public @event(@string WhenString = default, time.Duration Elapsed = default, ulong Go = default, @string What = default) { this.WhenString = WhenString; this.Elapsed = Elapsed; this.Go = Go; this.What = What; }
public maxLatencyWriter(writeFlusher dst = default, time.Duration latency = default, sync.Mutex mu = default, ref ptr <time.Timer> t = default, bool flushPending = default) { this.dst = dst; this.latency = latency; = mu; this.t = t; this.flushPending = flushPending; }
public BenchmarkResult(long N = default, time.Duration T = default, long Bytes = default, ulong MemAllocs = default, ulong MemBytes = default, map <@string, double> Extra = default) { this.N = N; this.T = T; this.Bytes = Bytes; this.MemAllocs = MemAllocs; this.MemBytes = MemBytes; this.Extra = Extra; }
public Dialer(time.Duration Timeout = default, time.Time Deadline = default, Addr LocalAddr = default, bool DualStack = default, time.Duration FallbackDelay = default, time.Duration KeepAlive = default, ref ptr <Resolver> Resolver = default, channel <object> Cancel = default, Func <@string, @string, syscall.RawConn, error> Control = default) { this.Timeout = Timeout; this.Deadline = Deadline; this.LocalAddr = LocalAddr; this.DualStack = DualStack; this.FallbackDelay = FallbackDelay; this.KeepAlive = KeepAlive; this.Resolver = Resolver; this.Cancel = Cancel; this.Control = Control; }
// timeZone returns a *time.Location based on the provided offset. // If the offset is non-sensible, then this uses an offset of zero. private static ref time.Location timeZone(time.Duration offset) { const long minOffset = -12L * time.Hour; // E.g., Baker island at -12:00 const long maxOffset = +14L * time.Hour; // E.g., Line island at +14:00 const long offsetAlias = 15L * time.Minute; // E.g., Nepal at +5:45 offset = offset.Round(offsetAlias); if (offset < minOffset || maxOffset < offset) { offset = 0L; } return(time.FixedZone("", int(offset / time.Second))); }
public timeoutHandler(Handler handler = default, @string body = default, time.Duration dt = default, context.Context testContext = default) { this.handler = handler; this.body = body; this.dt = dt; this.testContext = testContext; }
public action(sync.Once once = default, ref ptr <analysis.Analyzer> a = default, ref ptr <packages.Package> pkg = default, ref ptr <analysis.Pass> pass = default, bool isroot = default, slice <ptr <action> > deps = default, map <objectFactKey, analysis.Fact> objectFacts = default, map <packageFactKey, analysis.Fact> packageFacts = default, slice <analysis.Diagnostic> diagnostics = default, error err = default, time.Duration duration = default) { this.once = once; this.a = a; this.pkg = pkg; this.pass = pass; this.isroot = isroot; this.deps = deps; this.objectFacts = objectFacts; this.packageFacts = packageFacts; this.diagnostics = diagnostics; this.err = err; this.duration = duration; }
public BenchmarkResult(long N = default, time.Duration T = default, long Bytes = default) { this.N = N; this.T = T; this.Bytes = Bytes; }
public http2ClientConn(ref ptr<http2Transport> t = default, net.Conn tconn = default, ref ptr<tls.ConnectionState> tlsState = default, uint reused = default, bool singleUse = default, channel<object> readerDone = default, error readerErr = default, time.Duration idleTimeout = default, ref ptr<time.Timer> idleTimer = default, sync.Mutex mu = default, ref ptr<sync.Cond> cond = default, http2flow flow = default, http2flow inflow = default, bool closing = default, bool closed = default, bool wantSettingsAck = default, ref ptr<http2GoAwayFrame> goAway = default, @string goAwayDebug = default, map<uint, ptr<http2clientStream>> streams = default, uint nextStreamID = default, long pendingRequests = default, map<array<byte>, channel<object>> pings = default, ref ptr<bufio.Writer> bw = default, ref ptr<bufio.Reader> br = default, ref ptr<http2Framer> fr = default, time.Time lastActive = default, time.Time lastIdle = default, uint maxFrameSize = default, uint maxConcurrentStreams = default, ulong peerMaxHeaderListSize = default, uint initialWindowSize = default, bytes.Buffer hbuf = default, ref ptr<hpack.Encoder> henc = default, slice<slice<byte>> freeBuf = default, sync.Mutex