Esempio n. 1
        public static TmxObjectGroup FromXml(XElement xml, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Debug.Assert(xml.Name == "objectgroup");

            TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup = new TmxObjectGroup();

            tmxObjectGroup.Name       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObjectGroup.Visible    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObjectGroup.Color      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(xml, "color", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            tmxObjectGroup.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            PointF offset = new PointF(0, 0);

            offset.X = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsetx", 0);
            offset.Y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsety", 0);
            tmxObjectGroup.Offset = offset;

            // Get all the objects
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing objects in object group '{0}'", tmxObjectGroup.Name);
            var objects = from obj in xml.Elements("object")
                          select TmxObject.FromXml(obj, tmxMap);

            tmxObjectGroup.Objects = objects.ToList();

Esempio n. 2
        private void ParseMapXml(XDocument doc)
            Logger.WriteVerbose("Parsing map root ...");
            XElement xElement = doc.Element("map");

                Orientation         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum <MapOrientation>(xElement, "orientation");
                StaggerAxis         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(xElement, "staggeraxis", MapStaggerAxis.Y);
                StaggerIndex        = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(xElement, "staggerindex", MapStaggerIndex.Odd);
                HexSideLength       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xElement, "hexsidelength", 0);
                DrawOrderHorizontal = (TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xElement, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("right") ? 1 : (-1));
                DrawOrderVertical   = (TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xElement, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("down") ? 1 : (-1));
                Width           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xElement, "width");
                Height          = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xElement, "height");
                TileWidth       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xElement, "tilewidth");
                TileHeight      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xElement, "tileheight");
                BackgroundColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(xElement, "backgroundcolor", new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255));
            catch (Exception inner)
                TmxException.FromAttributeException(inner, xElement);
            Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xElement);
            IsResource = Properties.GetPropertyValueAsBoolean("unity:resource", false);
            IsResource = (IsResource || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:resourcePath", null)));
            ExplicitSortingLayerName = Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:sortingLayerName", "");
            LayerNodes      = TmxLayerNode.ListFromXml(xElement, null, this);
            MapSizeInPixels = CalculateMapSizeInPixels();
            TmxDisplayOrderVisitor visitor = new TmxDisplayOrderVisitor();

Esempio n. 3
        protected void FromXmlInternal(XElement xml)
            // Get common elements amoung layer nodes from xml
            this.Name    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            this.Visible = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            this.Opacity = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "opacity", 1);

            // Get the offset
            PointF offset = new PointF(0, 0);

            offset.X    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsetx", 0);
            offset.Y    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsety", 0);
            this.Offset = offset;

            // Get all the properties
            this.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            // Set the "ignore" setting on this object group
            this.Ignore = this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsEnum <IgnoreSettings>("unity:ignore", IgnoreSettings.False);

            // Explicit sorting properties
            this.ExplicitSortingLayerName = this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:sortingLayerName", "");
            if (this.Properties.PropertyMap.ContainsKey("unity:sortingOrder"))
                this.ExplicitSortingOrder = this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsInt("unity:sortingOrder");

            // Are we using a unity:layer override?
            this.UnityLayerOverrideName = this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:layer", "");

            // Add all our children
            this.LayerNodes = TmxLayerNode.ListFromXml(xml, this, this.TmxMap);
Esempio n. 4
        public static TmxObjectGroup FromXml(XElement xml, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Debug.Assert(xml.Name == "objectgroup");

            TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup = new TmxObjectGroup();

            // Order within Xml file is import for layer types
            tmxObjectGroup.XmlElementIndex = xml.NodesBeforeSelf().Count();

            tmxObjectGroup.Name       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObjectGroup.Visible    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObjectGroup.Color      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(xml, "color", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            tmxObjectGroup.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            PointF offset = new PointF(0, 0);

            offset.X = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsetx", 0);
            offset.Y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsety", 0);
            tmxObjectGroup.Offset = offset;

            // Get all the objects
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing objects in object group '{0}'", tmxObjectGroup.Name);
            var objects = from obj in xml.Elements("object")
                          select TmxObject.FromXml(obj, tmxObjectGroup, tmxMap);

            tmxObjectGroup.Objects = objects.ToList();

            // Are we using a unity:layer override?
            tmxObjectGroup.UnityLayerOverrideName = tmxObjectGroup.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:layer", "");

Esempio n. 5
        private void ParseMap(XDocument doc)
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing map root ...");
            XElement map = doc.Element("map");

                this.Orientation         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "orientation");
                this.DrawOrderHorizontal = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("right") ? 1 : -1;
                this.DrawOrderVertical   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("down") ? 1 : -1;
                this.Width           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "width");
                this.Height          = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "height");
                this.TileWidth       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tilewidth");
                this.TileHeight      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tileheight");
                this.BackgroundColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(map, "backgroundcolor", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            catch (Exception e)
                TmxException.FromAttributeException(e, map);

            // We only support orthogonal maps
            if (this.Orientation != "orthogonal")
                TmxException.ThrowFormat("Only orthogonal maps are supported. This map is set to \"{0}\"", this.Orientation);

            // Collect our map properties
            this.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(map);

