public void Query(object context, cpBB bb, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, object node) { if (root != null) { SubtreeQuery(root, context, bb, func, ref node); } }
/// Returns the fraction along the segment query the cpBB is hit. Returns INFINITY if it doesn't hit. public static float SegmentQuery(cpBB bb, cpVect a, cpVect b) { float idx = 1.0f / (b.x - a.x); float tx1 = (bb.l == a.x ? -cp.Infinity : (bb.l - a.x) * idx); float tx2 = (bb.r == a.x ? cp.Infinity : (bb.r - a.x) * idx); float txmin = cp.cpfmin(tx1, tx2); float txmax = cp.cpfmax(tx1, tx2); float idy = 1.0f / (b.y - a.y); float ty1 = (bb.b == a.y ? -cp.Infinity : (bb.b - a.y) * idy); float ty2 = (bb.t == a.y ? cp.Infinity : (bb.t - a.y) * idy); float tymin = cp.cpfmin(ty1, ty2); float tymax = cp.cpfmax(ty1, ty2); if (tymin <= txmax && txmin <= tymax) { float min = cp.cpfmax(txmin, tymin); float max = cp.cpfmin(txmax, tymax); if (0.0 <= max && min <= 1.0) { return(cp.cpfmax(min, 0.0f)); } } return(cp.Infinity); }
public static cpTransform Ortho(cpBB bb) { return(NewTranspose( 2.0f / (bb.r - bb.l), 0.0f, -(bb.r + bb.l) / (bb.r - bb.l), 0.0f, 2.0f / (bb.t - bb.b), -(bb.t + bb.b) / (bb.t - bb.b) )); }
public BBQueryContext(cpBB bb1, cpShapeFilter filter1, cpSpaceBBQueryFunc func1) { // TODO: Complete member initialization = bb1; this.filter = filter1; this.func = func1; }
public cpShape PointQueryNearest(cpVect point, float maxDistance, cpShapeFilter filter, ref cpPointQueryInfo output) { cpPointQueryInfo info = new cpPointQueryInfo(null, cpVect.Zero, maxDistance, cpVect.Zero); if (output == null) { output = info; } PointQueryContext context = new PointQueryContext( point, maxDistance, filter, null ); cpBB bb = cpBB.cpBBNewForCircle(point, cp.cpfmax(maxDistance, 0.0f)); object outp = (object)output; this.dynamicShapes.Query(context, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) => NearestPointQueryNearest(o1, (cpShape)o2, s, ref outp) , null); this.staticShapes.Query(context, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) => NearestPointQueryNearest(o1, (cpShape)o2, s, ref outp) , null); output = (cpPointQueryInfo)outp; return(output.shape); }
public static cpBB Expand(cpBB bb, cpVect v) { return(new cpBB( cp.cpfmin(bb.l, v.x), cp.cpfmin(bb.b, v.y), cp.cpfmax(bb.r, v.x), cp.cpfmax(bb.t, v.y) )); }
public static cpBB Merge(cpBB a, cpBB b) { return(new cpBB( cp.cpfmin(a.l, b.l), cp.cpfmin(a.b, b.b), cp.cpfmax(a.r, b.r), cp.cpfmax(a.t, b.t) )); }
//public static cpVect CentroidForPoly(cpVect[] verts) //{ // return CentroidForPoly(verts.Length, verts); //} public static float MomentForBox2(float m, cpBB box) { var width = box.r - box.l; var height = box.t - box.b; var offset = cpVect.cpvmult(new cpVect(box.l + box.r, box.b + box.t), 0.5f); // TODO NaN when offset is 0 and m is INFINITY return(MomentForBox(m, width, height) + m * cpVect.cpvlengthsq(offset)); }
public void PointQuery(cpVect point, float maxDistance, cpShapeFilter filter, cpSpacePointQueryFunc func, object data) { PointQueryContext context = new PointQueryContext(point, maxDistance, filter, func); cpBB bb = cpBB.cpBBNewForCircle(point, cp.cpfmax(maxDistance, 0.0f)); Lock(); { this.staticShapes.Query(context, bb, (ctx, shape, colid, o) => NearestPointQuery((PointQueryContext)ctx, shape as cpShape, colid, o), data); this.dynamicShapes.Query(context, bb, (ctx, shape, colid, o) => NearestPointQuery((PointQueryContext)ctx, shape as cpShape, colid, o), data); } Unlock(true); }
public static cpPolyShape BoxShape2(cpBody body, cpBB box, float radius) { cpVect[] verts = new cpVect[] { new cpVect(box.r, box.b), new cpVect(box.r, box.t), new cpVect(box.l, box.t), new cpVect(box.l, box.b), }; return(new cpPolyShape(body, 4, verts, radius)); }
/// Transform a cpBB. public static cpBB BB(cpTransform t, cpBB bb) { cpVect center = cpBB.Center(bb); float hw = (bb.r - bb.l) * 0.5f; float hh = (bb.t - bb.b) * 0.5f; float a = t.a * hw, b = t.c * hh, d = t.b * hw, e = t.d * hh; float hw_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(a + b), cp.cpfabs(a - b)); float hh_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(d + e), cp.cpfabs(d - e)); return(cpBB.NewForExtents(Point(t, center), hw_max, hh_max)); }