wmu = default, error werr = default) { this.t = t; this.tconn = tconn; this.tlsState = tlsState; this.reused = reused; this.singleUse = singleUse; this.readerDone = readerDone; this.readerErr = readerErr; this.idleTimeout = idleTimeout; this.idleTimer = idleTimer; = mu; this.cond = cond; this.flow = flow; this.inflow = inflow; this.closing = closing; this.closed = closed; this.wantSettingsAck = wantSettingsAck; this.goAway = goAway; this.goAwayDebug = goAwayDebug; this.streams = streams; this.nextStreamID = nextStreamID; this.pendingRequests = pendingRequests; this.pings = pings; = bw; = br; = fr; this.lastActive = lastActive; this.lastIdle = lastIdle; this.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize; this.maxConcurrentStreams = maxConcurrentStreams; this.peerMaxHeaderListSize = peerMaxHeaderListSize; this.initialWindowSize = initialWindowSize; this.hbuf = hbuf; this.henc = henc; this.freeBuf = freeBuf; this.wmu = wmu; this.werr = werr; }
public dnsConfig(slice <@string> servers = default, slice <@string> search = default, long ndots = default, time.Duration timeout = default, long attempts = default, bool rotate = default, bool unknownOpt = default, slice <@string> lookup = default, error err = default, time.Time mtime = default, uint soffset = default, bool singleRequest = default, bool useTCP = default) { this.servers = servers; = search; this.ndots = ndots; this.timeout = timeout; this.attempts = attempts; this.rotate = rotate; this.unknownOpt = unknownOpt; this.lookup = lookup; this.err = err; this.mtime = mtime; this.soffset = soffset; this.singleRequest = singleRequest; this.useTCP = useTCP; }
public DB(long waitDuration = default, driver.Connector connector = default, ulong numClosed = default, sync.Mutex mu = default, slice <ptr <driverConn> > freeConn = default, map <ulong, channel <connRequest> > connRequests = default, ulong nextRequest = default, long numOpen = default, channel <object> openerCh = default, bool closed = default, map <finalCloser, depSet> dep = default, map <ptr <driverConn>, @string> lastPut = default, long maxIdleCount = default, long maxOpen = default, time.Duration maxLifetime = default, time.Duration maxIdleTime = default, channel <object> cleanerCh = default, long waitCount = default, long maxIdleClosed = default, long maxIdleTimeClosed = default, long maxLifetimeClosed = default, Action stop = default) { this.waitDuration = waitDuration; this.connector = connector; this.numClosed = numClosed; = mu; this.freeConn = freeConn; this.connRequests = connRequests; this.nextRequest = nextRequest; this.numOpen = numOpen; this.openerCh = openerCh; this.closed = closed; this.dep = dep; this.lastPut = lastPut; this.maxIdleCount = maxIdleCount; this.maxOpen = maxOpen; this.maxLifetime = maxLifetime; this.maxIdleTime = maxIdleTime; this.cleanerCh = cleanerCh; this.waitCount = waitCount; this.maxIdleClosed = maxIdleClosed; this.maxIdleTimeClosed = maxIdleTimeClosed; this.maxLifetimeClosed = maxLifetimeClosed; this.stop = stop; }
public common(sync.RWMutex mu = default, slice<byte> output = default, io.Writer w = default, bool ran = default, bool failed = default, bool skipped = default, bool done = default, Action cleanup = default, @string cleanupName = default, slice<System.UIntPtr> cleanupPc = default, bool chatty = default, bool bench = default, bool finished = default, int hasSub = default, long raceErrors = default, @string runner = default, ref ptr<common> parent = default, long level = default, slice<System.UIntPtr> creator = default, @string name = default, time.Time start = default, time.Duration duration = default, channel<bool> barrier = default, channel<bool> signal = default, slice<ptr<T>> sub = default, sync.Once tempDirOnce = default, @string tempDir = default, error tempDirErr = default, int tempDirSeq = default) { = mu; this.output = output; this.w = w; this.ran = ran; this.failed = failed; this.skipped = skipped; this.done = done; this.cleanup = cleanup; this.cleanupName = cleanupName; this.cleanupPc = cleanupPc; this.chatty = chatty; this.bench = bench; this.finished = finished; this.hasSub = hasSub; this.raceErrors = raceErrors; this.runner = runner; this.parent = parent; this.level = level; this.creator = creator; = name; this.start = start; this.duration = duration; this.barrier = barrier; this.signal = signal; this.sub = sub; this.tempDirOnce = tempDirOnce; this.tempDir = tempDir; this.tempDirErr = tempDirErr; this.tempDirSeq = tempDirSeq; }
