public static bool AssertUniqueToEntityAttrib(Component comp, bool silent = false)
            var tp = comp.GetType();
            var attrib = tp.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UniqueToEntityAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as UniqueToEntityAttribute;

            if (attrib != null)
                if (attrib.MustBeAttachedToRoot)
                    if (!comp.HasTag(SPConstants.TAG_ROOT))
                        if(!silent) Assert(System.String.Format("(Entity:{1}) Component type {0} must be attached to the root gameObject.", tp.Name, comp.FindRoot().name), comp);
                        return true;
                    var root = comp.FindRoot();

                    foreach (var child in root.GetAllChildrenAndSelf())
                        if (child != comp.transform && child.HasComponent(tp))
                            if(!silent) Assert(System.String.Format("(Entity:{1}) Only one component of type {0} must be attached to a root or any of its children.", tp.Name,, comp);
                            return true;

            return false;