Beispiel #1
 public void Query(object context, cpBB bb, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, object node)
     if (root != null)
         SubtreeQuery(root, context, bb, func, ref node);
        /// Returns the fraction along the segment query the cpBB is hit. Returns INFINITY if it doesn't hit.
        public static float SegmentQuery(cpBB bb, cpVect a, cpVect b)
            float idx   = 1.0f / (b.x - a.x);
            float tx1   = (bb.l == a.x ? -cp.Infinity : (bb.l - a.x) * idx);
            float tx2   = (bb.r == a.x ? cp.Infinity : (bb.r - a.x) * idx);
            float txmin = cp.cpfmin(tx1, tx2);
            float txmax = cp.cpfmax(tx1, tx2);

            float idy   = 1.0f / (b.y - a.y);
            float ty1   = (bb.b == a.y ? -cp.Infinity : (bb.b - a.y) * idy);
            float ty2   = (bb.t == a.y ? cp.Infinity : (bb.t - a.y) * idy);
            float tymin = cp.cpfmin(ty1, ty2);
            float tymax = cp.cpfmax(ty1, ty2);

            if (tymin <= txmax && txmin <= tymax)
                float min = cp.cpfmax(txmin, tymin);
                float max = cp.cpfmin(txmax, tymax);

                if (0.0 <= max && min <= 1.0)
                    return(cp.cpfmax(min, 0.0f));

Beispiel #3
 public static cpTransform Ortho(cpBB bb)
                2.0f / (bb.r - bb.l), 0.0f, -(bb.r + bb.l) / (bb.r - bb.l),
                0.0f, 2.0f / (bb.t - bb.b), -(bb.t + bb.b) / (bb.t - bb.b)
Beispiel #4
 public BBQueryContext(cpBB bb1, cpShapeFilter filter1, cpSpaceBBQueryFunc func1)
     // TODO: Complete member initialization     = bb1;
     this.filter = filter1;
     this.func   = func1;
Beispiel #5
        public cpShape PointQueryNearest(cpVect point, float maxDistance, cpShapeFilter filter, ref cpPointQueryInfo output)
            cpPointQueryInfo info = new cpPointQueryInfo(null, cpVect.Zero, maxDistance, cpVect.Zero);

            if (output == null)
                output = info;

            PointQueryContext context = new PointQueryContext(
                point, maxDistance,

            cpBB bb = cpBB.cpBBNewForCircle(point, cp.cpfmax(maxDistance, 0.0f));

            object outp = (object)output;

            this.dynamicShapes.Query(context, bb,
                                     (o1, o2, s, o3) => NearestPointQueryNearest(o1, (cpShape)o2, s, ref outp)
                                     , null);

            this.staticShapes.Query(context, bb,
                                    (o1, o2, s, o3) => NearestPointQueryNearest(o1, (cpShape)o2, s, ref outp)
                                    , null);

            output = (cpPointQueryInfo)outp;

 public static cpBB Expand(cpBB bb, cpVect v)
     return(new cpBB(
                cp.cpfmin(bb.l, v.x),
                cp.cpfmin(bb.b, v.y),
                cp.cpfmax(bb.r, v.x),
                cp.cpfmax(bb.t, v.y)
 public static cpBB Merge(cpBB a, cpBB b)
     return(new cpBB(
                cp.cpfmin(a.l, b.l),
                cp.cpfmin(a.b, b.b),
                cp.cpfmax(a.r, b.r),
                cp.cpfmax(a.t, b.t)
Beispiel #8
        //public static cpVect CentroidForPoly(cpVect[] verts)
        //	return CentroidForPoly(verts.Length, verts);

        public static float MomentForBox2(float m, cpBB box)
            var width  = box.r - box.l;
            var height = box.t - box.b;
            var offset = cpVect.cpvmult(new cpVect(box.l + box.r, box.b + box.t), 0.5f);

            // TODO NaN when offset is 0 and m is INFINITY
            return(MomentForBox(m, width, height) + m * cpVect.cpvlengthsq(offset));
Beispiel #9
        public void PointQuery(cpVect point, float maxDistance, cpShapeFilter filter, cpSpacePointQueryFunc func, object data)
            PointQueryContext context = new PointQueryContext(point, maxDistance, filter, func);
            cpBB bb = cpBB.cpBBNewForCircle(point, cp.cpfmax(maxDistance, 0.0f));

                this.staticShapes.Query(context, bb, (ctx, shape, colid, o) => NearestPointQuery((PointQueryContext)ctx, shape as cpShape, colid, o), data);
                this.dynamicShapes.Query(context, bb, (ctx, shape, colid, o) => NearestPointQuery((PointQueryContext)ctx, shape as cpShape, colid, o), data);
            } Unlock(true);
Beispiel #10
        public static cpPolyShape BoxShape2(cpBody body, cpBB box, float radius)
            cpVect[] verts = new cpVect[] {
                new cpVect(box.r, box.b),
                new cpVect(box.r, box.t),
                new cpVect(box.l, box.t),
                new cpVect(box.l, box.b),

            return(new cpPolyShape(body, 4, verts, radius));
Beispiel #11
        /// Transform a cpBB.
        public static cpBB BB(cpTransform t, cpBB bb)
            cpVect center = cpBB.Center(bb);
            float  hw     = (bb.r - bb.l) * 0.5f;
            float  hh     = (bb.t - bb.b) * 0.5f;

            float a = t.a * hw, b = t.c * hh, d = t.b * hw, e = t.d * hh;
            float hw_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(a + b), cp.cpfabs(a - b));
            float hh_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(d + e), cp.cpfabs(d - e));