public Server(@string Addr = default, Handler Handler = default, ref ptr <tls.Config> TLSConfig = default, time.Duration ReadTimeout = default, time.Duration ReadHeaderTimeout = default, time.Duration WriteTimeout = default, time.Duration IdleTimeout = default, long MaxHeaderBytes = default, map <@string, Action <ptr <Server>, ptr <tls.Conn>, Handler> > TLSNextProto = default, Action <net.Conn, ConnState> ConnState = default, ref ptr <log.Logger> ErrorLog = default, Func <net.Listener, context.Context> BaseContext = default, Func <context.Context, net.Conn, context.Context> ConnContext = default, atomicBool inShutdown = default, int disableKeepAlives = default, sync.Once nextProtoOnce = default, error nextProtoErr = default, sync.Mutex mu = default, channel <object> doneChan = default, slice <Action> onShutdown = default) { this.Addr = Addr; this.Handler = Handler; this.TLSConfig = TLSConfig; this.ReadTimeout = ReadTimeout; this.ReadHeaderTimeout = ReadHeaderTimeout; this.WriteTimeout = WriteTimeout; this.IdleTimeout = IdleTimeout; this.MaxHeaderBytes = MaxHeaderBytes; this.TLSNextProto = TLSNextProto; this.ConnState = ConnState; this.ErrorLog = ErrorLog; this.BaseContext = BaseContext; this.ConnContext = ConnContext; this.inShutdown = inShutdown; this.disableKeepAlives = disableKeepAlives; this.nextProtoOnce = nextProtoOnce; this.nextProtoErr = nextProtoErr; = mu; this.doneChan = doneChan; this.onShutdown = onShutdown; }
public Client(RoundTripper Transport = default, Func <ptr <Request>, slice <ptr <Request> >, error> CheckRedirect = default, CookieJar Jar = default, time.Duration Timeout = default) { this.Transport = Transport; this.CheckRedirect = CheckRedirect; this.Jar = Jar; this.Timeout = Timeout; }
public benchTimeFlag(time.Duration d = default, long n = default) { this.d = d; this.n = n; }
public B(common common = default, @string importPath = default, ref ptr <benchContext> context = default, long N = default, long previousN = default, time.Duration previousDuration = default, Action <ptr <B> > benchFunc = default, benchTimeFlag benchTime = default, long bytes = default, bool missingBytes = default, bool timerOn = default, bool showAllocResult = default, BenchmarkResult result = default, long parallelism = default, ulong startAllocs = default, ulong startBytes = default, ulong netAllocs = default, ulong netBytes = default, map <@string, double> extra = default) { this.common = common; this.importPath = importPath; this.context = context; this.N = N; this.previousN = previousN; this.previousDuration = previousDuration; this.benchFunc = benchFunc; this.benchTime = benchTime; this.bytes = bytes; this.missingBytes = missingBytes; this.timerOn = timerOn; this.showAllocResult = showAllocResult; this.result = result; this.parallelism = parallelism; this.startAllocs = startAllocs; this.startBytes = startBytes; this.netAllocs = netAllocs; this.netBytes = netBytes; this.extra = extra; }
public http2Server(long MaxHandlers = default, uint MaxConcurrentStreams = default, uint MaxReadFrameSize = default, bool PermitProhibitedCipherSuites = default, time.Duration IdleTimeout = default, int MaxUploadBufferPerConnection = default, int MaxUploadBufferPerStream = default, Func <http2WriteScheduler> NewWriteScheduler = default, ref ptr <http2serverInternalState> state = default) { this.MaxHandlers = MaxHandlers; this.MaxConcurrentStreams = MaxConcurrentStreams; this.MaxReadFrameSize = MaxReadFrameSize; this.PermitProhibitedCipherSuites = PermitProhibitedCipherSuites; this.IdleTimeout = IdleTimeout; this.MaxUploadBufferPerConnection = MaxUploadBufferPerConnection; this.MaxUploadBufferPerStream = MaxUploadBufferPerStream; this.NewWriteScheduler = NewWriteScheduler; this.state = state; }
public entry(@string WhenString = default, ulong ID = default, time.Duration Duration = default, bool Complete = default, slice <event> Events = default, time.Duration Start = default, time.Duration End = default, time.Duration GCTime = default)
