Esempio n. 1
        private void UpdateTexture()
            // create preview RT here and keep until the next Repaint
            if (m_previewRT != null)

            NoiseSettings noiseSettings = m_serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings;

            m_previewRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.previewFormat);
            RenderTexture tempRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.singleChannelFormat);

            RenderTexture prevActive =;

            NoiseUtils.Blit2D(noiseSettings, tempRT);

            NoiseUtils.BlitPreview2D(tempRT, m_previewRT);

   = prevActive;


            m_image.image = m_previewRT;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders an interactive Noise Preview along with tooltip icons and an optional Export button that opens a new ExportNoiseWindow.
        /// A background image is also rendered behind the preview that takes up the entire width of the EditorWindow currently being drawn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "minSize"> Minimum size for the Preview </param>
        /// <param name = "showExportButton"> Whether or not to render the Export button </param>
        public void DrawPreviewTexture(float minSize, bool showExportButton = true)
            // Draw label with tooltip

            float padding   = 4f;
            float iconWidth = 40f;
            int   size      = (int)Mathf.Min(minSize, EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth);
            Rect  totalRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth, size + padding * 2); // extra pixels for highlight border

            Color prev = GUI.color;

            GUI.color = new Color(.15f, .15f, .15f, 1f);
            GUI.DrawTexture(totalRect, Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, false);
            GUI.color = Color.white;

            // draw info icon
            // if(totalRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                Rect infoIconRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + padding, totalRect.y + padding, iconWidth, iconWidth);
                GUI.Label(infoIconRect, Styles.infoIcon);
                // GUI.Label( infoIconRect, Styles.noiseTooltip );

            // draw export button
            float buttonWidth  =;
            float buttonHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
            Rect  exportRect   = new Rect(totalRect.xMax - buttonWidth - padding, totalRect.yMax - buttonHeight - padding, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

            if (GUI.Button(exportRect, Styles.export))

                ExportNoiseWindow.ShowWindow(serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings);

            float safeSpace   = Mathf.Max(iconWidth * 2, buttonWidth * 2) + padding * 4;
            float minWidth    = Mathf.Min(size, totalRect.width - safeSpace);
            Rect  previewRect = new Rect(totalRect.x + totalRect.width / 2 - minWidth / 2, totalRect.y + totalRect.height / 2 - minWidth / 2, minWidth, minWidth);

            EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(previewRect, MouseCursor.Pan);

            if (previewRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))



            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                RenderTexture prevActive =;

                // create preview RT here and keep until the next Repaint
                var previewRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.previewFormat);

                NoiseSettings noiseSettings = serializedNoise.targetObject as NoiseSettings;
                RenderTexture tempRT        = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(512, 512, 0, NoiseUtils.singleChannelFormat);

                NoiseUtils.Blit2D(noiseSettings, tempRT);
                NoiseUtils.BlitPreview2D(tempRT, previewRT);
       = prevActive;
                GUI.DrawTexture(previewRect, previewRT, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, false);


            GUI.color = prev;
        private void ApplyBrushInternal(Terrain terrain, PaintContext ctx, BrushTransform brushTransform)

            m_rtCollection.GatherRTHandles(ctx.sourceRenderTexture.width, ctx.sourceRenderTexture.height, 16);

            Graphics.Blit(ctx.sourceRenderTexture, m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.sourceHeight]);

            Material mat       = GetMaterial();
            var      brushMask = RTUtils.GetTempHandle(ctx.sourceRenderTexture.width, ctx.sourceRenderTexture.height, 0, FilterUtility.defaultFormat);

            Utility.SetFilterRT(commonUI, ctx.sourceRenderTexture, brushMask, mat);

            Matrix4x4 toolMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, toolSettings.rotation, toolSettings.scale);

            Bounds modelBounds   = activeMesh.bounds;
            float  maxModelScale = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(modelBounds.size.x, modelBounds.size.y), modelBounds.size.z);
            // maxModelScale *= Mathf.Sqrt( 2 + maxModelScale * maxModelScale / 4 ) * .5f; // mult so the mesh fits a little better within the camera / stamp texture bounds
            // maxModelScale /= 1.414f;
            float x   = .5f;
            float y   = .5f;
            float xy  = Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
            float z   = .5f;
            float xyz = Mathf.Sqrt(xy * xy + z * z);

            maxModelScale *= xyz;

            // build the model matrix to transform the mesh with. we want to scale it to fit in the brush bounds and also center it in the brush bounds
            Matrix4x4 model = toolMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale( / maxModelScale) * Matrix4x4.Translate(;

            // get the world bounds here so we can calculate the needed offset along the up axis
            // Bounds worldBounds = MeshUtility.TransformBounds( model, activeMesh.bounds );
            // float localHeightOffset = Mathf.Min( worldBounds.extents.y, toolSettings.stampHeight / brushUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y  * .5f );
            // Matrix4x4 localHeightOffsetMatrix = Matrix4x4.Translate( Vector3.up * localHeightOffset );
            // apply the local height offset
            // model = localHeightOffsetMatrix * model;

            Vector3 translate = Vector3.up * (toolSettings.stampHeight) / commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y;

            // translate = translate / brushUI.brushStrength * .5f;
            model = Matrix4x4.Translate(translate) * model;

            // actually render the mesh to texture to be used with the tool shader
            MeshUtils.RenderTopdownProjection(activeMesh, model,
            // this doesn't actually apply any noise to the destination RT but will color the destination RT based on whether the fragment values are (+) or (-)
            NoiseUtils.BlitPreview2D(m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStamp], m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStampPreview]);

            // generate a mask for the mesh to be used in the compositing shader
            MeshUtils.RenderTopdownProjection(activeMesh, model,

            // perform actual composite of mesh stamp and terrain source heightmap
            float   brushStrength = Event.current.control ? -commonUI.brushStrength : commonUI.brushStrength;
            Vector4 brushParams   = new Vector4(brushStrength, toolSettings.blendAmount, (commonUI.raycastHitUnderCursor.point.y - commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.GetPosition().y) / commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y * .5f, toolSettings.stampHeight / commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y * .5f);

            mat.SetVector("_BrushParams", brushParams);
            mat.SetTexture("_MeshStampTex", m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStamp]);
            mat.SetTexture("_MeshMaskTex", m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.meshStampMask]);
            mat.SetFloat("_TerrainHeight", commonUI.terrainUnderCursor.terrainData.size.y);
            TerrainPaintUtility.SetupTerrainToolMaterialProperties(ctx, brushTransform, mat);
            Graphics.Blit(ctx.sourceRenderTexture, ctx.destinationRenderTexture, mat, 0);
            Graphics.Blit(ctx.destinationRenderTexture, m_rtCollection[RenderTextureIDs.combinedHeight]);

            // restore old render target
   = ctx.oldRenderTexture;