/// <summary> /// Will read settings not directly related to stickies /// </summary> /// <param name="settings_list"></param> private void otherSettings(ref List<List<string>> settings_list) { string FSFN = ""; //Favorite Sticky Font Name float FSFS = -1; //Favorite Sticky Font Size bool BoardlessMode = false; foreach (List<string> currentline in settings_list) { //cReminders if (currentline[0] == "cReminders") { //handle empty cReminders list if (currentline.Count == 1) { continue; } List<string> cReminders = currentline; cReminders.RemoveAt(0); if (cReminders.Count % 2 != 0) { MessageBox.Show("No message for certain cReminder?, this shouldn't happen."); } else { for (int i = 0; i < cReminders.Count; i++) { long ticks = Convert.ToInt64(cReminders[i]); string msg = cReminders[i + 1]; dict_cReminders.Add(ticks, msg); i++; } } } //Most global cDash settings //set backcolor of the Dash from settings if (currentline[0] == "cDash") { //set Key1 if (currentline[1] == "Key1") { Key1 = (Keys)Convert.ToInt16(currentline[2]); } //set Key2 if (currentline[1] == "Key2") { Key2 = (Keys)Convert.ToInt16(currentline[2]); } //updates ui to signify auto checking if (currentline[1] == "AutoUpdateCheck") { if (currentline[2] == "True") { automaticallyCheckForUpdatesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; new System.Threading.Thread(() => updateCheck(true)).Start(); } } //handle BoardlessMode setting if (currentline[1] == "BoardlessMode") { if (currentline[2] == "True") { BoardlessMode = true; boardlessModeToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; } } //special handling for global cWeather settings if (currentline[1] == "cWeather") { if (currentline[2] == "Unit") { if (currentline[3] == "F") { fToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; celciusToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false; } else { celciusToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true; fToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false; } } } if (currentline[1] == "BackColor") { this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(currentline[2]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[4])); //line removed so that transparent color works //menuStrip1.BackColor = this.BackColor; } if (currentline[1] == "Opacity") { OpacityLevel = Convert.ToInt32(currentline[2]); textbox_opacity.Text = currentline[2]; } if (currentline[1] == "FadeLengthInMilliseconds") { int_fade_milliseconds = Convert.ToInt32(currentline[2]); } if (currentline[1] == "DateTimeStripColor") { button_time.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(currentline[2]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[4])); button_date.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(currentline[2]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[4])); menuStrip1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(currentline[2]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[4])); } if (currentline[1] == "FavoriteStickyColor") { if (currentline[2] == "NULL") { //don't initialize FavoriteStickyColor } else { FavoriteStickyColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(currentline[2]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt32(currentline[4])); } } if (currentline[1] == "FavoriteStickyFontName") { FSFN = currentline[2]; } if (currentline[1] == "FavoriteStickyFontSize") { FSFS = Convert.ToSingle(currentline[2]); } //setup cDash wallpaper if (currentline[1] == "Wallpaper") { UseWallpaperImage = Convert.ToBoolean(currentline[2]); //if we are using a wallpaper image, grab it from file if (UseWallpaperImage) { this.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(getSpecificSetting(new string[] { "cDash", "WallpaperImage" })[0]); } } //set cDash wallpaper layout if (currentline[1] == "WallpaperImageLayout") { if (currentline[2] == "Center") { this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center; } else if (currentline[2] == "None") { this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None; } else if (currentline[2] == "Stretch") { this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; } else if (currentline[2] == "Tile") { this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Tile; } else if (currentline[2] == "Zoom") { this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; } } } //Handling for cBattery else if (currentline[0] == "cBattery") { //this would mean that this form already exists if (!(Controls.Find(currentline[1], true).Length > 0)) { cBattery cBattery_new = new cBattery(); cBattery_new.Name = currentline[1]; cBattery_new.TopLevel = false; cBattery_new.Parent = this; Controls.Add(cBattery_new); } //get form by name cBattery this_cBattery = (cBattery)this.Controls.Find(currentline[1], true)[0]; if (currentline[2] == "Location") { this_cBattery.Location = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } this_cBattery.Show(); this_cBattery.BringToFront(); } //Handling for cMote else if (currentline[0] == "cMote") { //this would mean that this form already exists if (!(Controls.Find(currentline[1], true).Length > 0)) { cMote cMote_new = new cMote(); cMote_new.Name = currentline[1]; cMote_new.TopLevel = false; cMote_new.Parent = this; Controls.Add(cMote_new); } //get form by name cMote this_cMote = (cMote)this.Controls.Find(currentline[1], true)[0]; if (currentline[2] == "Location") { this_cMote.Location = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } this_cMote.Show(); this_cMote.BringToFront(); } //Handling for cRViewer else if (currentline[0] == "cRViewer") { //this would mean that this form already exists if (!