            return(cpBB.NewForExtents(Point(t, center), hw_max, hh_max));
        /// Wrap a vector to a bounding box.
        public static cpVect WrapVect(cpBB bb, cpVect v)
            // wrap a vector to a bbox
            float ix   = cp.cpfabs(bb.r - bb.l);
            float modx = (v.x - bb.l) % ix;
            float x    = (modx > 0) ? modx : modx + ix;

            float iy   = cp.cpfabs(bb.t - bb.b);
            float mody = (v.y - bb.b) % iy;
            float y    = (mody > 0) ? mody : mody + iy;

            return(new cpVect(x + bb.l, y + bb.b));
Beispiel #13
 public void SubtreeQuery(Node subtree, object obj, cpBB bb, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, ref object data)
     //if(bbIntersectsBB(, bb)){
     if (
         if (subtree.isLeaf)
             func(obj, subtree.obj, 0, data);
             SubtreeQuery(subtree.A, obj, bb, func, ref data);
             SubtreeQuery(subtree.B, obj, bb, func, ref data);
Beispiel #14
        public void BBQuery(cpBB bb, cpShapeFilter filter, cpSpaceBBQueryFunc func, object data)
            BBQueryContext context = new BBQueryContext(bb, filter, func);

                this.staticShapes.Query(context, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) =>

                                        BBQueryFunc((BBQueryContext)o1, o2 as cpShape, s, o3)
                                        , data);

                this.dynamicShapes.Query(context, bb, (o1, o2, s, o3) =>

                                         BBQueryFunc((BBQueryContext)o1, o2 as cpShape, s, o3)
                                         , data);
            } Unlock(true);
Beispiel #15
        public cpBB GetBB(IObjectBox obj)
            cpBB bb =;

            var velocityFunc = this.velocityFunc;            // tree->velocityFunc;

            if (velocityFunc != null)
                float coef = 0.1f;
                float x    = (bb.r - bb.l) * coef;
                float y    = (bb.t - bb.b) * coef;

                cpVect v = cpVect.cpvmult(velocityFunc(obj), 0.1f);
                return(new cpBB(bb.l + cp.cpfmin(-x, v.x), bb.b + cp.cpfmin(-y, v.y), bb.r + cp.cpfmax(x, v.x), bb.t + cp.cpfmax(y, v.y)));
Beispiel #16
        public bool ShapeQuery(cpShape shape, cpSpaceShapeQueryFunc func, object data)
            cpBody            body    = shape.body;
            cpBB              bb      = (body != null ? shape.Update(body.transform) :;
            ShapeQueryContext context = new ShapeQueryContext(func, data, false);

            object ctx = (object)context;

                this.staticShapes.Query(shape, bb,
                                        (o1, o2, s, o3) => ShapeQueryFunc(o1 as cpShape, o2 as cpShape, s, (ShapeQueryContext)o3)
                                        , ctx);

                this.dynamicShapes.Query(shape, bb,
                                         (o1, o2, s, o3) => ShapeQueryFunc(o1 as cpShape, o2 as cpShape, s, (ShapeQueryContext)o3)
                                         , ctx);
            } Unlock(true);

 public float Proximity(cpBB b)
     return(Proximity(this, b));
 /// Returns a bounding box that holds both bounding boxes.
 public cpBB Merge(cpBB a)
     return(Merge(this, a));
 public float MergedArea(cpBB a)
     return(MergedArea(this, a));
 public static bool ContainsBB(cpBB bb, cpBB other)
     return(bb.l <= other.l && bb.r >= other.r && bb.b <= other.b && bb.t >= other.t);
 public static bool ContainsVect(cpBB bb, cpVect v)
     return(bb.l <= v.x && bb.r >= v.x && bb.b <= v.y && bb.t >= v.y);
 /// Returns true if @c a and @c b intersect.
 public bool Intersects(cpBB a)
     return(Intersects(this, a));
 /// Returns true if @c other lies completely within @c bb.
 public bool ContainsBB(cpBB other)
     return(ContainsBB(this, other));
 public static float Proximity(cpBB a, cpBB b)
     return(cp.cpfabs(a.l + a.r - b.l - b.r) + cp.cpfabs(a.b + a.t - b.b - b.t));
 /// Merges @c a and @c b and returns the area of the merged bounding box.
 public static float MergedArea(cpBB a, cpBB b)
     return((cp.cpfmax(a.r, b.r) - cp.cpfmin(a.l, b.l)) * (cp.cpfmax(a.t, b.t) - cp.cpfmin(a.b, b.b)));
        /// Convenience constructor for cpBB structs.
        public static cpBB cpBBNew(float l, float b, float r, float t)
            cpBB bb = new cpBB(l, b, r, t);

Beispiel #27
        //// **** All Important cpSpaceStep() Function
        /// Returns true if @c a and @c b intersect.

        public static bool bbIntersects(cpBB a, cpBB b)
            return(a.l <= b.r && b.l <= a.r && a.b <= b.t && b.b <= a.t);;
 /// Clamp a vector to a bounding box.
 public static cpVect ClampVect(cpBB bb, cpVect v)
     return(cpVect.cpv(cp.cpfclamp(v.x, bb.l, bb.r), cp.cpfclamp(v.y, bb.b, bb.t)));
Beispiel #29
 public static bool bbIntersects2(cpBB bb, float l, float b, float r, float t)
     return(bb.l <= r && l <= bb.r && bb.b <= t && b <= bb.t);
 /// Return true if the bounding box intersects the line segment with ends @c a and @c b.
 public static bool IntersectsSegment(cpBB bb, cpVect a, cpVect b)
     return(SegmentQuery(bb, a, b) != cp.Infinity);