/// <summary>
        /// Tests the interpolation in the time and strike dimensions.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void volatilityTimeInterpolation()
            double forward      = 1.40;
            double timeToExpiry = 0.75;
            double strike       = 1.50;

            double[] vol050 = SMILE_TERM.VolatilityTerm.get(2).Volatility.toArray();
            double[] vol100 = SMILE_TERM.VolatilityTerm.get(3).Volatility.toArray();
            double[] vol    = new double[vol050.Length];
            for (int loopvol = 0; loopvol < vol050.Length; loopvol++)
                vol[loopvol] = Math.Sqrt(((vol050[loopvol] * vol050[loopvol] * TIME_TO_EXPIRY.get(2) + vol100[loopvol] * vol100[loopvol] * TIME_TO_EXPIRY.get(3)) / 2.0) / timeToExpiry);
            SmileDeltaParameters smile   = SmileDeltaParameters.of(timeToExpiry, DELTA, DoubleArray.copyOf(vol));
            DoubleArray          strikes = smile.strike(forward);
            double volExpected           = INTERPOLATOR_STRIKE.bind(strikes, DoubleArray.copyOf(vol), FLAT, FLAT).interpolate(strike);
            double volComputed           = SMILE_TERM.volatility(timeToExpiry, strike, forward);

            assertEquals(volComputed, volExpected, TOLERANCE_VOL, "Smile by delta term structure: vol interpolation on strike");
            double volTriple = SMILE_TERM.volatility(timeToExpiry, strike, forward);

            assertEquals(volTriple, volComputed, TOLERANCE_VOL, "Smile by delta term structure: vol interpolation on strike");
            InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure smileTerm2 = InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure.of(VOLATILITY_TERM, ACT_360);
            double volComputed2 = smileTerm2.volatility(timeToExpiry, strike, forward);

            assertEquals(volComputed2, volComputed, TOLERANCE_VOL, "Smile by delta term structure: vol interp on strike");
Esempio n. 2
 public virtual void test_presentValueSensitivity()
     for (int i = 0; i < NB_STRIKES; ++i)
         ResolvedFxVanillaOption        option        = CALLS[i];
         PointSensitivityBuilder        point         = PRICER.presentValueSensitivityRatesStickyStrike(option, RATES_PROVIDER, VOLS);
         CurrencyParameterSensitivities sensiComputed = RATES_PROVIDER.parameterSensitivity(point.build());
         double timeToExpiry = VOLS.relativeTime(EXPIRY);
         double forwardRate  = FX_PRICER.forwardFxRate(UNDERLYING[i], RATES_PROVIDER).fxRate(CURRENCY_PAIR);
         double strikeRate   = option.Strike;
         SmileDeltaParameters smileAtTime = VOLS.Smile.smileForExpiry(timeToExpiry);
         double[]             vols        = smileAtTime.Volatility.toArray();
         double df = RATES_PROVIDER.discountFactor(USD, PAY);
         CurrencyParameterSensitivities sensiExpected = FD_CAL.sensitivity(RATES_PROVIDER, p => PRICER.presentValue(option, p, VOLS));
         CurrencyParameterSensitivities sensiRes      = FD_CAL.sensitivity(RATES_PROVIDER, (ImmutableRatesProvider p) =>
             double fwd     = FX_PRICER.forwardFxRate(option.Underlying, p).fxRate(CURRENCY_PAIR);
             double[] strs  = smileAtTime.strike(fwd).toArray();
             double[] wghts = weights(fwd, strikeRate, strs, timeToExpiry, vols[1]);
             double res     = 0d;
             for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                 res += wghts[j] * (BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strs[j], timeToExpiry, vols[j], true) - BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strs[j], timeToExpiry, vols[1], true));
             return(CurrencyAmount.of(USD, -res * df * NOTIONAL));
         assertTrue(sensiComputed.equalWithTolerance(sensiExpected.combinedWith(sensiRes), FD_EPS * NOTIONAL * 10d));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the constructor directly from volatilities (not RR and S).
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void constructorVolatility()
            DoubleArray          volatility          = SMILE.Volatility;
            SmileDeltaParameters smileFromVolatility = SmileDeltaParameters.of(TIME_TO_EXPIRY, DELTA, volatility, PARAMETER_METADATA);