Esempio n. 6
        private void ParseMapXml(XDocument doc)
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing map root ...");
            //Program.WriteVerbose(doc.ToString()); // Some TMX files are far too big (cause out of memory exception) so don't do this
            XElement map = doc.Element("map");

                this.Orientation         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum <MapOrientation>(map, "orientation");
                this.StaggerAxis         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggeraxis", MapStaggerAxis.Y);
                this.StaggerIndex        = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggerindex", MapStaggerIndex.Odd);
                this.HexSideLength       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "hexsidelength", 0);
                this.DrawOrderHorizontal = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("right") ? 1 : -1;
                this.DrawOrderVertical   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("down") ? 1 : -1;
                this.Width           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "width");
                this.Height          = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "height");
                this.TileWidth       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tilewidth");
                this.TileHeight      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tileheight");
                this.BackgroundColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(map, "backgroundcolor", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            catch (Exception e)
                TmxException.FromAttributeException(e, map);

            // Collect our map properties
            this.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(map);


            // Once everything is loaded, take a moment to do additional plumbing
Esempio n. 7
        public static TmxImage FromXml(XElement elemImage)
            TmxImage tmxImage = new TmxImage();

            tmxImage.Path = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elemImage, "source");

            // Width and height are optional.
            int width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width", 0);
            int height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height", 0);

            // Prefer to use the actual width and height anyway so that UVs do not get jacked
            using (Image bitmap = Bitmap.FromFile(tmxImage.Path))
                width  = bitmap.Width;
                height = bitmap.Height;

            tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height);

            // Some images use a transparency color key instead of alpha (blerg)
            tmxImage.TransparentColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemImage, "trans", "");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmxImage.TransparentColor) && !tmxImage.TransparentColor.StartsWith("#"))
                // The hash makes it an HTML color
                tmxImage.TransparentColor = "#" + tmxImage.TransparentColor;

Esempio n. 8
        public static TmxObject FromXml(XElement xml, TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Logger.WriteVerbose("Parsing object ...");
            uint attributeAsUInt = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(xml, "tid", 0u);

            if (attributeAsUInt != 0 && tmxMap.Templates.TryGetValue(attributeAsUInt, out TgxTemplate value))
                xml    = value.Templatize(xml);
                tmxMap = value.TemplateGroupMap;
            TmxObject tmxObject = null;

            if (xml.Element("ellipse") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectEllipse();
            else if (xml.Element("polygon") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolygon();
            else if (xml.Element("polyline") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolyline();
            else if (xml.Attribute("gid") != null)
                uint attributeAsUInt2 = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(xml, "gid");
                attributeAsUInt2 = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(attributeAsUInt2);
                if (tmxMap.Tiles.ContainsKey(attributeAsUInt2))
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectTile();
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Tile Id {0} not found in tilesets. Using a rectangle instead.\n{1}", attributeAsUInt2, xml.ToString());
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();
            tmxObject.Id                = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "id", 0);
            tmxObject.Name              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObject.Type              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "type", "");
            tmxObject.Visible           = (TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1);
            tmxObject.ParentObjectGroup = tmxObjectGroup;
            float attributeAsFloat  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x");
            float attributeAsFloat2 = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y");
            float attributeAsFloat3 = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "width", 0f);
            float attributeAsFloat4 = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "height", 0f);
            float attributeAsFloat5 = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "rotation", 0f);

            tmxObject.Position   = new PointF(attributeAsFloat, attributeAsFloat2);
            tmxObject.Size       = new SizeF(attributeAsFloat3, attributeAsFloat4);
            tmxObject.Rotation   = attributeAsFloat5;
            tmxObject.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);
            tmxObject.InternalFromXml(xml, tmxMap);
Esempio n. 9
        private void ParseMap(XDocument doc)
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing map root ...");
            XElement map = doc.Element("map");

                this.Orientation         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum <MapOrientation>(map, "orientation");
                this.StaggerAxis         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggeraxis", MapStaggerAxis.Y);
                this.StaggerIndex        = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggerindex", MapStaggerIndex.Odd);
                this.HexSideLength       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "hexsidelength", 0);
                this.DrawOrderHorizontal = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("right") ? 1 : -1;
                this.DrawOrderVertical   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("down") ? 1 : -1;
                this.Width           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "width");
                this.Height          = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "height");
                this.TileWidth       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tilewidth");
                this.TileHeight      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tileheight");
                this.BackgroundColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(map, "backgroundcolor", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            catch (Exception e)
                TmxException.FromAttributeException(e, map);

            // Collect our map properties
            this.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(map);

Esempio n. 10
        public static TmxImage FromXml(XElement elemImage)
            TmxImage tmxImage = new TmxImage();

            tmxImage.AbsolutePath = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elemImage, "source");

            // Get default image size in case we are not opening the file
                int width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width", 0);
                int height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height", 0);
                tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height);

            // Do not open the image in Tiled2UnityLite (due to difficulty with GDI+ in some mono installs)
            if (!Tiled2Unity.Settings.IsAutoExporting)
                    tmxImage.ImageBitmap = TmxHelper.FromFileBitmap32bpp(tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                catch (FileNotFoundException fnf)
                    string msg = String.Format("Image file not found: {0}", tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                    throw new TmxException(msg, fnf);

                    // Testing for when image files are missing. Just make up an image.
                    //int width = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width");
                    //int height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height");
                    //tmxImage.ImageBitmap = new TmxHelper.CreateBitmap32bpp(width, height);
                    //using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tmxImage.ImageBitmap))
                    //    int color32 = tmxImage.AbsolutePath.GetHashCode();
                    //    Color color = Color.FromArgb(color32);
                    //    color = Color.FromArgb(255, color);
                    //    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color))
                    //    {
                    //        g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Size));
                    //    }

                tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Width, tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Height);

