/** @brief Disable alert messaging for a specific event. @param[in] alertEvent - the ID of the event to be disabled @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR - operation succeeded. @return PXCM_STATUS_PARAM_UNSUPPORTED - unsupported parameter. @return PXCM_STATUS_DATA_NOT_INITIALIZED - data was not initialized. @see PXCMHandData.AlertType */ public pxcmStatus DisableAlert(PXCMHandData.AlertType alertEvent) { return PXCMHandConfiguration_DisableAlert(instance, alertEvent); }
/** @brief Retrieve an IContour object using index (that relates to the given order). @param[in] index - the zero-based index of the requested contour (between 0 and QueryNumberOfContours()-1 ). @param[out] contourData - contains the extracted contour line data. @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR - successful operation. @return PXCM_STATUS_DATA_UNAVAILABLE - index >= number of detected contours. @see IContour */ public pxcmStatus QueryContour(Int32 index, out PXCMHandData.IContour contourData) { IntPtr cd2; pxcmStatus sts = PXCMHandData_IHand_QueryContour(instance, index, out cd2); contourData = (sts >= pxcmStatus.PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR) ? new IContour(cd2) : null; return sts; }
/** @brief Set the tracking mode, which determines the algorithm that will be applied for tracking hands. @param[in] trackingMode - the tracking mode to be set. Possible values are:\n TRACKING_MODE_FULL_HAND - track the entire hand skeleton.\n TRACKING_MODE_EXTREMITIES - track only the mask and the extremities of the hand (the points that confine the tracked hand).\n @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR - operation succeeded. @see PXCMHandData.TrackingModeType */ public pxcmStatus SetTrackingMode(PXCMHandData.TrackingModeType trackingMode) { return PXCMHandConfiguration_SetTrackingMode(instance, trackingMode); }
/** @brief Test the activation status of the given alert. @param[in] alertEvent - the ID of the event to be tested. @return true if the alert is enabled, false otherwise. @see PXCMHandData.AlertType */ public Boolean IsAlertEnabled(PXCMHandData.AlertType alertEvent) { return PXCMHandConfiguration_IsAlertEnabled(instance, alertEvent); }
/** @brief Activate calculation of the speed of a specific joint, according to the given mode.\n The output speed is a 3-dimensional vector, containing the the motion of the requested joint in each direction (x, y and z axis).\n By default, the joint speed calculation is disabled for all joints, in order to conserve CPU and memory resources.\n Typically the feature is only activated for a single fingertip or palm-center joint, as only the overall hand speed is useful.\n @param[in] jointLabel - the identifier of the joint. @param[in] jointSpeed - the speed calculation method. Possible values are:\n JOINT_SPEED_AVERAGE - calculate the average joint speed, over the time period defined in the "time" parameter.\n JOINT_SPEED_ABSOLUTE - calculate the average of the absolute-value joint speed, over the time period defined in the "time" parameter.\n @param[in] time - the period in milliseconds over which the average speed will be calculated (a value of 0 will return the current speed). @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR - operation succeeded. @return PXCM_STATUS_PARAM_UNSUPPORTED - one of the arguments is invalid. @see PXCMHandData.JointType @see PXCMHandData.JointSpeedType */ public pxcmStatus EnableJointSpeed(PXCMHandData.JointType jointLabel, PXCMHandData.JointSpeedType jointSpeed, Int32 time) { return PXCMHandConfiguration_EnableJointSpeed(instance, jointLabel, jointSpeed, time); }
/** @brief Disable calculation of the speed of a specific joint.\n You may want to disable the feature when it is no longer needed, in order to conserve CPU and memory resources.\n @param[in] jointLabel - the identifier of the joint @return PXCM_STATUS_NO_ERROR - operation succeeded. @return PXCM_STATUS_PARAM_UNSUPPORTED - invalid joint label. @see PXCMHandData.JointType */ public pxcmStatus DisableJointSpeed(PXCMHandData.JointType jointLabel) { return PXCMHandConfiguration_DisableJointSpeed(instance, jointLabel); }
internal static extern Boolean PXCMHandConfiguration_IsAlertEnabled(IntPtr instance, PXCMHandData.AlertType alertEvent);
internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMHandConfiguration_DisableAlert(IntPtr instance, PXCMHandData.AlertType alertEvent);
internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMHandConfiguration_SetTrackingMode(IntPtr instance, PXCMHandData.TrackingModeType trackingMode);
internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMHandConfiguration_DisableJointSpeed(IntPtr instance, PXCMHandData.JointType jointLabel);
internal static extern pxcmStatus PXCMHandConfiguration_EnableJointSpeed(IntPtr instance, PXCMHandData.JointType jointLabel, PXCMHandData.JointSpeedType jointSpeed, Int32 time);
/** @brief Create hand Extremity data PointConverter for PXCMHandModule The converter will convert extremity data to target rectangle/3dbox based on requested hand. @note Make sure the handData is constantly updated throughtout the session. @example pointConverter.CreateHandExtremityConverter(handData,PXCMHandData.ACCESS_ORDER_BY_TIME,0,PXCMHandData.EXTREMITY_CENTER); @param[in] handData a pointer to PXCMHandData @param[in] accessOrder The desired hand access order @param[in] index hand index @param[in] extremityType desired extremity type to be converted @return an object of the created PointConverter, or null in case of illegal arguments */ public PXCMPointConverter CreateHandExtremityConverter(PXCMHandData handData,PXCMHandData.AccessOrderType accessOrder, Int32 index,PXCMHandData.ExtremityType extremityType) { IntPtr inst2 = PXCMPointConverterFactory_CreateHandExtremityConverter(instance, handData.instance, accessOrder, index, extremityType); return (inst2 == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new PXCMPointConverter(inst2, true); }
internal extern static IntPtr PXCMPointConverterFactory_CreateHandExtremityConverter(IntPtr instance, IntPtr handData, PXCMHandData.AccessOrderType accessOrder, Int32 index, PXCMHandData.ExtremityType extremityType);