/// <summary>
        /// Constructor for LED_APA102
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on Raspi board</param>
        /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
        public LED_APA102(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr)
            : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, InterfaceConstrains, DriverDefines)
            LEDs = new List <RGBset>(); //@todo hier ggf. auf etwas Ressourcenschonenderes umsteigen

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for TLC_5925
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
        /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
        /// <param name="lePin">Latch enable pin (LE-Pin) to latch the port values to internal register</param>
        /// <param name="oePin">Output enable pin (optional) disables LED-driver when high, accepts null if not connected</param>
        public LEDD_TLC5925(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, GpioPin lePin, GpioPin oePin)
            : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, InterfaceConstrains, DriverDefines)
            // Check if an SPI Object is valid
            if (lePin != null)
                LEpin = lePin;
                if (oePin != null)
                    // Set Blank Option to Blank Pin
                    OEpin = oePin;
                    LEDSpecifigdefines.BlankOptions = LEDdriverSpecificDefinitions.eLEDBlankOptions.BlankInput;
                    OEpin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); // Set Outputs in Safe State

                PortData = new List <UInt16>();

                /// Add first LED to daisy-chain
                base.SPIhandle = null;
                throw new Exception("Missing Handle for LE-Pin");
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for DAC_MCP4922
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
 /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
 /// <param name="syncPin">Sync pin definition to (optional) sync both DAC ports together</param>
 /// <param name="shdownPin">Shutdown pin (optional) to shutdown DAC-slave </param>
 public DAC_MCP4922(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, GpioPin syncPin, GpioPin shdownPin)
     : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, InterfaceConstrains, ConverterDefines)
     //@todo Hier noch berücksichtigen und was darauf machen
     LDACpin = syncPin;
     SHDNpin = shdownPin;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// TimerInitialisation
        /// </summary>
        private async void InitAll()
            StripeTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            StripeTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(refreshCycle);
            StripeTimer.Tick    += StripeRefresh_Tick;

            PatternTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            PatternTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(patternPeriod);
            PatternTimer.Tick    += ChangePattern_Tick;

            GPIOvar = GpioController.GetDefault(); /* Get the default GPIO controller on the system */
            await InitSpi();                       /* Initialize the SPI controller                */

            CSadrLEDD   = new SPIAddressObject(SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIdedicated, null, null, 0);
            ColorStripe = new LED_APA102(SPIinterface_Demo, CSadrLEDD);
            // Bei der Instanziierung wird erstes LED-Objekt erstellt.
            for (int i = 0; i < StripeLen - 1; i++)

            // LED-Demo
            StripePattern = new PatternGenerator(StripeLen, 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for generic GPIO
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
        /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
        /// <param name="givenConstrains">Restriction for using the respective device</param>
        /// <param name="givenSpecs">Specifications of given GPIO-slave</param>
        public GenreicGPIOslave(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, SPIHardwareConstrains givenConstrains, GPIOspecificDefinitions givenSpecs)
            : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, givenConstrains)
            GPIOdefines = givenSpecs;
            PortData    = new byte[GPIOdefines.NumOfPorts];

Esempio n. 6
        private void InitIOModule()
            CSadrADC  = new SPIAddressObject(SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIwithCSdemux, null, CSAdrSelection, HW_ADC_CSadr);
            CSadrDAC  = new SPIAddressObject(SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIwithCSdemux, null, CSAdrSelection, HW_DAC_CSadr);
            CSadrGPIO = new SPIAddressObject(SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIwithCSdemux, null, CSAdrSelection, HW_GPIO_CSadr);
            CSadrLEDD = new SPIAddressObject(SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIdedicated, null, null, 0);

            GSLEDdriver = new LEDD_TLC5941(SPIOInterface, CSadrLEDD, GSLEDdriverLatch, GSLEDdriverMode, GSLEDdriverBlank);
            DCLEDDriver = new LEDD_TLC5925(SPIOInterface, CSadrLEDD, DCLEDdriverLatch, null);
            //StatusLED = new LED_APA102(StatusLEDInterface, CSadrLEDD);
            DACslave  = new DAC_MCP4922(SPIOInterface, CSadrDAC, null, null);
            ADCslave  = new ADC_MCP3208(SPIOInterface, CSadrADC);
            GPIOslave = new GPIO_MCP23S17(SPIOInterface, CSadrGPIO, null, null, 0);
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for DAC_MCP23S17
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
 /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
 /// <param name="rstPin">Rest pin (optional) to reset device</param>
 /// <param name="intPin">Interrupt Input pins (optional) for interrupt handling</param>
 /// <param name="spiBusAddress">Intrinsic SPI-address witch is to be send via SPI message</param>
 public GPIO_MCP23S17(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, GpioPin rstPin, GpioPin[] intPin, int spiBusAddress)
     : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, InterfaceConstrains, ConverterDefines)
     //@todo Hier noch berücksichtigen
     Resetpin = rstPin;
     if (intPin != null)
         if (intPin.Length >= 1)
             IntApin = intPin[0];
         if (intPin.Length >= 2)
             IntBpin = intPin[1];
     base.SPIbusAddress = spiBusAddress;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for LEDD_TLC5941
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
        /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
        /// <param name="xlatPin">Latch enable pin to latch the port-values to internal register</param>
        /// <param name="modePin">Mode pin defines whether the correction or gray-values are written</param>
        /// <param name="blankPin">Output enable pin (optional). Disables LED-driver when high, accepts null if not connected</param>
        public LEDD_TLC5941(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, GpioPin xlatPin, GpioPin modePin, GpioPin blankPin)
            : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, InterfaceConstrains, DriverDefines)
            /// Check if an SPI object is valid
            if ((xlatPin != null) || (modePin != null))
                XLatPin = xlatPin;
                ModePin = modePin;

                if (blankPin != null)
                    /// Set Blank Option to Blank Pin
                    BlankPin = blankPin;
                    LEDSpecifigdefines.BlankOptions = LEDdriverSpecificDefinitions.eLEDBlankOptions.BlankInput;
                    blankPin.Write(GpioPinValue.High); // Set Outputs in Safe State