            // Some images use a transparency color key instead of alpha (blerg)
            tmxImage.TransparentColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemImage, "trans", "");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmxImage.TransparentColor) && tmxImage.ImageBitmap != null)
                System.Drawing.Color transColor = TmxHelper.ColorFromHtml(tmxImage.TransparentColor);

Esempio n. 11
        public static TmxFrame FromXml(XElement xml, uint globalStartId)
            TmxFrame tmxFrame        = new TmxFrame();
            uint     attributeAsUInt = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(xml, "tileid");

            tmxFrame.GlobalTileId = attributeAsUInt + globalStartId;
            tmxFrame.DurationMs   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "duration", 100);
Esempio n. 12
        public static TmxObject FromXml(XElement xml, TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Program.WriteLine("Parsing object ...");

            // What kind of TmxObject are we creating?
            TmxObject tmxObject = null;

            if (xml.Element("ellipse") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectEllipse();
            else if (xml.Element("polygon") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolygon();
            else if (xml.Element("polyline") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolyline();
            else if (xml.Attribute("gid") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectTile();
                // Just a rectangle
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();

            // Data found on every object type
            tmxObject.Name              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObject.Type              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "type", "");
            tmxObject.Visible           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObject.ParentObjectGroup = tmxObjectGroup;

            float x = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x");
            float y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y");
            float w = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "width", 0);
            float h = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "height", 0);
            float r = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "rotation", 0);

            tmxObject.Position = new System.Drawing.PointF(x, y);
            tmxObject.Size     = new System.Drawing.SizeF(w, h);
            tmxObject.Rotation = r;

            tmxObject.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            tmxObject.InternalFromXml(xml, tmxMap);

Esempio n. 13
        private static List <TmxChunk> ListFromDataXml_Infinite(XElement xml, TmxData parentData)
            List <TmxChunk> list = new List <TmxChunk>();

            foreach (XElement item in xml.Elements("chunk"))
                TmxChunk tmxChunk = new TmxChunk(parentData);
                tmxChunk.X      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "x", 0);
                tmxChunk.Y      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "y", 0);
                tmxChunk.Width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "width", 0);
                tmxChunk.Height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item, "height", 0);
Esempio n. 14
        private void ParseMapXml(XDocument doc)
            Logger.WriteVerbose("Parsing map root ...");

            XElement map = doc.Element("map");

                this.Orientation         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum <MapOrientation>(map, "orientation");
                this.StaggerAxis         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggeraxis", MapStaggerAxis.Y);
                this.StaggerIndex        = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggerindex", MapStaggerIndex.Odd);
                this.HexSideLength       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "hexsidelength", 0);
                this.DrawOrderHorizontal = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("right") ? 1 : -1;
                this.DrawOrderVertical   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("down") ? 1 : -1;
                this.Width           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "width");
                this.Height          = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "height");
                this.TileWidth       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tilewidth");
                this.TileHeight      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tileheight");
                this.BackgroundColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(map, "backgroundcolor", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            catch (Exception e)
                TmxException.FromAttributeException(e, map);

            // Collect our map properties
            this.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(map);

            // Check properties for us being a resource
            this.IsResource = this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsBoolean("unity:resource", false);
            this.IsResource = this.IsResource || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:resourcePath", null));


            // Get all our child layer nodes
            this.LayerNodes = TmxLayerNode.ListFromXml(map, null, this);

            // Calcuate the size of the map. Isometric and hex maps make this more complicated than a simple width and height thing.
            this.MapSizeInPixels = CalculateMapSizeInPixels();

            // Visit each node in the map to assign display order
            TmxDisplayOrderVisitor visitor = new TmxDisplayOrderVisitor();

Esempio n. 15
        public static TmxLayer FromXml(XElement elem, int layerIndex)
            TmxLayer tmxLayer = new TmxLayer();

            // Have to decorate layer names in order to force them into being unique
            // Also, can't have whitespace in the name because Unity will add underscores
            tmxLayer.DefaultName = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elem, "name");
            tmxLayer.UniqueName  = String.Format("{0}_{1}", tmxLayer.DefaultName, layerIndex.ToString("D2")).Replace(" ", "_");

            tmxLayer.Visible    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxLayer.Width      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "width");
            tmxLayer.Height     = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "height");
            tmxLayer.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(elem);


Esempio n. 16
        protected void FromXmlInternal(XElement xml)
            Name    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            Visible = (TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1);
            Opacity = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "opacity", 1f);
            PointF offset = new PointF(0f, 0f);

            offset.X   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsetx", 0f);
            offset.Y   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsety", 0f);
            Offset     = offset;
            Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);
            Ignore     = Properties.GetPropertyValueAsEnum("unity:ignore", IgnoreSettings.False);
            ExplicitSortingLayerName = Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:sortingLayerName", "");
            if (Properties.PropertyMap.ContainsKey("unity:sortingOrder"))
                ExplicitSortingOrder = Properties.GetPropertyValueAsInt("unity:sortingOrder");
            UnityLayerOverrideName = Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:layer", "");
            LayerNodes             = ListFromXml(xml, this, ParentMap);
Esempio n. 17
        public static TmxImage FromXml(XElement elemImage)
            TmxImage tmxImage = new TmxImage();

            tmxImage.Path = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elemImage, "source");

            // Width and height are optional.
            int width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width", 0);
            int height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height", 0);

            // Prefer to use the actual width and height anyway so that UVs do not get jacked
                using (Image bitmap = Bitmap.FromFile(tmxImage.Path))
                    width  = bitmap.Width;
                    height = bitmap.Height;