public http2bodyWriterState(ref ptr <http2clientStream> cs = default, ref ptr <time.Timer> timer = default, ref ptr <sync.Once> fnonce = default, Action fn = default, channel <error> resc = default, time.Duration delay = default) { this.cs = cs; this.timer = timer; this.fnonce = fnonce; this.fn = fn; this.resc = resc; this.delay = delay; }
public actionJSON(long ID = default, @string Mode = default, @string Package = default, slice <long> Deps = default, bool IgnoreFail = default, slice <@string> Args = default, bool Link = default, @string Objdir = default, @string Target = default, long Priority = default, bool Failed = default, @string Built = default, bool VetxOnly = default, bool NeedVet = default, bool NeedBuild = default, @string ActionID = default, @string BuildID = default, time.Time TimeReady = default, time.Time TimeStart = default, time.Time TimeDone = default, slice <@string> Cmd = default, time.Duration CmdReal = default, time.Duration CmdUser = default, time.Duration CmdSys = default) { this.ID = ID; this.Mode = Mode; this.Package = Package; this.Deps = Deps; this.IgnoreFail = IgnoreFail; this.Args = Args; this.Link = Link; this.Objdir = Objdir; this.Target = Target; this.Priority = Priority; this.Failed = Failed; this.Built = Built; this.VetxOnly = VetxOnly; this.NeedVet = NeedVet; this.NeedBuild = NeedBuild; this.ActionID = ActionID; this.BuildID = BuildID; this.TimeReady = TimeReady; this.TimeStart = TimeStart; this.TimeDone = TimeDone; this.Cmd = Cmd; this.CmdReal = CmdReal; this.CmdUser = CmdUser; this.CmdSys = CmdSys; }
private static error setKeepAlivePeriod(ptr <netFD> _addr_fd, time.Duration d) { ref netFD fd = ref _addr_fd.val;
public GotConnInfo(net.Conn Conn = default, bool Reused = default, bool WasIdle = default, time.Duration IdleTime = default) { this.Conn = Conn; this.Reused = Reused; this.WasIdle = WasIdle; this.IdleTime = IdleTime; }
public common(slice <byte> output = default, bool failed = default, time.Time start = default, time.Duration duration = default, channel <object> signal = default) { this.output = output; this.failed = failed; this.start = start; this.duration = duration; this.signal = signal; }
public DBStats(long MaxOpenConnections = default, long OpenConnections = default, long InUse = default, long Idle = default, long WaitCount = default, time.Duration WaitDuration = default, long MaxIdleClosed = default, long MaxIdleTimeClosed = default, long MaxLifetimeClosed = default) { this.MaxOpenConnections = MaxOpenConnections; this.OpenConnections = OpenConnections; this.InUse = InUse; this.Idle = Idle; this.WaitCount = WaitCount; this.WaitDuration = WaitDuration; this.MaxIdleClosed = MaxIdleClosed; this.MaxIdleTimeClosed = MaxIdleTimeClosed; this.MaxLifetimeClosed = MaxLifetimeClosed; }
private static (ptr <profile.Profile>, @string, error) Fetch(this ptr <fetcher> _addr_f, @string src, time.Duration duration, time.Duration timeout) { ptr <profile.Profile> _p0 = default !;
public Config(time.Time Start = default, @string Host = default, uint Process = default, ref ptr <http.Client> Client = default, @string Service = default, @string Address = default, time.Duration Rate = default) { this.Start = Start; this.Host = Host; this.Process = Process; this.Client = Client; this.Service = Service; this.Address = Address; this.Rate = Rate; }
public ListenConfig(Func <@string, @string, syscall.RawConn, error> Control = default, time.Duration KeepAlive = default) { this.Control = Control; this.KeepAlive = KeepAlive; }
public ReverseProxy(Action <ptr <http.Request> > Director = default, http.RoundTripper Transport = default, time.Duration FlushInterval = default, ref ptr <log.Logger> ErrorLog = default, BufferPool BufferPool = default, Func <ptr <http.Response>, error> ModifyResponse = default, Action <http.ResponseWriter, ptr <http.Request>, error> ErrorHandler = default) { this.Director = Director; this.Transport = Transport; this.FlushInterval = FlushInterval; this.ErrorLog = ErrorLog; this.BufferPool = BufferPool; this.ModifyResponse = ModifyResponse; this.ErrorHandler = ErrorHandler; }