/// Wrap a vector to a bounding box. public static cpVect WrapVect(cpBB bb, cpVect v) { // wrap a vector to a bbox float ix = cp.cpfabs(bb.r - bb.l); float modx = (v.x - bb.l) % ix; float x = (modx > 0) ? modx : modx + ix; float iy = cp.cpfabs(bb.t - bb.b); float mody = (v.y - bb.b) % iy; float y = (mody > 0) ? mody : mody + iy; return(new cpVect(x + bb.l, y + bb.b)); }
public void SubtreeQuery(Node subtree, object obj, cpBB bb, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, ref object data) { //if(bbIntersectsBB(, bb)){ if ( { if (subtree.isLeaf) { func(obj, subtree.obj, 0, data); } else { SubtreeQuery(subtree.A, obj, bb, func, ref data); SubtreeQuery(subtree.B, obj, bb, func, ref data); } } }
public void BBQuery(cpBB bb, cpShapeFilter filter, cpSpaceBBQueryFunc func, object data) { BBQueryContext context = new BBQueryContext(bb, filter, func); Lock(); { this.staticShapes.Query(context, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) => BBQueryFunc((BBQueryContext)o1, o2 as cpShape, s, o3) , data); this.dynamicShapes.Query(context, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) => BBQueryFunc((BBQueryContext)o1, o2 as cpShape, s, o3) , data); } Unlock(true); }
public cpBB GetBB(IObjectBox obj) { cpBB bb =; var velocityFunc = this.velocityFunc; // tree->velocityFunc; if (velocityFunc != null) { float coef = 0.1f; float x = (bb.r - bb.l) * coef; float y = (bb.t - bb.b) * coef; cpVect v = cpVect.cpvmult(velocityFunc(obj), 0.1f); return(new cpBB(bb.l + cp.cpfmin(-x, v.x), bb.b + cp.cpfmin(-y, v.y), bb.r + cp.cpfmax(x, v.x), bb.t + cp.cpfmax(y, v.y))); } else { return(bb); } }
public bool ShapeQuery(cpShape shape, cpSpaceShapeQueryFunc func, object data) { cpBody body = shape.body; cpBB bb = (body != null ? shape.Update(body.transform) :; ShapeQueryContext context = new ShapeQueryContext(func, data, false); object ctx = (object)context; Lock(); { this.staticShapes.Query(shape, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) => ShapeQueryFunc(o1 as cpShape, o2 as cpShape, s, (ShapeQueryContext)o3) , ctx); this.dynamicShapes.Query(shape, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) => ShapeQueryFunc(o1 as cpShape, o2 as cpShape, s, (ShapeQueryContext)o3) , ctx); } Unlock(true); return(((ShapeQueryContext)ctx).anyCollision); }
public float Proximity(cpBB b) { return(Proximity(this, b)); }
/// Returns a bounding box that holds both bounding boxes. public cpBB Merge(cpBB a) { return(Merge(this, a)); }
public float MergedArea(cpBB a) { return(MergedArea(this, a)); }
public static bool ContainsBB(cpBB bb, cpBB other) { return(bb.l <= other.l && bb.r >= other.r && bb.b <= other.b && bb.t >= other.t); }
public static bool ContainsVect(cpBB bb, cpVect v) { return(bb.l <= v.x && bb.r >= v.x && bb.b <= v.y && bb.t >= v.y); }
/// Returns true if @c a and @c b intersect. public bool Intersects(cpBB a) { return(Intersects(this, a)); }
/// Returns true if @c other lies completely within @c bb. public bool ContainsBB(cpBB other) { return(ContainsBB(this, other)); }
public static float Proximity(cpBB a, cpBB b) { return(cp.cpfabs(a.l + a.r - b.l - b.r) + cp.cpfabs(a.b + a.t - b.b - b.t)); }
/// Merges @c a and @c b and returns the area of the merged bounding box. public static float MergedArea(cpBB a, cpBB b) { return((cp.cpfmax(a.r, b.r) - cp.cpfmin(a.l, b.l)) * (cp.cpfmax(a.t, b.t) - cp.cpfmin(a.b, b.b))); }
/// Convenience constructor for cpBB structs. public static cpBB cpBBNew(float l, float b, float r, float t) { cpBB bb = new cpBB(l, b, r, t); return(bb); }
//// **** All Important cpSpaceStep() Function /// Returns true if @c a and @c b intersect. public static bool bbIntersects(cpBB a, cpBB b) { return(a.l <= b.r && b.l <= a.r && a.b <= b.t && b.b <= a.t);; }
/// Clamp a vector to a bounding box. public static cpVect ClampVect(cpBB bb, cpVect v) { return(cpVect.cpv(cp.cpfclamp(v.x, bb.l, bb.r), cp.cpfclamp(v.y, bb.b, bb.t))); }
public static bool bbIntersects2(cpBB bb, float l, float b, float r, float t) { return(bb.l <= r && l <= bb.r && bb.b <= t && b <= bb.t); }
/// Return true if the bounding box intersects the line segment with ends @c a and @c b. public static bool IntersectsSegment(cpBB bb, cpVect a, cpVect b) { return(SegmentQuery(bb, a, b) != cp.Infinity); }