            // Problem with the image file (too large, or unsupported format).
            // Warn that there may be issues with the resulting map file.
                Program.WriteWarning("Image file " + tmxImage.Path + " too large or unsupported format. There may be issues in resulting prefab.");

            tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height);

            // Some images use a transparency color key instead of alpha (blerg)
            tmxImage.TransparentColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemImage, "trans", "");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmxImage.TransparentColor) && !tmxImage.TransparentColor.StartsWith("#"))
                // The hash makes it an HTML color
                tmxImage.TransparentColor = "#" + tmxImage.TransparentColor;

Esempio n. 18
        private void ParseMapXml(XDocument doc)
            Logger.WriteLine("Parsing map root ...");

            XElement map = doc.Element("map");

                this.Orientation         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum <MapOrientation>(map, "orientation");
                this.StaggerAxis         = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggeraxis", MapStaggerAxis.Y);
                this.StaggerIndex        = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsEnum(map, "staggerindex", MapStaggerIndex.Odd);
                this.HexSideLength       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "hexsidelength", 0);
                this.DrawOrderHorizontal = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("right") ? 1 : -1;
                this.DrawOrderVertical   = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(map, "renderorder", "right-down").Contains("down") ? 1 : -1;
                this.Width           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "width");
                this.Height          = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "height");
                this.TileWidth       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tilewidth");
                this.TileHeight      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(map, "tileheight");
                this.BackgroundColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(map, "backgroundcolor", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            catch (Exception e)
                TmxException.FromAttributeException(e, map);

            // Collect our map properties
            this.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(map);

            // Check properties for us being a resource
            this.IsResource = this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsBoolean("unity:resource", false);
            this.IsResource = this.IsResource || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:resourcePath", null));


            // Once everything is loaded, take a moment to do additional plumbing
Esempio n. 19
        public static TmxObjectGroup FromXml(XElement xml, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Debug.Assert(xml.Name == "objectgroup");

            TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup = new TmxObjectGroup(tmxMap);

            // Order within Xml file is import for layer types
            tmxObjectGroup.XmlElementIndex = xml.NodesBeforeSelf().Count();

            tmxObjectGroup.Name       = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObjectGroup.Visible    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObjectGroup.Opacity    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "opacity", 1);
            tmxObjectGroup.Color      = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsColor(xml, "color", Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128));
            tmxObjectGroup.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            // Set the "ignore" setting on this object group
            tmxObjectGroup.Ignore = tmxObjectGroup.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsEnum <IgnoreSettings>("unity:ignore", IgnoreSettings.False);

            PointF offset = new PointF(0, 0);

            offset.X = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsetx", 0);
            offset.Y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsety", 0);
            tmxObjectGroup.Offset = offset;

            // Get all the objects
            Logger.WriteLine("Parsing objects in object group '{0}'", tmxObjectGroup.Name);
            var objects = from obj in xml.Elements("object")
                          select TmxObject.FromXml(obj, tmxObjectGroup, tmxMap);

            // The objects are ordered "visually" by Y position
            tmxObjectGroup.Objects = objects.OrderBy(o => TmxMath.ObjectPointFToMapSpace(tmxMap, o.Position).Y).ToList();

            // Are we using a unity:layer override?
            tmxObjectGroup.UnityLayerOverrideName = tmxObjectGroup.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:layer", "");

Esempio n. 20
        public static TmxImage FromXml(XElement elemImage)
            TmxImage tmxImage = new TmxImage();

            tmxImage.AbsolutePath = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elemImage, "source");

            // Do not open the image in Tiled2UnityLite (due to difficulty with GDI+ in some mono installs)
            int width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width");
            int height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height");
            tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height);
                // We use pre-muliplied alpha pixel format (it is 2x faster)
                Bitmap bitmapRaw   = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                Bitmap bitmapPArgb = new Bitmap(bitmapRaw.Width, bitmapRaw.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb);

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapPArgb))
                    g.DrawImage(bitmapRaw, 0, 0, bitmapPArgb.Width, bitmapPArgb.Height);
                    tmxImage.ImageBitmap = bitmapPArgb;

                tmxImage.ImageBitmap = bitmapPArgb;
            catch (FileNotFoundException fnf)
                string msg = String.Format("Image file not found: {0}", tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                throw new TmxException(msg, fnf);

                // Testing for when image files are missing. Just make up an image.
                //int width = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width");
                //int height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height");
                //tmxImage.ImageBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);
                //using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tmxImage.ImageBitmap))
                //    int color32 = tmxImage.AbsolutePath.GetHashCode();
                //    Color color = Color.FromArgb(color32);
                //    color = Color.FromArgb(255, color);
                //    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color))
                //    {
                //        g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Size));
                //    }

            tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Width, tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Height);

            // Some images use a transparency color key instead of alpha (blerg)
            tmxImage.TransparentColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemImage, "trans", "");
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmxImage.TransparentColor))
                if (!tmxImage.TransparentColor.StartsWith("#"))
                    // The hash makes it an HTML color
                    tmxImage.TransparentColor = "#" + tmxImage.TransparentColor;

                System.Drawing.Color transColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(tmxImage.TransparentColor);

Esempio n. 21
        // This method is called eventually for external tilesets too
        // Only the gid attribute has been consumed at this point for the tileset
        private void ParseInternalTileset(XElement elemTileset, uint firstId)
            string tilesetName = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemTileset, "name");

            Logger.WriteVerbose("Parse internal tileset '{0}' (gid = {1}) ...", tilesetName, firstId);

            int tileWidth  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "tilewidth");
            int tileHeight = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "tileheight");
            int spacing    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "spacing", 0);
            int margin     = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "margin", 0);