            assertEquals(smileFromVolatility, SMILE, "Smile by delta: constructor");
 static InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructureTest()
     for (int loopexp = 0; loopexp < NB_EXP; loopexp++)
         VOLATILITY_TERM.Add(SmileDeltaParameters.of(TIME_TO_EXPIRY.get(loopexp), ATM.get(loopexp), DELTA, DoubleArray.copyOf(RISK_REVERSAL.toArray()[loopexp]), DoubleArray.copyOf(STRANGLE.toArray()[loopexp])));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the price of the foreign exchange vanilla option product.
        /// <para>
        /// The price of the product is the value on the valuation date for one unit of the base currency
        /// and is expressed in the counter currency. The price does not take into account the long/short flag.
        /// See <seealso cref="#presentValue"/> for scaling and currency.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">  the option product </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider </param>
        /// <param name="volatilities">  the Black volatility provider </param>
        /// <returns> the price of the product </returns>
        public virtual double price(ResolvedFxVanillaOption option, RatesProvider ratesProvider, BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities volatilities)
            validate(ratesProvider, volatilities);
            double timeToExpiry = volatilities.relativeTime(option.Expiry);

            if (timeToExpiry <= 0d)
            ResolvedFxSingle     underlyingFx = option.Underlying;
            Currency             ccyCounter   = option.CounterCurrency;
            double               df           = ratesProvider.discountFactor(ccyCounter, underlyingFx.PaymentDate);
            FxRate               forward      = fxPricer.forwardFxRate(underlyingFx, ratesProvider);
            CurrencyPair         currencyPair = underlyingFx.CurrencyPair;
            double               forwardRate  = forward.fxRate(currencyPair);
            double               strikeRate   = option.Strike;
            bool                 isCall       = option.PutCall.Call;
            SmileDeltaParameters smileAtTime  = volatilities.Smile.smileForExpiry(timeToExpiry);

            double[] strikes = smileAtTime.strike(forwardRate).toArray();
            double[] vols    = smileAtTime.Volatility.toArray();
            double   volAtm  = vols[1];

            double[] x        = vannaVolgaWeights(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, strikes);
            double   priceFwd = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 2)
                double priceFwdAtm   = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);
                double priceFwdSmile = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, vols[i], isCall);
                priceFwd += x[i] * (priceFwdSmile - priceFwdAtm);
            return(df * priceFwd);
Esempio n. 6
 public virtual void test_price_presentValue()
     for (int i = 0; i < NB_STRIKES; ++i)
         ResolvedFxVanillaOption      call      = CALLS[i];
         ResolvedFxVanillaOptionTrade callTrade = ResolvedFxVanillaOptionTrade.builder().product(call).premium(Payment.of(EUR, 0, VAL_DATE)).build();
         double               computedPriceCall = PRICER.price(call, RATES_PROVIDER, VOLS);
         CurrencyAmount       computedCall      = PRICER.presentValue(call, RATES_PROVIDER, VOLS);
         double               timeToExpiry      = VOLS.relativeTime(EXPIRY);
         FxRate               forward           = FX_PRICER.forwardFxRate(UNDERLYING[i], RATES_PROVIDER);
         double               forwardRate       = forward.fxRate(CURRENCY_PAIR);
         double               strikeRate        = call.Strike;
         SmileDeltaParameters smileAtTime       = VOLS.Smile.smileForExpiry(timeToExpiry);
         double[]             strikes           = smileAtTime.strike(forwardRate).toArray();
         double[]             vols              = smileAtTime.Volatility.toArray();
         double               df                = RATES_PROVIDER.discountFactor(USD, PAY);
         double[]             weights           = this.weights(forwardRate, strikeRate, strikes, timeToExpiry, vols[1]);
         double               expectedPriceCall = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, vols[1], true);
         for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
             expectedPriceCall += weights[j] * (BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[j], timeToExpiry, vols[j], true) - BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[j], timeToExpiry, vols[1], true));
         expectedPriceCall *= df;
         assertEquals(computedPriceCall, expectedPriceCall, TOL);
         assertEquals(computedCall.Amount, expectedPriceCall * NOTIONAL, TOL * NOTIONAL);
         // test against trade pricer
         assertEquals(computedCall, TRADE_PRICER.presentValue(callTrade, RATES_PROVIDER, VOLS).getAmount(USD));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the getters.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void getter()
            assertEquals(SMILE.Expiry, TIME_TO_EXPIRY, "Smile by delta: time to expiry");
            assertEquals(SMILE.Delta, DELTA, "Smile by delta: delta");
            SmileDeltaParameters smile2 = SmileDeltaParameters.of(TIME_TO_EXPIRY, DELTA, SMILE.Volatility);

