    notehead.getShape() == Notehead.Shape.WHOLE)
                    // Lime has a bug where it defines a stem for these, so ignore
                // DEBUG: should also check height of zero as described in the NIFF spec.

                if (_topNotehead == null)
                    // This is the first one, so just initialize and continue.
                    _topNotehead    = notehead;
                    _bottomNotehead = notehead;

                int hotspotY = notehead.getScreenHotspot().y;

                if (hotspotY < _topNotehead.getScreenHotspot().y)
                    _topNotehead = notehead;
                if (hotspotY > _bottomNotehead.getScreenHotspot().y)
                    _bottomNotehead = notehead;

            if (_topNotehead == null)
                // There will not be a stem.  Just use the anchor's hotspot.
                _screenHotspot = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();

            _stemDown = false;
            if (_tags.logicalPlacement() != null)
                if (_tags.logicalPlacement().getVertical() == LogicalPlacement.BELOW)
                    _stemDown = true;

            // The hotspot is the tip of the stem
            if (_stemDown)
                // Make the up stem go from the top notehead past the bottom notehead
                //   on the left side of the noteheads.
                // The notehead's hotspot is in the middle of the notehead, so move
                //   to its left, and move down to the bottom of the stem.
                _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                     (_bottomNotehead.getScreenHotspot(), _bottomNotehead.getLeftEdge(), 16);
                // Stem is up
                // Make the up stem go from the bottom notehead past the top notehead
                //   on the right side of the noteheads.
                // The notehead's hotspot is in the middle of the notehead, so move to
                //    its right, and move up to the top of the stem.
                _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
                                     (_topNotehead.getScreenHotspot(), _bottomNotehead.getRightEdge(), -16);

Esempio n. 34
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              Anchored anchor = getAnchor();
              if (!(anchor is Notehead)) {
            // We never found a previous Notehead in the TimesSlice, which shouldn't
            //   happen.  Just use whatever anchor was found
            _screenHotspot = anchor.getScreenHotspot();
            return _screenHotspot;

              Notehead notehead = (Notehead)anchor;
              // Debug: very preliminary.  This does not account for the
              //  possibility of bumping into offset 2nds from the Stem, etc.
              int offsetX = notehead.getLeftEdge() - (graphicShape().getRightEdge() + 3);
              // offsetX should be negative
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint(notehead.getScreenHotspot(), offsetX, 0);
              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 35
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
         *  Note that the hotspot for a Lyric is the center of the text.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // Debug: Maybe we need to find the lowest notehead, not just the anchor.
              Anchored anchor = getAnchor();
              int staffStep;
              if (anchor is Notehead)
            staffStep = ((Notehead)anchor).getStaffStep();
            // Not a Notehead, but staffStep will be adjusted below.
            staffStep = 0;

              // Adjust so we put the text below the note
              staffStep -= 6;

              if (staffStep > -8)
            // Note is high enough that we need to keep the text below the staff
            staffStep = -8;

              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
              getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y +

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 36
        /** Draw this object
        public override void draw(IGraphics graphics)
            int multiNodeCount = getMultiNodeCount();

            if (multiNodeCount == 0)
                // Only the defining Beam draws the beams for all in the multi-node group

            if (multiNodeCount == 1)
                // DEBUG: should handle this case

            FinalPoint left          = getScreenHotspot();
            double     slope         = getSlope();
            int        maxParts      = getMaxParts();
            int        stemDirection = getStemDirection();

            for (int i = 0; i < multiNodeCount; ++i)
                Beam beam = getMultiNode(i);
                Beam previousBeam = null, nextBeam = null;
                if (i > 0)
                    previousBeam = getMultiNode(i - 1);
                if (i < (multiNodeCount - 1))
                    nextBeam = getMultiNode(i + 1);

                FinalPoint stemTip = beam.getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
                // Get X and Y for this beam
                int beamX = stemTip.x;
                int beamY = (int)(left.y + slope * (beamX - left.x));

                // First, extend the stem.
                graphics.DrawLine(beamX, beamY, stemTip.x, stemTip.y);