            PointF   tileOffset    = PointF.Empty;
            XElement xmlTileOffset = elemTileset.Element("tileoffset");

            if (xmlTileOffset != null)
                tileOffset.X = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xmlTileOffset, "x");
                tileOffset.Y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xmlTileOffset, "y");

            IList <TmxTile> tilesToAdd = new List <TmxTile>();

            // Get proerties on tileset
            TmxProperties properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(elemTileset);
            string        prefix     = properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:namePrefix", "");
            string        postfix    = properties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:namePostfix", "");

            // Tilesets may have an image for all tiles within it, or it may have an image per tile
            if (elemTileset.Element("image") != null)
                TmxImage tmxImage = TmxImage.FromXml(elemTileset.Element("image"), prefix, postfix);

                // Create all the tiles
                // This is a bit complicated because of spacing and margin
                // (Margin is ignored from Width and Height)
                for (int end_y = margin + tileHeight; end_y <= tmxImage.Size.Height; end_y += spacing + tileHeight)
                    for (int end_x = margin + tileWidth; end_x <= tmxImage.Size.Width; end_x += spacing + tileWidth)
                        uint    localId  = (uint)tilesToAdd.Count();
                        uint    globalId = firstId + localId;
                        TmxTile tile     = new TmxTile(this, globalId, localId, tilesetName, tmxImage);
                        tile.Offset = tileOffset;
                        tile.SetTileSize(tileWidth, tileHeight);
                        tile.SetLocationOnSource(end_x - tileWidth, end_y - tileHeight);
                // Each tile will have it's own image
                foreach (var t in elemTileset.Elements("tile"))
                    TmxImage tmxImage = TmxImage.FromXml(t.Element("image"), prefix, postfix);

                    uint localId = (uint)tilesToAdd.Count();

                    // Local Id can be overridden by the tile element
                    // This is because tiles can be removed from the tileset, so we won'd always have a zero-based index
                    localId = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(t, "id", localId);

                    uint    globalId = firstId + localId;
                    TmxTile tile     = new TmxTile(this, globalId, localId, tilesetName, tmxImage);
                    tile.Offset = tileOffset;
                    tile.SetTileSize(tmxImage.Size.Width, tmxImage.Size.Height);
                    tile.SetLocationOnSource(0, 0);

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (TmxTile tile in tilesToAdd)
                builder.AppendFormat("{0}", tile.ToString());
                if (tile != tilesToAdd.Last())
                this.Tiles[tile.GlobalId] = tile;
            Logger.WriteVerbose("Added {0} tiles", tilesToAdd.Count);

            // Add any extra data to tiles
            foreach (var elemTile in elemTileset.Elements("tile"))
                int localTileId = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTile, "id");
                var tiles       = from t in this.Tiles
                                  where t.Value.GlobalId == localTileId + firstId
                                  select t.Value;

                // Note that some old tile data may be sticking around
                if (tiles.Count() == 0)
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Tile '{0}' in tileset '{1}' does not exist but there is tile data for it.\n{2}", localTileId, tilesetName, elemTile.ToString());
                    tiles.First().ParseTileXml(elemTile, this, firstId);
Esempio n. 22
 private void ParseLayerXml(XElement xml)
     Width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "width");
     Height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "height");
Esempio n. 23
        public static TmxImage FromXml(XElement elemImage, string prefix, string postfix)
            TmxImage tmxImage = new TmxImage();

            tmxImage.AbsolutePath = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elemImage, "source");
            tmxImage.ImageName    = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", prefix, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tmxImage.AbsolutePath), postfix);

            // Get default image size in case we are not opening the file
                int width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width", 0);
                int height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height", 0);
                tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height);

            bool canMakeTransparentPixels = true;

            // Do not open the image in Tiled2UnityLite (no SkiaSharp in Tiled2UnityLite)
            if (!Tiled2Unity.Settings.IsAutoExporting)
                    if (!tmxImage.Size.IsEmpty)
                        // We know our size and can decode the image into our prefered format
                        var info = new SKImageInfo();
                        info.ColorType       = SKColorType.Rgba8888;
                        info.AlphaType       = SKAlphaType.Unpremul;
                        info.Width           = tmxImage.Size.Width;
                        info.Height          = tmxImage.Size.Height;
                        tmxImage.ImageBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(tmxImage.AbsolutePath, info);
                        // Open the image without any helpful information
                        // This stops us from being able to make pixels transparent
                        tmxImage.ImageBitmap     = SKBitmap.Decode(tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                        canMakeTransparentPixels = false;
                catch (FileNotFoundException fnf)
                    string msg = String.Format("Image file not found: {0}", tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                    throw new TmxException(msg, fnf);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Disable previewing. Some users are reporting problems. Perhaps due to older versions of windows.
                    Logger.WriteError("Error creating image with Skia Library. Exception: {0}", e.Message);

                tmxImage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Width, tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Height);

            // Some images use a transparency color key instead of alpha (blerg)
            tmxImage.TransparentColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemImage, "trans", "");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmxImage.TransparentColor) && tmxImage.ImageBitmap != null)
                if (canMakeTransparentPixels)
                    Logger.WriteLine("Removing alpha from transparent pixels.");
                    System.Drawing.Color systemTransColor = TmxHelper.ColorFromHtml(tmxImage.TransparentColor);