            assertEquals(smile2.Volatility, SMILE.Volatility, "Smile by delta: volatility");
Esempio n. 8
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj == this)
     if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == this.GetType())
         SmileDeltaParameters other = (SmileDeltaParameters)obj;
         return(JodaBeanUtils.equal(expiry, other.expiry) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(delta, other.delta) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(volatility, other.volatility) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(parameterMetadata, other.parameterMetadata));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the extrapolation above the last expiry.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void volatilityAboveLastExpiry()
            double forward               = 1.40;
            double timeToExpiry          = 5.00;
            double strike                = 1.45;
            SmileDeltaParameters smile   = SmileDeltaParameters.of(timeToExpiry, ATM.toArray()[NB_EXP - 1], DELTA, DoubleArray.copyOf(RISK_REVERSAL.toArray()[NB_EXP - 1]), DoubleArray.copyOf(STRANGLE.toArray()[NB_EXP - 1]));
            DoubleArray          strikes = smile.strike(forward);
            DoubleArray          vol     = smile.Volatility;
            double volExpected           = INTERPOLATOR_STRIKE.bind(strikes, vol, FLAT, FLAT).interpolate(strike);
            double volComputed           = SMILE_TERM.volatility(timeToExpiry, strike, forward);

            assertEquals(volComputed, volExpected, TOLERANCE_VOL, "Smile by delta term structure: vol interpolation on strike");
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the currency exposure of the foreign exchange vanilla option product.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">  the option product </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider </param>
        /// <param name="volatilities">  the Black volatility provider </param>
        /// <returns> the currency exposure </returns>
        public virtual MultiCurrencyAmount currencyExposure(ResolvedFxVanillaOption option, RatesProvider ratesProvider, BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities volatilities)
            validate(ratesProvider, volatilities);
            double timeToExpiry = volatilities.relativeTime(option.Expiry);

            if (timeToExpiry <= 0d)
            ResolvedFxSingle     underlyingFx           = option.Underlying;
            Currency             ccyCounter             = option.CounterCurrency;
            double               df                     = ratesProvider.discountFactor(ccyCounter, underlyingFx.PaymentDate);
            FxRate               forward                = fxPricer.forwardFxRate(underlyingFx, ratesProvider);
            CurrencyPair         currencyPair           = underlyingFx.CurrencyPair;
            double               spot                   = ratesProvider.fxRate(currencyPair);
            double               forwardRate            = forward.fxRate(currencyPair);
            double               fwdRateSpotSensitivity = fxPricer.forwardFxRateSpotSensitivity(option.PutCall.Call ? underlyingFx : underlyingFx.inverse(), ratesProvider);
            double               strikeRate             = option.Strike;
            bool                 isCall                 = option.PutCall.Call;
            SmileDeltaParameters smileAtTime            = volatilities.Smile.smileForExpiry(timeToExpiry);

            double[] strikes = smileAtTime.strike(forwardRate).toArray();
            double[] vols    = smileAtTime.Volatility.toArray();
            double   volAtm  = vols[1];