                // For each of the possible parts, draw as needed to the left or right
                for (int part = 1; part <= maxParts; part++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        // Only do parts to left if we are not the leftmost stem
                        if (part <= beam._partsToLeft && part > previousBeam._partsToRight)
                            // Draw a stub to the left
                            // DEBUG: should make sure this doesn't run into the other stem
                            drawBeam(graphics, beamX, beamY, beamX - 6);
                        // The case where the beam would extend all the way was handled
                        // by the previousBeam drawing to here.
                    if (i < (multiNodeCount - 1))
                        // Only do parts to right if we are not the rightmost stem
                        if (part <= beam._partsToRight && part > nextBeam._partsToLeft)
                            // Draw a stub to the right
                            // DEBUG: should make sure this doesn't run into the other stem
                            drawBeam(graphics, beamX, beamY, beamX + 6);
                        if (part <= beam._partsToRight && part <= nextBeam._partsToLeft)
                            // Draw beam extended over to the other
                            drawBeam(graphics, beamX, beamY,

                    beamY += -stemDirection * SPACING;
Esempio n. 37
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // Compute the position by locating the start time within the staff duration.
              // DEBUG: This all assumes that the measures in each staff of the staff
              //   system have the same number of measures.  Maybe check this.
              StaffSystem parentSystem = getParentStaff().getParentSystem();
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
              (int)((_startTime.doubleValue() - parentSystem.getStartTime().doubleValue())
                 * parentSystem.getWidth() /
                parentSystem.getDuration().doubleValue()), 0);

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 38
 /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
  *  this to recompute all its values when the "get"
  *    method is called for the value.
 public override void invalidate()
     _multiNodes = null;
       _screenHotspot = null;
       _anchor = null;
Esempio n. 39
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              if (getParentTimeSlice().getStartTime().getN() == 0)
            // Usually a Barline is given as the last time slice in a measure,
            //   but this barline is at the time zero time slice in the measure,
            //   so make sure that it appears at the beginning of the whole
            //   measure instead of the place where a note with a time zero
            //   time slice would appear.
            _screenHotspot =
            // Use the hot spot of the time slice.
            _screenHotspot = getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot();

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 40
        /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
         *  this and all child objects to recompute their values when the "get"
         *    method is called for the value.
        public void invalidate()
            for (int i = 0; i < getMusicSymbolCount(); ++i)

              _screenHotspot = null;
Esempio n. 41
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              //        // Compute the position by locating our start time between the start time
              //        //   of the measure start and the start time of the next measure start.
              //        // DEBUG: This all assumes that the measures in each staff of the staff
              //        //   system have the same beats in each measure.  Maybe check this.
              //        // DEBUG: must compute firstNoteOffset for real!
              //        int firstNoteOffset = 10;
              //        double pixelsPerDuration =
              //          (getParent().getWidth() - firstNoteOffset) / getParent().getDuration().doubleValue();
              //        _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
              //          (getParent().getScreenHotspot(),
              //           firstNoteOffset + (int)(_startTime.doubleValue() * pixelsPerDuration),
              //           0);
              int position = getParentMeasureStart().getSymbolPosition(_startTime);
              int x = 10 + (getParentMeasureStart().getWidth() - 10) * position /
              (getParentMeasureStart().getSymbolCount() - 1);
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
             (getParentMeasureStart().getScreenHotspot(), x, 0);

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 42
        /** Return the screen hotspot, computing it if called for the first time.
         * This also sets _topNotehead and _bottomNotehead used internally.
         * @return  The position of the hotspot in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            // We have already computed it
            return _screenHotspot;

              // Set up _topNotehead and _bottomNotehead.
              _topNotehead = null;
              _bottomNotehead = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < getNoteheadCount(); ++i) {
            Notehead notehead = getNotehead(i);

            if (notehead.getShape() == Notehead.Shape.BREVE ||
            notehead.getShape() == Notehead.Shape.WHOLE)
              // Lime has a bug where it defines a stem for these, so ignore
            // DEBUG: should also check height of zero as described in the NIFF spec.

            if (_topNotehead == null) {
              // This is the first one, so just initialize and continue.
              _topNotehead = notehead;
              _bottomNotehead = notehead;

            int hotspotY = notehead.getScreenHotspot().y;

            if (hotspotY < _topNotehead.getScreenHotspot().y)
              _topNotehead = notehead;
            if (hotspotY > _bottomNotehead.getScreenHotspot().y)
              _bottomNotehead = notehead;

              if (_topNotehead == null) {
            // There will not be a stem.  Just use the anchor's hotspot.
            _screenHotspot = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
            return _screenHotspot;

              _stemDown = false;
              if (_tags.logicalPlacement() != null) {
            if (_tags.logicalPlacement().getVertical() == LogicalPlacement.BELOW)
              _stemDown = true;

              // The hotspot is the tip of the stem
              if (_stemDown) {
            // Make the up stem go from the top notehead past the bottom notehead
            //   on the left side of the noteheads.
            // The notehead's hotspot is in the middle of the notehead, so move
            //   to its left, and move down to the bottom of the stem.
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
            (_bottomNotehead.getScreenHotspot(), _bottomNotehead.getLeftEdge(), 16);
              } else {
            // Stem is up
            // Make the up stem go from the bottom notehead past the top notehead
            //   on the right side of the noteheads.
            // The notehead's hotspot is in the middle of the notehead, so move to
            //    its right, and move up to the top of the stem.
            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
            (_topNotehead.getScreenHotspot(), _bottomNotehead.getRightEdge(), -16);