                    // Set the transparent pixels if using color-keying
                    SKColor transColor = new SKColor((uint)systemTransColor.ToArgb()).WithAlpha(0);
                    for (int x = 0; x < tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Width; ++x)
                        for (int y = 0; y < tmxImage.ImageBitmap.Height; ++y)
                            SKColor pixel = tmxImage.ImageBitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
                            if (pixel.Red == transColor.Red && pixel.Green == transColor.Green && pixel.Blue == transColor.Blue)
                                tmxImage.ImageBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, transColor);
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Cannot make transparent pixels for viewing purposes. Save tileset with newer verion of Tiled.");
Esempio n. 24
        private static void ParseTilesetXml(XElement xml, TsxTileset tileset)
            tileset.Name = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name");
            Logger.WriteVerbose("Parse internal tileset '{0}' (gid = {1}) ...", tileset.Name, tileset.FirstGlobalId);
            tileset.TileWidth  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "tilewidth");
            tileset.TileHeight = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "tileheight");
            tileset.Spacing    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "spacing", 0);
            tileset.Margin     = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "margin", 0);
            PointF   empty    = PointF.Empty;
            XElement xElement = xml.Element("tileoffset");

            if (xElement != null)
                empty.X = (float)TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xElement, "x");
                empty.Y = (float)TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xElement, "y");
            tileset.TileOffset = empty;
            List <TmxTile> list                   = new List <TmxTile>();
            TmxProperties  tmxProperties          = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);
            string         propertyValueAsString  = tmxProperties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:namePrefix", "");
            string         propertyValueAsString2 = tmxProperties.GetPropertyValueAsString("unity:namePostfix", "");

            if (xml.Element("image") != null)
                TmxImage tmxImage = TmxImage.FromXml(xml.Element("image"), propertyValueAsString, propertyValueAsString2);
                for (int i = tileset.Margin + tileset.TileHeight; i <= tmxImage.Size.Height; i += tileset.Spacing + tileset.TileHeight)
                    for (int j = tileset.Margin + tileset.TileWidth; j <= tmxImage.Size.Width; j += tileset.Spacing + tileset.TileWidth)
                        uint    num      = (uint)list.Count();
                        uint    globalId = tileset.FirstGlobalId + num;
                        TmxTile tmxTile  = new TmxTile(tileset.TmxMap, globalId, num, tileset.Name, tmxImage);
                        tmxTile.Offset = empty;
                        tmxTile.SetTileSize(tileset.TileWidth, tileset.TileHeight);
                        tmxTile.SetLocationOnSource(j - tileset.TileWidth, i - tileset.TileHeight);
                foreach (XElement item in xml.Elements("tile"))
                    TmxImage tmxImage2    = TmxImage.FromXml(item.Element("image"), propertyValueAsString, propertyValueAsString2);
                    uint     defaultValue = (uint)list.Count();
                    defaultValue = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(item, "id", defaultValue);
                    uint    globalId2 = tileset.FirstGlobalId + defaultValue;
                    TmxTile tmxTile2  = new TmxTile(tileset.TmxMap, globalId2, defaultValue, tileset.Name, tmxImage2);
                    tmxTile2.Offset = empty;
                    tmxTile2.SetTileSize(tmxImage2.Size.Width, tmxImage2.Size.Height);
                    tmxTile2.SetLocationOnSource(0, 0);
            Logger.WriteVerbose("Added {0} tiles", list.Count);
            foreach (XElement item2 in xml.Elements("tile"))
                int localTileId = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(item2, "id");
                IEnumerable <TmxTile> source = from t in tileset.Tiles
                                               where t.GlobalId == localTileId + tileset.FirstGlobalId
                                               select t;
                if (source.Count() == 0)
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Tile '{0}' in tileset '{1}' does not exist but there is tile data for it.\n{2}", localTileId, tileset.Name, item2.ToString());
                    source.First().ParseTileXml(item2, tileset.TmxMap, tileset.FirstGlobalId);
Esempio n. 25
        public static TmxLayer FromXml(XElement elem, TmxMap tmxMap)
            TmxLayer tmxLayer = new TmxLayer(tmxMap);

            // Order within Xml file is import for layer types
            tmxLayer.XmlElementIndex = elem.NodesBeforeSelf().Count();

            // Have to decorate layer names in order to force them into being unique
            // Also, can't have whitespace in the name because Unity will add underscores
            tmxLayer.Name = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elem, "name");

            tmxLayer.Visible = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxLayer.Opacity = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(elem, "opacity", 1);

            PointF offset = new PointF(0, 0);

            offset.X        = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(elem, "offsetx", 0);
            offset.Y        = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(elem, "offsety", 0);
            tmxLayer.Offset = offset;

            // Set our properties
            tmxLayer.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(elem);

            // Set the "ignore" setting on this layer
            tmxLayer.Ignore = tmxLayer.Properties.GetPropertyValueAsEnum <IgnoreSettings>("unity:ignore", IgnoreSettings.False);

            // We can build a layer from a "tile layer" (default) or an "image layer"
            if (elem.Name == "layer")
                tmxLayer.Width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "width");
                tmxLayer.Height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "height");
            else if (elem.Name == "imagelayer")
                XElement xmlImage = elem.Element("image");
                if (xmlImage == null)
                    Program.WriteWarning("Image Layer '{0}' is being ignored since it has no image.", tmxLayer.Name);
                    tmxLayer.Ignore = IgnoreSettings.True;

                // An image layer is sort of like an tile layer but with just one tile
                tmxLayer.Width  = 1;
                tmxLayer.Height = 1;

