public PaymentDto CreateRefundForOrder(PaymentDto paymentDto, long businessId)
            Payment payment = CreatePayment(paymentDto, PaymentStatusEnum.Created, PaymentTypeEnum.Refund, businessId);

            //return updated payment Dto
            return Mapper.Map<PaymentDto>(payment);
            public void VerifyIfDeletedPaymentIsSuccessful()
                // Arrange
                var paymentDto = new PaymentDto
                    Id = 1,
                    Amount = new decimal(10.00),
                    ReceivedDate = DateTime.Today,
                    Currency = new CurrencyDto { ISOCode = "GBP" },
                    PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethodDto { Code = PaymentMethodEnum.CreditCard.GetCode() },
                    PaymentSource = new PaymentSourceDto { Code = PaymentSourceEnum.Pms.GetCode() },
                    CardType = new CardTypeDto { Code = CardTypeEnum.Visa.GetCode() },
                    CardLast4Digits = "1234",
                    PaymentName = "John",
                    Notes = "New Payment"

                var existingPayment = new Model.Booking.Payment
                    Id = 1,
                    Amount = new decimal(10.00),
                    ReceivedDate = DateTime.Today,
                    Currency = new Currency("GBP"),
                    PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod(),
                    PaymentSource = new PaymentSource(),
                    CardType = new CardType(),
                    PaymentStatus = new PaymentStatus(),
                    PaymentType = new PaymentType(),
                    Notes = "New Payment"
                var paymentManager = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IPaymentManager>();
                paymentManager.Expect(x => x.GetPaymentByKey(paymentDto.Id)).Return(existingPayment);
                paymentManager.Expect(x => x.DeletePayment(Arg<Model.Booking.Payment>.Is.Anything)).Return(true);

                PropertyManagementSystemService.PaymentManager = paymentManager;

                // Act
                var result = PropertyManagementSystemService.DeletePaymentForOrder(paymentDto);

                // Assert
                Assert.IsTrue(result, "The payment wasn't deleted");
            public void CreateRefundForBookingCreatesRefund()
                // Arrange
                var paymentDto = new PaymentDto
                    Amount = new decimal(10.00),
                    ReceivedDate = DateTime.Today,
                    Currency = new CurrencyDto { ISOCode = "GBP" },
                    PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethodDto { Code = PaymentMethodEnum.CreditCard.GetCode() },
                    PaymentSource = new PaymentSourceDto { Code = PaymentSourceEnum.Pms.GetCode() },
                    CardType = new CardTypeDto { Code = CardTypeEnum.Visa.GetCode() },
                    CardLast4Digits = "1234",
                    PaymentName = "Johno",
                    Notes = "New Payment"

                var newPayment = new Model.Booking.Payment
                    Amount = new decimal(10.00),
                    ReceivedDate = DateTime.Today,
                    Currency = new Currency("GBP"),
                    PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethod(),
                    PaymentSource = new PaymentSource(),
                    CardType = new CardType(),
                    PaymentStatus = new PaymentStatus(),
                    PaymentType = new PaymentType(),
                    Notes = "New Payment"

                var paymentManager = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IPaymentManager>();
                paymentManager.Expect(x => x.CreatePaymentForOrder(Arg<Model.Booking.Payment>.Is.Anything, Arg<long>.Is.Anything));
                paymentManager.Expect(x => x.GetPaymentByKey(Arg<int>.Is.Anything)).Return(newPayment);

                PropertyManagementSystemService.PaymentManager = paymentManager;

                // Act
                PropertyManagementSystemService.CreateRefundForOrder(paymentDto, 1);

                // Assert
            public void CreatePaymentForBookingInvalidPaymentMethodThrowsValidationException()
                // Arrange
                var paymentDto = new PaymentDto
                    Amount = new decimal(10.00),
                    ReceivedDate = DateTime.Today,
                    Currency = new CurrencyDto { ISOCode = "GBP" },
                    PaymentMethod = new PaymentMethodDto { Code = "ABC" },
                    PaymentSource = new PaymentSourceDto { Code = PaymentSourceEnum.Pms.GetCode() },
                    CardType = new CardTypeDto { Code = CardTypeEnum.Visa.GetCode() },
                    CardLast4Digits = "1234",
                    PaymentName = "Johno",
                    Notes = "New Payment"

                    // Act
                    PropertyManagementSystemService.CreatePaymentForOrder(paymentDto, 1);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.Fail("An exception SRVEX30083 of type ValidationException should have been thrown");
                catch (AutoMapperMappingException ex)
                    if (ex.InnerException == null | !ex.InnerException.Message.Contains("is invalid for Enum type 'PaymentMethodEnum'"))
                        // Assert
                        Assert.Fail("The mapping exception is not returning the right error message");                    
        public bool DeletePaymentForOrder(PaymentDto paymentDto)
            //make sure payment object is valid
            if (paymentDto == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30072, "PropertyManagementSystemService.DeletePaymentForOrder"));

            //see if the payment we're trying to delete exists
            Payment payment = paymentManager.GetPaymentByKey(paymentDto.Id);
            if (payment == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30106, "PropertyManagementSystemService.DeletePaymentForOrder"));

            return paymentManager.DeletePayment(payment);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method contains the base service logic needed to make a payment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paymentDto">Payment Dto</param>
        /// <param name="paymentStatus">Payment Status</param>
        /// <param name="paymentType">Payment Type</param>
        private Payment CreatePayment(PaymentDto paymentDto, PaymentStatusEnum paymentStatus, PaymentTypeEnum paymentType, long businessId)
            Payment payment;

            //make sure payment object is valid
            if (paymentDto == null)
                throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30072, "PropertyManagementSystemService.CreatePayment"));

            // Convert to Model
                payment = Mapper.Map<Payment>(paymentDto);
            catch (InvalidEnumArgumentException ex)
                throw new ValidationException(ErrorFactory.CreateAndLogError(Errors.SRVEX30083, "PropertyManagementSystemService.CreatePayment", additionalDescriptionParameters: (new object[] { ex.Message })));

            payment.PaymentStatusEnum = paymentStatus;
            payment.PaymentTypeEnum = paymentType;

            //Create the payment
            paymentManager.CreatePaymentForOrder(payment, businessId);

            return paymentManager.GetPaymentByKey(payment.Id);