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 43
 /** Creates a new FinalPoint with the coordinates of point added to
  *    deltaX and deltaY.
 public FinalPoint(FinalPoint point, int deltaX, int deltaY)
     : this(point.x + deltaX, point.y + deltaY)
Esempio n. 44
 /** Creates a new FinalPoint with the coordinates of point added to
  *    deltaX and deltaY.
 public FinalPoint(FinalPoint point, int deltaX, int deltaY) :
     this(point.x + deltaX, point.y + deltaY)
Esempio n. 45
        /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
         *  this and all child objects to recompute their values when the "get"
         *    method is called for the value.
        public void invalidate()

              _stavesScreenHotspot = null;
Esempio n. 46
        /** If this is the defining node, return the screen hotspot, computing it if
         * called for the first time.  The screen hotspot for the beam group is
         * the position of the left end of the beam group at the beam farthest from
         * the notehead.  If not the defining node, return the
         * anchor hotspot.
         * Strictly speaking, this is the hotspot of the left end of the beam, which
         * is not necessarily the defining node.
         * This also sets _maxParts and other values used internally.
         * @return  The position of the hotspot in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            // We have already computed it
            return _screenHotspot;

            int multiNodeCount = getMultiNodeCount();
            if (multiNodeCount == 0) {
            // Not the defining node. Just use the anchor's hot spot
            _screenHotspot = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
            return _screenHotspot;

            if (multiNodeCount == 1) {
            // This is an unexpected case with the beam on only one stem.
            _screenHotspot = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
            return _screenHotspot;

            // A beam is either horizontal (if the first and last stem tip are
            //   at the same y value) or slanted with one end of the beam
            //   5 points higher or lower than the beginning, based on whether
            //   the last stem tip is higher or lower.
            // Don't assume that this defining node is the leftmost, but do
            //   assume multiNode(0) is leftmost.
            // Assume the anchor for a beam is the stem whos hotspot is its tip.
            Point hotspot = getMultiNode(0).getAnchor().getScreenHotspot().newPoint();
            FinalPoint rightmost = getMultiNode (multiNodeCount - 1).getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
            if (rightmost.y == hotspot.y)
            _slope = 0.0;
            else if (rightmost.y > hotspot.y)
            _slope = 5.0 / (rightmost.x - hotspot.x);
            _slope = -5.0 / (rightmost.x - hotspot.x);

            // DEBUG: this assumes all stems in the same direction.
            _stemDirection = ((Stem)getMultiNode(0).getAnchor()).getStemDown() ? 1 : -1;

            // The Y position along the beam at x is
            //   hotspot.y + _slope * (x - hotspot.x).
            // Check each stem tip and adjust the hotspot.y as necessary
            //  to make sure the beam does not cross the stem.
            for (int i = 1; i < multiNodeCount; ++i) {
            FinalPoint stemTip = getMultiNode(i).getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
            int beamY = (int)(hotspot.y + _slope * (stemTip.x - hotspot.x));

            // Note that larger Y is lower on the screen!
            // _stemDirection > 0 means stems down.
            if (_stemDirection > 0 && stemTip.y > beamY)
                hotspot.translate (0, stemTip.y - beamY);
            else if (_stemDirection < 0 && stemTip.y < beamY)
                hotspot.translate (0, -(beamY - stemTip.y));

            // Compute _maxParts to be used later.
            _maxParts = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < multiNodeCount; ++i) {
            Beam beam = getMultiNode(i);
            if (beam._partsToLeft > _maxParts)
                _maxParts = beam._partsToLeft;
            if (beam._partsToRight > _maxParts)
                _maxParts = beam._partsToRight;

            // Move the hotspot to the beam farthest from the notehead.
            hotspot.translate (0, (_maxParts - 1) * _stemDirection * SPACING);

            if (_maxParts > 1)
            // As a special case for 16th notes and higher, move the beams
            //  closer to the notehead.
            hotspot.translate (0, - _stemDirection * SPACING);

            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint (hotspot);
            return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 47
 /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
  *  this to recompute all its values when the "get"
  *    method is called for the value.
 public override void invalidate()
     _anchor = null;
       _screenHotspot = null;
       _noteheads = null;
Esempio n. 48
        /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
         *  this and all child objects to recompute their values when the "get"
         *    method is called for the value.
        public void invalidate()
            for (int i = 0; i < getTimeSliceCount(); ++i)

              _screenHotspot = null;
              _duration = null;
              _width = null;
              _symbolPositioner = null;
Esempio n. 49
        /** Get the hotspot for this object in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              // debug: Very preliminary.  Should
              //   take into account the width of this and the previous shape, etc.
              // Use the Y value from staffStepOffsetY
              //   from the parent time slice's position at the top of the staff.
              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
             getParentTimeSlice().getScreenHotspot().y +