                // Find the "tile" that matches our image
                string  imagePath = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elem.Element("image"), "source");
                TmxTile tile      = tmxMap.Tiles.First(t => t.Value.TmxImage.AbsolutePath == imagePath).Value;
                tmxLayer.TileIds = new uint[1] {

                // The image layer needs to be tranlated in an interesting way when expressed as a tile layer
                PointF translated = tmxLayer.Offset;

                // Make up for height of a regular tile in the map
                translated.Y -= (float)tmxMap.TileHeight;

                // Make up for the height of this image
                translated.Y += (float)tile.TmxImage.Size.Height;

                // Correct for any orientation effects on the map (like isometric)
                // (We essentially undo the translation via orientation here)
                PointF orientation = TmxMath.TileCornerInScreenCoordinates(tmxMap, 0, 0);
                translated.X -= orientation.X;
                translated.Y -= orientation.Y;

                // Translate by the x and y coordiantes
                translated.X   += TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(elem, "x", 0);
                translated.Y   += TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(elem, "y", 0);
                tmxLayer.Offset = translated;

            // Each layer will be broken down into "meshes" which are collections of tiles matching the same texture or animation
            tmxLayer.Meshes = TmxMesh.ListFromTmxLayer(tmxLayer);

Esempio n. 26
        public static TmxObject FromXml(XElement xml, TmxObjectGroup tmxObjectGroup, TmxMap tmxMap)
            Logger.WriteLine("Parsing object ...");

            // What kind of TmxObject are we creating?
            TmxObject tmxObject = null;

            if (xml.Element("ellipse") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectEllipse();
            else if (xml.Element("polygon") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolygon();
            else if (xml.Element("polyline") != null)
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectPolyline();
            else if (xml.Attribute("gid") != null)
                uint gid = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsUInt(xml, "gid");
                gid = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(gid);
                if (tmxMap.Tiles.ContainsKey(gid))
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectTile();
                    // For some reason, the tile is not in any of our tilesets
                    // Warn the user and use a rectangle
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Tile Id {0} not found in tilesets. Using a rectangle instead.\n{1}", gid, xml.ToString());
                    tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();
                // Just a rectangle
                tmxObject = new TmxObjectRectangle();

            // Data found on every object type
            tmxObject.Name              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "name", "");
            tmxObject.Type              = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "type", "");
            tmxObject.Visible           = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "visible", 1) == 1;
            tmxObject.ParentObjectGroup = tmxObjectGroup;

            float x = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "x");
            float y = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "y");
            float w = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "width", 0);
            float h = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "height", 0);
            float r = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "rotation", 0);

            tmxObject.Position = new System.Drawing.PointF(x, y);
            tmxObject.Size     = new System.Drawing.SizeF(w, h);
            tmxObject.Rotation = r;

            tmxObject.Properties = TmxProperties.FromXml(xml);

            tmxObject.InternalFromXml(xml, tmxMap);

Esempio n. 27
        // This method is called eventually for external tilesets too
        // Only the gid attribute has been consumed at this point for the tileset
        private void ParseInternalTileset(XElement elemTileset, uint firstId)
            string tilesetName = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemTileset, "name");

            Program.WriteLine("Parse internal tileset '{0}' (gid = {1}) ...", tilesetName, firstId);

            int tileWidth  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "tilewidth");
            int tileHeight = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "tileheight");
            int spacing    = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "spacing", 0);
            int margin     = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTileset, "margin", 0);

            IList <TmxTile> tilesToAdd = new List <TmxTile>();

            // Tilesets may have an image for all tiles within it, or it may have an image per tile
            if (elemTileset.Element("image") != null)
                TmxImage tmxImage = TmxImage.FromXml(elemTileset.Element("image"));

                // Create all the tiles
                // This is a bit complicated because of spacing and margin
                // (Margin is ignored from Width and Height)
                for (int end_y = margin + tileHeight; end_y <= tmxImage.Size.Height; end_y += spacing + tileHeight)
                    for (int end_x = margin + tileWidth; end_x <= tmxImage.Size.Width; end_x += spacing + tileWidth)
                        uint    localId  = (uint)tilesToAdd.Count();
                        uint    globalId = firstId + localId;
                        TmxTile tile     = new TmxTile(globalId, localId, tilesetName, tmxImage);
                        tile.SetTileSize(tileWidth, tileHeight);
                        tile.SetLocationOnSource(end_x - tileWidth, end_y - tileHeight);
                // Each tile will have it's own image
                foreach (var t in elemTileset.Elements("tile"))
                    TmxImage tmxImage = TmxImage.FromXml(t.Element("image"));

                    uint    localId  = (uint)tilesToAdd.Count();
                    uint    globalId = firstId + localId;
                    TmxTile tile     = new TmxTile(globalId, localId, tilesetName, tmxImage);
                    tile.SetTileSize(tmxImage.Size.Width, tmxImage.Size.Height);
                    tile.SetLocationOnSource(0, 0);

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (TmxTile tile in tilesToAdd)
                builder.AppendFormat("{0}", tile.ToString());
                if (tile != tilesToAdd.Last())
                this.Tiles[tile.GlobalId] = tile;
            Program.WriteLine("Added {0} tiles", tilesToAdd.Count);

            // Add any extra data to tiles
            foreach (var elemTile in elemTileset.Elements("tile"))
                int localTileId = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemTile, "id");
                var tiles       = from t in this.Tiles
                                  where t.Value.GlobalId == localTileId + firstId
                                  select t.Value;
                tiles.First().ParseXml(elemTile, this, firstId);
Esempio n. 28
        public static TmxLayer FromXml(XElement elem, TmxLayerNode parent, TmxMap tmxMap)
            TmxLayer tmxLayer = new TmxLayer(parent, tmxMap);