(Controls.Find(currentline[1], true).Length > 0)) { cRViewer cRViewer_new = new cRViewer(); cRViewer_new.Name = currentline[1]; cRViewer_new.TopLevel = false; cRViewer_new.Parent = this; Controls.Add(cRViewer_new); } //get form by name cRViewer this_cRViewer = (cRViewer)this.Controls.Find(currentline[1], true)[0]; if (currentline[2] == "Location") { this_cRViewer.Location = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } else if (currentline[2] == "Size") { this_cRViewer.Size = new Size(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } this_cRViewer.Show(); this_cRViewer.BringToFront(); } //Handling for cWeather else if (currentline[0] == "cWeather") { //this would mean that this form already exists if (!(Controls.Find(currentline[1], true).Length > 0)) { cWeather cWeather_new = new cWeather(); cWeather_new.Name = currentline[1]; cWeather_new.TopLevel = false; cWeather_new.Parent = this; Controls.Add(cWeather_new); } //get form by name cWeather this_cWeather = (cWeather)this.Controls.Find(currentline[1], true)[0]; if (currentline[2] == "Location") { this_cWeather.Location = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } if (currentline[2] == "WOEID") { this_cWeather.WOEID = currentline[3]; //if WOEID is set, get weather info if (this_cWeather.WOEID != "NULL") { this_cWeather.getWeatherInfo(); } } this_cWeather.Show(); this_cWeather.BringToFront(); } else if (currentline[0] == "cPic") { //this would mean that this form already exists if (!(Controls.Find(currentline[1], true).Length > 0)) { cPic cPic_new = new cPic(); cPic_new.Name = currentline[1]; //randomize files in folder randomizeFiles(currentline[1]); //use 1st image cPic_new.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(SETTINGS_LOCATION + currentline[1] + "\\1"); cPic_new.Tag = 1; cPic_new.TopLevel = false; cPic_new.Parent = this; Controls.Add(cPic_new); } //get form by name cPic this_cPic = (cPic)this.Controls.Find(currentline[1], true)[0]; if (currentline[2] == "ImageLayout") { if (currentline[3] == "Center") { this_cPic.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center; } else if (currentline[3] == "None") { this_cPic.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None; } else if (currentline[3] == "Stretch") { this_cPic.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; } else if (currentline[3] == "Tile") { this_cPic.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Tile; } else if (currentline[3] == "Zoom") { this_cPic.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; } } else if (currentline[2] == "Size") { this_cPic.Size = new Size(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } else if (currentline[2] == "Location") { this_cPic.Location = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } this_cPic.Show(); this_cPic.BringToFront(); } else if (currentline[0] == "cStopwatch") { //this would mean that this form already exists if (!(Controls.Find(currentline[1], true).Length > 0)) { cStopwatch cStopwatch_new = new cStopwatch(); cStopwatch_new.Name = currentline[1]; cStopwatch_new.TopLevel = false; cStopwatch_new.Parent = this; Controls.Add(cStopwatch_new); } //get form by name cStopwatch this_cStopwatch = (cStopwatch)this.Controls.Find(currentline[1], true)[0]; if (currentline[2] == "Location") { this_cStopwatch.Location = new Point(Convert.ToInt16(currentline[3]), Convert.ToInt16(currentline[4])); } this_cStopwatch.Show(); this_cStopwatch.BringToFront(); } } FavoriteStickyFont = new Font(FSFN, FSFS); if (BoardlessMode) { goBoardless(); } //move dash to set monitor moveToPrimaryMonitor(); }
public static bool KeyPressed(Keys key) { if (lastKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(key) && currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(key)) return true; else return false; }
public GlobalHotkey(int modifier, Keys key, Form form) { this.modifier = modifier; this.key = (int) key; this.hWnd = form.Handle; this.id = GetHashCode(); }
public static bool KeyReleased(Keys key) { return lastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(key) && currentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(key); }
public static bool KeyDown(Keys key) { return currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(key); }
private static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, uint id, KeyModifys fsModifiers, Keys vk);
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message m, Keys keyData) { bool blnProcess = false; if (keyData == Keys.Right) { // Process the keystroke blnProcess = true; if (blnSubMenu) mTrainingVideoRunner.nextSubFrame(); else mTrainingVideoRunner.nextFrame(); } else if (keyData == Keys.Left) { // Process the keystroke blnProcess = true; if (blnSubMenu) mTrainingVideoRunner.previousSubFrame(); else mTrainingVideoRunner.previousFrame(); } else if (keyData == Keys.Up) { // Process the keystroke blnProcess = true; blnSubMenu = false; } else if (keyData == Keys.Down) { // Process the keystroke blnProcess = true; blnSubMenu = true; } if (blnProcess == true) return true; else return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, keyData); }
public void KeyPressed(Keys key) { _menuItemView.KeyPressed(key); }
void gkh_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Down\t" + e.KeyCode.ToString()); if ((lastKey == Keys.LControlKey) && (e.KeyCode == Keys.C)) { showWordAndMeaningNotifyIcon(); } lastKey = e.KeyCode; }
/// <summary> /// Sets variables for proper key hooking and begins the hook /// </summary> /// <param name="unhook_first">should we unhook previous before hooking</param> private void keyHookSetup(bool unhook_first) { if (unhook_first) { KeyHook.HookedKeys.Clear(); KeyHook.unhook(); Key1 = (Keys)Convert.ToInt16(getSpecificSetting(new string[] { "cDash", "Key1" })[0]); Key2 = (Keys)Convert.ToInt16(getSpecificSetting(new string[] { "cDash", "Key2" })[0]); } //add Key1 and Key2 to the list of hooked keys KeyHook.HookedKeys.Add(Key2); KeyHook.HookedKeys.Add(Key1); //begin hook KeyHook.hook(); //Setup Key Event Handlers KeyHook.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(KeyHook_KeyDown); KeyHook.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(KeyHook_KeyUp); }
bool KeyDown( Keys key ) { return nextKeyboardState.IsKeyDown( key ); }