            double[] x        = vannaVolgaWeights(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, strikes);
            double   priceFwd = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);
            double   deltaFwd = BlackFormulaRepository.delta(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 2)
                double priceFwdAtm   = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);
                double priceFwdSmile = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, vols[i], isCall);
                priceFwd += x[i] * (priceFwdSmile - priceFwdAtm);
                double deltaFwdAtm   = BlackFormulaRepository.delta(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);
                double deltaFwdSmile = BlackFormulaRepository.delta(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, vols[i], isCall);
                deltaFwd += x[i] * (deltaFwdSmile - deltaFwdAtm);
            double         price          = df * priceFwd;
            double         delta          = df * deltaFwd * fwdRateSpotSensitivity;
            double         signedNotional = this.signedNotional(option);
            CurrencyAmount domestic       = CurrencyAmount.of(currencyPair.Counter, (price - delta * spot) * signedNotional);
            CurrencyAmount foreign        = CurrencyAmount.of(currencyPair.Base, delta * signedNotional);

            return(MultiCurrencyAmount.of(domestic, foreign));
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the present value sensitivity of the foreign exchange vanilla option product.
        /// <para>
        /// The present value sensitivity of the product is the sensitivity of <seealso cref="#presentValue"/> to
        /// the underlying curves.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The implied strikes and weights are fixed in this sensitivity computation.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">  the option product </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider </param>
        /// <param name="volatilities">  the Black volatility provider </param>
        /// <returns> the present value curve sensitivity of the product </returns>
        public virtual PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivityRatesStickyStrike(ResolvedFxVanillaOption option, RatesProvider ratesProvider, BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities volatilities)
            validate(ratesProvider, volatilities);
            double timeToExpiry = volatilities.relativeTime(option.Expiry);

            if (timeToExpiry <= 0d)
            ResolvedFxSingle     underlyingFx = option.Underlying;
            Currency             ccyCounter   = option.CounterCurrency;
            double               df           = ratesProvider.discountFactor(ccyCounter, underlyingFx.PaymentDate);
            FxRate               forward      = fxPricer.forwardFxRate(underlyingFx, ratesProvider);
            CurrencyPair         currencyPair = underlyingFx.CurrencyPair;
            double               forwardRate  = forward.fxRate(currencyPair);
            double               strikeRate   = option.Strike;
            bool                 isCall       = option.PutCall.Call;
            SmileDeltaParameters smileAtTime  = volatilities.Smile.smileForExpiry(timeToExpiry);

            double[] strikes = smileAtTime.strike(forwardRate).toArray();
            double[] vols    = smileAtTime.Volatility.toArray();
            double   volAtm  = vols[1];

            double[] x        = vannaVolgaWeights(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, strikes);
            double   priceFwd = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);
            double   deltaFwd = BlackFormulaRepository.delta(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 2)
                double priceFwdAtm   = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);
                double priceFwdSmile = BlackFormulaRepository.price(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, vols[i], isCall);
                priceFwd += x[i] * (priceFwdSmile - priceFwdAtm);
                double deltaFwdAtm   = BlackFormulaRepository.delta(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, volAtm, isCall);
                double deltaFwdSmile = BlackFormulaRepository.delta(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, vols[i], isCall);
                deltaFwd += x[i] * (deltaFwdSmile - deltaFwdAtm);
            double signedNotional            = this.signedNotional(option);
            PointSensitivityBuilder dfSensi  = ratesProvider.discountFactors(ccyCounter).zeroRatePointSensitivity(underlyingFx.PaymentDate).multipliedBy(priceFwd * signedNotional);
            PointSensitivityBuilder fwdSensi = fxPricer.forwardFxRatePointSensitivity(option.PutCall.Call ? underlyingFx : underlyingFx.inverse(), ratesProvider).multipliedBy(df * deltaFwd * signedNotional);

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the present value sensitivity to the black volatilities used in the pricing.
        /// <para>
        /// The implied strikes and weights are fixed in this sensitivity computation.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="option">  the option product </param>
        /// <param name="ratesProvider">  the rates provider </param>
        /// <param name="volatilities">  the Black volatility provider </param>
        /// <returns> the present value sensitivity </returns>
        public virtual PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivityModelParamsVolatility(ResolvedFxVanillaOption option, RatesProvider ratesProvider, BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities volatilities)
            validate(ratesProvider, volatilities);
            double timeToExpiry = volatilities.relativeTime(option.Expiry);