              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 50
        /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
         *  this and all child objects to recompute their values when the "get"
         *    method is called for the value.
        public void invalidate()
            for (int i = 0; i < getStaffCount(); ++i)

              _screenHotspot = null;
              _startTime = null;
              _duration = null;
Esempio n. 51
        public FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            // debug: should compute this properly.
              if (_screenHotspot != null)
            return _screenHotspot;

              _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint
            (getParentSystem().getScreenHotspot(), 0,
             (int)(getIndex() * getParentSystem().getParentPage().getStaffSpacingY()));
              return _screenHotspot;
Esempio n. 52
 /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to to force
  *  this to recompute all its values when the "get"
  *    method is called for the value.
 public override void invalidate()
     _screenHotspot = null;
Esempio n. 53
        /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
         *  this and all child objects to recompute their values when the "get"
         *    method is called for the value.
        public void invalidate()
            for (int i = 0; i < getMeasureStartCount(); ++i)

              _screenHotspot = null;
Esempio n. 54
        /** If this is the defining node, return the screen hotspot, computing it if
         * called for the first time.  The screen hotspot for the beam group is
         * the position of the left end of the beam group at the beam farthest from
         * the notehead.  If not the defining node, return the
         * anchor hotspot.
         * Strictly speaking, this is the hotspot of the left end of the beam, which
         * is not necessarily the defining node.
         * This also sets _maxParts and other values used internally.
         * @return  The position of the hotspot in screen coordinates.
        public override FinalPoint getScreenHotspot()
            if (_screenHotspot != null)
                // We have already computed it

            int multiNodeCount = getMultiNodeCount();

            if (multiNodeCount == 0)
                // Not the defining node. Just use the anchor's hot spot
                _screenHotspot = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();

            if (multiNodeCount == 1)
                // This is an unexpected case with the beam on only one stem.
                _screenHotspot = getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();

            // A beam is either horizontal (if the first and last stem tip are
            //   at the same y value) or slanted with one end of the beam
            //   5 points higher or lower than the beginning, based on whether
            //   the last stem tip is higher or lower.
            // Don't assume that this defining node is the leftmost, but do
            //   assume multiNode(0) is leftmost.
            // Assume the anchor for a beam is the stem whos hotspot is its tip.
            Point      hotspot   = getMultiNode(0).getAnchor().getScreenHotspot().newPoint();
            FinalPoint rightmost = getMultiNode(multiNodeCount - 1).getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();

            if (rightmost.y == hotspot.y)
                _slope = 0.0;
            else if (rightmost.y > hotspot.y)
                _slope = 5.0 / (rightmost.x - hotspot.x);
                _slope = -5.0 / (rightmost.x - hotspot.x);

            // DEBUG: this assumes all stems in the same direction.
            _stemDirection = ((Stem)getMultiNode(0).getAnchor()).getStemDown() ? 1 : -1;

            // The Y position along the beam at x is
            //   hotspot.y + _slope * (x - hotspot.x).
            // Check each stem tip and adjust the hotspot.y as necessary
            //  to make sure the beam does not cross the stem.
            for (int i = 1; i < multiNodeCount; ++i)
                FinalPoint stemTip = getMultiNode(i).getAnchor().getScreenHotspot();
                int        beamY   = (int)(hotspot.y + _slope * (stemTip.x - hotspot.x));

                // Note that larger Y is lower on the screen!
                // _stemDirection > 0 means stems down.
                if (_stemDirection > 0 && stemTip.y > beamY)
                    hotspot.translate(0, stemTip.y - beamY);
                else if (_stemDirection < 0 && stemTip.y < beamY)
                    hotspot.translate(0, -(beamY - stemTip.y));

            // Compute _maxParts to be used later.
            _maxParts = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < multiNodeCount; ++i)
                Beam beam = getMultiNode(i);
                if (beam._partsToLeft > _maxParts)
                    _maxParts = beam._partsToLeft;
                if (beam._partsToRight > _maxParts)
                    _maxParts = beam._partsToRight;

            // Move the hotspot to the beam farthest from the notehead.
            hotspot.translate(0, (_maxParts - 1) * _stemDirection * SPACING);

            if (_maxParts > 1)
                // As a special case for 16th notes and higher, move the beams
                //  closer to the notehead.
                hotspot.translate(0, -_stemDirection * SPACING);

            _screenHotspot = new FinalPoint(hotspot);
Esempio n. 55
 /** This is automatically called after the object is modified to force
  *  this to recompute all its values when the "get"
  *    method is called for the value.
 public override void invalidate()
     _previousDot = null;
       _anchor = null;
       _screenHotspot = null;