            // We can build a layer from a "tile layer" (default) or an "image layer"
            if (elem.Name == "layer")
                tmxLayer.Width  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "width");
                tmxLayer.Height = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elem, "height");
            else if (elem.Name == "imagelayer")
                XElement xmlImage = elem.Element("image");
                if (xmlImage == null)
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Image Layer '{0}' is being ignored since it has no image.", tmxLayer.Name);
                    tmxLayer.Ignore = IgnoreSettings.True;

                // An image layer is sort of like an tile layer but with just one tile
                tmxLayer.Width  = 1;
                tmxLayer.Height = 1;

                // Find the "tile" that matches our image
                string  imagePath = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elem.Element("image"), "source");
                TmxTile tile      = tmxMap.Tiles.First(t => t.Value.TmxImage.AbsolutePath == imagePath).Value;
                tmxLayer.TileIds = new uint[1] {

                // The image layer needs to be tranlated in an interesting way when expressed as a tile layer
                PointF translated = tmxLayer.Offset;

                // Make up for height of a regular tile in the map
                translated.Y -= (float)tmxMap.TileHeight;

                // Make up for the height of this image
                translated.Y += (float)tile.TmxImage.Size.Height;

                // Correct for any orientation effects on the map (like isometric)
                // (We essentially undo the translation via orientation here)
                PointF orientation = TmxMath.TileCornerInScreenCoordinates(tmxMap, 0, 0);
                translated.X -= orientation.X;
                translated.Y -= orientation.Y;

                // Translate by the x and y coordiantes
                translated.X   += TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(elem, "x", 0);
                translated.Y   += TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFloat(elem, "y", 0);
                tmxLayer.Offset = translated;

            // Sometimes TMX files have "dead" tiles in them (tiles that were removed but are still referenced)
            // Remove these tiles from the layer by replacing them with zero
            for (int t = 0; t < tmxLayer.TileIds.Length; ++t)
                uint tileId = tmxLayer.TileIds[t];
                tileId = TmxMath.GetTileIdWithoutFlags(tileId);
                if (!tmxMap.Tiles.ContainsKey(tileId))
                    tmxLayer.TileIds[t] = 0;

            // Each layer will be broken down into "meshes" which are collections of tiles matching the same texture or animation
            tmxLayer.Meshes = TmxMesh.ListFromTmxLayer(tmxLayer);

            // Each layer may contain different collision types which are themselves put into "Collison Layers" to be processed later

Esempio n. 29
        public static TmxImage FromXml(XElement elemImage, string prefix, string postfix)
            TmxImage tmxImage = new TmxImage();

            tmxImage.AbsolutePath = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsFullPath(elemImage, "source");
            tmxImage.ImageName    = $"{prefix}{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tmxImage.AbsolutePath)}{postfix}";
            int attributeAsInt  = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "width", 0);
            int attributeAsInt2 = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsInt(elemImage, "height", 0);

            tmxImage.Size = new Size(attributeAsInt, attributeAsInt2);
            bool flag = true;

            if (!Settings.IsAutoExporting)
                    if (!tmxImage.Size.IsEmpty)
                        UnityEngine.Texture2D texture2 = new UnityEngine.Texture2D(tmxImage.Size.Width, tmxImage.Size.Height);

                        //bitmapInfo.AlphaType = SKAlphaType.Unpremul;
                        //bitmapInfo.Width = tmxImage.Size.Width;
                        //bitmapInfo.Height = tmxImage.Size.Height;
                        var v = File.ReadAllBytes(tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                        //   ImageMagick.MagickImage img = new ImageMagick.MagickImage(v);

                        tmxImage.ImageBitmap = texture2;
                        //using (FileStream stream = File.Open(tmxImage.AbsolutePath, FileMode.Open))

                        //                      tmxImage.ImageBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(stream, bitmapInfo);
                        UnityEngine.Texture2D texture2 = new UnityEngine.Texture2D(tmxImage.Size.Width, tmxImage.Size.Height);

                        var v = File.ReadAllBytes(tmxImage.AbsolutePath);
                        tmxImage.ImageBitmap = texture2;
                        flag = false;
                    TmxImage tmxImage2 = tmxImage;
                    tmxImage2.Size = new Size(tmxImage2.ImageBitmap.width, tmxImage.ImageBitmap.height);
                catch (FileNotFoundException inner)
                    throw new TmxException($"Image file not found: {tmxImage.AbsolutePath}", inner);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.WriteError("Skia Library exception: {0}\n\tStack:\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
            tmxImage.TransparentColor = TmxHelper.GetAttributeAsString(elemImage, "trans", "");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmxImage.TransparentColor) && tmxImage.ImageBitmap != null)
                if (flag)
                    Logger.WriteInfo("Removing alpha from transparent pixels.");
                    UnityEngine.Color color = TmxHelper.ColorFromHtml(tmxImage.TransparentColor);
                    color.a = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < tmxImage.ImageBitmap.width; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < tmxImage.ImageBitmap.height; j++)
                            UnityEngine.Color pixel = tmxImage.ImageBitmap.GetPixel(i, j);
                            if (pixel.r == color.r && pixel.g == color.g && pixel.b == color.b)
                                tmxImage.ImageBitmap.SetPixel(i, j, color);
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Cannot make transparent pixels for viewing purposes. Save tileset with newer verion of Tiled.");