            if (timeToExpiry <= 0d)
            ResolvedFxSingle     underlyingFx = option.Underlying;
            Currency             ccyCounter   = option.CounterCurrency;
            double               df           = ratesProvider.discountFactor(ccyCounter, underlyingFx.PaymentDate);
            FxRate               forward      = fxPricer.forwardFxRate(underlyingFx, ratesProvider);
            CurrencyPair         currencyPair = underlyingFx.CurrencyPair;
            double               forwardRate  = forward.fxRate(currencyPair);
            double               strikeRate   = option.Strike;
            SmileDeltaParameters smileAtTime  = volatilities.Smile.smileForExpiry(timeToExpiry);

            double[] strikes = smileAtTime.strike(forwardRate).toArray();
            double[] vols    = smileAtTime.Volatility.toArray();
            double   volAtm  = vols[1];

            double[] x                         = vannaVolgaWeights(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm, strikes);
            double   vegaAtm                   = BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, volAtm);
            double   signedNotional            = this.signedNotional(option);
            PointSensitivityBuilder sensiSmile = PointSensitivityBuilder.none();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i += 2)
                double vegaFwdAtm = BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, volAtm);
                vegaAtm -= x[i] * vegaFwdAtm;
                double vegaFwdSmile = BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forwardRate, strikes[i], timeToExpiry, vols[i]);
                sensiSmile = sensiSmile.combinedWith(FxOptionSensitivity.of(volatilities.Name, currencyPair, timeToExpiry, strikes[i], forwardRate, ccyCounter, df * signedNotional * x[i] * vegaFwdSmile));
            FxOptionSensitivity sensiAtm = FxOptionSensitivity.of(volatilities.Name, currencyPair, timeToExpiry, strikes[1], forwardRate, ccyCounter, df * signedNotional * vegaAtm);

Esempio n. 13
        public virtual void test_presentValueSensitivityVolatility()
            for (int i = 0; i < NB_STRIKES; ++i)
                PointSensitivities   computedCall = PRICER.presentValueSensitivityModelParamsVolatility(CALLS[i], RATES_PROVIDER, VOLS).build();
                double               timeToExpiry = VOLS.relativeTime(EXPIRY);
                FxRate               forward      = FX_PRICER.forwardFxRate(UNDERLYING[i], RATES_PROVIDER);
                double               forwardRate  = forward.fxRate(CURRENCY_PAIR);
                double               strikeRate   = CALLS[i].Strike;
                SmileDeltaParameters smileAtTime  = VOLS.Smile.smileForExpiry(timeToExpiry);
                double[]             strikes      = smileAtTime.strike(forwardRate).toArray();
                double[]             vols         = smileAtTime.Volatility.toArray();
                double               df           = RATES_PROVIDER.discountFactor(USD, PAY);
                double[]             weights      = this.weights(forwardRate, strikeRate, strikes, timeToExpiry, vols[1]);
                double[]             vegas        = new double[3];
                vegas[2] = BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forwardRate, strikeRate, timeToExpiry, vols[1]) * df * NOTIONAL;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j += 2)
                    vegas[2] -= weights[j] * NOTIONAL *df *BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forwardRate, strikes[j], timeToExpiry, vols[1]);
                vegas[0] = weights[0] * NOTIONAL *df *BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forwardRate, strikes[0], timeToExpiry, vols[0]);

                vegas[1] = weights[2] * NOTIONAL *df *BlackFormulaRepository.vega(forwardRate, strikes[2], timeToExpiry, vols[2]);

                double[] expStrikes = new double[] { strikes[0], strikes[2], strikes[1] };
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                    FxOptionSensitivity sensi = (FxOptionSensitivity)computedCall.Sensitivities.get(j);
                    assertEquals(sensi.Sensitivity, vegas[j], TOL * NOTIONAL);
                    assertEquals(sensi.Strike, expStrikes[j], TOL);
                    assertEquals(sensi.Forward, forwardRate, TOL);
                    assertEquals(sensi.Currency, USD);
                    assertEquals(sensi.CurrencyPair, CURRENCY_PAIR);
                    assertEquals(sensi.Expiry, timeToExpiry);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the interpolation and its derivative with respect to the data by comparison to finite difference.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void volatilityAjoint()
            double forward = 1.40;