                PortData = new List <UInt16[]>();

                /// Add first LED Driver to daisy-chain
                UInt16[] firstData = new ushort[1] {
                base.SPIhandle = null;
                throw new Exception("Missing Handle for XLAT-Pin and/or Mode-Pin");
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for RasPiMultiSlave
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
        /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination (optional) to address the slave during transmission of data,
        /// can be null if no address definition needed</param>
        /// <param name="givenConstrains">Restriction for the respective device</param>
        public RaspiMultiSlave(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, SPIHardwareConstrains givenConstrains)
            /// check if the SP-interface is defined
            if (spiInterface != null)
                SpiConnectionSettings tempSet = spiInterface.ConnectionSettings;
                SPIconstrains = givenConstrains;

                /// Check whether the SPI-configuration meets demanded configuration
                //@todo Prüfen ob die Abfrage so überhaupt funktioniert
                if (tempSet.ClockFrequency < SPIconstrains.MinSPIclock)
                    spiInterface = null;
                    throw new Exception("SPI-Clock doesn't meet the Specification: Clock was set to low");
                if (tempSet.ClockFrequency > SPIconstrains.MaxSPIclock)
                    spiInterface = null;
                    throw new Exception("SPI-Clock doesn't meet the Specification: Clock was set to high");
                if (tempSet.Mode != SPIconstrains.DemandedSPIMode)
                    //@todo ggf. hier die Restriktion herausnehmen, wenn SPI on the Fly umkonfiguriert werden kann
                    spiInterface = null;
                    throw new Exception("SPI-Mode doesned meet the Specification");

                if (spiAdr != null)
                    switch (spiAdr.CSmode)
                    //@todo Hier prüfen was bei dem Kopieren passiert
                    case SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.NoCSPort:
                    case SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIdedicated:
                        // no further treatment necessary

                    case SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIwithGPIO:
                        if (spiAdr.GpioCSpin != null)
                            throw new Exception("GPIO-Pin for CS use (SPIAddressObject.gpioCSpin) is not defined");
                        // Set the CS-Pin high by default

                    case SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.SPIwithCSdemux:
                        if (spiAdr.CSadrPins.Length == 0)
                            throw new Exception("There are no Address-Pins for CS-Demux specified");
                        if (spiAdr.GpioCSpin != null)
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < spiAdr.CSadrPins.Length; idx++)

                        throw new Exception("Some crazy shit just happend. The switch parameter is an enum hence this state should be impossible");
                    CSadr = spiAdr;
                    //@todo hier ein Objekt definieren, dass modus ohne CS-Leitung wählt
                    CSadr = new SPIAddressObject(SPIAddressObject.eCSadrMode.NoCSPort, null, null, 0);
                /// Memorize SPI-Handle for further usage
                SPIhandle = spiInterface;
                throw new Exception("Missing SP-interface-definition");
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for MCP_3208
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
 /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
 public ADC_MCP3208(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr)
     : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, InterfaceConstrains, ConverterDefines)
     /// Nothing to do here
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for LED-driver
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
 /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
 /// <param name="givenConstrains">Restriction for using the respective device</param>
 /// <param name="givenSpecs">Specifications of given LED-Slave</param>
 public GenreicLEDslave(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, SPIHardwareConstrains givenConstrains, LEDdriverSpecificDefinitions givenSpecs)
     : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, givenConstrains)
     LEDSpecifigdefines = givenSpecs;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for generic ADC
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
 /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
 /// <param name="givenConstrains">Restriction for using the respective device</param>
 /// <param name="givenSpecs">Specifications of given ADC-Slave</param>
 public GenreicADCslave(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, SPIHardwareConstrains givenConstrains, ADCspecificDefinitions givenSpecs)
     : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, givenConstrains)
     ADCdefines = givenSpecs;
     ADCresults = new Int16[ADCdefines.NumOfADCchannels];
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for generic DAC
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spiInterface"> Defines the SP-interface on RasPi board</param>
 /// <param name="spiAdr">Defines the CS-address combination for addressing the slave</param>
 /// <param name="givenConstrains">Restriction for using the respective device</param>
 /// <param name="givenSpecs">Specifications of given DAC-Slave</param>
 public GenreicDACslave(SpiDevice spiInterface, SPIAddressObject spiAdr, SPIHardwareConstrains givenConstrains, DACspecificDefinitions givenSpecs)
     : base(spiInterface, spiAdr, givenConstrains)
     DACdefines = givenSpecs;
     DACvalues  = new Int16[DACdefines.NumOfDACchannels];