            double[] timeToExpiry = new double[] { 0.75, 1.00, 2.50 };
            double[] strike       = new double[] { 1.50, 1.70, 2.20 };
            double[] tolerance    = new double[] { 3e-2, 1e-1, 1e-5 };
            int      nbTest       = strike.Length;
            double   shift        = 0.00001;

            for (int looptest = 0; looptest < nbTest; looptest++)
                double vol = SMILE_TERM.volatility(timeToExpiry[looptest], strike[looptest], forward);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
//ORIGINAL LINE: double[][] bucketTest = new double[TIME_TO_EXPIRY.size()][2 * DELTA.size() + 1];
                double[][] bucketTest = RectangularArrays.ReturnRectangularDoubleArray(TIME_TO_EXPIRY.size(), 2 * DELTA.size() + 1);
                VolatilityAndBucketedSensitivities volComputed = SMILE_TERM.volatilityAndSensitivities(timeToExpiry[looptest], strike[looptest], forward);
                DoubleMatrix bucketSensi = volComputed.Sensitivities;
                assertEquals(volComputed.Volatility, vol, 1.0E-10, "Smile by delta term structure: volatility adjoint");
                SmileDeltaParameters[] volData = new SmileDeltaParameters[TIME_TO_EXPIRY.size()];
                double[] volBumped             = new double[2 * DELTA.size() + 1];
                for (int loopexp = 0; loopexp < TIME_TO_EXPIRY.size(); loopexp++)
                    for (int loopsmile = 0; loopsmile < 2 * DELTA.size() + 1; loopsmile++)
                        Array.Copy(SMILE_TERM.VolatilityTerm.toArray(), 0, volData, 0, TIME_TO_EXPIRY.size());
                        Array.Copy(SMILE_TERM.VolatilityTerm.get(loopexp).Volatility.toArray(), 0, volBumped, 0, 2 * DELTA.size() + 1);
                        volBumped[loopsmile] += shift;
                        volData[loopexp]      = SmileDeltaParameters.of(TIME_TO_EXPIRY.get(loopexp), DELTA, DoubleArray.copyOf(volBumped));
                        InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure smileTermBumped = InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure.of(ImmutableList.copyOf(volData), ACT_360);
                        bucketTest[loopexp][loopsmile] = (smileTermBumped.volatility(timeToExpiry[looptest], strike[looptest], forward) - volComputed.Volatility) / shift;
                        assertEquals(bucketSensi.get(loopexp, loopsmile), bucketTest[loopexp][loopsmile], tolerance[looptest], "Smile by delta term structure: (test: " + looptest + ") volatility bucket sensitivity " + loopexp + " - " + loopsmile);
Esempio n. 15
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testStrangleLength()
        public virtual void testStrangleLength()
            SmileDeltaParameters.of(TIME_TO_EXPIRY, ATM, DELTA, RISK_REVERSAL, DoubleArray.filled(3));
 private SmileAndBucketedSensitivities(SmileDeltaParameters smile, DoubleMatrix sensitivities)
     JodaBeanUtils.notNull(sensitivities, "sensitivities");
     this.smile         = smile;
     this.sensitivities = sensitivities;
 /// <summary>
 /// Obtains an instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="smile">  the smile </param>
 /// <param name="sensitivities">  the bucketed sensitivities </param>
 /// <returns> the volatility and sensitivities </returns>
 public static SmileAndBucketedSensitivities of(SmileDeltaParameters smile, DoubleMatrix sensitivities)
     return(new SmileAndBucketedSensitivities(smile, sensitivities));
Esempio n. 18
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testRRLength()
        public virtual void testRRLength()
            SmileDeltaParameters.of(TIME_TO_EXPIRY, ATM, DELTA, DoubleArray.filled(3), STRANGLE);
Esempio n. 19
        // bumping a node point at (nodeExpiry, nodeDelta)
        private double nodeSensitivity(BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities provider, CurrencyPair pair, ZonedDateTime expiry, double strike, double forward, double nodeExpiry, double nodeDelta)
            double strikeMod  = provider.CurrencyPair.Equals(pair) ? strike : 1.0 / strike;
            double forwardMod = provider.CurrencyPair.Equals(pair) ? forward : 1.0 / forward;

            InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure smileTerm = (InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure)provider.Smile;

            double[] times  = smileTerm.Expiries.toArray();
            int      nTimes = times.Length;

            SmileDeltaParameters[] volTermUp = new SmileDeltaParameters[nTimes];
            SmileDeltaParameters[] volTermDw = new SmileDeltaParameters[nTimes];
            int deltaIndex = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < nTimes; ++i)
                DoubleArray deltas       = smileTerm.VolatilityTerm.get(i).Delta;
                int         nDeltas      = deltas.size();
                int         nDeltasTotal = 2 * nDeltas + 1;
                double[]    deltasTotal  = new double[nDeltasTotal];
                deltasTotal[nDeltas] = 0.5d;
                for (int j = 0; j < nDeltas; ++j)
                    deltasTotal[j] = 1d - deltas.get(j);
                    deltasTotal[2 * nDeltas - j] = deltas.get(j);
                double[] volsUp = smileTerm.VolatilityTerm.get(i).Volatility.toArray();
                double[] volsDw = smileTerm.VolatilityTerm.get(i).Volatility.toArray();
                if (Math.Abs(times[i] - nodeExpiry) < TOLERANCE)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nDeltasTotal; ++j)
                        if (Math.Abs(deltasTotal[j] - nodeDelta) < TOLERANCE)
                            deltaIndex = j;
                            volsUp[j] += EPS;
                            volsDw[j] -= EPS;
                volTermUp[i] = SmileDeltaParameters.of(times[i], deltas, DoubleArray.copyOf(volsUp));
                volTermDw[i] = SmileDeltaParameters.of(times[i], deltas, DoubleArray.copyOf(volsDw));
            InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure smileTermUp = InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure.of(ImmutableList.copyOf(volTermUp), ACT_365F);
            InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure smileTermDw = InterpolatedStrikeSmileDeltaTermStructure.of(ImmutableList.copyOf(volTermDw), ACT_365F);
            BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities            provUp      = BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities.of(NAME, CURRENCY_PAIR, VAL_DATE_TIME, smileTermUp);
            BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities            provDw      = BlackFxOptionSmileVolatilities.of(NAME, CURRENCY_PAIR, VAL_DATE_TIME, smileTermDw);
            double volUp      = provUp.volatility(pair, expiry, strike, forward);
            double volDw      = provDw.volatility(pair, expiry, strike, forward);
            double totalSensi = 0.5 * (volUp - volDw) / EPS;

            double expiryTime = provider.relativeTime(expiry);
            SmileDeltaParameters singleSmile = smileTerm.smileForExpiry(expiryTime);

            double[] strikesUp = singleSmile.strike(forwardMod).toArray();
            double[] strikesDw = strikesUp.Clone();
            double[] vols      = singleSmile.Volatility.toArray();
            strikesUp[deltaIndex] += EPS;
            strikesDw[deltaIndex] -= EPS;
            double volStrikeUp = LINEAR.bind(DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(strikesUp), DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(vols), FLAT, FLAT).interpolate(strikeMod);
            double volStrikeDw = LINEAR.bind(DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(strikesDw), DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(vols), FLAT, FLAT).interpolate(strikeMod);
            double sensiStrike = 0.5 * (volStrikeUp - volStrikeDw) / EPS;
            SmileDeltaParameters singleSmileUp = smileTermUp.smileForExpiry(expiryTime);
            double strikeUp = singleSmileUp.strike(forwardMod).get(deltaIndex);
            SmileDeltaParameters singleSmileDw = smileTermDw.smileForExpiry(expiryTime);
            double strikeDw = singleSmileDw.strike(forwardMod).get(deltaIndex);
            double sensiVol = 0.5 * (strikeUp - strikeDw) / EPS;

            return(totalSensi - sensiStrike * sensiVol);
Esempio n. 20
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testNullDelta()
        public virtual void testNullDelta()
            SmileDeltaParameters.of(TIME_TO_EXPIRY, ATM, null, RISK_REVERSAL, STRANGLE);